Example #1
def test(benchmark, env_name, pytest_args):
    pytest_args = ' '.join(pytest_args)
    if len(pytest_args) == 0:
        pytest_args = '-vl'

    env_option = ''
    if env_name is not None:
        create_conda_env(env_name, with_pytest=True)
        if _run_shell_in_conda_env("pytest --version", env_name=env_name) != 0:
            raise ModuleNotFoundError(
                f"pytest is not installed in conda env {env_name}.\n"
                f"Please run `conda install -n {env_name} pytest` to test the "
                "benchmark in this environment."
        env_option = f'--test-env {env_name}'

    from benchopt.tests import __file__ as _bench_test_module
        Path(_bench_test_module).parent / "test_benchmarks.py"

    cmd = (
        f'pytest {pytest_args} {BENCHMARK_TEST_FILE} '
        f'--benchmark {benchmark} {env_option} '
        # Make sure to not modify sys.path to add test file from current env
        # in sub conda env as there might be different python versions.
        '--import-mode importlib'

    raise SystemExit(_run_shell_in_conda_env(
        cmd, env_name=env_name, capture_stdout=False
    ) != 0)
Example #2
def install(benchmark, solver_names, dataset_names, force=False,
            recreate=False, env_name='False', confirm=False, quiet=False):

    # Check that the dataset/solver patterns match actual dataset
    benchmark = Benchmark(benchmark)
    print(f"Installing '{benchmark.name}' requirements")

    # Get a list of all conda envs
    default_conda_env, conda_envs = list_conda_envs()

    # If env_name is False (default), installation in the current environement.
    if env_name == 'False':
        env_name = None
        # incompatible with the 'recreate' flag to avoid messing with the
        # user environement
        if recreate:
            msg = "Cannot recreate conda env without using options " + \
                "'-e/--env' or '--env-name'."
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        # check if any current conda environment
        if default_conda_env is not None:
            # ask for user confirmation to install in current conda env
            if not confirm:
                    f"Install in the current env '{default_conda_env}'?",
            raise RuntimeError("No conda environment is activated.")
        # If env_name is True, the flag `--env` has been used. Create a conda
        # env specific to the benchmark. Else, use the <env_name> value.
        if env_name == 'True':
            env_name = f"benchopt_{benchmark.name}"
            # check provided <env_name>
            # (to avoid empty name like `--env-name ""`)
            if len(env_name) == 0:
                raise RuntimeError("Empty environment name.")
            # avoid recreating 'base' conda env`
            if env_name == 'base' and recreate:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Impossible to recreate 'base' conda environment."

        # create environment if necessary
        create_conda_env(env_name, recreate=recreate, quiet=quiet)

    # install requirements
    print("# Install", flush=True)
        include_solvers=solver_names, include_datasets=dataset_names,
        env_name=env_name, force=force, quiet=quiet,
Example #3
def empty_env_name(request):
    global _EMPTY_ENV_NAME

    if _EMPTY_ENV_NAME is None:
        env_name = f"_benchopt_test_env_{uuid.uuid4()}"

        _EMPTY_ENV_NAME = env_name

        create_conda_env(_EMPTY_ENV_NAME, empty=True)

    return _EMPTY_ENV_NAME
Example #4
def test_env_name(request):
    global _TEST_ENV_NAME

    if _TEST_ENV_NAME is None:
        env_name = request.config.getoption("--test-env")
        recreate = request.config.getoption("--recreate")
        if env_name is None:
            env_name = f"_benchopt_test_env_{uuid.uuid4()}"

        _TEST_ENV_NAME = env_name

        create_conda_env(_TEST_ENV_NAME, recreate=recreate)

    return _TEST_ENV_NAME
Example #5
def test(benchmark, env_name, pytest_args):

    benchmark = Benchmark(benchmark)

    from benchopt.tests import __file__ as _bench_test_module
    _bench_test_module = Path(_bench_test_module).parent

    pytest_args = ' '.join(("-p benchopt.tests.fixtures",
                            f"--rootdir {_bench_test_module}", *pytest_args))
    if len(pytest_args) == 0:
        pytest_args = '-vl'

    env_option = ''
    if env_name is not None:
        create_conda_env(env_name, with_pytest=True)
        if _run_shell_in_conda_env("pytest --version", env_name=env_name) != 0:
            raise ModuleNotFoundError(
                f"pytest is not installed in conda env {env_name}.\n"
                f"Please run `conda install -n {env_name} pytest` to test the "
                "benchmark in this environment.")
        objective = benchmark.get_benchmark_objective()
        if not objective.is_installed():
        env_option = f'--test-env {env_name}'

    _bench_test_file = _bench_test_module / "test_benchmarks.py"

    cmd = (
        f'pytest {pytest_args} {_bench_test_file} '
        f'--benchmark {benchmark.benchmark_dir} {env_option} '
        # Make sure to not modify sys.path to add test file from current env
        # in sub conda env as there might be different python versions.
        '--import-mode importlib')

    raise SystemExit(
        _run_shell_in_conda_env(cmd, env_name=env_name, capture_stdout=False)
        != 0)