Example #1
    def __init__(self, rec, sym, staff_rec, sharp_notes = [], flat_notes = [],img = [],staff_img=[],best_scale=1):
        self.rec = rec
        self.sym = sym
        self.xpadd = 20
        self.ypadd = 50

        staff_lower, staff_upper, staff_thresh = int(best_scale*100)-20, int(best_scale*100)+20, 0.60

        after = img[ int(staff_rec.y):int(staff_rec.y + staff_rec.h), int(rec.x + rec.w):int(rec.x + 2 * rec.w)]
        after = cv2.copyMakeBorder(after,self.ypadd,self.ypadd,self.xpadd,self.xpadd,cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT,value=255) #zero padding

        locations, scale = fit(after, staff_img, staff_lower, staff_upper, staff_thresh)
        locs = []
        for i in range(len(staff_img)):
            locs.append([pt for pt in zip(*locations[i][::-1])])
        locs = [j for i in locs for j in i]

        before = img[int(staff_rec.y):int(staff_rec.y + staff_rec.h), int(rec.x - rec.w):int(rec.x)]
        before = cv2.copyMakeBorder(before,self.ypadd,self.ypadd,self.xpadd,self.xpadd, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=255)  # zero padding
        locations2, scale2 = fit(before, staff_img, staff_lower, staff_upper, staff_thresh)
        locs2 = []
        for i in range(len(staff_img)):
            locs2.append([pt for pt in zip(*locations2[i][::-1])])
        locs2 = [j for i in locs2 for j in i]

            middle = rec.y + (rec.h / 2.0)
            height = (middle - staff_rec.y) / staff_rec.h
            note_def = note_defs[int(height / note_step + 0.5)]
            print("is not accurate")
            heights = [p[1] for p in locs]
            heights2 = [q[1] for q in locs2]
            avgheight = sum(heights)/len(heights)
            print(avgheight+ staff_rec.y - self.ypadd)
            avgheight2 = sum(heights2)/len(heights2)
            print(avgheight2+ staff_rec.y - self.ypadd)
            avgheight = int((avgheight+avgheight2)/2 + 0.5)
            avgheight = avgheight + staff_rec.y - self.ypadd

            middle = rec.y + (rec.h / 2.0)
            height = (middle - (avgheight + 38*best_scale)) / (9*best_scale) #need to improve
            note_def = note_defs[int(height + 0.5) - 3]
            print("Middle of note:",(rec.x + rec.w/2),middle)
            print("Average Height of Staff:",avgheight)
            print("Distance Between Middle Average Height:",middle - avgheight)
            print("Note Steps From First Line:",height)
            print("Note Found:",note_def[0])
            print("Best Scale",best_scale)

        self.note = note_def[0]
        self.pitch = note_def[1]
        if any(n for n in sharp_notes if n.note[0] == self.note[0]):
            self.note += "#"
            self.pitch += 1
        if any(n for n in flat_notes if n.note[0] == self.note[0]):
            self.note += "b"
            self.pitch -= 1
Example #2
def locate_rectangles(img, templates, start, stop, threshold):
    locations = fit(img, templates, start, stop, threshold)
    img_locations = []
    for i in range(len(templates)):
        w, h = templates[i].shape[::-1]
        for pt in zip(*locations[i][::-1]):
            img_locations.append(Rectangle(pt[0], pt[1], w, h))
    return img_locations
Example #3
def locate_images(img, templates, start, stop, threshold):
    locations, scale = fit(img, templates, start, stop, threshold)
    img_locations = []
    for i in range(len(templates)):
        w, h = templates[i].shape[::-1]
        w *= scale
        h *= scale
        img_locations.append([Rectangle(pt[0], pt[1], w, h) for pt in zip(*locations[i][::-1])])
    return img_locations
Example #4
def locate_images(img, templates, start, stop, threshold):
    locations, scale = fit(img, templates, start, stop, threshold)#return best_location, best_scale
    #호출 결과 리스트에 template타입 별 sheet내의 비슷한 좌표가 location으로 return
    #scale : template의 확대비
    img_locations = []
    for i in range(len(templates)):
        w, h = templates[i].shape[::-1]
        w *= scale
        h *= scale
        img_locations.append([Rectangle(pt[0], pt[1], w, h) for pt in zip(*locations[i][::-1])])
    return img_locations
Example #5
def locate_images(img, templates, start, stop, threshold):
    locations, scale = fit(img, templates, start, stop, threshold)
    img_locations = []
    for i in range(len(templates)):
        w, h = templates[i].shape[::-1]
        w *= scale
        h *= scale
            [Rectangle(pt[0], pt[1], w, h) for pt in zip(*locations[i][::-1])])
    return img_locations
def locate_images_elem(img, templates, start, stop, threshold, boxes):
    img_locations = []
    ypadd = 50
    for box in boxes:
        one_box_img = img[int(box.y):int(box.y + box.h), :]
        one_box_img = cv2.copyMakeBorder(one_box_img,
                                         value=255)  # zero padding
        locations, scale = fit(one_box_img, templates, start, stop, threshold)
        for i in range(len(templates)):
            w, h = templates[i].shape[::-1]
            w *= scale
            h *= scale
                Rectangle(box.x + pt[0], box.y + pt[1] - ypadd, w, h)
                for pt in zip(*locations[i][::-1])
    return img_locations