Example #1
def metacritic(oldest_first=False):
    header = """
                    /|/|         /                   .-.    /  .-.
                   /   |  .-.---/---.-.  .-.    ).--.`-'---/---`-'.-.
                  /    |./.-'_ /   (  | (      /    /     /   /  (
             .-' /     |(__.' /     `-'-'`---'/  _.(__.  / _.(__. `---'
            (__.'      `.
       .-.                             .-.
      (_) )-.                /           /|/|         /
         / __)    .-.  . ---/---        /   |  .-.---/---.-.    .  .-.  .-._.).--..-.
        /    `. ./.-'_/ \  /           /    |./.-'_ /   (  |   / \(    (   )/   ./.-'_
       /'      )(__.'/ ._)/       .-' /     |(__.' /     `-'-'/ ._)`---'`-'/    (__.'
    (_/  `----'     /            (__.'      `.               /
    driver = Animate(initialize_webdriver, "Initializing webdriver...")()

    url = "http://www.metacritic.com/browse/albums/release-date/new-releases/metascore?view=detailed"
    html = Animate(partial(render_html, url, driver), "", trailing_newline=True)()
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html5lib")
    records = soup.find_all("td", class_="clamp-summary-wrap")
    records = records[:35]

    if oldest_first:
        records = records[::-1]

    for ix, record in enumerate(records):
        album = try_except(
            lambda: record.find("h3", class_="product_title").find("a").text.strip(),
        artist = try_except(
            lambda: SPACE_HYPHEN_SPACE.split(
                record.find("span", class_="product_artist").text
        genres = try_except(
            lambda: record.find("li", class_="stat genre")
            .find("span", class_="data")
            .text.split(", "),
        href = try_except(
            lambda: record.find("h3", class_="product_title")
        rating = try_except(
            lambda: record.find("a", class_="basic_stat product_score").text.strip(),

        genre = try_except(lambda: [g.strip() for g in genres], "genre")

        if isinstance(genre, list):
            genre = " / ".join([g for g in genre if "..." not in g])

        label, lede, link = "Unknown label", "Unknown lede", "Unknown link"
        if "Unknown link" not in href:
            link = "http://www.metacritic.com{}".format(href)

            # visit the review page to get genre, rating, & review lede
            review_html = render(link)
            review = BeautifulSoup(review_html, "html5lib")

            lede = try_except(
                lambda: review.find("li", class_="summary_detail product_summary")
                .find("span", class_="data")
            label = try_except(
                lambda: review.find("li", class_="summary_detail product_company")
                .find("span", class_="data")

        if oldest_first:
            ix = len(records) - ix - 1

        entry = {
            "artist": artist,
            "album": album,
            "label": label,
            "genre": genre,
            "link": link,
            "lede": lede,
            "rating": rating,
            "index": "{}. ".format(ix + 1),

Example #2
def allmusic(oldest_first=False, n_items=None):
    header = """
               _ _ __  __           _
         /\   | | |  \/  |         (_)
        /  \  | | | \  / |_   _ ___ _  ___
       / /\ \ | | | |\/| | | | / __| |/ __|
      / ____ \| | | |  | | |_| \__ \ | (__
     /_/____\_\_|_|_|  |_|\__,_|___/_|\___|_____ _           _
     |  ____|  | (_) |           ( )      / ____| |         (_)
     | |__   __| |_| |_ ___  _ __|/ ___  | |    | |__   ___  _  ___ ___
     |  __| / _` | | __/ _ \| '__| / __| | |    | '_ \ / _ \| |/ __/ _ \\
     | |___| (_| | | || (_) | |    \__ \ | |____| | | | (_) | | (_|  __/
     |______\__,_|_|\__\___/|_|    |___/  \_____|_| |_|\___/|_|\___\___|

    driver = Animate(initialize_webdriver, "Initializing webdriver...")()

    url = "https://www.allmusic.com/newreleases/editorschoice"
    html = Animate(partial(render_html, url, driver), "", trailing_newline=True)()
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html5lib")
    records = soup.find_all("div", class_="editors-choice-item")

    if oldest_first:
        records = records[::-1]

    for ix, record in enumerate(records):
        if n_items and ix == n_items:

        if ix > 0:

        artist = try_except(
            lambda: record.find("div", class_="artist").text.strip(), "artist"
        album = try_except(
            lambda: record.find("div", class_="title").text.strip(), "album"
        genre = try_except(
            lambda: record.find("div", class_="genres").text.strip(), "genre"
        lede = try_except(
            lambda: record.find("div", class_="headline-review").text.strip(), "review"
        label = try_except(
            lambda: record.find("div", class_="labels").text.strip(), "label"
        link = try_except(
            lambda: record.find("div", class_="title").find("a").attrs["href"].strip(),

        def allmusic_rating():
            r = record.find("div", class_="allmusic-rating-new")
            rating = len(r.find_all("img", class_="blue star"))
            rating += len(r.find_all("img", class_="blue half")) * 0.5
            return str(rating)

        rating = try_except(lambda: allmusic_rating(), "rating")

        entry = {
            "artist": artist,
            "album": album,
            "label": label,
            "link": link,
            "genre": genre,
            "lede": lede,
            "rating": rating,

        print_record(trailing_newline=True, **entry)
Example #3
def midheaven(oldest_first=False, n_items=None):
    header = """
                    d8,      d8b  d8b
                   `8P       88P  ?88
                            d88    88b
      88bd8b,d88b   88b d888888    888888b  d8888b d888b8b  ?88   d8P d8888b  88bd88b
      88P'`?8P'?8b  88Pd8P' ?88    88P `?8bd8b_,dPd8P' ?88  d88  d8P'd8b_,dP  88P' ?8b
     d88  d88  88P d88 88b  ,88b  d88   88P88b    88b  ,88b ?8b ,88' 88b     d88   88P
    d88' d88'  88bd88' `?88P'`88bd88'   88b`?888P'`?88P'`88b`?888P'  `?888P'd88'   88b
     d8b                                                 d8b  d8b
     ?88                        d8P                      88P  88P
      88b                    d888888P                   d88  d88
      888888b  d8888b .d888b,  ?88'       .d888b, d8888b888  888   d8888b  88bd88b .d888b,
      88P `?8bd8b_,dP ?8b,     88P        ?8b,   d8b_,dP?88  ?88  d8b_,dP  88P'  ` ?8b,
     d88,  d8888b       `?8b   88b          `?8b 88b     88b  88b 88b     d88        `?8b
    d88'`?88P'`?888P'`?888P'   `?8b      `?888P' `?888P'  88b  88b`?888P'd88'     `?888P'

    url = "https://www.midheaven.com/top-selling"
    html = requests.get(url).text
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html5lib")
    records = soup.find_all("div", class_="uk-panel uk-panel-box")

    if oldest_first:
        records = records[::-1]

    for ix, record in enumerate(records):
        if n_items and ix == n_items:

        if ix > 0:

        artist = try_except(lambda: record.find("h4").text.strip(), "artist")
        album = try_except(lambda: record.find("h5").text.strip(), "album")
        label = try_except(lambda: record.find("h6").text.strip(), "label")
        href = try_except(
            lambda: record.find("div", class_="uk-panel-teaser")

        if "Unknown link" not in href:
            link = "http://www.midheaven.com{}".format(href)

            # visit the review page to get genre, rating, & review lede
            review_html = requests.get(link).text
            review = BeautifulSoup(review_html, "html5lib")

            lede = try_except(
                lambda: review.find("div", class_="item-meta").text.strip(), "review"

        if oldest_first:
            ix = len(records) - ix - 1

        entry = {
            "artist": artist,
            "album": album,
            "label": label,
            "link": link,
            "lede": lede,
            "index": "{}. ".format(ix + 1),

Example #4
def boomkat(period="last-week", oldest_first=False, n_items=None):
    header = """
        ____                        __         __
       / __ )____  ____  ____ ___  / /______ _/ /_
      / __  / __ \/ __ \/ __ `__ \/ //_/ __ `/ __/
     / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / / / / ,< / /_/ / /_
    /___________/\____/___/_/ /______|\__,_____/
       / __ )___  _____/ /_   / ___/___  / / /__  __________
      / __  / _ \/ ___/ __/   \__ \/ _ \/ / / _ \/ ___/ ___/
     / /_/ /  __(__  ) /_    ___/ /  __/ / /  __/ /  (__  )
    /_____/\___/____/\__/   /____/\___/_/_/\___/_/  /____/
    driver = Animate(initialize_webdriver, "Initializing webdriver...")()

    if period not in ["last-week", "last-month", "last-year"]:
        raise ValueError("Unrecognized period: {}".format(period))

    url = "https://boomkat.com/bestsellers?q[release_date]={}".format(period)
    html = Animate(partial(render_html, url, driver), "", trailing_newline=False)()

    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html5lib")
    records = soup.find_all("li", class_="bestsellers-item")

    if oldest_first:
        records = records[::-1]

    for ix, record in enumerate(records):
        if n_items and ix == n_items:

        titles = try_except(
            lambda: record.find("div", class_="product-name").text.strip(), "album"
        genres = try_except(
            lambda: record.find("div", class_="product-label-genre").text.strip(),
        link = try_except(
            lambda: record.find("a", class_="full-listing").attrs["href"].strip(),

        label = try_except(lambda: genres.split("\n")[0].strip(), "label")
        genre = try_except(lambda: genres.split("\n")[-1].strip(), "genre")
        artist = try_except(lambda: titles.split("\n")[0].strip(), "artist")
        album = try_except(lambda: titles.split("\n")[-1].strip(), "album")

        # visit the review page to get the review lede
        lede = "Unknown review"
        if "Unknown link" not in link:
            review_html = Animate(
                partial(render_html, link, driver), "", trailing_newline=True
            review = BeautifulSoup(review_html, "html5lib")
            lede = try_except(
                lambda: review.find("div", class_="product-review")

        if oldest_first:
            ix = len(records) - ix - 1

        entry = {
            "artist": artist,
            "album": album,
            "label": label,
            "genre": genre,
            "link": link,
            "lede": lede,
            "index": "{}. ".format(ix + 1),

        print_record(trailing_newline=False, **entry)
Example #5
def resident_advisor(oldest_first=False, n_items=None):
    header = """
       __    _       __                                                   _
      /__\  /_\     /__\ ___  ___ ___  _ __ ___  _ __ ___   ___ _ __   __| |___
     / \// //_\\\\   / \/// _ \/ __/ _ \| '_ ` _ \| '_ ` _ \ / _ \ '_ \ / _` / __|
    / _  \/  _  \ / _  \  __/ (_| (_) | | | | | | | | | | |  __/ | | | (_| \__ \\
    \/ \_/\_/ \_/ \/ \_/\___|\___\___/|_| |_| |_|_| |_| |_|\___|_| |_|\__,_|___/
    driver = Animate(initialize_webdriver, "Initializing webdriver...")()

    url = "https://ra.co/reviews/recommends"
    html = Animate(partial(render_html, url, driver), "", trailing_newline=True)()
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html5lib")
    reviews = soup.find("main", {"data-tracking-id": "reviews-archive"}).find_all(
        "li", class_="Column-sc-18hsrnn-0 iBzIXi"

    if oldest_first:
        records = records[::-1]

    title_regex = re.compile("^/reviews/")
    label_regex = re.compile("^/labels/")

    for ix, record in enumerate(reviews):
        if n_items and ix == n_items:

        if ix > 0:

        tattr = {"data-tracking-id": title_regex}
        title = try_except(lambda: record.find("span", tattr).text.strip(), "album")
        artist, album = ("Unknown artist", "Unknown album")

        if "Unknown album" not in title:
                artist, album = SPACE_HYPHEN_SPACE.split(title, 1)
            except ValueError:
                artist, album = HYPHEN_SPACE.split(title, 1)

        get_rpath = lambda: record.find("span", tattr).attrs["href"]
        create_link = lambda: f"https://ra.co{get_rpath()}"
        link = try_except(lambda: create_link(), "link")

        lattr = {"data-tracking-id": label_regex}
        label = try_except(lambda: record.find("span", lattr).text.strip(), "label")
        lede = try_except(
            lambda: record.find("span", class_="kyXmTt").text.strip(), "review"

        entry = {
            "artist": artist,
            "album": album,
            "label": label,
            "link": link,
            "lede": lede,
            #  "genre": genre,
            #  "rating": rating, # RA doesn't include ratings anymore!
Example #6
def pitchfork(n_pages=2, oldest_first=False, n_items=None):
    header = """
           ___ _ _       _      __            _
          / _ (_) |_ ___| |__  / _| ___  _ __| | __
         / /_)/ | __/ __| '_ \| |_ / _ \| '__| |/ /
        / ___/| | || (__| | | |  _| (_) | |  |   <
        \/    |_|\__\___|_| |_|_|  \___/|_|  |_|\_\\
      ___   ___            _   _ _
     ( _ ) / _ \   _      /_\ | | |__  _   _ _ __ ___  ___
     / _ \| | | |_| |_   //_\\\\| | '_ \| | | | '_ ` _ \/ __|
    | (_) | |_| |_   _| /  _  \ | |_) | |_| | | | | | \__ \\
     \___(_)___/  |_|   \_/ \_/_|_.__/ \__,_|_| |_| |_|___/

    pages = range(1, n_pages + 1)
    if oldest_first:
        pages = reversed(pages)

    ix = -1
    for pn in pages:
        url = "https://pitchfork.com/best/high-scoring-albums/?page={}".format(pn)
        html = requests.get(url).text
        soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html5lib")
        records = soup.find_all("div", class_="review")

        if oldest_first:
            records = records[::-1]

        for record in records:
            ix += 1
            if n_items and ix >= n_items:

            albums = record.find_all("h2", class_="review__title-album")
            genres = record.find_all("a", class_="genre-list__link")
            bnms = record.find_all("a", class_="review__meta-bnm")
            artists = record.find_all("ul", class_="artist-list review__title-artist")
            link = try_except(
                lambda: record.find("a", class_="review__link").attrs["href"].strip(),

            artist = try_except(
                lambda: set([g.text.strip() for g in artists[0].children]), "artist"
            album = try_except(lambda: set([g.text.strip() for g in albums]), "album")
            genre = try_except(lambda: set([g.text.strip() for g in genres]), "genre")
            bnm = try_except(lambda: set([g.text for g in bnms]), "")

            if isinstance(artist, (list, set)):
                artist = " + ".join(artist)
            if isinstance(album, (list, set)):
                album = " / ".join(album)
            if isinstance(genre, (list, set)):
                genre = " / ".join(genre)

            label, lede, rating = ("Unknown label", "Unknown review", "Unknown rating")

            if "Unknown link" not in link:
                link = "https://pitchfork.com{}".format(link)

                # visit the review page to get genre, rating, & review lede
                review_html = requests.get(link).text
                review = BeautifulSoup(review_html, "html5lib")
                rating = try_except(
                    lambda: review.find(
                        "div", class_="ScoreCircle-cJwsOz"

                labels = review.find_all("li", class_="InfoSliceListItem-gMxDho gigHWh")
                labels = [i for i in labels if "Label:" in i.text]

                label = try_except(
                    lambda: set([g.text.replace("Label:", "").strip() for g in labels]),
                lede = try_except(
                    lambda: review.find(
                        class_="BaseWrap-sc-TURhJ BaseText-fFzBQt SplitScreenContentHeaderDekDown-fkIOvp eTiIvU ifBumJ etXaLE",

            if isinstance(label, (list, set)):
                label = ", ".join(label)

            if len(labels) == 0:
                label = "Unknown label"

            symbol = ""
            if "Best New Reissue" in bnm:
                symbol = colored("**", "red", attrs=["bold"])
            elif "Best New Album" in bnm:
                symbol = colored("*", "red", attrs=["bold"])

            entry = {
                "artist": artist,
                "album": album,
                "label": label,
                "genre": genre,
                "link": link,
                "lede": lede,
                "rating": rating,
                "symbol": symbol,


    print("{} = Best New Album".format(colored("*", "red", attrs=["bold"])))
    print("{} = Best New Reissue".format(colored("**", "red", attrs=["bold"])))
Example #7
def forced_exposure(oldest_first=False, n_items=None):
    header = """
     ___  __   __   __   ___  __      ___      __   __   __        __   ___
    |__  /  \ |__) /  ` |__  |  \    |__  \_/ |__) /  \ /__` |  | |__) |__
    |    \__/ |  \ \__, |___ |__/    |___ / \ |    \__/ .__/ \__/ |  \ |___

             __   ___  __  ___     __   ___            ___  __   __
            |__) |__  /__`  |     /__` |__  |    |    |__  |__) /__`
            |__) |___ .__/  |     .__/ |___ |___ |___ |___ |  \ .__/

    url = "https://www.forcedexposure.com/Best/BestIndex.html"
    html = requests.get(url).text
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html5lib")

    indices = range(2, 52)
    if oldest_first:
        indices = reversed(indices)

    for i, ix in enumerate(indices):
        if n_items and (ix - 2) == n_items:

        if i > 0:

        ix = "0" + str(ix) if ix <= 9 else ix
        prefix = "ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_gvRecBestSeller_ctl{}_".format(ix)

        artist = try_except(
            lambda: soup.find("a", {"id": prefix + "hlnkArtistId"})
        album = try_except(
            lambda: soup.find("a", {"id": prefix + "hrTitle"}).text.strip(), "album"
        label = try_except(
            lambda: soup.find("a", {"id": prefix + "hlnkLabel"}).text.title(), "label"
        lede = try_except(
            lambda: soup.find("span", {"id": prefix + "lblTx_Desc"}).text.strip(),
        status = try_except(
            lambda: soup.find("span", {"id": prefix + "lblStockStatus"}).text.strip(),
        link = try_except(
            lambda: soup.find("a", {"id": prefix + "hrTitle"}).attrs["href"].strip(),

        if "Unknown link" not in link:
            link = "https://www.forcedexposure.com/Catalog/{}".format(

        entry = {
            "artist": artist,
            "album": album,
            "label": label,
            "status": status,
            "link": link,
            "lede": lede,
            "index": "{}. ".format(int(ix) - 1),
