Example #1
    def update_season(self):
        Update the world's season.

        for plugin in retrieve_plugins(ISeason).itervalues():
            if plugin.day == self.day:
                self.world.season = plugin
Example #2
    def run_command(self, s):
        Given a command string from the console or chat, execute it.

        commands = retrieve_plugins(ICommand)
        # Register aliases.
        for plugin in commands.values():
            for alias in plugin.aliases:
                commands[alias] = plugin

        t = s.strip().split(" ", 1)
        command = t[0].lower()
        parameters = t[1] if len(t) > 1 else ""

        if command and command in commands:
                for line in commands[command].dispatch(self, parameters):
                    yield line
            except Exception, e:
                yield "Error: %s" % e
Example #3
    def dispatch(self, factory, parameters):
        plugins = retrieve_plugins(ICommand)
        l = []

        # This is fairly brute-force and inelegant. I'm very open to
        # suggestions on improving it.
        for plugin in set(plugins.itervalues()):
            l.append((plugin.name, plugin.usage, plugin.info))
            for alias in plugin.aliases:
                usage = plugin.usage.replace(plugin.name, alias)
                info = "Alias for %s" % plugin.name
                l.append((alias, usage, info))

        name_pad = max(len(i[0]) for i in l) + 1
        usage_pad = max(len(i[1]) for i in l) + 1

        yield "%s %s %s" % ("Name:".ljust(name_pad),
            "Usage:".ljust(usage_pad), "Info:")

        for name, usage, info in sorted(l):
            yield "%s %s %s" % (name.ljust(name_pad), usage.ljust(usage_pad),
Example #4
def pipeline():

    generators = configuration.get("beta", "generators").split(",")
    generators = retrieve_named_plugins(ITerrainGenerator, generators)

    before = time.time()

    for i in range(10):
        chunk = Chunk(i, i)
        for generator in generators:
            generator.populate(chunk, 0)

    after = time.time()

    return after - before

plugins = retrieve_plugins(ITerrainGenerator)

t = empty_chunk()
print "Baseline: %f seconds" % t

for name, plugin in plugins.iteritems():
    t = sequential_seeded(plugin)
    print "Sequential %s: %f seconds" % (name, t)
    t = repeated_seeds(plugin)
    print "Repeated %s: %f seconds" % (name, t)

t = pipeline()
print "Total pipeline: %f seconds" % t
Example #5
    def __init__(self):
        self.commands = retrieve_plugins(ICommand)
