Example #1
def get_sampled_eta_psi(i, theta_sampled, N):
    print i
    psi = numpy.empty([100,3])
    eta = numpy.empty([int(N + N*(N-1)/2),100])
    alpha = [.999,1.,1.001]
    for j in range(100):
        for k, a in enumerate(alpha):
            if k == 1:
                eta[:,j], psi[j,k] = bethe_approximation.compute_eta_hybrid(
                    a*theta_sampled[i,:,j], int(N), return_psi=True)
                psi[j,k] = bethe_approximation.compute_eta_hybrid(
                    a*theta_sampled[i,:,j], int(N), return_psi=True)[1]
    return eta, psi, i
Example #2
def gradient_1sample(n_samples, emd):
    Computes one sample of the expectation inside the equation for the
    gradient of the q function with respect to the network parameters of
    the Ising models of the main fetures.
    :param container .EMData emd:
        All data pertaining to the EM algorithm.
    # Take 1 sample of theta for all time steps
    generated_theta = sample_theta(emd)
    # Compute 1 sample
    sample_value = 0
    for t in range(emd.T):
        theta_mixed = transforms.compute_mixed_theta(generated_theta[t,:], \
        if emd.exact:
            p = transforms.compute_p(theta_mixed)
            eta_tilde = transforms.compute_eta(p)
            eta_tilde = bethe_approximation.compute_eta_hybrid(theta_mixed, emd.N)
        a = emd.F_tilde[t,:] - eta_tilde
        # Summation for all time bins
        sample_value += emd.R * numpy.dot(a[:,numpy.newaxis], \

    return sample_value
Example #3
def log_likelihood(f_t, theta_f_t, J, R, N, exact):
    Computes the likelihood of observed pattern rates given the natural
    parameters, all for a single timestep.
    :param numpy.ndarray y_t:
        Frequency of observed patterns for one timestep.
    :param numpy.ndarray theta_f_t:
        Natural parameters of observed patterns for one timestep.
    :param numpy.ndarray J:
        Fitted graphs matrix
    :param int R:
        Number of trials over which patterns were observed.
    :param int N:
        Number of cells in the `spikes' train to analyze.
    :param boolean exact
        Whether to use exact solution (True) or Bethe approximation (False)
        for the computation of eta, psi and fisher info
        Log likelhood of the observed patterns given the natural parameters,
        as a float.
    theta_mixed = transforms.compute_mixed_theta(theta_f_t, J)
    if exact:
        psi = transforms.compute_psi(theta_mixed)
        psi = bethe_approximation.compute_eta_hybrid(theta_mixed,
    log_p = R * (numpy.dot(f_t, theta_f_t) - psi)

    return log_p
Example #4
 def KL_distance(theta1, theta2, N):
     D = theta1.shape[0]
     eta1, psi1 = bethe_approximation.compute_eta_hybrid(theta1,
     eta2, psi2 = bethe_approximation.compute_eta_hybrid(theta1,
     S1 = energies.compute_entropy(theta1.reshape(1, D), eta1.reshape(1, D),
                                   psi1, 2)
     S2 = energies.compute_entropy(theta2.reshape(1, D), eta2.reshape(1, D),
                                   psi2, 2)
     KL1 = -S1 + psi2 - eta1.dot(theta2)
     KL2 = -S2 + psi1 - eta2.dot(theta1)
     KL = (KL1 + KL2) / 2
     return KL
Example #5
def newton_raphson(emd, t):
    Computes the MAP estimate of the natural parameters at some timestep, given
    the observed spike patterns at that timestep and the one-step-prediction
    mean and covariance for the same timestep.
    :param container.EMData emd:
        All data pertaining to the EM algorithm.
    :param int t:
        Timestep for which to compute the maximum posterior probability.
        Tuple containing the mean and covariance of the posterior probability
        density, each as a numpy.ndarray.
    # Extract one-step predictions for time t
    theta_o = emd.theta_o[t, :]
    sigma_o = emd.sigma_o[t, :, :]
    R = emd.R
    N = emd.N
    exact = emd.exact
    # Extract the feature vector for time t
    f_t = emd.f[t, :]
    # Extract the fitted parameters of the original Ising models
    J = emd.J
    # Initialise theta_max to the smooth theta value of the previous iteration
    theta_max = emd.theta_s[t, :]
    # Use non-normalised posterior prob. as loop guard
    lpp = -numpy.inf
    lpc = probability.log_likelihood(f_t, theta_max, J, R, N, exact) +\
          probability.log_multivariate_normal(theta_max, theta_o, sigma_o)
    iterations = 0
    # Iterate the gradient ascent algorithm until convergence or failure
    while lpc - lpp > GA_CONVERGENCE:
        # Compute mixed theta
        theta_mixed = transforms.compute_mixed_theta(theta_max, J)
        # Compute the eta of the current theta values
        if exact:
            p = transforms.compute_p(theta_mixed)
            eta_tilde = transforms.compute_eta(p)
            eta_tilde = bethe_approximation.compute_eta_hybrid(theta_mixed, N)
        eta = transforms.compute_eta_LD(eta_tilde, J)
        # Compute the inverse of one-step covariance
        sigma_o_i = numpy.linalg.inv(sigma_o)
        # Compute the first derivative of the posterior prob. w.r.t. theta_max
        dllk = R * (f_t - eta)
        dlpr = -numpy.dot(sigma_o_i, theta_max - theta_o)
        dlpo = dllk + dlpr
        # Compute the second derivative of the posterior prob. w.r.t. theta_max
        if exact:
            fisher_tilde = transforms.compute_fisher_info(p, eta_tilde)
            fisher_tilde = numpy.diag(
                bethe_approximation.construct_fisher_diag(eta_tilde, N))
        fisher = transforms.compute_fisher_info_LD(fisher_tilde, J)
        ddlpo = -R * fisher - sigma_o_i
        # Dot the results to climb the gradient, and accumulate the result
        ddlpo_i = numpy.linalg.inv(ddlpo)
        theta_max -= numpy.dot(ddlpo_i, dlpo)

        # Update previous and current posterior prob.
        lpp = lpc
        lpc = probability.log_likelihood(f_t, theta_max, J, R, N, exact)\
              + probability.log_multivariate_normal(theta_max, theta_o, sigma_o)
        # Count iterations
        iterations += 1
        # Check for check for overrun
        if iterations == MAX_GA_ITERATIONS:
            raise Exception('The maximum-a-posterior gradient-ascent '+\
                'algorithm did not converge before reaching the maximum '+\
                'number iterations.')

    return theta_max, -ddlpo_i
Example #6
psi_ind = numpy.zeros((12, T))
S1 = numpy.zeros((12, T))
for k in range(12):
    if emd.marg_llk == probability.log_marginal:  # If exact:
        for t in range(T):
            p = transforms.compute_p(theta_m[k, t, :])
            psi[k, t] = transforms.compute_psi(theta_m[k, t, :])
            eta[k, t, :] = transforms.compute_eta(p)
            tmp1 = transforms.compute_psi(theta_m[k, t, :] * (1 + epsilon))
            tmp2 = transforms.compute_psi(theta_m[k, t, :] * (1 - epsilon))
            c = tmp1 - 2 * psi[k, t] + tmp2
            d = epsilon**2
            C[k, t] = c / d
    else:  # If approximations
        for t in range(T):
            eta[k, t, :], psi[k, t] = bethe_approximation.compute_eta_hybrid(
                theta_m[k, t, :], N, return_psi=True)
            tmp1 = bethe_approximation.compute_eta_hybrid(theta_m[k, t, :] *
                                                          (1 + epsilon),
            tmp2 = bethe_approximation.compute_eta_hybrid(theta_m[k, t, :] *
                                                          (1 - epsilon),
            c = tmp1 - 2 * psi[k, t] + tmp2
            d = epsilon**2
            C[k, t] = c / d
    p_silence[k, :] = numpy.exp(-psi[k, :])
    p_spike[k, :] = numpy.sum(eta[k, :, :N], axis=1) / N
    S2[k, :] = energies.compute_entropy(theta_m[k, :, :], eta[k, :, :],
                                        psi[k, :], 2)
Example #7
def generate_data_figure3and4(data_path = '../Data/', num_of_iterations=10):
    R, T, N, O = 200, 500, 15, 2
    f = h5py.File(data_path + 'figure1data.h5', 'r')
    theta = f['data']['theta1'].value

    transforms.initialise(N, O)
    psi_true = numpy.empty(T)
    for i in range(T):
        psi_true[i] = transforms.compute_psi(theta[i])
    p = numpy.zeros((T, 2 ** N))
    for i in range(T):
        p[i, :] = transforms.compute_p(theta[i, :])
    fitting_methods = ['exact', 'bethe_hybrid', 'mf']

    f = h5py.File(data_path + 'figure2and3data.h5', 'w')
    f.create_dataset('psi_true', data=psi_true)
    f.create_dataset('theta_true', data=theta)
    for fit in fitting_methods:
        g = f.create_group(fit)
        g.create_dataset('MISE_theta', shape=[num_of_iterations])
        g.create_dataset('MISE_psi', shape=[num_of_iterations])
        g.create_dataset('psi', shape=[num_of_iterations, T])

    for iteration in range(num_of_iterations):
        print 'Iteration %d' % iteration
        spikes = synthesis.generate_spikes(p, R, seed=None)

        for fit in fitting_methods:
            if fit == 'exact':
                emd = __init__.run(spikes, O, map_function='cg',
                                   param_est='exact', param_est_eta='exact')
                emd = __init__.run(spikes, O, map_function='cg',
                                   param_est='pseudo', param_est_eta=fit)

            psi = numpy.empty(T)

            if fit == 'exact':
                for i in range(T):
                    psi[i] = transforms.compute_psi(emd.theta_s[i])
            elif fit == 'bethe_hybrid':
                for i in range(T):
                    psi[i] = bethe_approximation.compute_eta_hybrid(
                        emd.theta_s[i], N, return_psi=1)[1]
            elif fit == 'mf':
                for i in range(T):
                    eta_mf = mean_field.forward_problem(emd.theta_s[i], N,
                    psi[i] = mean_field.compute_psi(emd.theta_s[i], eta_mf, N)

            mise_theta = numpy.mean((theta - emd.theta_s) ** 2)
            mise_psi = numpy.mean((psi_true - psi) ** 2)
            f = h5py.File(data_path + 'figure2and3data.h5', 'r+')
            g = f[fit]
            g['MISE_theta'][iteration] = mise_theta
            g['MISE_psi'][iteration] = mise_psi
            if iteration == 0:
                g.create_dataset('theta', data=emd.theta_s)
                g.create_dataset('sigma', data=emd.sigma_s)
            g['psi'][iteration] = psi
            print 'Fitted with %s' % fit
Example #8
def generate_data_figure2(data_path='../Data/', max_network_size=60):
    N, O, R, T = 10, 2, 200, 500
    num_of_networks = max_network_size/N
    mu = numpy.zeros(T)
    x = numpy.arange(1, 401)
    mu[100:] = 1. * (3. / (2. * numpy.pi * (x / 400. * 3.) ** 3)) ** .5 * \
               numpy.exp(-3. * ((x / 400. * 3.) - 1.) ** 2 /
                         (2. * (x / 400. * 3.)))

    D = transforms.compute_D(N, O)
    thetas = numpy.empty([num_of_networks, T, D])
    etas = numpy.empty([num_of_networks, T, D])
    psi = numpy.empty([num_of_networks, T])
    S = numpy.empty([num_of_networks, T])
    C = numpy.empty([num_of_networks, T])
    transforms.initialise(N, O)
    for i in range(num_of_networks):
        thetas[i] = synthesis.generate_thetas(N, O, T, mu1=-2.)
        thetas[i, :, :N] += mu[:, numpy.newaxis]
        for t in range(T):
            p = transforms.compute_p(thetas[i, t])
            etas[i, t] = transforms.compute_eta(p)
            psi[i, t] = transforms.compute_psi(thetas[i, t])
            psi1 = transforms.compute_psi(.999 * thetas[i, t])
            psi2 = transforms.compute_psi(1.001 * thetas[i, t])
            C[i, t] = (psi1 - 2. * psi[i, t] + psi2) / .001 ** 2
            S[i, t] = -(numpy.sum(etas[i, t] * thetas[i, t]) - psi[i, t])
    C /= numpy.log(2)
    S /= numpy.log(2)
    f = h5py.File(data_path + 'figure2data.h5', 'w')
    g1 = f.create_group('data')
    g1.create_dataset('thetas', data=thetas)
    g1.create_dataset('etas', data=etas)
    g1.create_dataset('psi', data=psi)
    g1.create_dataset('S', data=S)
    g1.create_dataset('C', data=C)
    g2 = f.create_group('error')
    g2.create_dataset('MISE_thetas', shape=[num_of_networks])
    g2.create_dataset('MISE_population_rate', shape=[num_of_networks])
    g2.create_dataset('MISE_psi', shape=[num_of_networks])
    g2.create_dataset('MISE_S', shape=[num_of_networks])
    g2.create_dataset('MISE_C', shape=[num_of_networks])
    g2.create_dataset('population_rate', shape=[num_of_networks, T])
    g2.create_dataset('psi', shape=[num_of_networks, T])
    g2.create_dataset('S', shape=[num_of_networks, T])
    g2.create_dataset('C', shape=[num_of_networks, T])
    for i in range(num_of_networks):
        print 'N=%d' % ((i + 1) * N)
        D = transforms.compute_D((i + 1) * N, O)
        theta_all = numpy.empty([T, D])
        triu_idx = numpy.triu_indices(N, k=1)
        triu_idx_all = numpy.triu_indices((i + 1) * N, k=1)
        for j in range(i + 1):
            theta_all[:, N * j:(j + 1) * N] = thetas[j, :, :N]
            for t in range(T):
                theta_ij = numpy.zeros([(i + 1) * N, (i + 1) * N])
                for j in range(i + 1):
                    theta_ij[triu_idx[0] + j * N, triu_idx[1] + j * N] = \
                        thetas[j, t, N:]

            theta_all[t, (i + 1) * N:] = theta_ij[triu_idx_all]

        spikes = synthesis.generate_spikes_gibbs_parallel(theta_all
                                                          , (i + 1) * N, O, R,
        emd = __init__.run(spikes, O, map_function='cg', param_est='pseudo',
                           param_est_eta='bethe_hybrid', lmbda1=100,

        eta_est = numpy.empty(emd.theta_s.shape)
        psi_est = numpy.empty(T)
        S_est = numpy.empty(T)
        C_est = numpy.empty(T)
        for t in range(T):
            eta_est[t], psi_est[t] = bethe_approximation.compute_eta_hybrid(
                emd.theta_s[t], (i + 1) * N, return_psi=1)
            psi1 = bethe_approximation.compute_eta_hybrid(
                .999 * emd.theta_s[t], (i + 1) * N, return_psi=1)[1]
            psi2 = bethe_approximation.compute_eta_hybrid(
                1.001 * emd.theta_s[t], (i + 1) * N, return_psi=1)[1]
            S_est[t] = -(numpy.sum(eta_est[t] * emd.theta_s[t]) - psi_est[t])
            C_est[t] = (psi1 - 2. * psi_est[t] + psi2) / .001 ** 2
        S_est /= numpy.log(2)
        C_est /= numpy.log(2)
        population_rate = numpy.mean(numpy.mean(etas[:i + 1, :, :N], axis=0),
        population_rate_est = numpy.mean(eta_est[:, :(i + 1) * N], axis=1)
        psi_true = numpy.sum(psi[:(i + 1), :], axis=0)
        S_true = numpy.sum(S[:(i + 1), :], axis=0)
        C_true = numpy.sum(C[:(i + 1), :], axis=0)

        f = h5py.File(data_path + 'figure2data.h5', 'r+')
        f['error']['MISE_thetas'][i] = numpy.mean(
            (theta_all - emd.theta_s) ** 2)
        f['error']['MISE_population_rate'][i] = numpy.mean(
            (population_rate - population_rate_est) ** 2)
        f['error']['MISE_psi'][i] = numpy.mean((psi_est - psi_true) ** 2)
        f['error']['MISE_S'][i] = numpy.mean((S_est - S_true) ** 2)
        f['error']['MISE_C'][i] = numpy.mean((C_est - C_true) ** 2)
        f['error']['population_rate'][i] = population_rate_est
        f['error']['psi'][i] = psi_est
        f['error']['S'][i] = S_est
        f['error']['C'][i] = C_est

    f = h5py.File(data_path + 'figure2data.h5', 'r+')
    thetas = f['data']['thetas'].value
    etas = f['data']['etas'].value
    psi = f['data']['psi'].value
    S = f['data']['S'].value
    C = f['data']['C'].value

    g2 = f.create_group('error500')
    g2.create_dataset('population_rate', shape=[num_of_networks, T])
    g2.create_dataset('psi', shape=[num_of_networks, T])
    g2.create_dataset('S', shape=[num_of_networks, T])
    g2.create_dataset('C', shape=[num_of_networks, T])
    g2.create_dataset('MISE_thetas', shape=[num_of_networks])
    g2.create_dataset('MISE_population_rate', shape=[num_of_networks])
    g2.create_dataset('MISE_psi', shape=[num_of_networks])
    g2.create_dataset('MISE_S', shape=[num_of_networks])
    g2.create_dataset('MISE_C', shape=[num_of_networks])

    R = 500

    for i in range(num_of_networks):
        print 'N=%d' % ((i + 1) * N)
        D = transforms.compute_D((i + 1) * N, O)
        theta_all = numpy.empty([T, D])
        triu_idx = numpy.triu_indices(N, k=1)
        triu_idx_all = numpy.triu_indices((i + 1) * N, k=1)

        for j in range(i + 1):
            theta_all[:, N * j:(j + 1) * N] = thetas[j, :, :N]

        for t in range(T):
            theta_ij = numpy.zeros([(i + 1) * N, (i + 1) * N])
            for j in range(i + 1):
                theta_ij[triu_idx[0] + j * N, triu_idx[1] + j * N] = \
                    thetas[j, t, N:]

            theta_all[t, (i + 1) * N:] = theta_ij[triu_idx_all]

        spikes = synthesis.generate_spikes_gibbs_parallel(theta_all,
                                                          (i + 1) * N, O, R,
        emd = __init__.run(spikes, O, map_function='cg', param_est='pseudo',
                           param_est_eta='bethe_hybrid', lmbda1=100,

        eta_est = numpy.empty(emd.theta_s.shape)
        psi_est = numpy.empty(T)
        S_est = numpy.empty(T)
        C_est = numpy.empty(T)

        for t in range(T):
            eta_est[t], psi_est[t] = \
                                                       (i + 1) * N,
            psi1 = bethe_approximation.compute_eta_hybrid(.999 * emd.theta_s[t],
                                                          (i + 1) * N,
            psi2 = bethe_approximation.compute_eta_hybrid(
                1.001 * emd.theta_s[t], (i + 1) * N, return_psi=1)[1]
            S_est[t] = -(numpy.sum(eta_est[t] * emd.theta_s[t]) - psi_est[t])
            C_est[t] = (psi1 - 2. * psi_est[t] + psi2) / .001 ** 2
        S_est /= numpy.log(2)
        C_est /= numpy.log(2)
        population_rate = numpy.mean(numpy.mean(etas[:i + 1, :, :N], axis=0),
        population_rate_est = numpy.mean(eta_est[:, :(i + 1) * N], axis=1)
        psi_true = numpy.sum(psi[:(i + 1), :], axis=0)
        S_true = numpy.sum(S[:(i + 1), :], axis=0)
        C_true = numpy.sum(C[:(i + 1), :], axis=0)

        f = h5py.File(data_path + 'figure2data.h5', 'r+')
        f['error500']['MISE_thetas'][i] = numpy.mean(
            (theta_all - emd.theta_s) ** 2)
        f['error500']['MISE_population_rate'][i] = numpy.mean(
            (population_rate - population_rate_est) ** 2)
        f['error500']['MISE_psi'][i] = numpy.mean((psi_est - psi_true) ** 2)
        f['error500']['MISE_S'][i] = numpy.mean((S_est - S_true) ** 2)
        f['error500']['MISE_C'][i] = numpy.mean((C_est - C_true) ** 2)
        f['error500']['population_rate'][i] = population_rate_est
        f['error500']['psi'][i] = psi_est
        f['error500']['S'][i] = S_est
        f['error500']['C'][i] = C_est
 # p_silence
 p_silence = numpy.exp(-psi)
 # p_spike
 p_spike = numpy.mean(eta[:, :N], axis=1)
 # Heat capacity
 tmp1 = numpy.zeros((T, ))
 tmp2 = numpy.zeros((T, ))
 if exact:
     for t in range(T):
         tmp1[t] = transforms.compute_psi(theta_sampled[t, :] *
                                          (1 + epsilon))
         tmp2[t] = transforms.compute_psi(theta_sampled[t, :] *
                                          (1 - epsilon))
     for t in range(T):
         tmp1[t] = bethe_approximation.compute_eta_hybrid(
             theta_sampled[t, :] * (1 + epsilon), N, return_psi=True)[1]
         tmp2[t] = bethe_approximation.compute_eta_hybrid(
             theta_sampled[t, :] * (1 - epsilon), N, return_psi=True)[1]
 c = tmp1 - 2 * psi + tmp2
 d = epsilon**2
 C = c / d
 # Entropy (1st order)
 eta_ind = eta[:, :N]
 theta_ind = energies.compute_ind_theta(eta_ind)
 psi_ind = energies.compute_ind_psi(theta_ind)
 S1 = energies.compute_entropy(theta_ind, eta_ind, psi_ind, 1)
 # Entropy ratio
 ratio = (S1 - S2) / (S0 - S2)
 # Record results
 physics_matrix[n, 2, :] = p_spike
 physics_matrix[n, 3, :] = p_silence