Example #1
    def testRandomFunction(self):
        # since this is a random statistical test there is a chance
        # it could readily fail. The threshold was chosen to be
        # what seems to be well out of normal range of firing, but
        # in randomness anything is possible.
        test_size = 100000
        threshold = 0.003
        probabilities = [0, 0.02, 0.5, 0.9, 1]
        for probability in probabilities:
            truecount = 0
            falsecount = 0
            while truecount + falsecount < test_size:
                if predictable_random(uid.new(), probability):
                    truecount += 1
                    falsecount += 1

            calculated_probability = float(truecount) / float(test_size)
            self.assertTrue(probability - threshold < calculated_probability)
            self.assertTrue(probability + threshold > calculated_probability)