def wedge(cluster_set, report_cluster_status=False, force_wedge_thrsh=False):
    # The lower bound of the edges being processed by the wedge algorithm.
    global edge_cut_prob
    global wedge_thrsh

    if not force_wedge_thrsh:
        edge_cut_prob = bconfig.WEDGE_THRESHOLD / 3.
        wedge_thrsh = bconfig.WEDGE_THRESHOLD
        edge_cut_prob = force_wedge_thrsh / 3.
        wedge_thrsh = force_wedge_thrsh

    matr = ProbabilityMatrix()

    convert_cluster_set(cluster_set, matr)
    del matr # be sure that this is the last reference!


    report = []
    if bconfig.DEBUG_WEDGE_PRINT_FINAL_CLUSTER_COMPATIBILITIES or report_cluster_status:
        msg = []
        for cl1 in cluster_set.clusters:
            for cl2 in cluster_set.clusters:
                if cl2 > cl1:
                    id1 = cluster_set.clusters.index(cl1)
                    id2 = cluster_set.clusters.index(cl2)
                    c12 = _compare_to(cl1,cl2)
                    c21 = _compare_to(cl2,cl1)
                    msg.append( ' %s vs %s : %s + %s = %s -- %s' %  (id1, id2, c12, c21, c12+c21, cl1.hates(cl2)))
        msg = 'Wedge final clusters for %s: \n' % str(wedge_thrsh) + '\n'.join(msg)
            print msg


    if bconfig.DEBUG_CHECKS:
        assert cluster_set._debug_test_hate_relation()
        assert cluster_set._debug_duplicated_recs()

    if report_cluster_status:
        destfile = '/tmp/baistats/cluster_status_report_pid_%s_lastname_%s_thrsh_%s' % (str(PID()),str(cluster_set.last_name),str(wedge_thrsh))
        f = open(destfile, 'w')
    def compare_to(cl1, cl2):
        pointers = [cl1.out_edges[v] for v in cl2.bibs]

        assert pointers, "Wedge: no edges between clusters!"
        vals, probs = zip(*pointers)

        avg = sum(vals) / len(vals)
        if avg > eps:
            nvals = ((val / avg) ** prob for val, prob in pointers)
            return 0

        coeff = gini(nvals)

        weight = sum(starmap(mul, pointers)) / sum(probs)

        wedge_print("Wedge: Decide: vals = %s, probs = %s" % (str(vals), str(probs)))
        wedge_print("Wedge: Decide: coeff = %f, weight = %f" % (coeff, weight))

        return coeff * weight
def _compare_to(cl1, cl2):
    pointers = [cl1.out_edges[v] for v in cl2.bibs]

    assert pointers, PID()+"Wedge: no edges between clusters!"
    vals, probs = zip(*pointers)

    wedge_print("Wedge: _compare_to: vals = %s, probs = %s" % (str(vals), str(probs)))

    if SP_QUARREL in vals:
        ret = 0.
        wedge_print('Wedge: _compare_to: - edge present, returning 0')

    elif SP_CONFIRM in vals:
        ret = 0.5
        wedge_print('Wedge: _compare_to: + edge present, returning 0.5')


        avg = sum(vals) / len(vals)
        if avg > eps:
            nvals = [(val / avg) ** prob for val, prob in pointers]
            wedge_print("Wedge: _compare_to: vals too low to compare, skipping")
            return 0

        coeff = _gini(nvals)

        weight = sum(starmap(mul, pointers)) / sum(probs)

        ret = (coeff * weight) / 2.

        assert ret <= 0.5, PID()+'COMPARE_TO big value returned ret %s coeff %s weight %s nvals %s vals %s prob %s' % (ret, coeff, weight, nvals, vals, probs)

        wedge_print("Wedge: _compare_to: coeff = %f, weight = %f, retval = %f" % (coeff, weight, ret))

    return ret
Example #4
def do_wedge(cluster_set, deep_debug=False):
    Rearranges the cluster_set acoarding to be values in the probability_matrix.
    The deep debug option will produce a lot of output. Avoid using it with more
    than 20 bibs in the cluster set.
    def decide(cl1, cl2):
        score1 = compare_to(cl1, cl2)
        score2 = compare_to(cl2, cl1)

        return compare_to_final_bounds(score1, score2)

    def compare_to(cl1, cl2):
        pointers = [cl1.out_edges[v] for v in cl2.bibs]

        assert pointers, "Wedge: no edges between clusters!"
        vals, probs = zip(*pointers)

        avg = sum(vals) / len(vals)
        if avg > eps:
            nvals = ((val / avg)**prob for val, prob in pointers)
            return 0

        coeff = gini(nvals)

        weight = sum(starmap(mul, pointers)) / sum(probs)

        wedge_print("Wedge: Decide: vals = %s, probs = %s" %
                    (str(vals), str(probs)))
        wedge_print("Wedge: Decide: coeff = %f, weight = %f" % (coeff, weight))

        return coeff * weight

    def gini(arr):
        arr = sorted(arr, reverse=True)
        dividend = sum(starmap(mul, izip(arr, xrange(1, 2 * len(arr), 2))))
        divisor = len(arr) * sum(arr)
        return float(dividend) / divisor

    def compare_to_final_bounds(score1, score2):
        return score1 + score2 > bconfig.WEDGE_THRESHOLD

    def edge_sorting(edge):
        probability + certainty / 10
        return edge[2][0] + edge[2][1] / 10.

    bib_map = create_bib_2_cluster_dict(cluster_set)

    plus_edges, minus_edges, edges = group_edges(cluster_set)

    for i, (bib1, bib2) in enumerate(plus_edges):
            float(i) / len(plus_edges), "Agglomerating obvious clusters...")
        cl1 = bib_map[bib1]
        cl2 = bib_map[bib2]
        if cl1 != cl2 and not cl1.hates(cl2):
            join(cl1, cl2)
            for v in cl2.bibs:
                bib_map[v] = cl1
    update_status_final("Agglomerating obvious clusters done.")

    for i, (bib1, bib2) in enumerate(minus_edges):
            float(i) / len(minus_edges), "Dividing obvious clusters...")
        cl1 = bib_map[bib1]
        cl2 = bib_map[bib2]
        if cl1 != cl2 and not cl1.hates(cl2):
    update_status_final("Dividing obvious clusters done.")

    bibauthor_print("Sorting the value edges.")
    edges = sorted(edges, key=edge_sorting, reverse=True)

    interval = 1000
    wedge_print("Wedge: New wedge, %d edges." % len(edges))
    for current, (v1, v2, unused) in enumerate(edges):
        if (current % interval) == 0:
            update_status(float(current) / len(edges), "Wedge...")

        assert unused != '+' and unused != '-', "Signed edge after filter!"
        wedge_print("Wedge: poped new edge: Verts = %s, %s Value = (%f, %f)" %
                    (v1, v2, unused[0], unused[1]))
        cl1 = bib_map[v1]
        cl2 = bib_map[v2]
        if cl1 != cl2 and not cl1.hates(cl2):
            if deep_debug:
                    "/tmp/" % (cluster_set.last_name, current),
                    bib_map, (v1, v2, unused))

            if decide(cl1, cl2):
                wedge_print("Wedge: Joined!")
                join(cl1, cl2)
                for v in cl2.bibs:
                    bib_map[v] = cl1
                wedge_print("Wedge: Quarreled!")
        elif cl1 == cl2:
            wedge_print("Wedge: Clusters already joined!")
            wedge_print("Wedge: Clusters hate each other!")

    update_status_final("Wedge done.")

    if deep_debug:
        export_to_dot(cluster_set, "/tmp/" % cluster_set.last_name,
def _decide(cl1, cl2):
    score1 = _compare_to(cl1, cl2)
    score2 = _compare_to(cl2, cl1)
    s = score1 + score2
    wedge_print("Wedge: _decide (%f+%f) = %f cmp to %f" % (score1,score2,s,wedge_thrsh))
    return s > wedge_thrsh, s
def do_wedge(cluster_set, deep_debug=False):
    Rearranges the cluster_set acoarding to be values in the probability_matrix.
    The deep debug option will produce a lot of output. Avoid using it with more
    than 20 bibs in the cluster set.

    bib_map = create_bib_2_cluster_dict(cluster_set)

    plus_edges, minus_edges, edges = group_edges(cluster_set)

    interval = 1000
    for i, (bib1, bib2) in enumerate(plus_edges):
        if (i % interval) == 0:
            update_status(float(i) / len(plus_edges), "Agglomerating obvious clusters...")
        cl1 = bib_map[bib1]
        cl2 = bib_map[bib2]
        if cl1 != cl2 and not cl1.hates(cl2):
            join(cl1, cl2)
            for v in cl2.bibs:
                bib_map[v] = cl1
    update_status_final("Agglomerating obvious clusters done.")

    interval = 1000
    for i, (bib1, bib2) in enumerate(minus_edges):
        if (i % interval) == 0:
            update_status(float(i) / len(minus_edges), "Dividing obvious clusters...")
        cl1 = bib_map[bib1]
        cl2 = bib_map[bib2]
        if cl1 != cl2 and not cl1.hates(cl2):
    update_status_final("Dividing obvious clusters done.")

    bibauthor_print("Sorting the value edges.")
    edges = sorted(edges, key=_edge_sorting, reverse=True)

    interval = 500000
    wedge_print("Wedge: New wedge, %d edges." % len(edges))
    for current, (v1, v2, unused) in enumerate(edges):
        if (current % interval) == 0:
            update_status(float(current) / len(edges), "Wedge...")

        assert unused != '+' and unused != '-', PID()+"Signed edge after filter!"
        cl1 = bib_map[v1]
        cl2 = bib_map[v2]
        idcl1 = cluster_set.clusters.index(cl1)
        idcl2 = cluster_set.clusters.index(cl2)

        #keep the ids low!
        if idcl1 > idcl2:
            idcl1, idcl2 = idcl2, idcl1
            cl1, cl2 = cl2, cl1

        wedge_print("Wedge: popped new edge: Verts = (%s,%s) from (%s, %s) Value = (%f, %f)" % (idcl1, idcl2, v1, v2, unused[0], unused[1]))

        if cl1 != cl2 and not cl1.hates(cl2):
            if deep_debug:
                export_to_dot(cluster_set, "/tmp/" % (cluster_set.last_name, current), bib_map, (v1, v2, unused))

            decision, value = _decide(cl1, cl2)
            if decision:
                wedge_print("Wedge: Joined %s to %s with %s"% (idcl1, idcl2, value))
                join(cl1, cl2)
                for v in cl2.bibs:
                    bib_map[v] = cl1
                wedge_print("Wedge: Quarreled %s from %s with %s " %  (idcl1, idcl2, value))
        elif cl1 == cl2:
            wedge_print("Wedge: Clusters already joined! (%s,%s)" % (idcl1, idcl2))
            wedge_print("Wedge: Clusters hate each other! (%s,%s)" % (idcl1, idcl2))

    update_status_final("Wedge done.")

    if deep_debug:
        export_to_dot(cluster_set, "/tmp/" % cluster_set.last_name, bib_map)
def do_wedge(cluster_set, deep_debug=False):
    Rearranges the cluster_set acoarding to be values in the probability_matrix.
    The deep debug option will produce a lot of output. Avoid using it with more
    than 20 bibs in the cluster set.

    def decide(cl1, cl2):
        score1 = compare_to(cl1, cl2)
        score2 = compare_to(cl2, cl1)

        return compare_to_final_bounds(score1, score2)

    def compare_to(cl1, cl2):
        pointers = [cl1.out_edges[v] for v in cl2.bibs]

        assert pointers, "Wedge: no edges between clusters!"
        vals, probs = zip(*pointers)

        avg = sum(vals) / len(vals)
        if avg > eps:
            nvals = ((val / avg) ** prob for val, prob in pointers)
            return 0

        coeff = gini(nvals)

        weight = sum(starmap(mul, pointers)) / sum(probs)

        wedge_print("Wedge: Decide: vals = %s, probs = %s" % (str(vals), str(probs)))
        wedge_print("Wedge: Decide: coeff = %f, weight = %f" % (coeff, weight))

        return coeff * weight

    def gini(arr):
        arr = sorted(arr, reverse=True)
        dividend = sum(starmap(mul, izip(arr, xrange(1, 2 * len(arr), 2))))
        divisor = len(arr) * sum(arr)
        return float(dividend) / divisor

    def compare_to_final_bounds(score1, score2):
        return score1 + score2 > bconfig.WEDGE_THRESHOLD

    def edge_sorting(edge):
        probability + certainty / 10
        return edge[2][0] + edge[2][1] / 10.

    bib_map = create_bib_2_cluster_dict(cluster_set)

    plus_edges, minus_edges, edges = group_edges(cluster_set)

    for i, (bib1, bib2) in enumerate(plus_edges):
        update_status(float(i) / len(plus_edges), "Agglomerating obvious clusters...")
        cl1 = bib_map[bib1]
        cl2 = bib_map[bib2]
        if cl1 != cl2 and not cl1.hates(cl2):
            join(cl1, cl2)
            for v in cl2.bibs:
                bib_map[v] = cl1
    update_status_final("Agglomerating obvious clusters done.")

    for i, (bib1, bib2) in enumerate(minus_edges):
        update_status(float(i) / len(minus_edges), "Dividing obvious clusters...")
        cl1 = bib_map[bib1]
        cl2 = bib_map[bib2]
        if cl1 != cl2 and not cl1.hates(cl2):
    update_status_final("Dividing obvious clusters done.")

    bibauthor_print("Sorting the value edges.")
    edges = sorted(edges, key=edge_sorting, reverse=True)

    interval = 1000
    wedge_print("Wedge: New wedge, %d edges." % len(edges))
    for current, (v1, v2, unused) in enumerate(edges):
        if (current % interval) == 0:
            update_status(float(current) / len(edges), "Wedge...")

        assert unused != '+' and unused != '-', "Signed edge after filter!"
        wedge_print("Wedge: poped new edge: Verts = %s, %s Value = (%f, %f)" % (v1, v2, unused[0], unused[1]))
        cl1 = bib_map[v1]
        cl2 = bib_map[v2]
        if cl1 != cl2 and not cl1.hates(cl2):
            if deep_debug:
                export_to_dot(cluster_set, "/tmp/" % (cluster_set.last_name, current), cluster_set.mapping, (v1, v2, unused))

            if decide(cl1, cl2):
                wedge_print("Wedge: Joined!")
                join(cl1, cl2)
                for v in cl2.bibs:
                    bib_map[v] = cl1
                wedge_print("Wedge: Quarreled!")
        elif cl1 == cl2:
            wedge_print("Wedge: Clusters already joined!")
            wedge_print("Wedge: Clusters hate each other!")

    update_status_final("Wedge done.")

    if deep_debug:
        export_to_dot(cluster_set, "/tmp/" % cluster_set.last_name, cluster_set.mapping)