def test_Parser(self):
        """test the functioning of the parser"""
        parser = XMLParser()
        if parser.isAvailable():
            source = open(setup.MEDLINE_TEST_XML, 'r').read()
            entries = TestEntries(parser.getEntries(source))
            # are there enough entries?
            self.failUnless(len(entries) == 4)
            # are there the right number of authors?
            self.failUnless(len(entries.author_last_names()) == 13)
            # test individual name parsings:
            #  lastname, one initial
            this_entry = entries.entryByTitle("Molecular genetic evidence for parthenogenesis in the Burmese python, Python molurus bivittatus.")
            expected_author = {"firstname": "E.", "middlename": "","lastname": "Bruins"}
            self.failUnless(this_entry.authorIsPresent(expected_author), "author: %s is not listed" % expected_author)
            # lastname, more than one initial
            expected_author = {"firstname": "T.", "middlename": "V. M.","lastname": "Groot"}
            self.failUnless(this_entry.authorIsPresent(expected_author), "author: %s is not listed" % expected_author)
            # lastname, firstname, middle initial
            this_entry = entries.entryByTitle("Pharmacokinetics and tissue concentrations of azithromycin in ball pythons (Python regius).")
            expected_author = {"firstname": "Robert", "middlename": "P.","lastname": "Hunter"}
            self.failUnless(this_entry.authorIsPresent(expected_author), "author: %s is not listed" % expected_author)
            print """\nOne or more transformationtool was not found!
please make sure bibutils is installed to run all tests. """
            print ("-" * 20) + "\n"
 def test_FormatDetection(self):
     parser = XMLParser()
     s1 = open(setup.MEDLINE_TEST_XML, 'r').read()
     s2 = open(setup.MEDLINE_TEST_BIB, 'r').read()
     s3 = open(setup.MEDLINE_TEST_MED, 'r').read()
     self.failUnless(parser.checkFormat(s1), 'XML Parser failed to detect XML(MODS) format')
     self.failIf(parser.checkFormat(s2), 'XML Parser incorrectly detected Bibtex format as XML(MODS)')
     self.failIf(parser.checkFormat(s3), 'XML Parser incorrectly detected Medline format as XML(MODS)')
    def test_parser_with_umlauts(self):
        parser = XMLParser()
        if parser.isAvailable():
            source = open(setup.UMLAUTS_TEST_XML, 'r').read()

            entries = TestEntries(parser.getEntries(source))
            self.failUnless(len(entries) == 1)
            entry = entries.entries[0]
            self.assertEqual(entry.publisher, u'Übersöpf Verlag'.encode('utf-8'))
    def test_parser_with_umlauts(self):
        parser = XMLParser()
        if parser.isAvailable():
            source = open(setup.UMLAUTS_TEST_XML, 'r').read()

            entries = TestEntries(parser.getEntries(source))
            self.failUnless(len(entries) == 1)
            entry = entries.entries[0]
                             u'Übersöpf Verlag'.encode('utf-8'))
    def test_Parser(self):
        """test the functioning of the parser"""
        parser = XMLParser()
        if parser.isAvailable():
            source = open(setup.MEDLINE_TEST_XML, 'r').read()

            entries = TestEntries(parser.getEntries(source))

            # are there enough entries?
            self.failUnless(len(entries) == 4)
            # are there the right number of authors?
            self.failUnless(len(entries.author_last_names()) == 13)
            # test individual name parsings:
            #  lastname, one initial
            this_entry = entries.entryByTitle(
                "Molecular genetic evidence for parthenogenesis in the Burmese python, Python molurus bivittatus."
            expected_author = {
                "firstname": "E.",
                "middlename": "",
                "lastname": "Bruins"
                            "author: %s is not listed" % expected_author)
            # lastname, more than one initial
            expected_author = {
                "firstname": "T.",
                "middlename": "V. M.",
                "lastname": "Groot"
                            "author: %s is not listed" % expected_author)
            # lastname, firstname, middle initial
            this_entry = entries.entryByTitle(
                "Pharmacokinetics and tissue concentrations of azithromycin in ball pythons (Python regius)."
            expected_author = {
                "firstname": "Robert",
                "middlename": "P.",
                "lastname": "Hunter"
                            "author: %s is not listed" % expected_author)

            print """\nOne or more transformationtool was not found!
please make sure bibutils is installed to run all tests. """
            print("-" * 20) + "\n"
    def test_FormatDetection(self):
        parser = XMLParser()

        s1 = open(setup.MEDLINE_TEST_XML, 'r').read()
        s2 = open(setup.MEDLINE_TEST_BIB, 'r').read()
        s3 = open(setup.MEDLINE_TEST_MED, 'r').read()

                        'XML Parser failed to detect XML(MODS) format')
            'XML Parser incorrectly detected Bibtex format as XML(MODS)')
            'XML Parser incorrectly detected Medline format as XML(MODS)')
 def test_parser_contract(self):
     self.failUnless(verifyObject(IBibliographyParser, XMLParser()))
 def parseEntry(self, entry):
     return fixupresult(XMLParser.parseEntry(self, entry))