def step(self, amt=1): self._led.all_off() self._last = self._start + self._step for j in range(0, self._num_segments): self._led.set((j * self._segment_size) + self._last, self._color) for i in range(self._tail): for j in range(0, self._num_segments): base_led = j * self._segment_size top_led = (j + 1) * self._segment_size lower_led = base_led + self._last - i if lower_led >= base_led: self._led.set( lower_led, colors.color_scale(self._color, 255 - (self._fadeAmt * i))) upper_led = base_led + self._last + i if upper_led < top_led: self._led.set( upper_led, colors.color_scale(self._color, 255 - (self._fadeAmt * i))) if self._start + self._step >= self._segment_size - 1: self._direction = -self._direction elif self._step <= 0: self._direction = -self._direction self._step += self._direction * amt
def step(self, amt=1): self._ledcolors = [(0, 0, 0) for i in range(self._size)] self.layout.all_off() for i in range(0, 3): self._currentpos[i] = self._start + self._steps[i] # average the colors together so they blend self._ledcolors[self._currentpos[i]] = map( lambda x, y: (x + y) // 2, self._color[i], self._ledcolors[self._currentpos[i]]) for j in range(1, self._tail): if self._currentpos[i] - j >= 0: self._ledcolors[self._currentpos[i] - j] = map( lambda x, y: (x + y) // 2, self._ledcolors[self._currentpos[i] - j], colors.color_scale(self._color[i], 255 - (self._fadeAmt * j))) if self._currentpos[i] + j < self._size: self._ledcolors[self._currentpos[i] + j] = map( lambda x, y: (x + y) // 2, self._ledcolors[self._currentpos[i] + j], colors.color_scale(self._color[i], 255 - (self._fadeAmt * j))) if self._start + self._steps[i] >= self._end: self._direction[i] = -1 elif self._start + self._steps[i] <= 0: self._direction[i] = 1 # advance each searchlight at a slightly different speed self._steps[i] += self._direction[i] * amt * int( random.random() > (i * 0.05)) for i, thiscolor in enumerate(self._ledcolors): self.layout.set(i, thiscolor)
def step(self, amt=1): now = minute = now.minute hour = now.hour + now.minute / 60.0 if hour < 6.0: backgroundColor = self._color2 elif hour < 18.0: backgroundColor = self._backgroundColor elif hour < 20.0: a = int(math.floor(max(0.0, (hour - 18.0) * 128.0))) backgroundColor = self._myadd( colors.color_scale(self._backgroundColor, 255 - a), colors.color_scale(self._color1, a) ) elif hour < 22.0: a = int(math.floor(max(0.0, (hour - 20.0) * 128.0))) backgroundColor = self._myadd( colors.color_scale(self._color1, 255 - a), colors.color_scale(self._color2, a) ) else: backgroundColor = self._color2 height_f = 6 * minute / 60 y = int(math.floor(height_f)) fraction = height_f - y led = self._led led.fillScreen(backgroundColor) led.drawLine(0, y, led.width - 1, y, self._color) self._step += amt
def step(self, amt=1): self.layout.all_off() self.pick_led(self.speed) for i, val in enumerate(self.pixels): p_dir, p_color, p_level = val if p_dir == 1: p_level += self.speed if p_level > 255: p_level = 255 p_dir = 2 # start dimming self.layout._set_base(i, bp_colors.color_scale(p_color, p_level)) elif p_dir == 2: p_level -= self.speed if p_level < 0: p_level = 0 p_dir = 0 # turn off self.layout._set_base(i, bp_colors.color_scale(p_color, p_level)) self.pixels[i] = (p_dir, p_color, p_level) self._step += amt delay_time = MidiTransform.remap_cc_value(self.delay_control, 0, 1) time.sleep(delay_time)
def __init__(self, led, start=0, end=-1, period = 20): #The base class MUST be initialized by calling super like this super(Leuchtturm, self).__init__(led, start, end) self._period = period #Create a color array to use in the animation redColor = colors.color_scale(colors.Red, 140) whiteColor = colors.color_scale(colors.White, 100) self._colors = [ redColor, whiteColor, redColor, whiteColor, redColor, colors.Off]
def step(self, amt=1): """step the animation forward.""" # self._internalDelay = 35 leds = self._size num_sections = len(self._color_array) section_len = leds / num_sections # clear the strip # self._led.fill((0, 0, 0), self._start, self._end) section_count = 0 for color in self._color_array: curr_section_start = self._start + (section_count * section_len) if section_count == num_sections: curr_section_end = self._end else: curr_section_end = ((section_count + 1) * section_len) - 1 # fill section with 25% brightness base_brightness = 60 fill_color = colors.color_scale(color, base_brightness) self._led.fill(fill_color, curr_section_start, curr_section_end) # leader LED pos leader = self._step + curr_section_start # % of strip that should be trailers trailers_len = section_len / 3 # set the leader self._led.set(leader, color) # trailer brightness steps b_step = (255 - base_brightness) / trailers_len # set the trailers for x in range(0, trailers_len): curr_trailer_index = leader - x # wrap-around if curr_trailer_index < curr_section_start: curr_trailer_index = curr_section_end - \ abs(curr_trailer_index - curr_section_start) trailer_brightness = ( b_step * (trailers_len - x)) + base_brightness scaled_color = colors.color_scale(color, trailer_brightness) self._led.set(curr_trailer_index, scaled_color) section_count += 1 self._step += amt if self._step > section_len: self._step = 0
def rain(self): if not self._rainTiming: self._rainTiming = random.randint(1, 5) numCols = random.randint(0, 3) cols = random.sample([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], numCols) for col in cols: temp = [0] temp.extend(self._rainCols[col]) self._rainCols[col] = temp # self._rainCols[0].append(3) for colIdx, col in enumerate(self._rainCols): if col: # Is this column active? addressed = {} for valIdx, val in enumerate( col): # Which elements in the column are active? for packetIdx, packet in enumerate(individualCol[colIdx]): if (colIdx == 0 or colIdx == 9) and 0 <= val - packetIdx <= 3: addressed[packetIdx] = True color = color_scale( self._rainColor, int(255 - 63 * (val - packetIdx))) for point in packet: self.layout.set(point, color) elif packetIdx <= val and 0 <= val - packetIdx <= 3: addressed[packetIdx] = True color = color_scale( self._rainColor, int(255 - 63 * (val - packetIdx))) for point in packet: self.layout.set(point, color) else: if not packetIdx in addressed: for point in packet: self.layout.setOff(point) if (colIdx == 0 or colIdx == 9) and self._rainCols[colIdx][valIdx] == 9: self._rainCols[colIdx].remove( 9) # First and last column only have 4 elements elif self._rainCols[colIdx][valIdx] == 10: self._rainCols[colIdx].remove( 10) # Every other column has 5 elements else: self._rainCols[colIdx][valIdx] += 1 self._rainTiming -= 1
def setlights(self,substart, count): if (count > 8): count = 8 if (count > 0): for j in range(count): #8 LEDS per indicator self._led.set(substart + j, colors.Red) if ((self._step/6)%2): #flash at 5fps for k in range(count, 8): self._led.set(substart + k, colors.color_scale((255,100,25),255)) else: #all off for k in range(count, 8): self._led.set(substart + k, colors.color_scale((255,100,0),0)) else: #no problems self._led.set(substart + (self._step/6)%8, colors.Green)
def step(self, amt = 1): self._led.all_off() self._last = self._start + self._step self._led.set(self._last, self._color) for i in range(self._tail): self._led.set(self._last - i, colors.color_scale(self._color, 255 - (self._fadeAmt * i))) self._led.set(self._last + i, colors.color_scale(self._color, 255 - (self._fadeAmt * i))) if self._start + self._step >= self._end: self._direction = -self._direction elif self._step <= 0: self._direction = -self._direction self._step += self._direction * amt
def step(self, amt=1): num_colors = int(MidiTransform.remap_cc_value(self.color_control, 1, 10)) hue = int(MidiTransform.remap_cc_value(self.color_control, 1, 255)) levels_count = int(MidiTransform.remap_cc_value(self.width_control, 5, 25)) self._levels = self.wave_range(30, 255, levels_count) if num_colors > 1: hues = bp_colors.hue_gradient(0, hue, num_colors) else: hues = [hue] self._colors = list(map(lambda x: bp_colors.hue2rgb(x), hues)) self._level_count = len(self._levels) self._color_count = len(self._colors) if self._step > self._level_count * self._color_count: self._step = 0 c_index = (self._step // self._level_count) % self._color_count l_index = (self._step % self._level_count) color = self._colors[c_index] self.layout.fill(bp_colors.color_scale(color, self._levels[l_index]), self._start, self._end) self._step += amt delay_time = MidiTransform.remap_cc_value(self.delay_control, 0, 1) time.sleep(delay_time)
def __init__(self, led, imagePath, offset=(0, 0), bgcolor=colors.Off, brightness=255): """Helper class for displaying image animations for GIF files or a set of bitmaps led - LEDMatrix instance imagePath - Path to either a single animated GIF image or folder of sequential bitmap files offset - X,Y tuple coordinates at which to place the top-left corner of the image bgcolor - RGB tuple color to replace any transparent pixels with. Avoids transparent showing as black brightness - Brightness value (0-255) to scale the image by. Otherwise uses master brightness at the time of creation """ super(ImageAnim, self).__init__(led) self._bright = brightness if self._bright == 255 and led.masterBrightness != 255: self._bright = led.masterBrightness self._bgcolor = colors.color_scale(bgcolor, self._bright) self._offset = offset self._images = [] self._count = 0 if imagePath.endswith(".gif"):"Loading {0} ...".format(imagePath)) img = if self._offset == (0, 0): w = 0 h = 0 if img.size[0] < self._led.width: w = (self._led.width - img.size[0]) / 2 if img.size[1] < self._led.height: h = (self._led.height - img.size[1]) / 2 self._offset = (w, h) for frame in ImageSequence.Iterator(img): self._images.append( self._getBufferFromImage(frame, self._offset)) self._count += 1 else: imageList = glob.glob(imagePath + "/*.bmp") imageList.sort() self._count = len(imageList) if self._count == 0: raise ValueError("No images found!") for img in imageList: if self._offset == (0, 0): if img.size[0] < self._led.width: self._offset[0] = (self._led.width - img.size[0]) / 2 if img.size[1] < self._led.height: self._offset[1] = (self._led.height - img.size[1]) / 2 self._images.append(self._getBufferFromPath(img, self._offset)) self._curImage = 0
def step(self, amt=1): led = self._led led.all_off() now = util.getNow() led.fillScreen(util.getSunColor(now)) text = str(now.hour) (width, height) = font.str_dim(text, '6x4', final_sep=False) led.drawText(str(now.hour), x=math.floor((led.width - width) / 2), y=math.floor((led.height - height) / 2), color=self.digitColor, bg=None, font='6x4') self.minutex = self.minutex * .25 + led.width * ( now.minute * 60 + now.second) / 3600 * 0.75 self.secondx = self.secondx * .25 + led.width * now.second / 60 * 0.75 for x in range(0, led.width): minuteLevel = 128 - (x - self.minutex) * (x - self.minutex) * 60 if minuteLevel < 0: minuteLevel = 0 secondLevel = 128 - (x - self.secondx) * (x - self.secondx) * 60 if (secondLevel < 0): secondLevel = 0 pointerColor = colors.color_blend( colors.color_scale(colors.DarkGreen, secondLevel), colors.color_scale(colors.DarkRed, minuteLevel)) if minuteLevel > secondLevel: pointerLevel = minuteLevel else: pointerLevel = secondLevel for y in range(0, led.height): color = colors.color_blend( colors.color_scale(led.get(x, y), 256 - pointerLevel), colors.color_scale(pointerColor, pointerLevel)) led.set(x, y, color) self._step += amt
def step(self, amt = 1): for y in range(h): for x in range(w): c = colors.hue2rgb_360(self._step) led.set(x, y, c) c = led.get(x, y) c = colors.hsv2rgb_rainbow((c[2], c[0], c[1])) c = colors.hue2rgb_rainbow(c[0]) c = colors.hue2rgb_spectrum(c[1]) c = colors.hue2rgb_raw(c[2]) c = colors.color_scale(c, c[0]) c = colors.color_scale(c, c[1]) c = colors.color_scale(c, c[2]) led.set(x, y, c) self._step += 1 if self._step >= 360: self._step = 0
def step(self, amt = 1): if self._step > self._level_count * self._color_count: self._step = 0 c_index = (self._step / self._level_count) % self._color_count l_index = (self._step % self._level_count) color = self._colors[c_index]; self._led.fill(colors.color_scale(color, self._levels[l_index]), self._start, self._end) self._step += amt
def step(self, amt = 1): for i in range(self._led.numLEDs): color = colors.color_scale(self._led.get(i), 245) if i == (self._step % self._led.numLEDs): color = colors.color_blend(color, colors.hue2rgb_spectrum(self._step % 127)) self._led.set(i, color); #Increment the internal step by the given amount self._step += amt
def step(self, amt = 1): passedTime = time.time() - self._startTime height_f = 6 - 6 * (passedTime) / self._duration y = int(math.floor(height_f)) fraction = height_f - y fraction_255 = int(255 * fraction) led = self._led led.drawLine(0, y, led.width - 1, y, colors.color_scale(self._color, fraction_255)) self._step += amt
def __init__(self, led, start=0, end=-1, backgroundColor=colors.White, clockColor=colors.Red): # The base class MUST be initialized by calling super like this super(StripeClock, self).__init__(led, start, end) self._backgroundColor = backgroundColor self._color = colors.color_blend(colors.color_scale(backgroundColor, 128), clockColor) self._color1 = (255, 212, 125) self._color2 = (245, 135, 76) self._myadd = lambda xs, ys: tuple(x + y for x, y in izip(xs, ys)) print "Clock color:" + str(self._color) print "Background color:" + str(self._backgroundColor)
def lightToX(self, x): direction = time.time() / self._period * self._led.width % self._led.width if 2 * (direction - x) > self._led.width: direction -= self._led.width if 2 * (x - direction) > self._led.width: direction += self._led.width intensity = int(255 - max(0, min(255, 128 * ((x - direction)) ** 2))) return colors.color_scale(colors.Orange, intensity)
def rayanim(self,r,g,b,bright,animpos,animtime): self._bright = bright self._color = colors.color_scale((b,r,g), self._bright) self.__sleeptime = animtime / ( math.fabs(self.__lastpos - animpos) + 4 ) self.__animpos = animpos for i in range(self.__lastpos): self._led.set(i, self._color) self.__isartnet = False self.__interrupt = True self.__cv.acquire() self.__cv.notify() self.__cv.release()
def step(self, amt=1): self.layout.all_off() self._randomness = int( MidiTransform.remap_cc_value(self.randomness_control, 0, self._max_randomness)) scaled_tail = int( MidiTransform.remap_cc_value(self.count_control, self._min_tail, self._max_tail)) self._tail = scaled_tail scaled_fade = int( MidiTransform.remap_cc_value(self.utility_control_two, 1, 500)) self._fadeAmt = scaled_fade // self._tail self.get_color() self._last = self._start + self._step self.layout.set(self._last, self._color) for i in range(self._tail): self.layout.set( self._last - i, bp_colors.color_scale(self._color, 255 - (self._fadeAmt * i))) self.layout.set( self._last + i, bp_colors.color_scale(self._color, 255 - (self._fadeAmt * i))) if self._start + self._step >= self._end: self._direction = -self._direction elif self._step <= 0: self._direction = -self._direction self._step += self._direction * amt delay_time = MidiTransform.remap_cc_value(self.delay_control, 0, 1) time.sleep(delay_time) self._random_counter = (self._random_counter + 1) % 30
def getLEDColor(event): # c = (0, 0, 255) # light purpley: ((0,255,255)) # blue: ((0,0,255)) # turquoise: (255,0,255)) # red: (0,255, 0) if (event["Race"] == "White"): c = (255, 255, 255) if (event["Race"] == "Mexican"): c = (255, 0, 255) if (event["Race"] == "Indian" or event["Race"] == "navajo"): c = (0, 255, 255) if (event["Age"] > 18): c = colors.color_scale(c, 50) else: c = colors.color_scale(c, 100) return c
def get_color(self): if self.use_rgb: self._color = ColorMidiUtils.three_cc_to_color( self.red_control, self.green_control, self.blue_control) if self._random_counter == 0: self._random_seed = (self.color_control + random.randint(0, self._randomness)) % 127 color = ColorMidiUtils.one_cc_to_color(self._random_seed) c_lev = MidiTransform.remap_cc_value(self.brightness_control, 0, 256) self._color = bp_colors.color_scale(color, c_lev)
def pick_led(self, speed): idx = random.randrange(0, self.layout.numLEDs) p_dir, p_color, p_level = self.pixels[idx] if random.randrange(0, 100) < self.density: if p_dir == 0: # 0 is off p_level += speed p_dir = 1 # 1 is growing p_color = random.choice(self.colors) self.layout._set_base(idx, color_util.color_scale(p_color, p_level)) self.pixels[idx] = p_dir, p_color, p_level
def step(self, amt=1): self.layout.all_off() t = time.localtime() for h in self.hands: segs = h['segments'] point = (360 / segs) * (getattr(t, h['key']) % segs) self.layout.set(h['ring'], point, h['color']) if h['tail'] > 0: for i in range(h['tail']): scaled = colors.color_scale(h['color'], 255 - ((256 // h['tail']) * i)) self.layout.set(h['ring'], point + i, scaled) self.layout.set(h['ring'], point - i, scaled)
def get_color(self): color_seed = MidiTransform.remap_cc_value(self.color_control, 0, 10) amount_change = MidiTransform.remap_cc_value(self.utility_control_one, 0.1, 5) if amount_change == 5: amount_change = 0 base_color = (self._color_number + color_seed) % 359 self._color_number = (base_color + amount_change) % 359 color = bp_colors.hue2rgb_360(self._color_number) c_lev = MidiTransform.remap_cc_value(self.brightness_control, 0, 256) self._color = bp_colors.color_scale(color, c_lev)
def get_color(self): if self.use_rgb: color = ColorMidiUtils.three_cc_to_color(self.red_control, self.green_control, self.blue_control) else: color = ColorMidiUtils.one_cc_to_color(self.color_control) # allow animation to be set at white at the top of a controller if self.color_control == 127: color = bp_colors.White brightness_level = MidiTransform.remap_cc_value( self.brightness_control, 0, 256) self._color = bp_colors.color_scale(color, brightness_level)
def progressbar(self): #Max 288 steps numlit = (((30-timerun)*10)/30) if (dataerror != 0): #flash red if ((self._step/6)%2): #flash at 5fps for n in range(10): self._led.set(47-n,colors.Red) else: for n in range(10): self._led.set(47-n,colors.color_scale((255,100,0),0)) else: if (timerun < 29): self._led.set(37,colors.Green) #Start indicator for m in range(numlit,10): self._led.set(47-m,colors.color_scale((255,100,0),0)) for l in range(numlit): self._led.set(47-l,colors.color_scale((255-(255*timerun/30),255-(255*timerun/30),255),255)) else: if ((self._step/6)%2): #flash at 5fps for n in range(10): self._led.set(47-n,colors.White) else: for n in range(10): self._led.set(47-n,colors.color_scale((255,100,0),0))
def step(self, amt = 1): for i, item in enumerate(self.items): self._led.set(i, item) if self.state == self.INITING: if self.init_step == 0: # let the blank linger time.sleep(1) # print('init') if self.init_step > 10: self.state = self.SORTING self.init_step = 0 else: self.init_step += 1 time.sleep(self.SLEEP_INIT) elif self.state == self.SORTING: # print('sorting') last = self.items[0] swaps = False for i, item in enumerate(self.items): hue_item = rgb2hsv(item)[0] hue_last = rgb2hsv(last)[0] if hue_item < hue_last: swaps = True self.items[i-1] = item self._led.set(i-1, item) self.items[i] = last self._led.set(i, last) time.sleep(self.SLEEP_SORT) break last = self.items[i] if not swaps: self.state = self.FADING else: # print('fading') self.fade_step += 1 if self.fade_step > 200: self._led.all_off() # print('done') self.init() self.state = self.INITING self.fade_step = 0 else: for i, item in enumerate(self.items): self._led.set(i, colors.color_scale(item, 255 - (self.fade_step))) time.sleep(self.SLEEP_FADE)
def step(self, amt=1): self.layout.all_off() self.pick_led(self.speed) for i, val in enumerate(self.pixels): p_dir, p_color, p_level = val if p_dir == 1: p_level += self.speed if p_level > 255: p_level = 255 p_dir = 2 # start dimming self.layout._set_base(i, color_util.color_scale(p_color, p_level)) elif p_dir == 2: p_level -= self.speed if p_level < 0: p_level = 0 p_dir = 0 # turn off self.layout._set_base(i, color_util.color_scale(p_color, p_level)) self.pixels[i] = (p_dir, p_color, p_level) self._step += amt
def __init__(self, layout, imagePath=None, offset=(0, 0), bgcolor=colors.Off, brightness=255, cycles=1, seconds=None, random=False, use_file_fps=True): """Helper class for displaying image animations for GIF files or a set of bitmaps layout - layoutMatrix instance imagePath - Path to either a single animated GIF image or folder of GIF files offset - X,Y tuple coordinates at which to place the top-left corner of the image bgcolor - RGB tuple color to replace any transparent pixels with. Avoids transparent showing as black brightness - Brightness value (0-255) to scale the image by. Otherwise uses master brightness at the time of creation """ super(ImageAnim, self).__init__(layout) self.cycles = cycles self.cycle_count = 0 self.seconds = seconds self.last_start = 0 self.random = random self.use_file_fps = use_file_fps self._bright = brightness self._bgcolor = colors.color_scale(bgcolor, self._bright) self._offset = offset self._image_buffers = [None, None] self._cur_img_buf = 1 # start here because loadNext swaps it if imagePath is None: cur_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) imagePath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cur_dir, '../../Graphics/MarioRotating.gif')) self.imagePath = imagePath self.folder_mode = os.path.isdir(imagePath) self.gif_files = [] self.gif_indices = [] self.folder_index = -1 self.load_thread = None if self.folder_mode: self.gif_files = glob.glob(self.imagePath + "/*.gif") self.gif_indices = list(range(len(self.gif_files))) self.loadNextGIF() # first load is manual self.swapbuf() self.load_thread = None else: self.loadGIFFile(self.imagePath) self.swapbuf()
def pick_led(self, speed): idx = random.randrange(0, self.layout.numLEDs) p_dir, p_color, p_level = self.pixels[idx] if self.color_control == 127: self.colors = [(255, 240, 255), (245, 230, 233), (250, 230, 230)] else: self.colors = list( map(lambda color: self.change_color(color), self.colors)) if random.randrange(0, 100) < self.density: if p_dir == 0: # 0 is off p_level += speed p_dir = 1 # 1 is growing p_color = random.choice(self.colors) self.layout._set_base(idx, bp_colors.color_scale(p_color, p_level)) self.pixels[idx] = p_dir, p_color, p_level
def step(self, amt = 1): for i in range(self._size): c = colors.hue_helper(i, self._size, self._step) d = self.decibels d -= 68 d = max(0, d) percentage = d / 20 percentage = min(percentage, 1.0) brightness = int(round(percentage * 255)) final = min(max(brightness, 25), 175) self._led.set(self._start + i, colors.color_scale(c, final)) self._step += amt overflow = self._step - 256 if overflow >= 0: self._step = overflow
def _getBufferFromImage(img, led, bgcolor, bright, offset): duration = None if 'duration' in duration =['duration'] w = led.width - offset[0] if img.size[0] < w: w = img.size[0] h = led.height - offset[1] if img.size[1] < h: h = img.size[1] ox = offset[0] oy = offset[1] buffer = [0 for x in range(led.numLEDs * 3)] gamma = led.driver[0].gamma if bgcolor != (0, 0, 0): for i in range(led.numLEDs): buffer[i * 3 + 0] = gamma[bgcolor[0]] buffer[i * 3 + 1] = gamma[bgcolor[1]] buffer[i * 3 + 2] = gamma[bgcolor[2]] frame ="RGBA", img.size) frame.paste(img) for x in range(ox, w + ox): for y in range(oy, h + oy): if x < 0 or y < 0: continue pixel = led.matrix_map[y][x] r, g, b, a = frame.getpixel((x - ox, y - oy)) if a == 0: r, g, b = bgcolor else: r = (r * a) >> 8 g = (g * a) >> 8 b = (b * a) >> 8 if bright != 255: r, g, b = colors.color_scale((r, g, b), bright) buffer[pixel * 3 + 0] = gamma[r] buffer[pixel * 3 + 1] = gamma[g] buffer[pixel * 3 + 2] = gamma[b] return (duration, buffer)
def _getBufferFromImage(self, img, offset=(0, 0)): duration = None if 'duration' in duration =['duration'] w = self._led.width - offset[0] if img.size[0] < w: w = img.size[0] h = self._led.height - offset[1] if img.size[1] < h: h = img.size[1] ox = offset[0] oy = offset[1] buffer = [0 for x in range(self._led.bufByteCount)] gamma = self._led.driver[0].gamma if self._bgcolor != (0, 0, 0): for i in range(self._led.numLEDs): buffer[i * 3 + 0] = gamma[self._bgcolor[0]] buffer[i * 3 + 1] = gamma[self._bgcolor[1]] buffer[i * 3 + 2] = gamma[self._bgcolor[2]] frame ="RGBA", img.size) frame.paste(img) for x in range(ox, w + ox): for y in range(oy, h + oy): if x < 0 or y < 0: continue pixel = self._led.matrix_map[y][x] r, g, b, a = frame.getpixel((x - ox, y - oy)) if a == 0: r, g, b = self._bgcolor else: r = (r * a) >> 8 g = (g * a) >> 8 b = (b * a) >> 8 if self._bright != 255: r, g, b = colors.color_scale((r, g, b), self._bright) buffer[pixel * 3 + 0] = gamma[r] buffer[pixel * 3 + 1] = gamma[g] buffer[pixel * 3 + 2] = gamma[b] return (duration, buffer)
def step(self, amt=1): """step the animation.""" leds = self._size num_colors = len(self._color_array) led_section = leds / num_colors pos = self._start for color in self._color_array: scale = 255 - self._step scaled_color = colors.color_scale(color, scale) self._led.fill(scaled_color, pos, pos + led_section) pos += led_section self._step += amt if self._step > 255: self._step = 0 self._step += amt
def __init__(self, led, imagePath, offset=(0, 0), bgcolor=colors.Off, brightness=255, cycles=1, random=False, use_file_fps=True): """Helper class for displaying image animations for GIF files or a set of bitmaps led - LEDMatrix instance imagePath - Path to either a single animated GIF image or folder of GIF files offset - X,Y tuple coordinates at which to place the top-left corner of the image bgcolor - RGB tuple color to replace any transparent pixels with. Avoids transparent showing as black brightness - Brightness value (0-255) to scale the image by. Otherwise uses master brightness at the time of creation """ super(ImageAnim, self).__init__(led) self.cycles = cycles self.cycle_count = 0 self.random = random self.use_file_fps = use_file_fps self._bright = brightness if self._bright == 255 and led.masterBrightness != 255: self._bright = led.masterBrightness self._bgcolor = colors.color_scale(bgcolor, self._bright) self._offset = offset self._image_buffers = [None, None] self._cur_img_buf = 1 # start here because loadNext swaps it self.folder_mode = os.path.isdir(imagePath) self.gif_files = [] self.gif_indices = [] self.folder_index = -1 self.load_thread = None if self.folder_mode: self.gif_files = glob.glob(imagePath + "/*.gif") self.gif_indices = range(len(self.gif_files)) self.loadNextGIF() # first load is manual self.swapbuf() self.load_thread = loadnextthread(self) self.load_thread.start() self.load_thread.loadNext() # pre-load next image else: self.loadGIFFile(imagePath) self.swapbuf() self._curImage = 0
def step(self, amt=1): for i in range(self._size): chunk_size = MidiTransform.remap_cc_value(self.count_control, 1, 20) chunks = self._size / chunk_size color = bp_colors.hue_helper(i, chunks, self._step) brightness_level = MidiTransform.remap_cc_value( self.brightness_control, 0, 256) color = bp_colors.color_scale(color, brightness_level) self.layout.set(self._start + i, color) self._step += amt overflow = self._step - 256 if overflow >= 0: self._step = overflow delay_time = MidiTransform.remap_cc_value(self.delay_control, 0, 1) time.sleep(delay_time)
def step(self, amt=1): self.layout.all_off() tail_len = 40 # Whatever bullet_pos = self._step % (self.layout.width + tail_len) for x, y in self.grid(): if x <= bullet_pos and x > bullet_pos - tail_len: beam_state.brightness = 255 - ((bullet_pos - x) * (255 / tail_len)) self.layout.set(x, y, color_util.color_scale(self.color, beam_state.brightness)) if bullet_pos + 1 >= self.layout.width + tail_len: # Sequence is about to end; Reset the Zap! c_int = random.randint(0, len(beam_state.colors) - 1) self.color = color = beam_state.colors[c_int] self._step = 0 else: self._step += amt
def step(self, amt = 1): now = util.getNow() startOfDay = util.getStartOfDay(now) led = self._led showMarker = True for x in range(0, led.width): for y in range(0, led.height): current = startOfDay + datetime.timedelta(days=1) * (x * led.height + y) / led.numLEDs color = util.getSunColor(current) if showMarker and current >= now: color = colors.color_blend(colors.Red, colors.color_scale(color, 128)) showMarker = False led.set(x, y, color) return
def step(self, amt=1): self.layout.all_off() if self.pulse_speed == 0 and random.randrange(0, 100) <= self.chance: self.add_pulse() if self.pulse_speed > 0: self.layout.set(self.pulse_position, self.pulse_color) for i in range(self._tail): c = colors.color_scale(self.pulse_color, 255 - (self._fadeAmt * i)) self.layout.set(self.pulse_position - i, c) self.layout.set(self.pulse_position + i, c) if self.pulse_position > self._size + self._tail: self.pulse_speed = 0 else: self.pulse_position += self.pulse_speed
def step(self, amt = 1): led = self._led if self._step % 5 == 0: index0 = (self._step / 10) % 2 index1 = ((self._step / 10) + 1) %2 for y in range(led.height): for x in range(led.width): p = 0 n = 0 if x - 1 >= 0: p += self._buffer[index0][x - 1][y] n += 1 if x + 1 < led.width: p += self._buffer[index0][x + 1][y] n += 1 if y - 1 >= 0: p += self._buffer[index0][x][y - 1] n += 1 if y + 1 < led.height: p += self._buffer[index0][x][y + 1] n += 1 p = p / n - random.uniform(0.0, 0.2) if p < 0: p = 0 if y + 1 < led.height: self._buffer[index1][x][y + 1] = p for x in range(led.width): self._buffer[index1][x][0] = random.uniform(0.5, 1.0) for y in range(led.height): for x in range(led.width): value = int(self._buffer[index1][x][y] * 255) color = colors.color_scale(self._color, value) led.setRGB(x, y, color[0], color[1], color[2]) self._step += amt
def cleargb(self): #self._led.all_off() self._color = colors.color_scale((0,0,0), 0) #for i in range(40): self._led.drawRect(0,0,self.__width,40, self._color) self._led.update()
def _drawDrop(self, x, y, color): for i in range(self._tail): if y-i >= 0 and y-i < self._led.height: level = 255 - ((255/self._tail)*i) self._led.set(x, y-i, colors.color_scale(color, level))
def get_animation(self, led): color = colors.color_scale(colors.Red, 75) return Wave(led, color, 2)
def __init__(self, led, plist, offset=(0, 0), bgcolor=colors.Off, brightness=255): """ :param offset: :param bgcolor: :param brightness: :param led: LEDMatrix :param plist: dict Helper class for building and displaying image animations for GIF files or a set of still bitmaps (png, gif, bmp, jpg) built from a playlist dictionary object. led - LEDMatrix instance plist - The dictionary loaded from the playlist.json file. offset - X,Y tuple coordinates at which to place the top-left corner of the image bgcolor - RGB tuple color to replace any transparent pixels with. Avoids transparent showing as black brightness - Brightness value (0-255) to scale the image by. Otherwise uses master brightness at the time of instantiation. Key features of the playlist: 1) It's JSON. Example: { "1": { "file": "./anim/matrix.gif", "duration_s": 30, "frame_time_ms": 150 }, "2": { "file": "./anim/spinning balls.gif", "duration_s": 30, "frame_time_ms": 50 }, "3": { "file": "water.gif", "duration_s": 30 } } 2) Each item is indexed with something sortable. 3) Each item contains the following attributes: file: path to the file. absolute path is tried first. If not found, searches in ./anim and ./stills duration_s: The duration in seconds that you wish to display the image or animation frame_time_ms: The FPS, but in milliseconds Soon: fade_in: fade_out """ super(PlaylistImageAnim, self).__init__(led) self._bright = brightness if self._bright == 255 and led.masterBrightness != 255: self._bright = led.masterBrightness self._bgcolor = colors.color_scale(bgcolor, self._bright) self._offset = offset self._images = [] self._count = 0 self._loopstarttime = None self.drawCurrentTime(brightness=255) # check that our playlist has things... assert plist is not None, "Playlist is undefined" assert len(plist) > 0, "Playlist is empty" print ("") print ("Found {0} items in playlist...".format(len(plist))) for key in sorted(plist): playlist_item = plist[key] print "%s: %s" % (key, playlist_item) img_file = "" duration_s = 30 frame_time_ms = 150 # find the image file. if not found, skip. try: img_file = findfile(playlist_item[PLAYLIST_KEY_FILE]) except IOError: print "{0} not found. Skipping.".format(img_file) continue # skip to next item in dictionary # check the duration property. if it's not there, default to 30 try: if playlist_item[PLAYLIST_KEY_DURATION] > 0: duration_s = playlist_item[PLAYLIST_KEY_DURATION] except KeyError: duration_s = 30 # check the frame rate. if not there, default to 150ms per frame try: if playlist_item[PLAYLIST_KEY_FRAME_TIME] > 0: frame_time_ms = playlist_item[PLAYLIST_KEY_FRAME_TIME] except KeyError: frame_time_ms = 150 # load the image img = # debug print some image properties print "\t>>>>>>>>>> {}".format(img.filename) print "\tformat: {}".format(img.format) print "\tmode: {}".format(img.mode) print "\tsize: {}".format(img.size) print "\twidth: {}".format(img.width) print "\theight: {}".format(img.height) print "\tinfo: {}".format( if getattr(img, "is_animated", False): print "\tis_animated: {}".format(img.is_animated) print "\tn_frames: {}".format(img.n_frames) else: print "\tis_animated: False" print "\tn_frames: 0" print "" # assign everything back into the dictionary and we will make an array of those to produce the frames playlist_item[PLAYLIST_KEY_FILE] = img_file playlist_item[PLAYLIST_KEY_DURATION] = duration_s playlist_item[PLAYLIST_KEY_FRAME_TIME] = frame_time_ms # if this is a .gif, we need to pull an image for each frame and assign that a slot in the animation. # if it is another raster, just load it # TODO: Determine if animatd gifs can be resized in PIL and all frames are processed # TODO: Determine if there is some universal format that the images need to be translated into loopstart = self._count playlist_item[PLAYLIST_KEY_KEYFRAME] = loopstart if img_file.endswith(".gif"): for frame in ImageSequence.Iterator(img): # copy the frame info from the playlist so we can just add a new binary gif_playlist_item = playlist_item.copy() gif_playlist_item[PLAYLIST_KEY_BINARYIMAGE] = self._getBufferFromImage(frame) self._images.append(gif_playlist_item) self._count += 1 playlist_item[PLAYLIST_KEY_KEYFRAME] = None playlist_item[PLAYLIST_KEY_DURATION] = None # assign some things back to the final frame of the anim gif_playlist_item[PLAYLIST_KEY_LOOPSTART] = loopstart gif_playlist_item[PLAYLIST_KEY_DURATION] = duration_s else: playlist_item[PLAYLIST_KEY_BINARYIMAGE] = self._getBufferFromImage(img) self._images.append(playlist_item) self._count += 1 playlist_item[PLAYLIST_KEY_LOOPSTART] = loopstart """ # this code centers smaller images into the LED frame then adds them into the animation array, that is # later used by the .step method to update the frame in the LED. # In the playlist version, I want to resize all images to fit the matrix, so centering will not be needed. # Adding to the array will be needed. if imagePath.endswith(".gif"):"Loading {0} ...".format(imagePath)) img = if self._offset == (0,0): w = 0 h = 0 if img.size[0] < self._led.width: w = (self._led.width - img.size[0]) / 2 if img.size[1] < self._led.height: h = (self._led.height - img.size[1]) / 2 self._offset = (w, h) for frame in ImageSequence.Iterator(img): self._images.append(self._getBufferFromImage(frame, self._offset)) self._count += 1 else: imageList = glob.glob(imagePath + "/*.bmp") imageList.sort() self._count = len(imageList) if self._count == 0: raise ValueError("No images found!") for img in imageList: if self._offset == (0,0): if img.size[0] < self._led.width: self._offset[0] = (self._led.width - img.size[0]) / 2 if img.size[1] < self._led.height: self._offset[1] = (self._led.height - img.size[1]) / 2 self._images.append(self._getBufferFromPath(img, self._offset)) """ self._curImage = 0 time.sleep(3) # now fade out the clock for b in range(255, 0, -32): self.drawCurrentTime(brightness=b) self._led.all_off() self._led.update() time.sleep(1) # 1 second
def __init__(self, bounds, led, start=0, end=-1): super(RotatingColors, self).__init__(led, start, end) self.bounds = bounds names = filter(lambda x: "White" not in x and isinstance(getattr(colors, x), tuple), dir(colors)) self.colors = map(lambda c: colors.color_scale(getattr(colors, c), 64), names) self.n = 0
# at the end of the month, fill with red led.fill(colors.Indigo) led.update() time.sleep(2) led.all_off() led.update() ## FORMAT g, r, b # green = (127,0,0) # yellowish green = (255,255,0) # white: (255,255,255) # light purpley: ((0,255,255)) # blue: ((0,0,255)) # turquoise: (255,0,255)) # red: (0,255, 0) led.fill((0,255, 0)) c=colors.color_scale((0,255,0), 50) led.update() ##led.all_off() time.sleep(2) led.fill(c) led.update() led.all_off() time.sleep(2) led.update()
def convert(arr): return [colors.color_scale(x, SCALE) for x in arr]
def convert_one(c): return colors.color_scale(c, SCALE)
def _drawDrop(self, x, y, color): for i in range(self._tail): if y - i >= 0 and y - i < self._led.height: level = 255 - ((255 / self._tail) * i) self._led.set(x, y - i, colors.color_scale(color, level))
def rand_color(): #return (color_scale((randint(0,255),randint(0,255),randint(0,255)), randint(0,255))) return (color_scale((randint(0,255),randint(0,255),randint(0,255)), 255))
def __init__(self, led, start=0, end=-1): #The base class MUST be initialized by calling super like this super(Clock, self).__init__(led, start, end) self.minutex = 0 self.secondx = 0 self.digitColor = colors.color_scale(colors.White, 16)
def _drawDrop(self, x, y, z, color): for i in range(self._tail): if y - i >= 0 and y - i < self.y: level = 255 - ((255 // self._tail) * i) self.layout.set(x, y - i, z, colors.color_scale(color, level))
def __init__(self, led, start=0, end=-1): super(RainbowCycle, self).__init__(led, start, end) print(self._size) # self.frames = [[colors.hue_helper(c, self._size, i) for c in range(self._size)] for i in range(255)] frames = [ list(sum([colors.hue_helper(c, self._size, i) for c in range(self._size)], ())) for i in range(255)] self.frames = map(lambda x: colors.color_scale(x, 175), frames)