Example #1
 def on_sequence(self, iseq):
     ihdr = iseq.header
     itensor = ihdr['_tensor']
     itype = DataType(itensor['dtype'])
     if not itype.is_complex:
         raise TypeError("Input data must be complex")
     self.axis = self.specified_axis
     if 'labels' not in itensor.keys() and self.axis is None:
         raise TypeError(
             "Polarization (pol) index must be labelled, or axis must be set manually"
     elif (self.axis is None and self.mode != 'scalar'
           and 'pol' in itensor['labels']):
         self.axis = itensor['labels'].index('pol')
     elif isinstance(self.axis, str):
         self.axis = itensor['labels'].index(self.axis)
     # Note: axis may be None here, which indicates single-pol mode
     ohdr = deepcopy(ihdr)
     otensor = ohdr['_tensor']
     if self.axis is not None:
         self.npol = otensor['shape'][self.axis]
         if self.npol not in [1, 2]:
             raise ValueError("Axis must have length 1 or 2")
         if self.mode == 'stokes' and self.npol == 2:
             otensor['shape'][self.axis] = 4
         if 'labels' in otensor:
             otensor['labels'][self.axis] = 'pol'
         self.npol = 1
     if self.mode == 'jones' and self.npol == 2:
         otype = itype
         otype = itype.as_real()
     otensor['dtype'] = otype.as_floating_point()
     return ohdr
Example #2
    def on_sequence(self, iseq):
        ihdr = iseq.header
        itensor = ihdr['_tensor']
        # TODO: DataType cast should be done inside ring2
        #         **This tensor stuff generally needs to be cleaned up
        itype = DataType(itensor['dtype'])
        # TODO: This is slightly hacky; it needs to emulate the type casting
        #         that Bifrost does internally for the FFT.
        itype = itype.as_floating_point()

        # Get axis indices, allowing for lookup-by-label
        self.axes = [
            if isinstance(axis, basestring) else axis
            for axis in self.specified_axes

        axes = self.axes
        shape = [itensor['shape'][ax] for ax in axes]

        otype = itype.as_real() if self.real_output else itype.as_complex()
        ohdr = deepcopy(ihdr)
        otensor = ohdr['_tensor']
        otensor['dtype'] = str(otype)
        if itype.is_real and otype.is_complex:
            self.mode = 'r2c'
        elif itype.is_complex and otype.is_real:
            self.mode = 'c2r'
            self.mode = 'c2c'
        frame_axis = itensor['shape'].index(-1)
        if frame_axis in axes:
            raise KeyError(
                "Cannot transform frame axis; reshape the data stream first")

        # Adjust output shape for real transforms
        if self.mode == 'r2c':
            otensor['shape'][axes[-1]] //= 2
            otensor['shape'][axes[-1]] += 1
        elif self.mode == 'c2r':
            otensor['shape'][axes[-1]] -= 1
            otensor['shape'][axes[-1]] *= 2
            shape[-1] -= 1
            shape[-1] *= 2

        for i, (ax, length) in enumerate(zip(axes, shape)):
            if 'units' in otensor:
                units = otensor['units'][ax]
                otensor['units'][ax] = transform_units(units, -1)
            if 'scales' in otensor:
                otensor['scales'][ax][0] = 0  # TODO: Is this OK?
                scale = otensor['scales'][ax][1]
                otensor['scales'][ax][1] = 1. / (scale * length)
            if 'labels' in otensor and self.axis_labels is not None:
                otensor['labels'][ax] = self.axis_labels[i]
        self.nframe = 0
        self.istride = 0
        self.ostride = 0
        return ohdr