def get_recordings(self, meeting_id): """ Retrieves the recordings that are available for playback for a given meetingID (or set of meeting IDs). :param meeting_id: The meeting ID that identifies the meeting """ call = 'getRecordings' query = urlencode((('meetingID', meeting_id), )) xml = get_xml(self.bbb_api_url, self.salt, call, query) # ToDO implement more keys if xml is not None: # xml tags: recordings, returncode recordings = xml.find('recordings') records = [] for meeting in recordings.getchildren(): record = { 'record_id': meeting.find('recordID').text, 'meeting_id': meeting.find('meetingID').text, 'meeting_name': meeting.find('name').text, 'published': meeting.find('published').text == "true", 'start_time': meeting.find('startTime').text, 'end_time': meeting.find('endTime').text } records.append(record) return records else: return None
def get_meetings(self): """ This call will return a list of all the meetings found on this server. """ call = 'getMeetings' query = urlencode((('random', 'random'), )) xml = get_xml(self.bbb_api_url, self.salt, call, query) if xml is not None: # Create dict of values for easy use in template all_meetings = [] meetings = xml[1].findall('meeting') for meeting in meetings: meeting_id = meeting.find('meetingID').text password = meeting.find('moderatorPW').text all_meetings.append({ 'name': meeting_id, 'moderator_pw': password, 'attendee_pw': meeting.find('attendeePW').text, 'has_been_forcibly_ended': meeting.find('hasBeenForciblyEnded').text == "true", 'running': meeting.find('running').text == "true", 'create_time': int(meeting.find('createTime').text), 'info': self.meeting_info(meeting_id, password) }) return all_meetings else: return None
def is_meeting_running(self, meeting_id): """ This call enables you to simply check on whether or not a meeting is running by looking it up with your meeting ID. :param meeting_id: ID that can be used to identify the meeting """ call = 'isMeetingRunning' match = 'running' query = urlencode((('meetingID', meeting_id), )) xml = get_xml(self.bbb_api_url, self.salt, call, query) return xml_match(xml, match)
def delete_recordings(self, record_id, publish=False): """ Delete one or more recordings for a given recordID (or set of record IDs). :param record_id: A record ID for specify the recordings to delete. It can be a set of meetingIDs separate by commas. :param publish: The value for publish or unpublish the recording(s). Available values: True or False. """ call = 'deleteRecordings' match = "deleted" query = urlencode( (('recordID', record_id), 'publish', str(publish).lower())) xml = get_xml(self.bbb_api_url, self.salt, call, query) return xml_match(xml, match)
def end_meeting(self, meeting_id, password): """ Use this to forcibly end a meeting and kick all participants out of the meeting. :param meeting_id: The meeting ID that identifies the meeting you are attempting to end. :param password: The moderator password for this meeting. You can not end a meeting using the attendee password. """ call = 'end' query = urlencode(( ('meetingID', meeting_id), ('password', password), )) xml = get_xml(self.bbb_api_url, self.salt, call, query) return xml is not None
def create_meeting(self, meeting_id, meeting_name='', attendee_password=None, moderator_password=None, logout_url=None, max_participants=None, duration=None, dial_number=None, welcome=None, moderator_only_message=None, meta=None, record=None, auto_start_recording=None, allow_start_stop_recording=None, pre_upload_slide=None, options=None): """ :param meeting_name: A name for the meeting. :param meeting_id: A meeting ID that can be used to identify this meeting by the third party application. This must be unique to the server that you are calling. If you supply a non-unique meeting ID, you will still have a successful call, but will receive a warning message in the response. If you intend to use the recording feature, the meetingID shouldn't contain commas. :param attendee_password: The password that will be required for attendees to join the meeting. This is optional, and if not supplied, BBB will assign a random password. :param moderator_password: The password that will be required for moderators to join the meeting or for certain administrative actions (i.e. ending a meeting). This is optional, and if not supplied, BBB will assign a random password. :param logout_url: The URL that the BigBlueButton client will go to after users click the OK button on the 'You have been logged out message'. This overrides, the value for bigbluebutton.web.loggedOutURLif defined in :param max_participants: The maximum number of participants to allow into the meeting (including moderators). After this number of participants have joined, BBB will return an appropriate error for other users trying to join the meeting. A negative number indicates that an unlimited number of participants should be allowed (this is the default setting). :param duration: The duration parameter allows to specify the number of minutes for the meeting's length. When the length of the meeting reaches the duration, BigBlueButton automatically ends the meeting. The default is 0, which means the meeting continues until the last person leaves or an end API calls is made with the associated meetingID. :param dial_number: The dial access number that participants can call in using regular phone. :param welcome: A welcome message that gets displayed on the chat window when the participant joins. You can include keywords (%%CONFNAME%%, %%DIALNUM%%, %%CONFNUM%%) which will be substituted automatically. You can set a default welcome message on :param moderator_only_message: Display a message to all moderators in the public chat. :param meta: You can pass one or more metadata values for create a meeting. These will be stored by BigBlueButton and later retrievable via the getMeetingInfo call and getRecordings. Examples of meta parameters are meta_Presenter, meta_category, meta_LABEL, etc. All parameters are converted to lower case, so meta_Presenter would be the same as meta_PRESENTER. :param record: Setting record=True instructs the BigBlueButton server to record the media and events in the session for later playback. Available values are true or false. Default value is false. :param auto_start_recording: Default=False, Setting start_recording=True will automatically starts recording when first user joins. NOTE: Don't set to autoStartRecording =false and allowStartStopRecording=false as the user won't be able to record. :param allow_start_stop_recording: Default=True, Allow the user to start/stop recording. This means the meeting can start recording automatically (autoStartRecording=true) with the user able to stop/start recording from the client. :param pre_upload_slide: You can preupload slides within the create call by providing an URL to the slides. :param options: Any other optional BBB params as seen here: """ call = 'create' params = [ ('name', meeting_name), ('meetingID', meeting_id), ('attendeePW', attendee_password), ('moderatorPW', moderator_password), ('dialNumber', dial_number), ('welcome', welcome), ('logoutURL', logout_url), ('maxParticipants', max_participants), ('duration', duration), ('record', record), ('meta', meta), ('moderatorOnlyMessage', moderator_only_message), ('autoStartRecording', auto_start_recording), ('allowStartStopRecording', allow_start_stop_recording), ] if options: params += [(k, v) for k, v in options.items()] query = urlencode([(param[0], param[1]) for param in params if param[1] is not None]) xml = get_xml(self.bbb_api_url, self.salt, call, query, pre_upload_slide) return xml is not None
def meeting_info(self, meeting_id, password): """ This call will return all of a meeting's information, including the list of attendees as well as start and end times. :param meeting_id: The meeting ID that identifies the meeting :param password: The moderator password for this meeting. """ call = 'getMeetingInfo' query = urlencode(( ('meetingID', meeting_id), ('password', password), )) xml = get_xml(self.bbb_api_url, self.salt, call, query) if xml is not None: # Create dict of values for easy use in template users = [] attendees = xml.find('attendees') if attendees is not None: for attendee in attendees.getchildren(): user = { 'user_id': attendee.find('userID').text, 'name': attendee.find('fullName').text, 'role': attendee.find('role').text } users.append(user) meeting_info = { 'meeting_name': xml.find('meetingName').text, 'meeting_id': xml.find('meetingID').text, 'create_time': int(xml.find('createTime').text), 'voice_bridge': int(xml.find('voiceBridge').text), 'attendee_pw': xml.find('attendeePW').text, 'moderator_pw': xml.find('moderatorPW').text, 'running': xml.find('running').text == "true", 'recording': xml.find('recording').text == "true", 'has_been_forcibly_ended': xml.find('hasBeenForciblyEnded').text == "true", 'start_time': int(xml.find('startTime').text), 'end_time': int(xml.find('endTime').text), 'participant_count': int(xml.find('participantCount').text), 'max_users': int(xml.find('maxUsers').text), 'moderator_count': int(xml.find('moderatorCount').text), 'users': users } return meeting_info else: return None