Example #1
    def to_real_field(self):
        Return the RealField stored on disk.

        .. note::
            The mesh stored on disk must be stored with ``mode=real``

        real : pmesh.pm.RealField
            an array-like object holding the mesh loaded from disk in
            configuration space
        if self.isfourier:
            return NotImplemented

        # the real field to paint to
        pmread = self.pm

        with FileMPI(comm=self.comm, filename=self.path)[self.dataset] as ds:
            if self.comm.rank == 0:
                self.logger.info("reading real field from %s" % self.path)
            real2 = RealField(pmread)
            start = numpy.sum(self.comm.allgather(real2.size)[:self.comm.rank], dtype='intp')
            end = start + real2.size

        return real2
Example #2
    def save(self, filename, attrs={}):
        from bigfile import FileMPI
        a = self.a['S']

        with FileMPI(self.pm.comm, filename, create=True) as ff:
            with ff.create('Header') as bb:
                keylist = ['Om0', 'Tcmb0', 'Neff', 'Ob0', 'Ode0']
                if getattr(self.cosmology, 'm_nu', None) is not None:
                for key in keylist:
                    bb.attrs[key] = getattr(self.cosmology, key)
                bb.attrs['Time'] = a
                bb.attrs['h'] = self.cosmology.H0 / self.H0 # relative h
                bb.attrs['RSDFactor'] = 1.0 / (self.H0 * a * self.cosmology.efunc(1.0 / a - 1))
                for key in attrs:
                        #best effort
                        bb.attrs[key] = attrs[key]
            ff.create_from_array('1/Position', self.X)
            # Peculiar velocity in km/s
            ff.create_from_array('1/Velocity', self.V)
            # dimensionless potential (check this)
            ff.create_from_array('1/Density', self.RHO)
Example #3
    def to_complex_field(self):
        Return the ComplexField stored on disk.

        .. note::
            The mesh stored on disk must be stored with ``mode=complex``

        real : pmesh.pm.ComplexField
            an array-like object holding the mesh loaded from disk in Fourier
        if not self.isfourier:
            return NotImplemented
        pmread = self.pm

        if self.comm.rank == 0:
            self.logger.info("reading complex field from %s" % self.path)

        with FileMPI(comm=self.comm, filename=self.path)[self.dataset] as ds:
            complex2 = ComplexField(pmread)
            assert self.comm.allreduce(complex2.size) == ds.size
            start = numpy.sum(self.comm.allgather(complex2.size)[:self.comm.rank], dtype='intp')
            end = start + complex2.size

        return complex2
Example #4
 def save(self, filename, dataset):
     from bigfile import FileMPI
     with FileMPI(self.comm, filename, create=True) as ff:
         ff.create_from_array(dataset + '/Position', self.X)
         # Peculiar velocity in km/s
         ff.create_from_array(dataset + '/Velocity', self.V)
         # dimensionless potential (check this)
         ff.create_from_array(dataset + '/Density', self.RHO)
Example #5
def saveIC_dmo(IC_path, dx_field, Lbox, Ng, cosmology, redshift=99):
    Use Zel-dovich approximation to back-scale the linear density field to initial redshift,
    paint only dm particles from the grid,
    and save initial condition in Mpc/h and use Constrained package to transfer to bt2 format
    : dx_field  : linear density field at z=0
    : Lbox      : BoxSize, in Mpc/h, will be converted to kpc/h in the IC output
    : Ng        : Number of grid on which to paint the particle
    : cosmology : nbodykit.cosmology, or astropy.cosmology.FLRW
    : redshift  : redshift of the initial condition

    mesh = ArrayMesh(dx_field,
                     BoxSize=Lbox)  # density contrast field centered at zero
    dk_field = mesh.compute(mode='complex')

    scale_a = 1. / (1 + redshift)
    state = solver.lpt(dk_field, Q, a=scale_a, order=1)

    with FileMPI(state.pm.comm, IC_path, create=True) as ff:
        m1 = state.cosmology.rho_crit(0) * state.cosmology.Om0 * (
            Lbox**3) / state.csize
        with ff.create('Header') as bb:
            bb.attrs['Time'] = state.a['S']
            bb.attrs['HubbleParam'] = state.cosmology.h
            bb.attrs['Omega0'] = state.cosmology.Om0
            bb.attrs['OmegaM'] = state.cosmology.Omega0_m
            bb.attrs['OmegaLambda'] = state.cosmology.Omega0_lambda
            bb.attrs['BoxSize'] = Lbox
            bb.attrs['NC'] = int(rint((state.csize)**(1 / 3)))
            bb.attrs['TotNumPart'] = [0, state.csize, 0, 0, 0, 0]
            bb.attrs['MassTable'] = [0, m1, 0, 0, 0, 0]

        ff.create_from_array('1/Position', state.X)
        # Peculiar velocity in km/s
        ff.create_from_array('1/Velocity', state.V)

        stateID = np.arange(state.csize)
        ff.create_from_array('1/ID', stateID)

    print("IC generated!")
    return state
Example #6
    def __init__(self, path, dataset, comm=None, **kwargs):

        self.path    = path
        self.dataset = dataset
        self.comm    = comm

        # update the meta-data
        with FileMPI(comm=self.comm, filename=path)[dataset] as ff:
            for key in ff.attrs:
                v = ff.attrs[key]
                if isinstance(v, string_types) and v.startswith('json://'):
                    self.attrs[key] = json.loads(v[7:], cls=JSONDecoder)
                    self.attrs[key] = numpy.squeeze(v)

            # fourier space or config space
            if ff.dtype.kind == 'c':
                self.isfourier = True
                if ff.dtype.itemsize == 16:
                    dtype = 'f8'
                    dtype = 'f4'
                self.isfourier = False
                if ff.dtype.itemsize == 8:
                    dtype = 'f8'
                    dtype = 'f4'

        # determine Nmesh
        if 'ndarray.shape' not in self.attrs:
            raise ValueError("`ndarray.shape` should be stored in the Bigfile `attrs` to determine `Nmesh`")

        if 'Nmesh' not in self.attrs:
            raise ValueError("`ndarray.shape` should be stored in the Bigfile `attrs` to determine `Nmesh`")

        Nmesh = self.attrs['Nmesh']
        BoxSize = self.attrs['BoxSize']

        MeshSource.__init__(self, BoxSize=BoxSize, Nmesh=Nmesh, dtype=dtype, comm=comm)
Example #7
    def save(self, filename, attrs={}):
        from bigfile import FileMPI
        a = self.a['S']
        with FileMPI(self.comm, filename, create=True) as ff:
            with ff.create('Header') as bb:
                keylist = ['Om0', 'Tcmb0', 'Neff', 'Ob0', 'Ode0']
                if getattr(self.cosmology, 'm_nu', None) is not None:
                    keylist.insert(3, 'm_nu')
                for key in keylist:
                    bb.attrs[key] = getattr(self.cosmology, key)
                bb.attrs['Time'] = a
                bb.attrs['h'] = self.cosmology.H0 / H0  # relative h
                bb.attrs['RSDFactor'] = 1.0 / (
                    H0 * a * self.cosmology.efunc(1.0 / a - 1))
                for key in attrs:
                        #best effort
                        bb.attrs[key] = attrs[key]

            for k, v in sorted(self.species.items()):
                v.save(filename, k)
Example #8
def saveIC_bt2(IC_path, dx_field, Lbox, Ng, cosmology, redshift=99):
    Use Zel-dovich approximation to back-scale the linear density field to initial redshift,
    paint baryon and dm particles from the grid,
    and save initial condition in MP-Gadget/bluetides-ii format
    : dx_field  : linear density field at z=0
    : Lbox      : BoxSize, in Mpc/h, will be converted to kpc/h in the IC output
    : Ng        : Number of grid on which to paint the particle
    : cosmology : nbodykit.cosmology, or astropy.cosmology.FLRW
    : redshift  : redshift of the initial condition

    mesh = ArrayMesh(dx_field,
                     BoxSize=Lbox)  # density contrast field centered at zero
    dk_field = mesh.compute(mode='complex')

    shift_gas = -0.5 * (cosmology.Om0 - cosmology.Ob0) / cosmology.Om0
    shift_dm = 0.5 * cosmology.Ob0 / cosmology.Om0

    pm = ParticleMesh(BoxSize=Lbox, Nmesh=[Ng, Ng, Ng])
    solver = Solver(pm, cosmology, B=1)

    Q_gas = pm.generate_uniform_particle_grid(shift=shift_gas)
    Q_dm = pm.generate_uniform_particle_grid(shift=shift_dm)

    scale_a = 1. / (1 + redshift)
    state_gas = solver.lpt(dk_field, Q_gas, a=scale_a,
                           order=1)  # order = 1 : Zel-dovich
    state_dm = solver.lpt(dk_field, Q_dm, a=scale_a, order=1)

    state = state_dm
    with FileMPI(state.pm.comm, IC_path, create=True) as ff:

        m0 = state.cosmology.rho_crit(0) * state.cosmology.Omega0_b * (
            Lbox**3) / state.csize
        m1 = state.cosmology.rho_crit(0) * (
            state.cosmology.Om0 - state.cosmology.Omega0_b) * (Lbox**
                                                               3) / state.csize

        with ff.create('Header') as bb:
            bb.attrs['BoxSize'] = Lbox * 1000
            bb.attrs['HubbleParam'] = state.cosmology.h
            bb.attrs['MassTable'] = [m0, m1, 0, 0, 0, 0]

            bb.attrs['OmegaM'] = state.cosmology.Om0
            bb.attrs['OmegaB'] = state.cosmology.Omega0_b
            bb.attrs['OmegaL'] = state.cosmology.Omega0_lambda

            bb.attrs['Time'] = state.a['S']
            bb.attrs['TotNumPart'] = [state.csize, state.csize, 0, 0, 0, 0]

                             1000 * periodic_wrap(state.X, Lbox))  # in kpc/h
            state.V / np.sqrt(state.a['S']))  # old gadget convention for IC
        dmID = np.arange(state.csize)
        ff.create_from_array('1/ID', dmID)

                             1000 * periodic_wrap(state_gas.X, Lbox))
        ff.create_from_array('0/Velocity', state_gas.V / np.sqrt(state.a['S']))
        gasID = np.arange(state.csize, 2 * state.csize)
        ff.create_from_array('0/ID', gasID)

    print("IC generated!")
    return state
Example #9
state_gas = solver.lpt(dk_field, Q_gas, a=scale_a, order=1)
state_dm = solver.lpt(dk_field, Q_dm, a=scale_a, order=1)

# save state
# -----------------------------------------------------
def periodic_wrap(pos,Lbox):
    pos[pos>Lbox] -= Lbox
    pos[pos<0] += Lbox
    return pos

IC_path = args.IC_path

state = state_dm
with FileMPI(state.pm.comm, IC_path, create=True) as ff:
    m0 = state.cosmology.rho_crit(0)*state.cosmology.Omega0_b*(Lbox**3)/state.csize
    m1 = state.cosmology.rho_crit(0)*(state.cosmology.Om0-state.cosmology.Omega0_b)*(Lbox**3)/state.csize
    with ff.create('Header') as bb:
        bb.attrs['BoxSize'] = Lbox*1000
        bb.attrs['HubbleParam'] = state.cosmology.h
        bb.attrs['MassTable'] = [m0, m1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        bb.attrs['Omega0'] = state.cosmology.Om0
        bb.attrs['OmegaBaryon'] = state.cosmology.Omega0_b
        bb.attrs['OmegaLambda'] = state.cosmology.Omega0_lambda
        bb.attrs['Time'] = state.a['S']
        bb.attrs['TotNumPart'] = [state.csize, state.csize, 0, 0, 0, 0]