Example #1
def plotMatrixLabels( matrix, pad=1.0, color='black', offset = 0.03 ):
    memberMat - frame cluster membership matrix
    offset - label position tweeking
    -> biggles object
    a = []

    ## data dimensions
    rec, lig  = shape( matrix )

    ## label positions
    step = 1. / ( (rec-1) + (pad*2) )
    shift = step*pad + array( range(0, rec), 'f' )*step 

    ## iterate over matrix
    for r in range( rec ):
        for l in range( lig ):
            d = matrix[r][l]
            if type(d)==int or type(d)== float:
                a += [ biggles.PlotLabel( shift[r]+offset, shift[l]+offset,
                                          str(round( d, 1 )),
                                          color = color, size = 1 ) ]
            if type(d)==str:
                if matrix[r][l] != '0':
                    a += [ biggles.PlotLabel( shift[r]+offset, shift[l]+offset,
                                              d, color = color, size = 1 ) ]
    return a
Example #2
def contourPlot( data, inverse=0, symbol='filled circle', label=None,
                 maxContour=None ):
    plots = []
    ## get grid lines
    plots = plotLines( len(data) )

    ## get data points
    cutoffs = [ 0.01, .1, .2, .3, .4, .5, .6, .7, .8, .9 ]
    if inverse:
        cutoffs = 1./array([ 15, 10, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ])
    data = moreDockingInfo( data, levels=cutoffs )

    ## callculate symbol size
    if maxContour:
        max_data = maxContour*1.
        max_data = max( ravel(data) )*1.

    max_symbol_size = 15
    scale_factor = max_data/(max_symbol_size**2)

    def scaleCircle( value ):
        return int(round(sqrt(value/scale_factor)))
    ## colors
    col = colorSpectrum( len(cutoffs))
    col=['light grey'] + col[1:]
    label_col = ['dark grey'] + col[1:]

    range_max = []
    range_min = []

    for i in range(len(cutoffs)):
        range_max += [ max( ravel( data[:,:,i] ) ) ]
        range_min += [ min( ravel( data[:,:,i] ) ) ]

        for r in range( shape(data)[0] ):

            for l in range( shape(data)[1] ):
                plots += [ biggles.Point( r+1, l+1,
                                          type=symbol ) ]
    ## legend
    plots += [ biggles.PlotLabel( 1.04, .98, 'FNC>', size=2 ) ]         
    for i in range( len(cutoffs) ):
        if sum( take(data, (i,), 2) )>0:
##             plots += [ biggles.PlotLabel( 1.03, .95-i*0.03, str(i*.1),
##                                           color=label_col[i],size=2 ) ]
            plots += [ biggles.PlotLabel( 1.03, .95-i*0.03, '%.2f'%cutoffs[i],
                                          color=label_col[i],size=2 ) ]
            plots += [ biggles.PlotLabel( 1.03, .35-i*0.02,
                                          color=label_col[i],size=1 ) ]

    return plots
Example #3
    def show(self, fileName=None):
        Show ramachandran plot.
        plot = biggles.FramedPlot()
        plot.xrange = (-180., 180.)
        plot.yrange = (-180., 180.)
        plot.xlabel = "$\Phi$"
        plot.ylabel = "$\Psi$"

        if self.name:
            plot.title = self.name

        ## add allowed regions
        bg_plot = self.ramachandran_background()
        for p in bg_plot:

        ## add ramachandran phi, psi valies
        points, inset = self.ramachandran()
        for p in points:
        if inset:

        plot.add(biggles.PlotLabel(1.14, 0.55, self.profileName, size=2))
        plot.add(biggles.PlotLabel(1.1, 0.45, "GLY star", size=2))
        plot.add(biggles.PlotLabel(1.12, 0.40, "PRO square", size=2))


        if fileName:
Example #4
def plotKey(data, name, key):
    ## plot the cluster rmsd dist.
    plot = biggles.FramedPlot()
    plot.add(biggles.PlotLabel(0.5, 0.90, name, size=4))

    ## customize plot appearence
    #plot.x1.label = 'cluster'
    plot.y2.label = 'size'
    plot.y1.label = key

    plot.x2.draw_ticks = 0
    plot.y2.draw_ticks = 0

    ## Plot
        biggles.ErrorBarsY(clst_range, data[key][1], data[key][2], width=1))
    plot.add(biggles.Points(clst_range, data[key][0], type='cross', size=1))
    plot.add(biggles.LineY(0.25, type='dot'))

    ## add label with info about 'good' solutions
    good = []
    for clst in clst_range:
        if data[key][0][clst - 1] > 0.25:
            good += [clst]
    plot.add(biggles.PlotLabel(0.5, 0.80, str(good), size=1))

    return plot
Example #5
    def test_ColorSpectrum( self ):
        """ColorSpectrum test"""
            import biskit.tools as T
            import biggles as B
            B = 0
        c_grey    = ColorSpectrum( 'grey', 0, 100 )
        c_sausage = ColorSpectrum( 'sausage', 0, 100 )
        c_plasma  = ColorSpectrum( 'plasma', 0, 100 )
        c_plasma2 = ColorSpectrum( 'plasma2', 0, 100 )

        if B:
            self.p = B.FramedPlot()

##        old_spectrum = T.colorSpectrum( 100 )
        self.result = []
        for i in range( -1, 100 ):

            x = (i, i+1 )

            if B:
                self.result += [ c_grey.color( i ) ]
                self.p.add( B.FillBelow( x, (1., 1.),
                                         color = c_grey.color( i ) ) )
                self.p.add( B.FillBelow( x, (0.75, 0.75),
                                         color = c_sausage.color( i ) ) )
                self.p.add( B.FillBelow( x, (0.5, 0.5),
                                         color = c_plasma.color( i ) ) )
                self.p.add( B.FillBelow( x, (0.25, 0.25),
                                         color = c_plasma2.color( i ) ) )

##                self.p.add( B.FillBelow( x, (0., 0.),
##                                      color = old_spectrum[i] ))

        if B:
            self.p.add( B.Curve( (0,100), (1.,1.)) )
            self.p.add( B.Curve( (0,100), (.75,.75)) )
            self.p.add( B.Curve( (0,100), (.5,.5) ))
            self.p.add( B.Curve( (0,100), (0.25, 0.25)) )
            self.p.add( B.Curve( (0,100), (0.0, 0.0)) )
            self.p.add( B.PlotLabel(  0.5 ,0.9, 'grey') )
            self.p.add( B.PlotLabel(  0.5 ,0.65, 'sausage') )
            self.p.add( B.PlotLabel(  0.5 ,0.4, 'plasma') )
            self.p.add( B.PlotLabel(  0.5 ,0.15, 'plasma2') )

        if (self.local or self.VERBOSITY > 2) and B:
        ##self.assertEqual(self.result, self.EXPECTED)
        ## tolerate two differences to account for Python 3 result
        a = N0.array(self.result)
        b = N0.array(self.EXPECTED)
Example #6
def plot(complex_lst):
    ## plot the cluster rmsd dist.
    plot = biggles.FramedPlot()
    inset = biggles.FramedPlot()

    ## plot title
    plot.title = '/'.join(string.split(absfile(options['o']), '/')[-5:-1])

    ## customize plot appearence
    plot.x1.label = 'cluster'
    plot.y2.label = 'size'
    plot.y1.label = 'rmsd'

    plot.x2.draw_ticks = 0
    plot.y2.draw_ticks = 0

    inset.frame.draw_ticks = 0
    inset.x1.draw_ticklabels = 0
    inset.y1.draw_ticklabels = 0
    inset.y2.draw_ticklabels = 1
    inset.y2.draw_ticks = 1
    inset.y2.ticks_style['color'] = 'red'

    ## get cluter and rmsd lists
    clst_list = []
    rms_list = []
    for compl in complex_lst:
        clst_list += [compl.info['hex_clst']]
        rms_list += [compl.info['rms']]

    ## get average, max, min and size of cluster
    data = []
    clst_range = range(1, max(clst_list) + 1)
    for clst in clst_range:
        rms = compress(equal(clst_list, clst), rms_list)
        data += [[average(rms), max(rms), min(rms), len(rms)]]
    data = transpose(data)

    ## Inset
    inset.add(biggles.Curve(clst_range, data[3], color='red'))

    ## Plot
    plot.add(biggles.ErrorBarsY(clst_range, data[1], data[2]))
    plot.add(biggles.Points(clst_range, data[0], type='cross', size=1))
    plot.add(biggles.Inset((0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0), inset))
    plot.add(biggles.LineY(10, type='dot'))

    ## add label with info about 'good' solutions (average rmsd < 10A)
    good = []
    for clst in clst_range:
        if data[0][clst - 1] < 10:
            good += [clst]
    plot.add(biggles.PlotLabel(0.5, 0.98, 'Solutions with rmsd < 10A', size=1))
    plot.add(biggles.PlotLabel(0.5, 0.95, str(good), size=1))

    ## plot and save
    plot.write_eps(string.split(options['o'], '.')[0] + '.eps')
Example #7
    def plotMemberProfiles( self, *name, **arg ):
        Plot profiles of all member trajectories seperately::
          plotMemberProfiles( name1, [name2, .. ],[ arg1=x,..])
            -> biggles.Table

        :param name: profile name(s)
        :type  name: str
        :param arg: pairs for biggles.Curve() and/or xlabel=..,ylabel=..
        :type  arg: key=value

        :return: biggles plot object
        :rtype: biggles.FramedArray()   
        if not biggles:
            raise ImportError('biggles module could not be imported.')
        rows = self.n_members // 2 + self.n_members % 2
        page = biggles.FramedArray( rows , 2)

        biggles.configure('fontsize_min', 1)
        colors = T.colorSpectrum( len( name ) , '00FF00', 'FF00FF') 

        ml = self.memberList()

        i = 0
        minV = maxV = None

        for t in ml:

            for j in range( len(name)):

                p = t.profile( name[j] )

                if minV is None or minV > min( p ):
                    minV = min(p)
                if maxV is None or maxV < max( p ):
                    maxV = max(p)

                page[i//2, i%2].add( biggles.Curve( list(range( len(p))), list(p),
                                                   color=colors[j], **arg ) )

                page[i//2, i%2].add( biggles.PlotLabel( 0.8, 0.8-j/8.0, name[j],
                                                       color=colors[j]) )

            page[i//2, i%2].add( biggles.PlotLabel( 0.1, 0.9, 'Traj %i' % i))

            i += 1

        if self.n_members % 2 != 0:
            line = biggles.Line( (0,minV), (len(p),maxV) )
            page[ self.n_members//2, 1 ].add( line )

        page.uniform_limits = 1
        page.xlabel = arg.get('xlabel',None)
        page.ylabel = arg.get('ylabel',None)

        return page
Example #8
def logPlot(data, lenZeros, colorDic, ref=None, ave=None):
    log(fraction of solutions) vs. fraction of native contacts (sorted)
    data - 3D matrix (rec * lig * soln)
    lenZeros - integer, the lowest number of zeros on any rec-lig pair
    ref - tuple, position of reference
    -> list of plot objects
    ## data dimensions
    rec, lig, soln = shape(data)

    ## y data range (removing all zeros region)
    y = arange(soln - (lenZeros), 0, -1, 'f') / soln

    plots = []

    if type(colorDic) == str:
        colorDic = {'a': colorDic}

    ## collect all
    for r in range(rec):
        for l in range(lig):
            dt = data[r][l][-(soln - lenZeros):]
            if ave:
                dt = mathUtils.runningAverage(dt, ave, 1)
            plots += [biggles.Curve(dt, y, color=colorDic['a'])]

    if ref:
        nr = ref[0] - 1
        nl = ref[1] - 1
        ## contains x-ray rec
        for l in range(lig):
            dt = data[nr][l][-(soln - lenZeros):]
            if ave:
                dt = mathUtils.runningAverage(dt, ave, 1)
            plots += [biggles.Curve(dt, y, color=colorDic['r'])]

        ## contains x-ray lig
        for r in range(rec):
            dt = data[r][nl][-(soln - lenZeros):]
            if ave:
                dt = mathUtils.runningAverage(dt, ave, 1)
            plots += [biggles.Curve(dt, y, color=colorDic['l'])]

        ## add ref in other color
        dt = data[nr][nl][-(soln - lenZeros):]
        if ave:
            dt = mathUtils.runningAverage(dt, ave, 1)
        plots += [biggles.Curve(dt, y, color=colorDic['x'], width=4)]

        ## labels
        plots += [biggles.PlotLabel(.8, .95, 'Xray rec', color=colorDic['r'])]
        plots += [biggles.PlotLabel(.8, .90, 'Xray lig', color=colorDic['l'])]
        plots += [biggles.PlotLabel(.8, .85, 'Xray', color=colorDic['x'])]

    return plots
Example #9
    def test_ColorSpectrum( self ):
        """ColorSpectrum test"""
            import biggles as B
            B = 0
        c_grey    = ColorSpectrum( 'grey', 0, 100 )
        c_sausage = ColorSpectrum( 'sausage', 0, 100 )
        c_plasma  = ColorSpectrum( 'plasma', 0, 100 )
        c_plasma2 = ColorSpectrum( 'plasma2', 0, 100 )

        if B:
            self.p = B.FramedPlot()

##         old_spectrum = tools.colorSpectrum( 100 )
        self.result = []
        for i in range( -1, 100 ):

            x = (i, i+1 )

            if B:
                self.result += [ c_grey.color( i ) ]
                self.p.add( B.FillBelow( x, (1., 1.),
                                         color = c_grey.color( i ) ) )
                self.p.add( B.FillBelow( x, (0.75, 0.75),
                                         color = c_sausage.color( i ) ) )
                self.p.add( B.FillBelow( x, (0.5, 0.5),
                                         color = c_plasma.color( i ) ) )
                self.p.add( B.FillBelow( x, (0.25, 0.25),
                                         color = c_plasma2.color( i ) ) )

##             self.p.add( B.FillBelow( x, (0., 0.),
##                                   color = old_spectrum[i] ))

        if B:
            self.p.add( B.Curve( (0,100), (1.,1.)) )
            self.p.add( B.Curve( (0,100), (.75,.75)) )
            self.p.add( B.Curve( (0,100), (.5,.5) ))
            self.p.add( B.Curve( (0,100), (0.25, 0.25)) )
            self.p.add( B.Curve( (0,100), (0.0, 0.0)) )
            self.p.add( B.PlotLabel(  0.5 ,0.9, 'grey') )
            self.p.add( B.PlotLabel(  0.5 ,0.65, 'sausage') )
            self.p.add( B.PlotLabel(  0.5 ,0.4, 'plasma') )
            self.p.add( B.PlotLabel(  0.5 ,0.15, 'plasma2') )

        if (self.local or self.VERBOSITY > 2) and B:
        self.assertEqual(self.result, self.EXPECTED)
Example #10
def plot_autocorr(trials, window=100, show=False, **kw):
    import biggles
    import emcee

    arr = biggles.FramedArray(trials.shape[1], 1)
    arr.uniform_limits = True

    func = emcee.autocorr.function(trials)
    tau2 = emcee.autocorr.integrated_time(trials, window=window)

    xvals = numpy.arange(func.shape[0])
    zc = biggles.Curve([0, func.shape[0] - 1], [0, 0])

    for i in xrange(trials.shape[1]):
        pts = biggles.Curve(xvals, func[:, i], color='blue')

        lab = biggles.PlotLabel(0.9,
                                r'$%s tau\times 2: %s$' % (i, tau2[i]),
        arr[i, 0].add(pts, zc, lab)

    if show:

    return arr
Example #11
def plotInfo(info):
    biggles FramedArray with only information labels
    stat = biggles.FramedPlot()
    #stat.title = 'grouping info'

    ## turn off drawing of all axis related objects
    ## note: if all is turned off plotting doesnt work, so make one white
    stat.x.draw_ticks = 0
    stat.y.draw_ticks = 0
    stat.x.draw_ticklabels = 0
    stat.y.draw_ticklabels = 0
    stat.y.draw_spine = 0
    stat.x.spine_style['color'] = 'white'

    ## have to make it a plot - add a white line
    stat.add(biggles.LineY(0.01, type='dot', color='white'))

    ## add info lines one by one (from bottom and up!)
    info = string.split(info, '\n')
    for l in range(len(info)):
        yPos = 0.95 - 0.04 * l
        stat.add( biggles.PlotLabel( .05, yPos, info[l], halign='left', \
                                     size=1, face='courier' ) )
    return stat
Example #12
    def plotHistogram( self, *name, **arg ):
        @param bins: number of bins (10)
        @type  bins: int
        @param ynormalize: normalize histograms to area 1.0 (False)
        @type  ynormalize: bool
        @param xnormalize: adapt bin range to min and max of all profiles (True)
        @type  xnormalize: bool
        @param xrange: min and max of bin range (None)
        @type  xrange: (float, float)
        @param steps: draw histogram steps (True)
        @type  steps: bool
        if not biggles:
            raise ImportError, 'module biggles could not be imported'

        plot = biggles.FramedArray( len(name),1 )

        if not 'size' in arg:
            arg['size'] = 1
        bins = arg.get('bins', 10)
        hist = arg.get('ynormalize', False)
        steps= arg.get('steps', 1)
        histrange= arg.get('xrange', None)
        autorange= arg.get('xnormalize', histrange is None)
        xkey = arg.get('xkey', None)
        if xkey:
            plot.xlabel = xkey

        if autorange:
            v = []
            for keys in name:
                if not type(keys) is tuple:
                    keys = ( keys, )
                for key in keys:
                    v += list(self[key])
            histrange = ( min( v ), max( v ) )
        for i, keys in enumerate(name):
            if not type(keys) is tuple:
                keys = ( keys, )
            for j, key in enumerate(keys):

                h = density( self[key], nBins=bins, steps=steps, hist=hist,
                             range=histrange )
                x = h[:,0]
                y = h[:,1]
                colors = [0] + T.colorSpectrum( len(keys) , '00FF00', 'FF00FF')

                plot[i,0].add( biggles.Curve( x, y, color=colors[j], **arg ) )
                plot[i,0].add( biggles.PlotLabel( 0.7, 0.95-j*0.1, key,
                                                  color=colors[j] ) )

        return plot
Example #13
def plotRanking(data, colorDic, ref=(1, 1)):
    log(fraction of solutions) vs. fraction of native contacts (sorted)
    data - 3D matrix (rec * lig * soln)
    ref - tuple, position of reference
    -> list of plot objects
    ## data dimensions
    rec, lig, soln = shape(data)

    ## y data range (removing all zeros region)
    x = arange(1, soln + 1, 1, 'f') / soln
    area = zeros((rec, lig), 'f')
    plots = []

    ## collect all
    ref_area = getArea(x, (maxVal(data[ref[0] - 1][ref[1] - 1])))
    for r in range(rec):
        for l in range(lig):
            d = maxVal(data[r][l])
            area[r][l] = getArea(x, d) - ref_area
            plots += [biggles.Curve(x, d, color=colorDic['a'])]

    if ref:
        nr = ref[0] - 1
        nl = ref[1] - 1
        ## contains x-ray rec
        for l in range(lig):
            plots += [
                biggles.Curve(x, maxVal(data[nr][l]), color=colorDic['r'])

        ## contains x-ray lig
        for r in range(rec):
            plots += [
                biggles.Curve(x, maxVal(data[r][nl]), color=colorDic['l'])

        ## add ref in other color
        plots += [biggles.Curve(x, maxVal(data[nr][nl]), color=colorDic['x'])]

        ## labels
        plots += [biggles.PlotLabel(.8, .95, 'Xray rec', color=colorDic['r'])]
        plots += [biggles.PlotLabel(.8, .90, 'Xray lig', color=colorDic['l'])]
        plots += [biggles.PlotLabel(.8, .85, 'Xray', color=colorDic['x'])]

    return plots, area
Example #14
def plotNrLabels(nr, pos=-0.05, pad=1):
    nr - number of models (usually 1+10)
    add xy tick labels
    -> biggles object
    ## label position tweeking
    step = 1. / ((nr - 1) + (pad * 2))
    shift = step * pad + array(range(0, nr), 'f') * step

    p = []
    for c in range(0, nr):
        p += [biggles.PlotLabel(shift[c], pos, str(c), size=3)]
        p += [biggles.PlotLabel(pos, shift[c], str(c), size=3)]

    return p
Example #15
def plot_line_fit(args, extra, x, y, res, xlabel, ylabel, label_error=True):
    import biggles
    plt = biggles.FramedPlot()

    ymin = y.min()
    ymax = y.max()
    if ymin < 0:
        yr = [1.1 * ymin, 0.0]
        yr = [0, 1.1 * ymax]

    xr = [0.0, 1.1 * x.max()]

    plt.xrange = xr
    plt.yrange = yr
    plt.xlabel = xlabel
    plt.ylabel = ylabel
    plt.aspect_ratio = 1

    xfit = np.linspace(0, xr[1])
    yfit = res['offset'] + res['slope'] * xfit

    pts = biggles.Points(x, y, type='filled circle')
    c = biggles.Curve(xfit, yfit, color='blue')

    if label_error:
        alab = r'$slope = %.3g \pm %.3g' % (res['slope'], res['slope_err'])
        blab = r'$offset = %.3g \pm %.3g' % (res['offset'], res['offset_err'])
        alab = r'$slope = %.3g' % (res['slope'], )
        blab = r'$offset = %.3g' % (res['offset'], )
    alabel = biggles.PlotLabel(0.9, 0.9, alab, halign='right')
    blabel = biggles.PlotLabel(0.9, 0.85, blab, halign='right')

    plt.add(c, pts, alabel, blabel)

    plotfile = files.get_plot_url(args.runs[0], extra)

    print("writing:", plotfile)

    if args.show:
Example #16
    def plot(self, xkey, *ykey, **arg):
        Plot pairs of item values. The additional arg arguments are handed
        over to biggles.Points(). The special xkey value 'index' uses the
        position of each item as x-axis. If only one key is given,
        it is taken as ykey and the x-axis is the index of each item

        C{ EXAMPLE: plot( xkey, [ykey1, ykey2..],[arg1=x, arg2=y]) }
        C{         -> biggles.FramedPlot }

        @param xkey: key for x-values
        @type  xkey: any
        @param ykey: key for y-values
        @type  ykey: any
        @param arg: arguments handed over to biggles.Points()
        @type  arg: any

        @return: Biggles.FramedPlot, display with show() !
        @rtype:  Biggles.FramedPlot
        if not biggles:
            raise ImportError, 'biggles module could not be imported.'

        if len(ykey) == 0:
            xkey, ykey = 'index', [xkey]

        plot = biggles.FramedPlot()

        plot.xlabel = xkey

        colors = C.colorRange(len(ykey))

        if not 'size' in arg:
            arg['size'] = 1

        for i in range(len(ykey)):

            x = range(len(self))
            if xkey != 'index':
                x = self.valuesOf(xkey)

            y = self.valuesOf(ykey[i])

            x, y = self.__maskNone(x, y)

            plot.add(biggles.Points(x, y, color=colors[i], **arg))

                                  0.95 - i / 8.0,

        return plot
Example #17
def plotRmsLabels(nr, rmsd_dic, mask, pad=1):
    nr - number of models (usually 1+10)
    mask - names of maska to use
    add rmsd values to plot
    -> biggles object
    ## label position tweeking
    step = 1. / ((nr - 1) + (pad * 2))
    shift = step * pad + array(range(0, nr), 'f') * step

    p = []
    for c in range(0, nr):
        m, r, l = getRmsdValues(rmsd_dic, mask)

        p += [biggles.PlotLabel(shift[c], -0.02, r[c][0], size=1)]
        p += [biggles.PlotLabel(shift[c], -0.04, r[c][1], size=1)]
        p += [biggles.PlotLabel(shift[c], -0.09, m[c], size=3)]

        p += [biggles.PlotLabel(-0.03, shift[c] + 0.01, l[c][0], size=1)]
        p += [biggles.PlotLabel(-0.03, shift[c] - 0.01, l[c][1], size=1)]
        p += [biggles.PlotLabel(-0.09, shift[c], m[c], size=3)]

    return p
Example #18
    def plotArray(self, *name, **arg):
        Plot several profiles as a panel of separate plots.
        :param *name: one or more profile names or tuples of profile names
        :type  *name: str or (str, str,...)
        :param xkey: profile to be used as x-axis (default: None)
        :type  xkey: str
        :param arg: key=value pairs for Biggles.Curve() function
        :type  arg: 

        :return: plot, view using plot.show() 
        :rtype: biggles.FramedPlot

        :raise TypeError: if profile contains non-number items
        :raise ImportError: If biggles module could not be imported
        if not biggles:
            raise ImportError('module biggles could not be imported')

        plot = biggles.FramedArray(len(name), 1)

        if not 'size' in arg:
            arg['size'] = 1

        xkey = arg.get('xkey', None)
        if xkey:
            plot.xlabel = xkey

        for i, keys in enumerate(name):

            if not type(keys) is tuple:
                keys = (keys, )

            for j, key in enumerate(keys):

                x = self.get(xkey, list(range(self.profLength())))
                y = self[key]

                colors = [0] + T.colorSpectrum(len(keys), '00FF00', 'FF00FF')

                plot[i, 0].add(biggles.Curve(x, y, color=colors[j], **arg))

                plot[i, 0].add(
                                      0.95 - j * 0.1,

        return plot
Example #19
    def plotArray(self, xkey, *ykey, **arg):
        Plot pairs of item values.

        C{ EXAMPLE: plot( xkey, [ykey1, ykey2..],[arg1=x, arg2=y]) }
        C{         -> biggles.FramedPlot                           }

        @param xkey: key for x-values
        @type  xkey: any
        @param ykey: key for y-values
        @type  ykey: any
        @param arg: arguments handed over to biggles.Points()
        @type  arg: any

        @return: Biggles.FramedArray, display with show()
        @rtype: Biggles.FramedArray
        if not biggles:
            raise ImportError, 'biggles module could not be imported.'

        if len(ykey) == 0:
            xkey, ykey = 'index', [xkey]

        plot = biggles.FramedArray(len(ykey), 1)

        plot.xlabel = xkey

        colors = C.colorRange(len(ykey))

        if not 'size' in arg:
            arg['size'] = 1

        for i in range(len(ykey)):

            x = range(len(self))
            if xkey != 'index':
                x = self.valuesOf(xkey)

            y = self.valuesOf(ykey[i])

            x, y = self.__maskNone(x, y)

            plot[i, 0].add(biggles.Points(x, y, color=colors[i], **arg))

                 0].add(biggles.PlotLabel(0.2, 0.95, ykey[i], color=colors[i]))

        return plot
Example #20
    def __plotSequence(self, list, **arg):
        add curve to current plot, with x1..xn = 0..n and y1..yn = |list|

        @param list: list to plot
        @type  list: [any]        
        if not biggles:
            raise ImportError, 'biggles module could not be imported.'        

        self.plot.add( biggles.Curve( range( len(list) ), list, **arg ) )

        if arg.has_key('label'):
            self.plot.lastY -= .05

            self.plot.add( biggles.PlotLabel( self.plot.lastX, self.plot.lastY,
                                              arg['label'], **arg ))
Example #21
    def plot(self, xkey, *ykey, **arg):
        Plot pairs of info values. The additional arg arguments are handed
        over to biggles.Points().::
          plot( xkey, [ykey1, ykey2..],[arg1=x, arg2=y]) -> biggles.FramedPlot

        @param xkey: key specifying x-values
        @type  xkey: str
        @param ykey: key specifying y-values
        @type  ykey: str OR [str]
        @param arg: additional biggles arguments
        @type  arg: key=value

        @return: biggles plot object
        @rtype: biggles.FramedPlot()
        if not biggles:
            raise ImportError('biggles module could not be imported.')

        plot = biggles.FramedPlot()

        plot.xlabel = xkey

        colors = t.colorSpectrum(len(ykey))

        if not 'size' in arg:
            arg['size'] = 1

        for i in range(len(ykey)):

            x = self.valuesOf(xkey)
            y = self.valuesOf(ykey[i])

            x, y = self.__maskNone(x, y)

            plot.add(biggles.Points(x, y, color=colors[i], **arg))

                                  0.95 - i / 8.0,

        return plot
Example #22
    def plot(self, *name, **arg):
        Plot one or more profiles using Biggles::
          plot( name1, [name2, ..],[arg1=x, arg2=y]) -> biggles.FramedPlot
        :param name: one or more profile names
        :type  name: str
        :param arg: key=value pairs for Biggles.Curve() function
        :type  arg: 
        :raise TypeError: if profile contains non-number items

        :return: plot, view using plot.show() 
        :rtype: biggles.FramedPlot

        :raise ImportError: If biggles module could not be imported
        if not biggles:
            raise ImportError('module biggles could not be imported')

        plot = biggles.FramedPlot()

        colors = T.colorSpectrum(len(name), '00FF00', 'FF00FF')

        for i in range(len(name)):

            p = N.array(self.get(name[i]))

            if p.dtype in ['O', 'c']:
                raise TypeError('Cannot plot values of profile %s.' % name[i])

            # Biggles with its old Numeric cannot handle numpy arrays

                biggles.PlotLabel(0.8, 0.8 - i / 8.0, name[i],

        return plot
Example #23
    def test_example3(self):
        x = numpy.arange(0, 3 * numpy.pi, numpy.pi / 10)
        y = numpy.sin(x)

        p = biggles.FramedPlot()
        p.title = "Title"
        p.xlabel = "X axis"
        p.ylabel = "Y axis"

        p.add(biggles.PlotLabel(.5, .5, "Histogram", color=0xcc0000))

        t1 = biggles.Table(1, 2)
        t1[0, 0] = p
        t1[0, 1] = p

        t2 = biggles.Table(2, 1)
        t2[0, 0] = t1
        t2[1, 0] = p

        _write_example(3, p)
Example #24
def subPlot(data, data_keys, x_key, y_key):

    ## data
    x_dat = data[keys.index(x_key)]
    y_dat = data[keys.index(y_key)]
    print x_key, y_key, keys.index(x_key), keys.index(y_key)
    ## outline data
    y_val = []
    for v in y_dat:
        if not v in y_val:
            y_val += [v]

    y_val = sort(y_val)

    x_max = []
    x_min = []
    for v in y_val:
        x_sub_dat = compress(v == y_dat, x_dat)
        x_max += [max(x_sub_dat)]
        x_min += [min(x_sub_dat)]

##     y_val = Biskit.mathUtils.runningAverage( y_val, 3 )
##     x_max = Biskit.mathUtils.runningAverage( x_max, 3 )
##     x_min = Biskit.mathUtils.runningAverage( x_min, 3 )

## collect plots
    sp = []

    sp += [biggles.Curve(x_max, y_val, color='grey')]
    sp += [biggles.Curve(x_min, y_val, color='grey')]

    sp += [biggles.Points(x_dat, y_dat, type='dot', size=1)]
    sp += [biggles.PlotLabel(.8, .9, y_key, size=3)]

    return sp
Example #25
def compare_images_mosaic(im1, im2, **keys):
    import biggles
    import copy
    import images

    show = keys.get('show', True)
    ymin = keys.get('min', None)
    ymax = keys.get('max', None)

    color1 = keys.get('color1', 'blue')
    color2 = keys.get('color2', 'orange')
    colordiff = keys.get('colordiff', 'red')

    nrow = 2
    ncol = 3

    label1 = keys.get('label1', 'im1')
    label2 = keys.get('label2', 'im2')

    cen = keys.get('cen', None)
    if cen is None:
        cen = [(im1.shape[0] - 1) / 2., (im1.shape[1] - 1) / 2.]

    labelres = '%s-%s' % (label1, label2)

    biggles.configure('default', 'fontsize_min', 1.)

    if im1.shape != im2.shape:
        raise ValueError("images must be the same shape")

    #resid = im2-im1
    resid = im1 - im2

    # will only be used if type is contour
    tab = biggles.Table(2, 1)
    if 'title' in keys:
        tab.title = keys['title']

    tkeys = copy.deepcopy(keys)
    tkeys.pop('title', None)
    tkeys['show'] = False
    tkeys['file'] = None

    tkeys['nonlinear'] = None
    # this has no effect
    tkeys['min'] = resid.min()
    tkeys['max'] = resid.max()

    mosaic = np.zeros((im1.shape[0], 3 * im1.shape[1]))
    ncols = im1.shape[1]
    mosaic[:, 0:ncols] = im1
    mosaic[:, ncols:2 * ncols] = im2
    mosaic[:, 2 * ncols:3 * ncols] = resid

    residplt = images.view(mosaic, **tkeys)

    dof = im1.size
    chi2per = (resid**2).sum() / dof
    lab = biggles.PlotLabel(0.9,
                            r'$\chi^2/npix$: %.3e' % chi2per,

    cen0 = int(cen[0])
    cen1 = int(cen[1])
    im1rows = im1[:, cen1]
    im1cols = im1[cen0, :]
    im2rows = im2[:, cen1]
    im2cols = im2[cen0, :]
    resrows = resid[:, cen1]
    rescols = resid[cen0, :]

    him1rows = biggles.Histogram(im1rows, color=color1)
    him1cols = biggles.Histogram(im1cols, color=color1)
    him2rows = biggles.Histogram(im2rows, color=color2)
    him2cols = biggles.Histogram(im2cols, color=color2)
    hresrows = biggles.Histogram(resrows, color=colordiff)
    hrescols = biggles.Histogram(rescols, color=colordiff)

    him1rows.label = label1
    him2rows.label = label2
    hresrows.label = labelres
    key = biggles.PlotKey(0.1, 0.9, [him1rows, him2rows, hresrows])

    rplt = biggles.FramedPlot()
    rplt.add(him1rows, him2rows, hresrows, key)
    rplt.xlabel = 'Center Rows'

    cplt = biggles.FramedPlot()
    cplt.add(him1cols, him2cols, hrescols)
    cplt.xlabel = 'Center Columns'

    rplt.aspect_ratio = 1
    cplt.aspect_ratio = 1

    ctab = biggles.Table(1, 2)
    ctab[0, 0] = rplt
    ctab[0, 1] = cplt

    tab[0, 0] = residplt
    tab[1, 0] = ctab

    images._writefile_maybe(tab, **keys)
    images._show_maybe(tab, **keys)

    return tab
            yerr2.append(sqrt(gwhich[n][1]**2 + gwhich[n][2]**2))
    return x, y, yerr1, yerr2

p = biggles.Table(1, 3)
p[0, 0] = biggles.FramedPlot()
p[0, 0].add(biggles.LineX(1.216, linetype="longdashed", linecolor="black"))
p[0, 0].add(biggles.LineX(1.216 + 0.027, linetype="dotted", linecolor="black"))
p[0, 0].add(biggles.LineX(1.216 - 0.027, linetype="dotted", linecolor="black"))
p[0, 0].add(biggles.LineY(0.5))
p[0, 0].add(
x, y, yerr1, yerr2 = fillemup(g1)
p[0, 0].add(biggles.Points(y, x, symboltype="filled circle", symbolsize=1.5))
p[0, 0].add(biggles.SymmetricErrorBarsX(y, x, yerr1))
p[0, 0].add(biggles.SymmetricErrorBarsX(y, x, yerr2))
x, y, yerr1, yerr2 = fillemup_mine(g1)
p[0, 0].add(
                   symboltype="filled circle",
p[0, 0].add(biggles.SymmetricErrorBarsX(y, x, yerr1, color="red"))
p[0, 0].add(biggles.SymmetricErrorBarsX(y, x, yerr2, color="red"))
Example #27
    if yerri == 0.:
        sigmas.append(float(yi - ymedian) / float(yerri))
r = hist.prehist(sigmas)
sigshist = hist.h1(30, -6, 6).fill(sigmas)
sigsplot = sigshist.plot(False)
sigsplot.add(sigshist.stepsfill(-6, -2, True))
sigsplot.add(sigshist.stepsfill(2, 6, True))
sigsplot.x1.label = "Sigmas away from median efficiency"
        1. / 6.,
        1. / 5.,
        str(int(round(sigshist.sum(-6, -2) + sigshist.underflow))) +
        r" runs with low $\epsilon$",
    biggles.PlotLabel(5. / 6.,
                      1. / 5.,
                      str(int(round(sigshist.sum(2, 6) + sigshist.overflow))) +
                      r" runs with high $\epsilon$",
                      1. / 5.,
Example #28
#!/usr/bin/env python

import biggles
import math
import numpy

x = numpy.arange(0, 3 * math.pi, math.pi / 10)
y = numpy.sin(x)

p = biggles.FramedPlot()
p.title = "Title"
p.xlabel = "X axis"
p.ylabel = "Y axis"

p.add(biggles.PlotLabel(.5, .5, "Histogram", color=0xcc0000))

t1 = biggles.Table(1, 2)
t1[0, 0] = p
t1[0, 1] = p

t2 = biggles.Table(2, 1)
t2[0, 0] = t1
t2[1, 0] = p

t2.write("example3.png", dpi=55)
Example #29
plots = 4

## add aditional plot as specified in options
additional = options.get('additional_profile', None)
if additional:
    aRec, aLig = toIntList(additional)
    plots = 5

b = biggles.FramedArray(plots, 1)
b.title = cName
b.xlabel = 'solution'
b.ylabel = 'fraction of native contacts'

## xray
b[0, 0].add(biggles.Curve(range(512), data[0][0]))
b[0, 0].add(biggles.PlotLabel(.5, .95, 'Xray', size=4))

## best solutions
r, l = best_soln[0], best_soln[1]
b[1, 0].add(biggles.Curve(range(512), data[r - 1][l - 1]))
label = 'the highest number of good scoring solutions (%i/%i)' % (r, l)
b[1, 0].add(biggles.PlotLabel(.5, .95, label, size=4))

## best rank
r, l = best_rank[0], best_rank[1]
b[2, 0].add(biggles.Curve(range(512), data[r - 1][l - 1]))
label = 'the largest number of high rankng solutions (%i/%i)' % (r, l)
b[2, 0].add(biggles.PlotLabel(.5, .95, label, size=4))

## best overall
r, l = best[0], best[1]
   0].add(biggles.Points(rnum, eff, symboltype="filled circle",
p1[0, 0].add(biggles.SymmetricErrorBarsY(rnum, eff, efferr))
p1[0, 0].add(biggles.LineY(1., linetype="dotted"))
p1[0, 0].yrange = (0.987, 1.005)
p1[0, 0].xrange = (min(rnum) - 100, max(rnum) + 100)
   0].add(biggles.Points(rnum, eff, symboltype="filled circle",
p1[1, 0].add(biggles.SymmetricErrorBarsY(rnum, eff, efferr))
p1[1, 0].add(biggles.LineY(1., linetype="dotted"))
p1[1, 0].yrange = (0.8, 1.1)
p1[1, 0].xrange = (min(rnum) - 100, max(rnum) + 100)
p1.xlabel = "Run number"
p1.ylabel = "BarrelBhabha trigger efficiency"
p1[1, 0].add(biggles.PlotLabel(0.25, 0.25, "same outliers as last time"))
print map(lambda (r, e): r, filter(lambda (r, e): e < 0.99, zip(rnum, eff)))
print filter(lambda (r, err): err == 0., zip(rnum, efferr))

p1 = biggles.FramedPlot()
p1.add(biggles.Points(rnum, eff, symboltype="filled circle", symbolsize=0.7))
p1.add(biggles.SymmetricErrorBarsY(rnum, eff, efferr))
p1.add(biggles.LineY(1., linetype="dotted"))
p1.yrange = (0.987, 1.005)
p1.xrange = (min(rnum) - 100, max(rnum) + 100)
p1.x1.label = "Run number"
p1.y1.label = "BarrelBhabha trigger efficiency"
    biggles.PlotLabel(0.5, 0.15,