cli = controller.cli() rest = controller.restGet cli2 = env.node2().cli() log("Restarting Floodlight with Quantum config") floodlightLoadQuantumConfig(cli) cli.gotoBashMode() cli.runCmd("sudo mn -c") cli2.gotoBashMode() cli2.gotoMininetMode("--controller=remote --ip=%s --mac --topo=linear,5" % controller.ipAddress()) hostmacs = ["00:00:00:00:00:%02x" % x for x in xrange(6,11)] switches = ["00:00:00:00:00:00:00:%02x" % x for x in xrange(1,6)] controller.waitForSwitches(switches) createVirtualNetwork(controller, "ten1", "net1", "guid1", "") addHostToVirtualNetwork(controller, "ten1", "guid1", "port1", "attach1", hostmacs[0]) addHostToVirtualNetwork(controller, "ten1", "guid1", "port2", "attach2", hostmacs[1]) createVirtualNetwork(controller, "ten2", "net2", "guid2", "") addHostToVirtualNetwork(controller, "ten2", "guid2", "port3", "attach3", hostmacs[2]) addHostToVirtualNetwork(controller, "ten2", "guid2", "port4", "attach4", hostmacs[3]) verifyPing(cli2, 'h6', 'h7') verifyPing(cli2, 'h8', 'h9') verifyNoPing(cli2, 'h6', 'h8') verifyNoPing(cli2, 'h7', 'h9') # verify default gateway works verifyPing(cli2, 'h10', 'h8') verifyPing(cli2, 'h6', 'h10') verifyPing(cli2, 'h8', 'h10')
['output=controller', "{u'length': 8, u'type': u'OUTPUT', u'port': -3, u'lengthU': 8, u'maxLength': 32767}" ], ['enqueue=0:3', "{u'queueId': 3, u'length': 16, u'type': u'OPAQUE_ENQUEUE', u'port': 0, u'lengthU': 16}"], ['set-vlan-id=200', "{u'length': 8, u'virtualLanIdentifier': 200, u'type': u'SET_VLAN_ID', u'lengthU': 8}" ], ['set-vlan-priority=5', "{u'length': 8, u'type': u'SET_VLAN_PCP', u'lengthU': 8, u'virtualLanPriorityCodePoint': 5}" ], ['strip-vlan', "{u'length': 8, u'type': u'STRIP_VLAN', u'lengthU': 8}" ], ['set-src-mac=00:11:22:33:44:55', "{u'dataLayerAddress': u'00:11:22:33:44:55', u'length': 16, u'type': u'SET_DL_SRC', u'lengthU': 16}" ], ['set-dst-mac=ff:ee:dd:cc:bb:aa', "{u'dataLayerAddress': u'ff:ee:dd:cc:bb:aa', u'length': 16, u'type': u'SET_DL_DST', u'lengthU': 16}" ], ['set-src-ip=', "{u'type': u'SET_NW_SRC', u'length': 8, u'networkAddress': 16909060, u'lengthU': 8}" ], ['set-dst-ip=', "{u'type': u'SET_NW_DST', u'length': 8, u'networkAddress': -16908544, u'lengthU': 8}" ], ['set-tos-bits=0x07', "{u'networkTypeOfService': 7, u'type': u'SET_NW_TOS', u'length': 8, u'lengthU': 8}" ], ['set-src-port=100', "{u'length': 8, u'type': u'SET_TP_SRC', u'lengthU': 8, u'transportPort': 100}" ], ['set-dst-port=0x100', "{u'length': 8, u'type': u'SET_TP_DST', u'lengthU': 8, u'transportPort': 256}" ], ] log("Verify that the switch exists and is active") controller.waitForSwitches([dpid]) # pushes a string representation of a flow the the static flow pusher Rest API def push_flow(sFlow): controller.urlPost('/wm/staticflowentrypusher/json', sFlow) # creates a static flow string with a single action to be pushed to the static flow pusher REST API def create_single_action_static_flow_post_data(action): return '{"switch": "%s", "name":"flow-mod-1", "cookie":"0", "priority":"32768", "ingress-port":"1","active":"true", "actions":"%s"}' % (dpid, action) # creates a static flow string with all actions to be pushed to the static flow pusher REST API def create_all_action_static_flow_post_data(): actionList = [] for i in range(0,len(actions)): if(i > 0): actionList.append(',')
[ 'set-tos-bits=0x07', "{u'networkTypeOfService': 7, u'type': u'SET_NW_TOS', u'length': 8, u'lengthU': 8}" ], [ 'set-src-port=100', "{u'length': 8, u'type': u'SET_TP_SRC', u'lengthU': 8, u'transportPort': 100}" ], [ 'set-dst-port=0x100', "{u'length': 8, u'type': u'SET_TP_DST', u'lengthU': 8, u'transportPort': 256}" ], ] log("Verify that the switch exists and is active") controller.waitForSwitches([dpid]) # pushes a string representation of a flow the the static flow pusher Rest API def push_flow(sFlow): controller.urlPost('/wm/staticflowentrypusher/json', sFlow) # creates a static flow string with a single action to be pushed to the static flow pusher REST API def create_single_action_static_flow_post_data(action): return '{"switch": "%s", "name":"flow-mod-1", "cookie":"0", "priority":"32768", "ingress-port":"1","active":"true", "actions":"%s"}' % ( dpid, action) # creates a static flow string with all actions to be pushed to the static flow pusher REST API def create_all_action_static_flow_post_data():