Example #1
    def folderitem(self, obj, item, index):
        """Service triggered each time an item is iterated in folderitems.

        The use of this service prevents the extra-loops in child objects.

        :obj: the instance of the class to be foldered
        :item: dict containing the properties of the object to be used by
            the template
        :index: current index of the item
        DueDate = obj.getDueDate

        item["getDateReceived"] = self.ulocalized_time(obj.getDateReceived)
        item["getDueDate"] = self.ulocalized_time(DueDate)

        if DueDate and DueDate < DateTime():
            item["after"]["DueDate"] = get_image("late.png",
                                                 title=t(_("Late Analysis")))

        # Add Priority column
        priority_sort_key = obj.getPrioritySortkey
        if not priority_sort_key:
            # Default priority is Medium = 3.
            # The format of PrioritySortKey is <priority>.<created>
            priority_sort_key = "3.%s" % obj.created.ISO8601()

        priority = priority_sort_key.split(".")[0]
        priority_text = t(PRIORITIES.getValue(priority))
        html = "<div title='{}' class='priority-ico priority-{}'><div>"
        item["replace"]["Priority"] = html.format(priority_text, priority)

        return item
Example #2
 def folderitem(self, obj, item, index):
     :obj: is a brain
     # Call the folderitem method from the base class
     item = BikaListingView.folderitem(self, obj, item, index)
     item['getDateReceived'] = self.ulocalized_time(obj.getDateReceived)
     DueDate = obj.getDueDate
     item['getDueDate'] = self.ulocalized_time(DueDate)
     if DueDate < DateTime():
         item['after']['DueDate'] = '<img width="16" height="16"'
         ' src="%s/++resource++bika.lims.images/late.png" title="%s"/>' % \
              t(_("Late Analysis")))
     if self.hideclientlink:
         del item['replace']['Client']
     # Add Priority column
     priority_sort_key = obj.getPrioritySortkey
     if not priority_sort_key:
         # Default priority is Medium = 3.
         # The format of PrioritySortKey is <priority>.<created>
         priority_sort_key = '3.%s' % obj.created.ISO8601()
     priority = priority_sort_key.split('.')[0]
     priority_text = PRIORITIES.getValue(priority)
     priority_div = '<div class="priority-ico priority-%s"><span class="notext">%s</span><div>'
     item['replace']['Priority'] = priority_div % (priority, priority_text)
     return item
Example #3
    def folderitem(self, obj, item, index):
        # Additional info from AnalysisRequest to be added in the item
        # generated by default by bikalisting.
        # Call the folderitem method from the base class
        item = super(SamplesView, self).folderitem(obj, item, index)
        if not item:
            return None

        item["Creator"] = self.user_fullname(obj.Creator)
        # If we redirect from the folderitems view we should check if the
        # user has permissions to medify the element or not.
        priority_sort_key = obj.getPrioritySortkey
        if not priority_sort_key:
            # Default priority is Medium = 3.
            # The format of PrioritySortKey is <priority>.<created>
            priority_sort_key = "3.%s" % obj.created.ISO8601()
        priority = priority_sort_key.split(".")[0]
        priority_text = PRIORITIES.getValue(priority)
        priority_div = """<div class="priority-ico priority-%s">
                          <span class="notext">%s</span><div>
        item["replace"]["Priority"] = priority_div % (priority, priority_text)
        item["replace"]["getProfilesTitle"] = obj.getProfilesTitleStr

        analysesnum = obj.getAnalysesNum
        if analysesnum:
            num_verified = str(analysesnum[0])
            num_total = str(analysesnum[1])
            item["getAnalysesNum"] = "{0}/{1}".format(num_verified, num_total)
            item["getAnalysesNum"] = ""

        # Progress
        progress_perc = obj.getProgress
        item["Progress"] = progress_perc
        item["replace"]["Progress"] = get_progress_bar_html(progress_perc)

        item["BatchID"] = obj.getBatchID
        if obj.getBatchID:
            item['replace']['BatchID'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                                         (obj.getBatchURL, obj.getBatchID)
        # TODO: SubGroup ???
        # val = obj.Schema().getField('SubGroup').get(obj)
        # item['SubGroup'] = val.Title() if val else ''

        item["SamplingDate"] = self.str_date(obj.getSamplingDate)
        item["getDateReceived"] = self.str_date(obj.getDateReceived)
        item["getDueDate"] = self.str_date(obj.getDueDate)
        item["getDatePublished"] = self.str_date(obj.getDatePublished)
        item["getDateVerified"] = self.str_date(obj.getDateVerified)

        if self.is_printing_workflow_enabled:
            item["Printed"] = ""
            printed = obj.getPrinted if hasattr(obj, "getPrinted") else "0"
            print_icon = ""
            if printed == "0":
                print_icon = get_image("delete.png",
                                       title=t(_("Not printed yet")))
            elif printed == "1":
                print_icon = get_image("ok.png",
            elif printed == "2":
                print_icon = get_image(
                    title=t(_("Republished after last print")))
            item["after"]["Printed"] = print_icon
        item["SamplingDeviation"] = obj.getSamplingDeviationTitle

        item["getStorageLocation"] = obj.getStorageLocationTitle

        after_icons = ""
        if obj.assigned_state == 'assigned':
            after_icons += get_image("worksheet.png",
                                     title=t(_("All analyses assigned")))
        if item["review_state"] == 'invalid':
            after_icons += get_image("delete.png",
                                     title=t(_("Results have been withdrawn")))

        due_date = obj.getDueDate
        if due_date and due_date < (obj.getDatePublished or DateTime()):
            due_date_str = self.ulocalized_time(due_date)
            img_title = "{}: {}".format(t(_("Late Analyses")), due_date_str)
            after_icons += get_image("late.png", title=img_title)

        if obj.getSamplingDate and obj.getSamplingDate > DateTime():
            after_icons += get_image("calendar.png",
                                     title=t(_("Future dated sample")))
        if obj.getInvoiceExclude:
            after_icons += get_image("invoice_exclude.png",
                                     title=t(_("Exclude from invoice")))
        if obj.getHazardous:
            after_icons += get_image("hazardous.png",

        if obj.getInternalUse:
            after_icons += get_image("locked.png", title=t(_("Internal use")))

        if after_icons:
            item['after']['getId'] = after_icons

        item['Created'] = self.ulocalized_time(obj.created, long_format=1)
        if obj.getContactUID:
            item['ClientContact'] = obj.getContactFullName
            item['replace']['ClientContact'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                                               (obj.getContactURL, obj.getContactFullName)
            item["ClientContact"] = ""
        # TODO-performance: If SamplingWorkflowEnabled, we have to get the
        # full object to check the user permissions, so far this is
        # a performance hit.
        if obj.getSamplingWorkflowEnabled:
            # We don't do anything with Sampling Date.
            # User can modify Sampling date
            # inside AR view. In this listing view,
            # we only let the user to edit Date Sampled
            # and Sampler if he wants to make 'sample' transaction.
            if not obj.getDateSampled:
                datesampled = self.ulocalized_time(
                    DateTime(), long_format=True)
                item["class"]["getDateSampled"] = "provisional"
                datesampled = self.ulocalized_time(obj.getDateSampled,

            sampler = obj.getSampler
            if sampler:
                item["replace"]["getSampler"] = obj.getSamplerFullName
            if "Sampler" in self.roles and not sampler:
                sampler = self.member.id
                item["class"]["getSampler"] = "provisional"
            # sampling workflow - inline edits for Sampler and Date Sampled
            if item["review_state"] == 'to_be_sampled':
                # We need to get the full object in order to check
                # the permissions
                full_object = obj.getObject()
                checkPermission = \

                # TODO Do we really need this check?
                if checkPermission(TransitionSampleSample, full_object):
                    item["required"] = ["getSampler", "getDateSampled"]
                    item["allow_edit"] = ["getSampler", "getDateSampled"]
                    # TODO-performance: hit performance while getting the
                    # sample object...
                    # TODO Can LabManagers be a Sampler?!
                    samplers = getUsers(full_object, ["Sampler", ])
                    username = self.member.getUserName()
                    users = [({
                        "ResultValue": u,
                        "ResultText": samplers.getValue(u)}) for u in samplers]
                    item['choices'] = {'getSampler': users}
                    Sampler = sampler and sampler or \
                              (username in samplers.keys() and username) or ''
                    sampler = Sampler
                    datesampled = self.ulocalized_time(obj.getDateSampled,
                    sampler = obj.getSamplerFullName if obj.getSampler else ''
            datesampled = self.ulocalized_time(obj.getDateSampled,
            sampler = ""
        item["getDateSampled"] = datesampled
        item["getSampler"] = sampler

        # These don't exist on ARs
        # XXX This should be a list of preservers...
        item["getPreserver"] = ""
        item["getDatePreserved"] = ""

        # Assign parent and children partitions of this sample
        if self.show_partitions:
            item["parent"] = obj.getRawParentAnalysisRequest
            item["children"] = obj.getDescendantsUIDs or []

        return item
    def folderitem(self, obj, item, index):
        # Additional info from AnalysisRequest to be added in the item
        # generated by default by bikalisting.
        # Call the folderitem method from the base class
        item = BikaListingView.folderitem(self, obj, item, index)
        if not item:
            return None
        # This variable will contain the full analysis request if there is
        # need to work with the full object instead of the brain
        full_object = None
        item["Creator"] = self.user_fullname(obj.Creator)
        # If we redirect from the folderitems view we should check if the
        # user has permissions to medify the element or not.
        priority_sort_key = obj.getPrioritySortkey
        if not priority_sort_key:
            # Default priority is Medium = 3.
            # The format of PrioritySortKey is <priority>.<created>
            priority_sort_key = "3.%s" % obj.created.ISO8601()
        priority = priority_sort_key.split(".")[0]
        priority_text = PRIORITIES.getValue(priority)
        priority_div = """<div class="priority-ico priority-%s">
                          <span class="notext">%s</span><div>
        item["replace"]["Priority"] = priority_div % (priority, priority_text)
        item["replace"]["getProfilesTitle"] = obj.getProfilesTitleStr

        analysesnum = obj.getAnalysesNum
        if analysesnum:
            num_verified = str(analysesnum[0])
            num_total = str(analysesnum[1])
            item["getAnalysesNum"] = "{0}/{1}".format(num_verified, num_total)
            item["getAnalysesNum"] = ""

        # Progress
        num_verified = 0
        num_submitted = 0
        num_total = 0
        if analysesnum and len(analysesnum) > 1:
            num_verified = analysesnum[0]
            num_total = analysesnum[1]
            num_submitted = num_total - num_verified
            if len(analysesnum) > 2:
                num_wo_results = analysesnum[2]
                num_submitted = num_total - num_verified - num_wo_results
        num_steps_total = num_total * 2
        num_steps = (num_verified * 2) + (num_submitted)
        progress_perc = 0
        if num_steps > 0 and num_steps_total > 0:
            progress_perc = (num_steps * 100) / num_steps_total
        progress = '<div class="progress-bar-container">' + \
                   '<div class="progress-bar" style="width:{0}%"></div>' + \
                   '<div class="progress-perc">{0}%</div></div>'
        item["replace"]["Progress"] = progress.format(progress_perc)

        item["BatchID"] = obj.getBatchID
        if obj.getBatchID:
            item['replace']['BatchID'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                (obj.getBatchURL, obj.getBatchID)
        # TODO: SubGroup ???
        # val = obj.Schema().getField('SubGroup').get(obj)
        # item['SubGroup'] = val.Title() if val else ''

        date = obj.getSamplingDate
        item["SamplingDate"] = \
            self.ulocalized_time(date, long_format=1) if date else ""
        date = obj.getDateReceived
        item["getDateReceived"] = \
            self.ulocalized_time(date, long_format=1) if date else ""
        date = obj.getDatePublished
        item["getDatePublished"] = \
            self.ulocalized_time(date, long_format=1) if date else ""
        date = obj.getDateVerified
        item["getDateVerified"] = \
            self.ulocalized_time(date, long_format=1) if date else ""

        if self.printwfenabled:
            item["Printed"] = ""
            printed = obj.getPrinted if hasattr(obj, "getPrinted") else "0"
            print_icon = ""
            if printed == "0":
                print_icon = \
                    """<img src='%s/++resource++bika.lims.images/delete.png'
                    """ % (self.portal_url, t(_("Not printed yet")))
            elif printed == "1":
                print_icon = \
                    """<img src='%s/++resource++bika.lims.images/ok.png'
                    """ % (self.portal_url, t(_("Printed")))
            elif printed == "2":
                print_icon = \
                        """ \
                    % (self.portal_url, t(_("Republished after last print")))
            item["after"]["Printed"] = print_icon
        item["SamplingDeviation"] = obj.getSamplingDeviationTitle

        item["getStorageLocation"] = obj.getStorageLocationTitle

        after_icons = ""
        # Getting a dictionary with each workflow id and current state in it
        states_dict = obj.getObjectWorkflowStates
        if obj.assigned_state == 'assigned':
            after_icons += \
                """<img src='%s/++resource++bika.lims.images/worksheet.png'
                """ % (self.portal_url, t(_("All analyses assigned")))
        if states_dict.get('review_state', '') == 'invalid':
            after_icons += \
                """<img src='%s/++resource++bika.lims.images/delete.png'
                """ % (self.portal_url, t(_("Results have been withdrawn")))
        if obj.getLate:
            after_icons += \
                """<img src='%s/++resource++bika.lims.images/late.png'
                """ % (self.portal_url, t(_("Late Analyses")))
        if obj.getSamplingDate and obj.getSamplingDate > DateTime():
            after_icons += \
                """<img src='%s/++resource++bika.lims.images/calendar.png'
                """ % (self.portal_url, t(_("Future dated sample")))
        if obj.getInvoiceExclude:
            after_icons += \
                """ % (self.portal_url, t(_("Exclude from invoice")))
        if obj.getHazardous:
            after_icons += \
                """<img src='%s/++resource++bika.lims.images/hazardous.png'
                """ % (self.portal_url, t(_("Hazardous")))
        if after_icons:
            item['after']['getId'] = after_icons

        item['Created'] = self.ulocalized_time(obj.created, long_format=1)
        if obj.getContactUID:
            item['ClientContact'] = obj.getContactFullName
            item['replace']['ClientContact'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                (obj.getContactURL, obj.getContactFullName)
            item["ClientContact"] = ""
        # TODO-performance: If SamplingWorkflowEnabled, we have to get the
        # full object to check the user permissions, so far this is
        # a performance hit.
        if obj.getSamplingWorkflowEnabled:
            # We don't do anything with Sampling Date.
            # User can modify Sampling date
            # inside AR view. In this listing view,
            # we only let the user to edit Date Sampled
            # and Sampler if he wants to make 'sample' transaction.
            if not obj.getDateSampled:
                datesampled = self.ulocalized_time(DateTime(),
                item["class"]["getDateSampled"] = "provisional"
                datesampled = self.ulocalized_time(obj.getDateSampled,

            sampler = obj.getSampler
            if sampler:
                item["replace"]["getSampler"] = obj.getSamplerFullName
            if "Sampler" in self.roles and not sampler:
                sampler = self.member.id
                item["class"]["getSampler"] = "provisional"
            # sampling workflow - inline edits for Sampler and Date Sampled
            if states_dict.get('review_state', '') == 'to_be_sampled':
                # We need to get the full object in order to check
                # the permissions
                full_object = obj.getObject()
                checkPermission =\
                if checkPermission(SampleSample, full_object):
                    item["required"] = ["getSampler", "getDateSampled"]
                    item["allow_edit"] = ["getSampler", "getDateSampled"]
                    # TODO-performance: hit performance while getting the
                    # sample object...
                    # TODO Can LabManagers be a Sampler?!
                    samplers = getUsers(full_object.getSample(), [
                    username = self.member.getUserName()
                    users = [({
                        "ResultValue": u,
                        "ResultText": samplers.getValue(u)
                    }) for u in samplers]
                    item['choices'] = {'getSampler': users}
                    Sampler = sampler and sampler or \
                        (username in samplers.keys() and username) or ''
                    sampler = Sampler
                    datesampled = self.ulocalized_time(obj.getDateSampled,
                    sampler = obj.getSamplerFullName if obj.getSampler else ''
            datesampled = self.ulocalized_time(obj.getDateSampled,
            sampler = ""
        item["getDateSampled"] = datesampled
        item["getSampler"] = sampler

        # These don't exist on ARs
        # XXX This should be a list of preservers...
        item["getPreserver"] = ""
        item["getDatePreserved"] = ""
        # TODO-performance: If inline preservation wants to be used, we
        # have to get the full object to check the user permissions, so
        # far this is a performance hit.
        # inline edits for Preserver and Date Preserved
        # if checkPermission(PreserveSample, obj):
        #     item['required'] = ['getPreserver', 'getDatePreserved']
        #     item['allow_edit'] = ['getPreserver', 'getDatePreserved']
        #     preservers = getUsers(obj, ['Preserver',
        #                           'LabManager', 'Manager'])
        #     username = self.member.getUserName()
        #     users = [({'ResultValue': u,
        #                'ResultText': preservers.getValue(u)})
        #              for u in preservers]
        #     item['choices'] = {'getPreserver': users}
        #     preserver = username in preservers.keys() and username or ''
        #     item['getPreserver'] = preserver
        #     item['getDatePreserved'] = self.ulocalized_time(
        #         DateTime(),
        #         long_format=1)
        #     item['class']['getPreserver'] = 'provisional'
        #     item['class']['getDatePreserved'] = 'provisional'

        # Submitting user may not verify results
        # Thee conditions to improve performance, some functions to check
        # the condition need to get the full analysis request.
        if states_dict.get("review_state", "") == "to_be_verified":
            allowed = user.has_permission(VerifyPermission,
            # TODO-performance: isUserAllowedToVerify getts all analysis
            # objects inside the analysis request.
            if allowed:
                # Gettin the full object if not get before
                full_object = full_object if full_object else obj.getObject()
                if not full_object.isUserAllowedToVerify(self.member):
                    item["after"]["state_title"] = \
                        """<img src='++resource++bika.lims.images/submitted-by-current-user.png'
                        """ % t(_("Cannot verify: Submitted by current user"))
        return item