Example #1
    def getFormattedResult(self, specs=None, decimalmark='.', sciformat=1):
        """Formatted result:
        1. If the result is not floatable, return it without being formatted
        2. If the analysis specs has hidemin or hidemax enabled and the
           result is out of range, render result as '<min' or '>max'
        3. If the result is floatable, render it to the correct precision
        specs param is optional. A dictionary as follows:
            {'min': <min_val>,
             'max': <max_val>,
             'error': <error>,
             'hidemin': <hidemin_val>,
             'hidemax': <hidemax_val>}
        :param sciformat: 1. The sci notation has to be formatted as aE^+b
                          2. The sci notation has to be formatted as a·10^b
                          3. As 2, but with super html entity for exp
                          4. The sci notation has to be formatted as a·10^b
                          5. As 4, but with super html entity for exp
                          By default 1
        result = self.getResult()
        service = self.getService()

        # 1. If the result is not floatable, return it without being formatted
            result = float(result)
            return result

        # 2. If the analysis specs has enabled hidemin or hidemax and the
        #    result is out of range, render result as '<min' or '>max'
        belowmin = False
        abovemax = False
        if not specs:
            uid = self.getServiceUID()
            specs = self.aq_parent.getResultsRangeDict().get(uid, {})
        hidemin = specs.get('hidemin', '')
        hidemax = specs.get('hidemax', '')
            belowmin = hidemin and result < float(hidemin) or False
            belowmin = False
            abovemax = hidemax and result > float(hidemax) or False
            abovemax = False

        # 2.1. If result is below min and hidemin enabled, return '<min'
        if belowmin:
            return formatDecimalMark('< %s' % hidemin, decimalmark)

        # 2.2. If result is above max and hidemax enabled, return '>max'
        if abovemax:
            return formatDecimalMark('> %s' % hidemax, decimalmark)

        # 3. If the result is floatable, render it to the correct precision
        return formatDecimalMark(
            format_numeric_result(self, result, sciformat), decimalmark)
    def getFormattedResult(self, specs=None, decimalmark='.', sciformat=1):
        """Formatted result:
        1. If the result is not floatable, return it without being formatted
        2. If the analysis specs has hidemin or hidemax enabled and the
           result is out of range, render result as '<min' or '>max'
        3. If the result is floatable, render it to the correct precision
        specs param is optional. A dictionary as follows:
            {'min': <min_val>,
             'max': <max_val>,
             'error': <error>,
             'hidemin': <hidemin_val>,
             'hidemax': <hidemax_val>}
        :param sciformat: 1. The sci notation has to be formatted as aE^+b
                          2. The sci notation has to be formatted as a·10^b
                          3. As 2, but with super html entity for exp
                          4. The sci notation has to be formatted as a·10^b
                          5. As 4, but with super html entity for exp
                          By default 1
        result = self.getResult()
        service = self.getService()

        # 1. If the result is not floatable, return it without being formatted
            result = float(result)
            return result

        # 2. If the analysis specs has enabled hidemin or hidemax and the
        #    result is out of range, render result as '<min' or '>max'
        belowmin = False
        abovemax = False
        if not specs:
            uid = self.getServiceUID()
            specs = self.aq_parent.getResultsRangeDict().get(uid, {})
        hidemin = specs.get('hidemin', '')
        hidemax = specs.get('hidemax', '')
            belowmin = hidemin and result < float(hidemin) or False
            belowmin = False
            abovemax = hidemax and result > float(hidemax) or False
            abovemax = False

        # 2.1. If result is below min and hidemin enabled, return '<min'
        if belowmin:
            return formatDecimalMark('< %s' % hidemin, decimalmark)

        # 2.2. If result is above max and hidemax enabled, return '>max'
        if abovemax:
            return formatDecimalMark('> %s' % hidemax, decimalmark)

        # 3. If the result is floatable, render it to the correct precision
        return formatDecimalMark(format_numeric_result(self, result, sciformat), decimalmark)
    def getFormattedResult(self, specs=None, decimalmark='.'):
        """Formatted result:
        1. If the result is not floatable, return it without being formatted
        2. If the analysis specs has hidemin or hidemax enabled and the
           result is out of range, render result as '<min' or '>max'
        3. If the result is floatable, render it to the correct precision
        specs param is optional. A dictionary as follows:
            {'min': <min_val>,
             'max': <max_val>,
             'error': <error>,
             'hidemin': <hidemin_val>,
             'hidemax': <hidemax_val>}
        result = self.getResult()
        service = self.getService()

        # 1. If the result is not floatable, return it without being formatted
            result = float(result)
            return result

        # 2. If the analysis specs has enabled hidemin or hidemax and the
        #    result is out of range, render result as '<min' or '>max'
        belowmin = False
        abovemax = False
        if not specs:
            uid = self.getServiceUID()
            specs = self.aq_parent.getResultsRangeDict().get(uid, {})
        hidemin = specs.get('hidemin', '')
        hidemax = specs.get('hidemax', '')
            belowmin = hidemin and result < float(hidemin) or False
            belowmin = False
            abovemax = hidemax and result > float(hidemax) or False
            abovemax = False

        # 2.1. If result is below min and hidemin enabled, return '<min'
        if belowmin:
            return formatDecimalMark('< %s' % hidemin, decimalmark)

        # 2.2. If result is above max and hidemax enabled, return '>max'
        if abovemax:
            return formatDecimalMark('> %s' % hidemax, decimalmark)

        # 3. If the result is floatable, render it to the correct precision
        precision = service.getPrecision()
        if not precision:
            precision = ''
        return formatDecimalMark(str("%%.%sf" % precision) % result, decimalmark)
Example #4
    def _analysis_data(self, analysis):
        """ Returns a dict that represents the analysis
        decimalmark = analysis.aq_parent.aq_parent.getDecimalMark()
        keyword = analysis.getKeyword()
        andict = {
            'obj': analysis,
            'id': analysis.id,
            'title': analysis.Title(),
            'keyword': keyword,
            'scientific_name': analysis.getScientificName(),
            'accredited': analysis.getAccredited(),
            'point_of_capture': to_utf8(POINTS_OF_CAPTURE.getValue(analysis.getPointOfCapture())),
            'category': to_utf8(analysis.getCategoryTitle()),
            'result': analysis.getResult(),
            'unit': to_utf8(analysis.getUnit()),
            'formatted_unit': format_supsub(to_utf8(analysis.getUnit())),
            'capture_date': analysis.getResultCaptureDate(),
            'request_id': analysis.aq_parent.getId(),
            'formatted_result': '',
            'uncertainty': analysis.getUncertainty(),
            'formatted_uncertainty': '',
            'retested': analysis.isRetest(),
            'remarks': to_utf8(analysis.getRemarks()),
            'outofrange': False,
            'type': analysis.portal_type,
            'reftype': analysis.getReferenceType() if hasattr(
                analysis, 'getReferenceType') else None,
            'worksheet': None,
            'specs': {},
            'formatted_specs': '',
            'review_state': api.get_workflow_status_of(analysis),

        andict['refsample'] = analysis.getSample().id \
            if IReferenceAnalysis.providedBy(analysis) \
            else analysis.getRequestID()

        specs = analysis.getResultsRange()
        andict['specs'] = specs
        scinot = self.context.bika_setup.getScientificNotationReport()
        andict['formatted_result'] = analysis.getFormattedResult(specs=specs, sciformat=int(scinot), decimalmark=decimalmark)

        fs = ''
        if specs.get('min', None) and specs.get('max', None):
            fs = '%s - %s' % (specs['min'], specs['max'])
        elif specs.get('min', None):
            fs = '> %s' % specs['min']
        elif specs.get('max', None):
            fs = '< %s' % specs['max']
        andict['formatted_specs'] = formatDecimalMark(fs, decimalmark)
        andict['formatted_uncertainty'] = format_uncertainty(analysis, analysis.getResult(), decimalmark=decimalmark, sciformat=int(scinot))

        # Out of range?
        andict['outofrange'] = is_out_of_range(analysis)[0]
        return andict
Example #5
 def get_formatted_specs(self, analysis):
     specs = analysis.getResultsRange()
     fs = ''
     if specs.get('min', None) and specs.get('max', None):
         fs = '%s - %s' % (specs['min'], specs['max'])
     elif specs.get('min', None):
         fs = '> %s' % specs['min']
     elif specs.get('max', None):
         fs = '< %s' % specs['max']
     return formatDecimalMark(fs, self.decimal_mark)
 def test_format_decimal_mark(self):
     # testing the function bika.lims.utils.analysis.get_significant_digits()
     from bika.lims.utils import formatDecimalMark
     self.assertEqual(formatDecimalMark(1), '1')
     self.assertEqual(formatDecimalMark(1.2), '1.2')
     self.assertEqual(formatDecimalMark('1.34'), '1.34')
     self.assertEqual(formatDecimalMark('0.0021',decimalmark=','), '0,0021')
     self.assertEqual(formatDecimalMark('2'), '2')
     self.assertEqual(formatDecimalMark('< 2.1', decimalmark=','),'< 2,1')
     self.assertEqual(formatDecimalMark('> 2.1', decimalmark=','),'> 2,1')
 def test_format_decimal_mark(self):
     # testing the function bika.lims.utils.analysis.get_significant_digits()
     from bika.lims.utils import formatDecimalMark
     self.assertEqual(formatDecimalMark(1), '1')
     self.assertEqual(formatDecimalMark(1.2), '1.2')
     self.assertEqual(formatDecimalMark('1.34'), '1.34')
     self.assertEqual(formatDecimalMark('0.0021',decimalmark=','), '0,0021')
     self.assertEqual(formatDecimalMark('2'), '2')
     self.assertEqual(formatDecimalMark('< 2.1', decimalmark=','),'< 2,1')
     self.assertEqual(formatDecimalMark('> 2.1', decimalmark=','),'> 2,1')
Example #8
    def _folder_item_calculation(self, analysis_brain, item):
        """Set the analysis' calculation and interims to the item passed in.

        :param analysis_brain: Brain that represents an analysis
        :param item: analysis' dictionary counterpart that represents a row

        if not self.has_permission(ViewResults, analysis_brain):
            # Hide interims and calculation if user cannot view results

        is_editable = self.is_analysis_edition_allowed(analysis_brain)

        # Set interim fields. Note we add the key 'formatted_value' to the list
        # of interims the analysis has already assigned.
        interim_fields = analysis_brain.getInterimFields or list()

        for interim_field in interim_fields:
            interim_keyword = interim_field.get('keyword', '')
            if not interim_keyword:

            interim_value = interim_field.get("value", "")
            interim_formatted = formatDecimalMark(interim_value, self.dmk)
            interim_field['formatted_value'] = interim_formatted
            item[interim_keyword] = interim_field
            item['class'][interim_keyword] = 'interim'

            # Note: As soon as we have a separate content type for field
            #       analysis, we can solely rely on the field permission
            #       "senaite.core: Field: Edit Analysis Result"
            if is_editable:
                if self.has_permission(FieldEditAnalysisResult,

            # Add this analysis' interim fields to the interim_columns list
            interim_hidden = interim_field.get('hidden', False)
            if not interim_hidden:
                interim_title = interim_field.get('title')
                self.interim_columns[interim_keyword] = interim_title

        item['interimfields'] = interim_fields
        self.interim_fields[analysis_brain.UID] = interim_fields

        # Set calculation
        calculation_uid = analysis_brain.getCalculationUID
        has_calculation = calculation_uid and True or False
        item['calculation'] = has_calculation
Example #9
    def _folder_item_calculation(self, analysis_brain, item):
        """Set the analysis' calculation and interims to the item passed in.

        :param analysis_brain: Brain that represents an analysis
        :param item: analysis' dictionary counterpart that represents a row

        is_editable = self.is_analysis_edition_allowed(analysis_brain)
        # Set interim fields. Note we add the key 'formatted_value' to the list
        # of interims the analysis has already assigned.
        interim_fields = analysis_brain.getInterimFields or list()
        for interim_field in interim_fields:
            interim_keyword = interim_field.get('keyword', '')
            if not interim_keyword:
            interim_value = interim_field.get('value', '')
            interim_formatted = formatDecimalMark(interim_value, self.dmk)
            interim_field['formatted_value'] = interim_formatted
            item[interim_keyword] = interim_field
            item['class'][interim_keyword] = 'interim'
            if is_editable:

            # Add this analysis' interim fields to the interim_columns list
            interim_hidden = interim_field.get('hidden', False)
            if not interim_hidden:
                interim_title = interim_field.get('title')
                self.interim_columns[interim_keyword] = interim_title

        item['interimfields'] = interim_fields
        self.interim_fields[analysis_brain.UID] = interim_fields

        # Set calculation
        calculation_uid = analysis_brain.getCalculationUID
        has_calculation = calculation_uid and True or False
        item['calculation'] = has_calculation
        if is_editable and (not has_calculation or interim_fields):
            # If the analysis is editable and doesn't have a calculation or it
            # does, but has interim fields, it must be re-testable.
Example #10
def format_uncertainty(analysis, result, decimalmark='.', sciformat=1):
    Returns the formatted uncertainty according to the analysis, result
    and decimal mark specified following these rules:

    If the "Calculate precision from uncertainties" is enabled in
    the Analysis service, and

    a) If the the non-decimal number of digits of the result is above
       the service's ExponentialFormatPrecision, the uncertainty will
       be formatted in scientific notation. The uncertainty exponential
       value used will be the same as the one used for the result. The
       uncertainty will be rounded according to the same precision as
       the result.

       Given an Analysis with an uncertainty of 37 for a range of
       results between 30000 and 40000, with an
       ExponentialFormatPrecision equal to 4 and a result of 32092,
       this method will return 0.004E+04

    b) If the number of digits of the integer part of the result is
       below the ExponentialFormatPrecision, the uncertainty will be
       formatted as decimal notation and the uncertainty will be
       rounded one position after reaching the last 0 (precision
       calculated according to the uncertainty value).

       Given an Analysis with an uncertainty of 0.22 for a range of
       results between 1 and 10 with an ExponentialFormatPrecision
       equal to 4 and a result of 5.234, this method will return 0.2

    If the "Calculate precision from Uncertainties" is disabled in the
    analysis service, the same rules described above applies, but the
    precision used for rounding the uncertainty is not calculated from
    the uncertainty neither the result. The fixed length precision is
    used instead.

    For further details, visit

    If the result is not floatable or no uncertainty defined, returns
    an empty string.

    The default decimal mark '.' will be replaced by the decimalmark

    :param analysis: the analysis from which the uncertainty, precision
                     and other additional info have to be retrieved
    :param result: result of the analysis. Used to retrieve and/or
                   calculate the precision and/or uncertainty
    :param decimalmark: decimal mark to use. By default '.'
    :param sciformat: 1. The sci notation has to be formatted as aE^+b
                  2. The sci notation has to be formatted as ax10^b
                  3. As 2, but with super html entity for exp
                  4. The sci notation has to be formatted as a·10^b
                  5. As 4, but with super html entity for exp
                  By default 1
    :return: the formatted uncertainty
        result = float(result)
    except ValueError:
        return ""

    objres = None
        objres = float(analysis.getResult())
    except ValueError:

    service = analysis.getService()
    uncertainty = None
    if result == objres:
        # To avoid problems with DLs
        uncertainty = analysis.getUncertainty()
        uncertainty = analysis.getUncertainty(result)

    if uncertainty is None or uncertainty == 0:
        return ""

    # Scientific notation?
    # Get the default precision for scientific notation
    threshold = service.getExponentialFormatPrecision()
    # Current result precision is above the threshold?
    sig_digits = get_significant_digits(result)
    negative = sig_digits < 0
    sign = '-' if negative else ''
    sig_digits = abs(sig_digits)
    sci = sig_digits >= threshold and sig_digits > 0

    formatted = ''
    if sci:
        # Scientific notation
        # 3.2014E+4
        if negative == True:
            res = float(uncertainty) * (10**sig_digits)
            res = float(uncertainty) / (10**sig_digits)
            res = float(str("%%.%sf" % (sig_digits - 1)) % res)
        res = int(res) if res.is_integer() else res

        if sciformat in [2, 3, 4, 5]:
            if sciformat == 2:
                # ax10^b or ax10^-b
                formatted = "%s%s%s%s" % (res, "x10^", sign, sig_digits)
            elif sciformat == 3:
                # ax10<super>b</super> or ax10<super>-b</super>
                formatted = "%s%s%s%s%s" % (res, "x10<sup>", sign, sig_digits,
            elif sciformat == 4:
                # ax10^b or ax10^-b
                formatted = "%s%s%s%s" % (res, "·10^", sign, sig_digits)
            elif sciformat == 5:
                # ax10<super>b</super> or ax10<super>-b</super>
                formatted = "%s%s%s%s%s" % (res, "·10<sup>", sign, sig_digits,
            # Default format: aE^+b
            sig_digits = "%02d" % sig_digits
            formatted = "%s%s%s%s" % (res, "e", sign, sig_digits)
            #formatted = str("%%.%se" % sig_digits) % uncertainty
        # Decimal notation
        prec = analysis.getPrecision(result)
        prec = prec if prec else ''
        formatted = str("%%.%sf" % prec) % uncertainty

    return formatDecimalMark(formatted, decimalmark)
Example #11
def format_numeric_result(analysis, result, decimalmark='.', sciformat=1):
    Returns the formatted number part of a results value.  This is
    responsible for deciding the precision, and notation of numeric
    values in accordance to the uncertainty. If a non-numeric
    result value is given, the value will be returned unchanged.

    The following rules apply:

    If the "Calculate precision from uncertainties" is enabled in
    the Analysis service, and

    a) If the non-decimal number of digits of the result is above
       the service's ExponentialFormatPrecision, the result will
       be formatted in scientific notation.

       Given an Analysis with an uncertainty of 37 for a range of
       results between 30000 and 40000, with an
       ExponentialFormatPrecision equal to 4 and a result of 32092,
       this method will return 3.2092E+04

    b) If the number of digits of the integer part of the result is
       below the ExponentialFormatPrecision, the result will be
       formatted as decimal notation and the resulta will be rounded
       in accordance to the precision (calculated from the uncertainty)

       Given an Analysis with an uncertainty of 0.22 for a range of
       results between 1 and 10 with an ExponentialFormatPrecision
       equal to 4 and a result of 5.234, this method will return 5.2

    If the "Calculate precision from Uncertainties" is disabled in the
    analysis service, the same rules described above applies, but the
    precision used for rounding the result is not calculated from
    the uncertainty. The fixed length precision is used instead.

    For further details, visit

    The default decimal mark '.' will be replaced by the decimalmark

    :param analysis: the analysis from which the uncertainty, precision
                     and other additional info have to be retrieved
    :param result: result to be formatted.
    :param decimalmark: decimal mark to use. By default '.'
    :param sciformat: 1. The sci notation has to be formatted as aE^+b
                      2. The sci notation has to be formatted as ax10^b
                      3. As 2, but with super html entity for exp
                      4. The sci notation has to be formatted as a·10^b
                      5. As 4, but with super html entity for exp
                      By default 1
    :return: the formatted result
        result = float(result)
    except ValueError:
        return result

    # continuing with 'nan' result will cause formatting to fail.
    if math.isnan(result):
        return result

    service = analysis.getService()
    # Scientific notation?
    # Get the default precision for scientific notation
    threshold = service.getExponentialFormatPrecision()
    # Current result precision is above the threshold?
    sig_digits = get_significant_digits(result)
    negative = sig_digits < 0
    sign = '-' if negative else ''
    sig_digits = abs(sig_digits)
    sci = sig_digits >= threshold

    formatted = ''
    if sci:
        # Scientific notation
        if sciformat in [2, 3, 4, 5]:
            if negative == True:
                res = float(result) * (10**sig_digits)
                res = float(result) / (10**sig_digits)
                res = float(str("%%.%sf" % (sig_digits - 1)) % res)
            # We have to check if formatted is an integer using "'.' in formatted"
            # because ".is_integer" doesn't work with X.0
            res = int(res) if '.' not in res else res
            if sciformat == 2:
                # ax10^b or ax10^-b
                formatted = "%s%s%s%s" % (res, "x10^", sign, sig_digits)
            elif sciformat == 3:
                # ax10<super>b</super> or ax10<super>-b</super>
                formatted = "%s%s%s%s%s" % (res, "x10<sup>", sign, sig_digits,
            elif sciformat == 4:
                # ax10^b or ax10^-b
                formatted = "%s%s%s%s" % (res, "·10^", sign, sig_digits)
            elif sciformat == 5:
                # ax10<super>b</super> or ax10<super>-b</super>
                formatted = "%s%s%s%s%s" % (res, "·10<sup>", sign, sig_digits,
            # Default format: aE^+b
            formatted = str("%%.%se" % sig_digits) % result
        # Decimal notation
        prec = analysis.getPrecision(result)
        prec = prec if prec else ''
        formatted = str("%%.%sf" % prec) % result
        # We have to check if formatted is an integer using "'.' in formatted"
        # because ".is_integer" doesn't work with X.0
        formatted = str(int(
            float(formatted))) if '.' not in formatted else formatted
    return formatDecimalMark(formatted, decimalmark)
Example #12
def format_numeric_result(analysis, result, decimalmark='.', sciformat=1):
    Returns the formatted number part of a results value.  This is
    responsible for deciding the precision, and notation of numeric
    values in accordance to the uncertainty. If a non-numeric
    result value is given, the value will be returned unchanged.

    The following rules apply:

    If the "Calculate precision from uncertainties" is enabled in
    the Analysis service, and

    a) If the non-decimal number of digits of the result is above
       the service's ExponentialFormatPrecision, the result will
       be formatted in scientific notation.

       Given an Analysis with an uncertainty of 37 for a range of
       results between 30000 and 40000, with an
       ExponentialFormatPrecision equal to 4 and a result of 32092,
       this method will return 3.2092E+04

    b) If the number of digits of the integer part of the result is
       below the ExponentialFormatPrecision, the result will be
       formatted as decimal notation and the resulta will be rounded
       in accordance to the precision (calculated from the uncertainty)

       Given an Analysis with an uncertainty of 0.22 for a range of
       results between 1 and 10 with an ExponentialFormatPrecision
       equal to 4 and a result of 5.234, this method will return 5.2

    If the "Calculate precision from Uncertainties" is disabled in the
    analysis service, the same rules described above applies, but the
    precision used for rounding the result is not calculated from
    the uncertainty. The fixed length precision is used instead.

    For further details, visit

    The default decimal mark '.' will be replaced by the decimalmark

    :param analysis: the analysis from which the uncertainty, precision
                     and other additional info have to be retrieved
    :param result: result to be formatted.
    :param decimalmark: decimal mark to use. By default '.'
    :param sciformat: 1. The sci notation has to be formatted as aE^+b
                      2. The sci notation has to be formatted as ax10^b
                      3. As 2, but with super html entity for exp
                      4. The sci notation has to be formatted as a·10^b
                      5. As 4, but with super html entity for exp
                      By default 1
    :result: should be a string to preserve the decimal precision.
    :return: the formatted result as string
        result = float(result)
    except ValueError:
        return result

    # continuing with 'nan' result will cause formatting to fail.
    if math.isnan(result):
        return result

    service = analysis.getService()
    # Scientific notation?
    # Get the default precision for scientific notation
    threshold = service.getExponentialFormatPrecision()
    precision = analysis.getPrecision(result)
    formatted = _format_decimal_or_sci(result, precision, threshold, sciformat)
    return formatDecimalMark(formatted, decimalmark)
Example #13
    def _analysis_data(self, analysis, decimalmark=None):
        if analysis.UID() in self._cache['_analysis_data']:
            return self._cache['_analysis_data'][analysis.UID()]

        keyword = analysis.getKeyword()
        service = analysis.getService()
        andict = {'obj': analysis,
                  'id': analysis.id,
                  'title': analysis.Title(),
                  'keyword': keyword,
                  'scientific_name': service.getScientificName(),
                  'accredited': service.getAccredited(),
                  'point_of_capture': to_utf8(POINTS_OF_CAPTURE.getValue(service.getPointOfCapture())),
                  'category': to_utf8(service.getCategoryTitle()),
                  'result': analysis.getResult(),
                  'isnumber': isnumber(analysis.getResult()),
                  'unit': to_utf8(service.getUnit()),
                  'formatted_unit': format_supsub(to_utf8(service.getUnit())),
                  'capture_date': analysis.getResultCaptureDate(),
                  'request_id': analysis.aq_parent.getId(),
                  'formatted_result': '',
                  'uncertainty': analysis.getUncertainty(),
                  'formatted_uncertainty': '',
                  'retested': analysis.getRetested(),
                  'remarks': to_utf8(analysis.getRemarks()),
                  'resultdm': to_utf8(analysis.getResultDM()),
                  'outofrange': False,
                  'type': analysis.portal_type,
                  'reftype': analysis.getReferenceType() \
                            if hasattr(analysis, 'getReferenceType')
                            else None,
                  'worksheet': None,
                  'specs': {},
                  'formatted_specs': ''}

        if analysis.portal_type == 'DuplicateAnalysis':
            andict['reftype'] = 'd'

        ws = analysis.getBackReferences('WorksheetAnalysis')
        andict['worksheet'] = ws[0].id if ws and len(ws) > 0 else None
        andict['worksheet_url'] = ws[0].absolute_url if ws and len(ws) > 0 else None
        andict['refsample'] = analysis.getSample().id \
                            if analysis.portal_type == 'Analysis' \
                            else '%s - %s' % (analysis.aq_parent.id, analysis.aq_parent.Title())

        if analysis.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis':
            # The analysis is a Control or Blank. We might use the
            # reference results instead other specs
            uid = analysis.getServiceUID()
            specs = analysis.aq_parent.getResultsRangeDict().get(uid, {})

            # Get the specs directly from the analysis. The getResultsRange
            # function already takes care about which are the specs to be used:
            # AR, client or lab.
            specs = analysis.getResultsRange()

        andict['specs'] = specs
        scinot = self.context.bika_setup.getScientificNotationReport()
        fresult =  analysis.getFormattedResult(specs=specs, sciformat=int(scinot), decimalmark=decimalmark)

        # We don't use here cgi.encode because results fields must be rendered
        # using the 'structure' wildcard. The reason is that the result can be
        # expressed in sci notation, that may include <sup></sup> html tags.
        # Please note the default value for the 'html' parameter from
        # getFormattedResult signature is set to True, so the service will
        # already take into account LDLs and UDLs symbols '<' and '>' and escape
        # them if necessary.
        andict['formatted_result'] = fresult;

        fs = ''
        if specs.get('min', None) and specs.get('max', None):
            fs = '%s - %s' % (specs['min'], specs['max'])
        elif specs.get('min', None):
            fs = '> %s' % specs['min']
        elif specs.get('max', None):
            fs = '< %s' % specs['max']
        andict['formatted_specs'] = formatDecimalMark(fs, decimalmark)
        andict['formatted_uncertainty'] = format_uncertainty(analysis, analysis.getResult(), decimalmark=decimalmark, sciformat=int(scinot))

        # Out of range?
        if specs:
            adapters = getAdapters((analysis, ), IResultOutOfRange)
            bsc = getToolByName(self.context, "bika_setup_catalog")
            for name, adapter in adapters:
                ret = adapter(specification=specs)
                if ret and ret['out_of_range']:
                    andict['outofrange'] = True
        self._cache['_analysis_data'][analysis.UID()]  = andict
        return andict
Example #14
    def _analysis_data(self, analysis, decimalmark=None):
        if analysis.UID() in self._cache['_analysis_data']:
            return self._cache['_analysis_data'][analysis.UID()]

        keyword = analysis.getKeyword()
        service = analysis.getService()
        andict = {'obj': analysis,
                  'id': analysis.id,
                  'title': analysis.Title(),
                  'keyword': keyword,
                  'scientific_name': service.getScientificName(),
                  'accredited': service.getAccredited(),
                  'point_of_capture': to_utf8(POINTS_OF_CAPTURE.getValue(service.getPointOfCapture())),
                  'category': to_utf8(service.getCategoryTitle()),
                  'result': analysis.getResult(),
                  'isnumber': isnumber(analysis.getResult()),
                  'unit': to_utf8(service.getUnit()),
                  'formatted_unit': format_supsub(to_utf8(service.getUnit())),
                  'capture_date': analysis.getResultCaptureDate(),
                  'request_id': analysis.aq_parent.getId(),
                  'formatted_result': '',
                  'uncertainty': analysis.getUncertainty(),
                  'formatted_uncertainty': '',
                  'retested': analysis.getRetested(),
                  'remarks': to_utf8(analysis.getRemarks()),
                  'resultdm': to_utf8(analysis.getResultDM()),
                  'outofrange': False,
                  'type': analysis.portal_type,
                  'reftype': analysis.getReferenceType() \
                            if hasattr(analysis, 'getReferenceType')
                            else None,
                  'worksheet': None,
                  'specs': {},
                  'formatted_specs': ''}

        if analysis.portal_type == 'DuplicateAnalysis':
            andict['reftype'] = 'd'

        ws = analysis.getBackReferences('WorksheetAnalysis')
        andict['worksheet'] = ws[0].id if ws and len(ws) > 0 else None
        andict['worksheet_url'] = ws[0].absolute_url if ws and len(ws) > 0 else None
        andict['refsample'] = analysis.getSample().id \
                            if analysis.portal_type == 'Analysis' \
                            else '%s - %s' % (analysis.aq_parent.id, analysis.aq_parent.Title())

        if analysis.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis':
            # The analysis is a Control or Blank. We might use the
            # reference results instead other specs
            uid = analysis.getServiceUID()
            specs = analysis.aq_parent.getResultsRangeDict().get(uid, {})

            # Get the specs directly from the analysis. The getResultsRange
            # function already takes care about which are the specs to be used:
            # AR, client or lab.
            specs = analysis.getResultsRange()

        andict['specs'] = specs
        scinot = self.context.bika_setup.getScientificNotationReport()
        fresult =  analysis.getFormattedResult(specs=specs, sciformat=int(scinot), decimalmark=decimalmark)

        # We don't use here cgi.encode because results fields must be rendered
        # using the 'structure' wildcard. The reason is that the result can be
        # expressed in sci notation, that may include <sup></sup> html tags.
        # Please note the default value for the 'html' parameter from
        # getFormattedResult signature is set to True, so the service will
        # already take into account LDLs and UDLs symbols '<' and '>' and escape
        # them if necessary.
        andict['formatted_result'] = fresult;

        fs = ''
        if specs.get('min', None) and specs.get('max', None):
            fs = '%s - %s' % (specs['min'], specs['max'])
        elif specs.get('min', None):
            fs = '> %s' % specs['min']
        elif specs.get('max', None):
            fs = '< %s' % specs['max']
        andict['formatted_specs'] = formatDecimalMark(fs, decimalmark)
        andict['formatted_uncertainty'] = format_uncertainty(analysis, analysis.getResult(), decimalmark=decimalmark, sciformat=int(scinot))

        # Out of range?
        if specs:
            adapters = getAdapters((analysis, ), IResultOutOfRange)
            bsc = getToolByName(self.context, "bika_setup_catalog")
            for name, adapter in adapters:
                ret = adapter(specification=specs)
                if ret and ret['out_of_range']:
                    andict['outofrange'] = True
        self._cache['_analysis_data'][analysis.UID()]  = andict
        return andict
Example #15
def format_numeric_result(analysis, result, decimalmark='.', sciformat=1):
    Returns the formatted number part of a results value.  This is
    responsible for deciding the precision, and notation of numeric
    values in accordance to the uncertainty. If a non-numeric
    result value is given, the value will be returned unchanged.

    The following rules apply:

    If the "Calculate precision from uncertainties" is enabled in
    the Analysis service, and

    a) If the non-decimal number of digits of the result is above
       the service's ExponentialFormatPrecision, the result will
       be formatted in scientific notation.

       Given an Analysis with an uncertainty of 37 for a range of
       results between 30000 and 40000, with an
       ExponentialFormatPrecision equal to 4 and a result of 32092,
       this method will return 3.2092E+04

    b) If the number of digits of the integer part of the result is
       below the ExponentialFormatPrecision, the result will be
       formatted as decimal notation and the resulta will be rounded
       in accordance to the precision (calculated from the uncertainty)

       Given an Analysis with an uncertainty of 0.22 for a range of
       results between 1 and 10 with an ExponentialFormatPrecision
       equal to 4 and a result of 5.234, this method will return 5.2

    If the "Calculate precision from Uncertainties" is disabled in the
    analysis service, the same rules described above applies, but the
    precision used for rounding the result is not calculated from
    the uncertainty. The fixed length precision is used instead.

    For further details, visit

    The default decimal mark '.' will be replaced by the decimalmark

    :param analysis: the analysis from which the uncertainty, precision
                     and other additional info have to be retrieved
    :param result: result to be formatted.
    :param decimalmark: decimal mark to use. By default '.'
    :param sciformat: 1. The sci notation has to be formatted as aE^+b
                      2. The sci notation has to be formatted as ax10^b
                      3. As 2, but with super html entity for exp
                      4. The sci notation has to be formatted as a·10^b
                      5. As 4, but with super html entity for exp
                      By default 1
    :return: the formatted result
        result = float(result)
    except ValueError:
        return result

    # continuing with 'nan' result will cause formatting to fail.
    if math.isnan(result):
        return result

    service = analysis.getService()
    # Scientific notation?
    # Get the default precision for scientific notation
    threshold = service.getExponentialFormatPrecision()
    # Current result precision is above the threshold?
    sig_digits = get_significant_digits(result)
    negative = sig_digits < 0
    sign = '-' if negative else ''
    sig_digits = abs(sig_digits)
    sci = sig_digits >= threshold

    formatted = ''
    if sci:
        # Scientific notation
        if sciformat in [2,3,4,5]:
            if negative == True:
                res = float(result)*(10**sig_digits)
                res = float(result)/(10**sig_digits)
                res = float(str("%%.%sf" % (sig_digits-1)) % res)
            # We have to check if formatted is an integer using "'.' in formatted"
            # because ".is_integer" doesn't work with X.0
            res = int(res) if '.' not in res else res
            if sciformat == 2:
                # ax10^b or ax10^-b
                formatted = "%s%s%s%s" % (res,"x10^",sign,sig_digits)
            elif sciformat == 3:
                # ax10<super>b</super> or ax10<super>-b</super>
                formatted = "%s%s%s%s%s" % (res,"x10<sup>",sign,sig_digits,"</sup>")
            elif sciformat == 4:
                # ax10^b or ax10^-b
                formatted = "%s%s%s%s" % (res,"·10^",sign,sig_digits)
            elif sciformat == 5:
                # ax10<super>b</super> or ax10<super>-b</super>
                formatted = "%s%s%s%s%s" % (res,"·10<sup>",sign,sig_digits,"</sup>")
            # Default format: aE^+b
            formatted = str("%%.%se" % sig_digits) % result
        # Decimal notation
        prec = analysis.getPrecision(result)
        prec = prec if prec else ''
        formatted = str("%%.%sf" % prec) % result
        # We have to check if formatted is an integer using "'.' in formatted"
        # because ".is_integer" doesn't work with X.0
        formatted = str(int(float(formatted))) if '.' not in formatted else formatted
    return formatDecimalMark(formatted, decimalmark)
Example #16
    def getFormattedResult(self, specs=None, decimalmark='.', sciformat=1,
        """Formatted result:
        1. If the result is a detection limit, returns '< LDL' or '> UDL'
        2. Print ResultText of matching ResultOptions
        3. If the result is not floatable, return it without being formatted
        4. If the analysis specs has hidemin or hidemax enabled and the
           result is out of range, render result as '<min' or '>max'
        5. If the result is below Lower Detection Limit, show '<LDL'
        6. If the result is above Upper Detecion Limit, show '>UDL'
        7. Otherwise, render numerical value
        :param specs: Optional result specifications, a dictionary as follows:
            {'min': <min_val>,
             'max': <max_val>,
             'error': <error>,
             'hidemin': <hidemin_val>,
             'hidemax': <hidemax_val>}
        :param decimalmark: The string to be used as a decimal separator.
            default is '.'
        :param sciformat: 1. The sci notation has to be formatted as aE^+b
                          2. The sci notation has to be formatted as a·10^b
                          3. As 2, but with super html entity for exp
                          4. The sci notation has to be formatted as a·10^b
                          5. As 4, but with super html entity for exp
                          By default 1
        :param html: if true, returns an string with the special characters
            escaped: e.g: '<' and '>' (LDL and UDL for results like < 23.4).
        result = self.getResult()

        # 1. The result is a detection limit, return '< LDL' or '> UDL'
        dl = self.getDetectionLimitOperand()
        if dl:
                res = float(result)  # required, check if floatable
                res = drop_trailing_zeros_decimal(res)
                fdm = formatDecimalMark(res, decimalmark)
                hdl = cgi.escape(dl) if html else dl
                return '%s %s' % (hdl, fdm)
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                    "The result for the analysis %s is a detection limit, "
                    "but not floatable: %s" % (self.id, result))
                return formatDecimalMark(result, decimalmark=decimalmark)

        choices = self.getResultOptions()

        # 2. Print ResultText of matching ResulOptions
        match = [x['ResultText'] for x in choices
                 if str(x['ResultValue']) == str(result)]
        if match:
            return match[0]

        # 3. If the result is not floatable, return it without being formatted
            result = float(result)
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            return formatDecimalMark(result, decimalmark=decimalmark)

        # 4. If the analysis specs has enabled hidemin or hidemax and the
        #    result is out of range, render result as '<min' or '>max'
        specs = specs if specs else self.getResultsRange()
        hidemin = specs.get('hidemin', '')
        hidemax = specs.get('hidemax', '')
            belowmin = hidemin and result < float(hidemin) or False
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            belowmin = False
            abovemax = hidemax and result > float(hidemax) or False
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            abovemax = False

        # 4.1. If result is below min and hidemin enabled, return '<min'
        if belowmin:
            fdm = formatDecimalMark('< %s' % hidemin, decimalmark)
            return fdm.replace('< ', '&lt; ', 1) if html else fdm

        # 4.2. If result is above max and hidemax enabled, return '>max'
        if abovemax:
            fdm = formatDecimalMark('> %s' % hidemax, decimalmark)
            return fdm.replace('> ', '&gt; ', 1) if html else fdm

        # Below Lower Detection Limit (LDL)?
        ldl = self.getLowerDetectionLimit()
        if result < ldl:
            # LDL must not be formatted according to precision, etc.
            # Drop trailing zeros from decimal
            ldl = drop_trailing_zeros_decimal(ldl)
            fdm = formatDecimalMark('< %s' % ldl, decimalmark)
            return fdm.replace('< ', '&lt; ', 1) if html else fdm

        # Above Upper Detection Limit (UDL)?
        udl = self.getUpperDetectionLimit()
        if result > udl:
            # UDL must not be formatted according to precision, etc.
            # Drop trailing zeros from decimal
            udl = drop_trailing_zeros_decimal(udl)
            fdm = formatDecimalMark('> %s' % udl, decimalmark)
            return fdm.replace('> ', '&gt; ', 1) if html else fdm

        # Render numerical values
        return format_numeric_result(self, self.getResult(),
Example #17
    def getFormattedResult(self, specs=None, decimalmark='.', sciformat=1):
        """Formatted result:
        1. Print ResultText of matching ResultOptions
        2. If the result is not floatable, return it without being formatted
        3. If the analysis specs has hidemin or hidemax enabled and the
           result is out of range, render result as '<min' or '>max'
        4. Otherwise, render numerical value
        specs param is optional. A dictionary as follows:
            {'min': <min_val>,
             'max': <max_val>,
             'error': <error>,
             'hidemin': <hidemin_val>,
             'hidemax': <hidemax_val>}
        :param sciformat: 1. The sci notation has to be formatted as aE^+b
                          2. The sci notation has to be formatted as a·10^b
                          3. As 2, but with super html entity for exp
                          4. The sci notation has to be formatted as a·10^b
                          5. As 4, but with super html entity for exp
                          By default 1
        result = self.getResult()
        service = self.getService()
        choices = service.getResultOptions()

        # 1. Print ResultText of matching ResulOptions
        match = [x['ResultText'] for x in choices
                 if str(x['ResultValue']) == str(result)]
        if match:
            return match[0]

        # 2. If the result is not floatable, return it without being formatted
            result = float(result)
            return result

        # 3. If the analysis specs has enabled hidemin or hidemax and the
        #    result is out of range, render result as '<min' or '>max'
        belowmin = False
        abovemax = False
        if not specs:
            specs = self.getAnalysisSpecs()
            specs = specs.getResultsRangeDict() if specs is not None else {}
            specs = specs.get(self.getKeyword(), {})
        hidemin = specs.get('hidemin', '')
        hidemax = specs.get('hidemax', '')
            belowmin = hidemin and result < float(hidemin) or False
            belowmin = False
            abovemax = hidemax and result > float(hidemax) or False
            abovemax = False

        # 3.1. If result is below min and hidemin enabled, return '<min'
        if belowmin:
            return formatDecimalMark('< %s' % hidemin, decimalmark)

        # 3.2. If result is above max and hidemax enabled, return '>max'
        if abovemax:
            return formatDecimalMark('> %s' % hidemax, decimalmark)

        # Render numerical values
        return formatDecimalMark(format_numeric_result(self, result, sciformat=sciformat), decimalmark=decimalmark)
Example #18
    def getFormattedResult(self, specs=None, decimalmark='.', sciformat=1,
        """Formatted result:
        1. If the result is a detection limit, returns '< LDL' or '> UDL'
        2. Print ResultText of matching ResultOptions
        3. If the result is not floatable, return it without being formatted
        4. If the analysis specs has hidemin or hidemax enabled and the
           result is out of range, render result as '<min' or '>max'
        5. If the result is below Lower Detection Limit, show '<LDL'
        6. If the result is above Upper Detecion Limit, show '>UDL'
        7. Otherwise, render numerical value
        :param specs: Optional result specifications, a dictionary as follows:
            {'min': <min_val>,
             'max': <max_val>,
             'error': <error>,
             'hidemin': <hidemin_val>,
             'hidemax': <hidemax_val>}
        :param decimalmark: The string to be used as a decimal separator.
            default is '.'
        :param sciformat: 1. The sci notation has to be formatted as aE^+b
                          2. The sci notation has to be formatted as a·10^b
                          3. As 2, but with super html entity for exp
                          4. The sci notation has to be formatted as a·10^b
                          5. As 4, but with super html entity for exp
                          By default 1
        :param html: if true, returns an string with the special characters
            escaped: e.g: '<' and '>' (LDL and UDL for results like < 23.4).
        result = self.getResult()

        # 1. The result is a detection limit, return '< LDL' or '> UDL'
        dl = self.getDetectionLimitOperand()
        if dl:
                res = float(result)  # required, check if floatable
                res = drop_trailing_zeros_decimal(res)
                fdm = formatDecimalMark(res, decimalmark)
                hdl = cgi.escape(dl) if html else dl
                return '%s %s' % (hdl, fdm)
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                    "The result for the analysis %s is a detection limit, "
                    "but not floatable: %s" % (self.id, result))
                return formatDecimalMark(result, decimalmark=decimalmark)

        choices = self.getResultOptions()

        # 2. Print ResultText of matching ResulOptions
        match = [x['ResultText'] for x in choices
                 if str(x['ResultValue']) == str(result)]
        if match:
            return match[0]

        # 3. If the result is not floatable, return it without being formatted
            result = float(result)
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            return formatDecimalMark(result, decimalmark=decimalmark)

        # 4. If the analysis specs has enabled hidemin or hidemax and the
        #    result is out of range, render result as '<min' or '>max'
        specs = specs if specs else self.getResultsRange()
        hidemin = specs.get('hidemin', '')
        hidemax = specs.get('hidemax', '')
            belowmin = hidemin and result < float(hidemin) or False
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            belowmin = False
            abovemax = hidemax and result > float(hidemax) or False
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            abovemax = False

        # 4.1. If result is below min and hidemin enabled, return '<min'
        if belowmin:
            fdm = formatDecimalMark('< %s' % hidemin, decimalmark)
            return fdm.replace('< ', '&lt; ', 1) if html else fdm

        # 4.2. If result is above max and hidemax enabled, return '>max'
        if abovemax:
            fdm = formatDecimalMark('> %s' % hidemax, decimalmark)
            return fdm.replace('> ', '&gt; ', 1) if html else fdm

        # Below Lower Detection Limit (LDL)?
        ldl = self.getLowerDetectionLimit()
        if result < ldl:
            # LDL must not be formatted according to precision, etc.
            # Drop trailing zeros from decimal
            ldl = drop_trailing_zeros_decimal(ldl)
            fdm = formatDecimalMark('< %s' % ldl, decimalmark)
            return fdm.replace('< ', '&lt; ', 1) if html else fdm

        # Above Upper Detection Limit (UDL)?
        udl = self.getUpperDetectionLimit()
        if result > udl:
            # UDL must not be formatted according to precision, etc.
            # Drop trailing zeros from decimal
            udl = drop_trailing_zeros_decimal(udl)
            fdm = formatDecimalMark('> %s' % udl, decimalmark)
            return fdm.replace('> ', '&gt; ', 1) if html else fdm

        # Render numerical values
        return format_numeric_result(self, self.getResult(),
Example #19
    def getFormattedResult(self, specs=None, decimalmark='.'):
        """Formatted result:
        1. Print ResultText of matching ResultOptions
        2. If the result is not floatable, return it without being formatted
        3. If the analysis specs has hidemin or hidemax enabled and the
           result is out of range, render result as '<min' or '>max'
        4. Otherwise, render numerical value
        specs param is optional. A dictionary as follows:
            {'min': <min_val>,
             'max': <max_val>,
             'error': <error>,
             'hidemin': <hidemin_val>,
             'hidemax': <hidemax_val>}
        result = self.getResult()
        service = self.getService()
        choices = service.getResultOptions()

        # 1. Print ResultText of matching ResulOptions
        match = [x['ResultText'] for x in choices
                 if str(x['ResultValue']) == str(result)]
        if match:
            return match[0]

        # 2. If the result is not floatable, return it without being formatted
            result = float(result)
            return result

        # 3. If the analysis specs has enabled hidemin or hidemax and the
        #    result is out of range, render result as '<min' or '>max'
        belowmin = False
        abovemax = False
        if not specs:
            specs = self.getAnalysisSpecs()
            specs = specs.getResultsRangeDict() if specs is not None else {}
            specs = specs.get(self.getKeyword(), {})
        hidemin = specs.get('hidemin', '')
        hidemax = specs.get('hidemax', '')
            belowmin = hidemin and result < float(hidemin) or False
            belowmin = False
            abovemax = hidemax and result > float(hidemax) or False
            abovemax = False

        # 3.1. If result is below min and hidemin enabled, return '<min'
        if belowmin:
            return formatDecimalMark('< %s' % hidemin, decimalmark)

        # 3.2. If result is above max and hidemax enabled, return '>max'
        if abovemax:
            return formatDecimalMark('> %s' % hidemax, decimalmark)

        # Render numerical value
        return formatDecimalMark(format_numeric_result(self, result), decimalmark)
Example #20
    def _analysis_data(self, analysis):
        """ Returns a dict that represents the analysis
        decimalmark = analysis.aq_parent.aq_parent.getDecimalMark()
        keyword = analysis.getKeyword()
        service = analysis.getService()
        andict = {'obj': analysis,
                  'id': analysis.id,
                  'title': analysis.Title(),
                  'keyword': keyword,
                  'scientific_name': service.getScientificName(),
                  'accredited': service.getAccredited(),
                  'point_of_capture': to_utf8(POINTS_OF_CAPTURE.getValue(service.getPointOfCapture())),
                  'category': to_utf8(service.getCategoryTitle()),
                  'result': analysis.getResult(),
                  'unit': to_utf8(service.getUnit()),
                  'formatted_unit': format_supsub(to_utf8(service.getUnit())),
                  'capture_date': analysis.getResultCaptureDate(),
                  'request_id': analysis.aq_parent.getId(),
                  'formatted_result': '',
                  'uncertainty': analysis.getUncertainty(),
                  'formatted_uncertainty': '',
                  'retested': analysis.getRetested(),
                  'remarks': to_utf8(analysis.getRemarks()),
                  'resultdm': to_utf8(analysis.getResultDM()),
                  'outofrange': False,
                  'type': analysis.portal_type,
                  'reftype': analysis.getReferenceType() \
                            if hasattr(analysis, 'getReferenceType')
                            else None,
                  'worksheet': None,
                  'specs': {},
                  'formatted_specs': ''}

        andict['refsample'] = analysis.getSample().id \
                            if analysis.portal_type == 'Analysis' \
                            else '%s - %s' % (analysis.aq_parent.id, analysis.aq_parent.Title())

        # Which analysis specs must be used?
        # Try first with those defined at AR Publish Specs level
        if analysis.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis':
            # The analysis is a Control or Blank. We might use the
            # reference results instead other specs
            uid = analysis.getServiceUID()
            specs = analysis.aq_parent.getResultsRangeDict().get(uid, {})

            # Get the specs directly from the analysis. The getResultsRange
            # function already takes care about which are the specs to be used:
            # AR, client or lab.
            specs = analysis.getResultsRange()

        andict['specs'] = specs
        scinot = self.context.bika_setup.getScientificNotationReport()
        andict['formatted_result'] = analysis.getFormattedResult(
            specs=specs, sciformat=int(scinot), decimalmark=decimalmark)

        fs = ''
        if specs.get('min', None) and specs.get('max', None):
            fs = '%s - %s' % (specs['min'], specs['max'])
        elif specs.get('min', None):
            fs = '> %s' % specs['min']
        elif specs.get('max', None):
            fs = '< %s' % specs['max']
        andict['formatted_specs'] = formatDecimalMark(fs, decimalmark)
        andict['formatted_uncertainty'] = format_uncertainty(

        # Out of range?
        if specs:
            adapters = getAdapters((analysis, ), IResultOutOfRange)
            bsc = getToolByName(self.context, "bika_setup_catalog")
            for name, adapter in adapters:
                ret = adapter(specification=specs)
                if ret and ret['out_of_range']:
                    andict['outofrange'] = True
        return andict
Example #21
    def _analysis_data(self, analysis):
        """ Returns a dict that represents the analysis
        decimalmark = analysis.aq_parent.aq_parent.getDecimalMark()
        keyword = analysis.getKeyword()
        andict = {
            'obj': analysis,
            'id': analysis.id,
            'title': analysis.Title(),
            'keyword': keyword,
            'scientific_name': analysis.getScientificName(),
            'accredited': analysis.getAccredited(),
            'point_of_capture': to_utf8(POINTS_OF_CAPTURE.getValue(analysis.getPointOfCapture())),
            'category': to_utf8(analysis.getCategoryTitle()),
            'result': analysis.getResult(),
            'unit': to_utf8(analysis.getUnit()),
            'formatted_unit': format_supsub(to_utf8(analysis.getUnit())),
            'capture_date': analysis.getResultCaptureDate(),
            'request_id': analysis.aq_parent.getId(),
            'formatted_result': '',
            'uncertainty': analysis.getUncertainty(),
            'formatted_uncertainty': '',
            'retested': analysis.getRetested(),
            'remarks': to_utf8(analysis.getRemarks()),
            'resultdm': to_utf8(analysis.getResultDM()),
            'outofrange': False,
            'type': analysis.portal_type,
            'reftype': analysis.getReferenceType() if hasattr(
                analysis, 'getReferenceType') else None,
            'worksheet': None,
            'specs': {},
            'formatted_specs': '',
            'review_state': api.get_workflow_status_of(analysis),

        andict['refsample'] = analysis.getSample().id \
            if analysis.portal_type == 'Analysis' \
            else '%s - %s' % (analysis.aq_parent.id, analysis.aq_parent.Title())

        # Which analysis specs must be used?
        # Try first with those defined at AR Publish Specs level
        if analysis.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis':
            # The analysis is a Control or Blank. We might use the
            # reference results instead other specs
            uid = analysis.getServiceUID()
            specs = analysis.aq_parent.getResultsRangeDict().get(uid, {})

            # Get the specs directly from the analysis. The getResultsRange
            # function already takes care about which are the specs to be used:
            # AR, client or lab.
            specs = analysis.getResultsRange()

        andict['specs'] = specs
        scinot = self.context.bika_setup.getScientificNotationReport()
        andict['formatted_result'] = analysis.getFormattedResult(specs=specs, sciformat=int(scinot), decimalmark=decimalmark)

        fs = ''
        if specs.get('min', None) and specs.get('max', None):
            fs = '%s - %s' % (specs['min'], specs['max'])
        elif specs.get('min', None):
            fs = '> %s' % specs['min']
        elif specs.get('max', None):
            fs = '< %s' % specs['max']
        andict['formatted_specs'] = formatDecimalMark(fs, decimalmark)
        andict['formatted_uncertainty'] = format_uncertainty(analysis, analysis.getResult(), decimalmark=decimalmark, sciformat=int(scinot))

        # Out of range?
        if specs:
            adapters = getAdapters((analysis, ), IResultOutOfRange)
            for name, adapter in adapters:
                ret = adapter(specification=specs)
                if ret and ret['out_of_range']:
                    andict['outofrange'] = True
        return andict
Example #22
def format_uncertainty(analysis, result, decimalmark='.', sciformat=1):
    Returns the formatted uncertainty according to the analysis, result
    and decimal mark specified following these rules:

    If the "Calculate precision from uncertainties" is enabled in
    the Analysis service, and

    a) If the the non-decimal number of digits of the result is above
       the service's ExponentialFormatPrecision, the uncertainty will
       be formatted in scientific notation. The uncertainty exponential
       value used will be the same as the one used for the result. The
       uncertainty will be rounded according to the same precision as
       the result.

       Given an Analysis with an uncertainty of 37 for a range of
       results between 30000 and 40000, with an
       ExponentialFormatPrecision equal to 4 and a result of 32092,
       this method will return 0.004E+04

    b) If the number of digits of the integer part of the result is
       below the ExponentialFormatPrecision, the uncertainty will be
       formatted as decimal notation and the uncertainty will be
       rounded one position after reaching the last 0 (precision
       calculated according to the uncertainty value).

       Given an Analysis with an uncertainty of 0.22 for a range of
       results between 1 and 10 with an ExponentialFormatPrecision
       equal to 4 and a result of 5.234, this method will return 0.2

    If the "Calculate precision from Uncertainties" is disabled in the
    analysis service, the same rules described above applies, but the
    precision used for rounding the uncertainty is not calculated from
    the uncertainty neither the result. The fixed length precision is
    used instead.

    For further details, visit

    If the result is not floatable or no uncertainty defined, returns
    an empty string.

    The default decimal mark '.' will be replaced by the decimalmark

    :param analysis: the analysis from which the uncertainty, precision
                     and other additional info have to be retrieved
    :param result: result of the analysis. Used to retrieve and/or
                   calculate the precision and/or uncertainty
    :param decimalmark: decimal mark to use. By default '.'
    :param sciformat: 1. The sci notation has to be formatted as aE^+b
                  2. The sci notation has to be formatted as ax10^b
                  3. As 2, but with super html entity for exp
                  4. The sci notation has to be formatted as a·10^b
                  5. As 4, but with super html entity for exp
                  By default 1
    :return: the formatted uncertainty
        result = float(result)
    except ValueError:
        return ""

    objres = None
        objres = float(analysis.getResult())
    except ValueError:

    service = analysis.getService()
    uncertainty = None
    if result == objres:
        # To avoid problems with DLs
        uncertainty = analysis.getUncertainty()
        uncertainty = analysis.getUncertainty(result)

    if uncertainty is None or uncertainty == 0:
        return ""

    # Scientific notation?
    # Get the default precision for scientific notation
    threshold = service.getExponentialFormatPrecision()
    precision = analysis.getPrecision(result)
    formatted = _format_decimal_or_sci(uncertainty, precision, threshold, sciformat)
    return formatDecimalMark(formatted, decimalmark)
Example #23
def format_numeric_result(analysis, result, decimalmark='.', sciformat=1):
    Returns the formatted number part of a results value.  This is
    responsible for deciding the precision, and notation of numeric
    values in accordance to the uncertainty. If a non-numeric
    result value is given, the value will be returned unchanged.

    The following rules apply:

    If the "Calculate precision from uncertainties" is enabled in
    the Analysis service, and

    a) If the non-decimal number of digits of the result is above
       the service's ExponentialFormatPrecision, the result will
       be formatted in scientific notation.

       Given an Analysis with an uncertainty of 37 for a range of
       results between 30000 and 40000, with an
       ExponentialFormatPrecision equal to 4 and a result of 32092,
       this method will return 3.2092E+04

    b) If the number of digits of the integer part of the result is
       below the ExponentialFormatPrecision, the result will be
       formatted as decimal notation and the resulta will be rounded
       in accordance to the precision (calculated from the uncertainty)

       Given an Analysis with an uncertainty of 0.22 for a range of
       results between 1 and 10 with an ExponentialFormatPrecision
       equal to 4 and a result of 5.234, this method will return 5.2

    If the "Calculate precision from Uncertainties" is disabled in the
    analysis service, the same rules described above applies, but the
    precision used for rounding the result is not calculated from
    the uncertainty. The fixed length precision is used instead.

    For further details, visit

    The default decimal mark '.' will be replaced by the decimalmark

    :param analysis: the analysis from which the uncertainty, precision
                     and other additional info have to be retrieved
    :param result: result to be formatted.
    :param decimalmark: decimal mark to use. By default '.'
    :param sciformat: 1. The sci notation has to be formatted as aE^+b
                      2. The sci notation has to be formatted as ax10^b
                      3. As 2, but with super html entity for exp
                      4. The sci notation has to be formatted as a·10^b
                      5. As 4, but with super html entity for exp
                      By default 1
    :result: should be a string to preserve the decimal precision.
    :return: the formatted result as string
        result = float(result)
    except ValueError:
        return result

    # continuing with 'nan' result will cause formatting to fail.
    if math.isnan(result):
        return result

    service = analysis.getService()
    # Scientific notation?
    # Get the default precision for scientific notation
    threshold = service.getExponentialFormatPrecision()
    precision = analysis.getPrecision(result)
    formatted = _format_decimal_or_sci(result, precision, threshold, sciformat)
    return formatDecimalMark(formatted, decimalmark)
Example #24
    def _analysis_data(self, analysis, decimalmark=None):
        keyword = analysis.getKeyword()
        service = analysis.getService()
        andict = {'obj': analysis,
                  'id': analysis.id,
                  'title': analysis.Title(),
                  'keyword': keyword,
                  'accredited': service.getAccredited(),
                  'point_of_capture': to_utf8(POINTS_OF_CAPTURE.getValue(service.getPointOfCapture())),
                  'category': to_utf8(service.getCategoryTitle()),
                  'result': analysis.getResult(),
                  'unit': to_utf8(service.getUnit()),
                  'capture_date': analysis.getResultCaptureDate(),
                  'request_id': analysis.aq_parent.getId(),
                  'formatted_result': '',
                  'uncertainty': analysis.getUncertainty(),
                  'formatted_uncertainty': '',
                  'retested': analysis.getRetested(),
                  'remarks': to_utf8(analysis.getRemarks()),
                  'resultdm': to_utf8(analysis.getResultDM()),
                  'outofrange': False,
                  'type': analysis.portal_type,
                  'reftype': analysis.getReferenceType() \
                            if hasattr(analysis, 'getReferenceType')
                            else None,
                  'worksheet': None,
                  'specs': {},
                  'formatted_specs': ''}

        if analysis.portal_type == 'DuplicateAnalysis':
            andict['reftype'] = 'd'

        ws = analysis.getBackReferences('WorksheetAnalysis')
        andict['worksheet'] = ws[0].id if ws and len(ws) > 0 else None
        andict['worksheet_url'] = ws[0].absolute_url if ws and len(ws) > 0 else None
        andict['refsample'] = analysis.getSample().id \
                            if analysis.portal_type == 'Analysis' \
                            else '%s - %s' % (analysis.aq_parent.id, analysis.aq_parent.Title())

        # Which analysis specs must be used?
        # Try first with those defined at AR Publish Specs level
        if analysis.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis':
            # The analysis is a Control or Blank. We might use the
            # reference results instead other specs
            uid = analysis.getServiceUID()
            specs = analysis.aq_parent.getResultsRangeDict().get(uid, {})

        elif analysis.portal_type == 'DuplicateAnalysis':
            specs = analysis.getAnalysisSpecs();

            ar = analysis.aq_parent
            specs = ar.getPublicationSpecification()
            if not specs or keyword not in specs.getResultsRangeDict():
                specs = analysis.getAnalysisSpecs()
            specs = specs.getResultsRangeDict().get(keyword, {}) \
                    if specs else {}

        andict['specs'] = specs
        andict['formatted_result'] = analysis.getFormattedResult(specs, decimalmark)

        fs = ''
        if specs.get('min', None) and specs.get('max', None):
            fs = '%s - %s' % (specs['min'], specs['max'])
        elif specs.get('min', None):
            fs = '> %s' % specs['min']
        elif specs.get('max', None):
            fs = '< %s' % specs['max']
        andict['formatted_specs'] = formatDecimalMark(fs, decimalmark)
        andict['formatted_uncertainty'] = formatDecimalMark(str(analysis.getUncertainty()), decimalmark)

        # Out of range?
        if specs:
            adapters = getAdapters((analysis, ), IResultOutOfRange)
            bsc = getToolByName(self.context, "bika_setup_catalog")
            for name, adapter in adapters:
                ret = adapter(specification=specs)
                if ret and ret['out_of_range']:
                    andict['outofrange'] = True
        return andict
Example #25
def format_uncertainty(analysis, result, decimalmark='.', sciformat=1):
    Returns the formatted uncertainty according to the analysis, result
    and decimal mark specified following these rules:

    If the "Calculate precision from uncertainties" is enabled in
    the Analysis service, and

    a) If the the non-decimal number of digits of the result is above
       the service's ExponentialFormatPrecision, the uncertainty will
       be formatted in scientific notation. The uncertainty exponential
       value used will be the same as the one used for the result. The
       uncertainty will be rounded according to the same precision as
       the result.

       Given an Analysis with an uncertainty of 37 for a range of
       results between 30000 and 40000, with an
       ExponentialFormatPrecision equal to 4 and a result of 32092,
       this method will return 0.004E+04

    b) If the number of digits of the integer part of the result is
       below the ExponentialFormatPrecision, the uncertainty will be
       formatted as decimal notation and the uncertainty will be
       rounded one position after reaching the last 0 (precision
       calculated according to the uncertainty value).

       Given an Analysis with an uncertainty of 0.22 for a range of
       results between 1 and 10 with an ExponentialFormatPrecision
       equal to 4 and a result of 5.234, this method will return 0.2

    If the "Calculate precision from Uncertainties" is disabled in the
    analysis service, the same rules described above applies, but the
    precision used for rounding the uncertainty is not calculated from
    the uncertainty neither the result. The fixed length precision is
    used instead.

    For further details, visit

    If the result is not floatable or no uncertainty defined, returns
    an empty string.

    The default decimal mark '.' will be replaced by the decimalmark

    :param analysis: the analysis from which the uncertainty, precision
                     and other additional info have to be retrieved
    :param result: result of the analysis. Used to retrieve and/or
                   calculate the precision and/or uncertainty
    :param decimalmark: decimal mark to use. By default '.'
    :param sciformat: 1. The sci notation has to be formatted as aE^+b
                  2. The sci notation has to be formatted as ax10^b
                  3. As 2, but with super html entity for exp
                  4. The sci notation has to be formatted as a·10^b
                  5. As 4, but with super html entity for exp
                  By default 1
    :return: the formatted uncertainty
        result = float(result)
    except ValueError:
        return ""

    objres = None
        objres = float(analysis.getResult())
    except ValueError:

    service = analysis.getService()
    uncertainty = None
    if result == objres:
        # To avoid problems with DLs
        uncertainty = analysis.getUncertainty()
        uncertainty = analysis.getUncertainty(result)

    if uncertainty is None or uncertainty == 0:
        return ""

    # Scientific notation?
    # Get the default precision for scientific notation
    threshold = service.getExponentialFormatPrecision()
    # Current result precision is above the threshold?
    sig_digits = get_significant_digits(result)
    negative = sig_digits < 0
    sign = '-' if negative else ''
    sig_digits = abs(sig_digits)
    sci = sig_digits >= threshold and sig_digits > 0

    formatted = ''
    if sci:
        # Scientific notation
        # 3.2014E+4
        if negative == True:
            res = float(uncertainty)*(10**sig_digits)
            res = float(uncertainty)/(10**sig_digits)
            res = float(str("%%.%sf" % (sig_digits-1)) % res)
        res = int(res) if res.is_integer() else res

        if sciformat in [2,3,4,5]:
            if sciformat == 2:
                # ax10^b or ax10^-b
                formatted = "%s%s%s%s" % (res,"x10^",sign,sig_digits)
            elif sciformat == 3:
                # ax10<super>b</super> or ax10<super>-b</super>
                formatted = "%s%s%s%s%s" % (res,"x10<sup>",sign,sig_digits,"</sup>")
            elif sciformat == 4:
                # ax10^b or ax10^-b
                formatted = "%s%s%s%s" % (res,"·10^",sign,sig_digits)
            elif sciformat == 5:
                # ax10<super>b</super> or ax10<super>-b</super>
                formatted = "%s%s%s%s%s" % (res,"·10<sup>",sign,sig_digits,"</sup>")
            # Default format: aE^+b
            sig_digits = "%02d" % sig_digits
            formatted = "%s%s%s%s" % (res,"e",sign,sig_digits)
            #formatted = str("%%.%se" % sig_digits) % uncertainty
        # Decimal notation
        prec = analysis.getPrecision(result)
        prec = prec if prec else ''
        formatted = str("%%.%sf" % prec) % uncertainty

    return formatDecimalMark(formatted, decimalmark)
Example #26
    def _analysis_data(self, analysis, decimalmark=None):
        keyword = analysis.getKeyword()
        service = analysis.getService()
        andict = {'obj': analysis,
                  'id': analysis.id,
                  'title': analysis.Title(),
                  'keyword': keyword,
                  'scientific_name': service.getScientificName(),
                  'accredited': service.getAccredited(),
                  'point_of_capture': to_utf8(POINTS_OF_CAPTURE.getValue(service.getPointOfCapture())),
                  'category': to_utf8(service.getCategoryTitle()),
                  'result': analysis.getResult(),
                  'isnumber': isnumber(analysis.getResult()),
                  'unit': to_utf8(service.getUnit()),
                  'formatted_unit': format_supsub(to_utf8(service.getUnit())),
                  'capture_date': analysis.getResultCaptureDate(),
                  'request_id': analysis.aq_parent.getId(),
                  'formatted_result': '',
                  'uncertainty': analysis.getUncertainty(),
                  'formatted_uncertainty': '',
                  'retested': analysis.getRetested(),
                  'remarks': to_utf8(analysis.getRemarks()),
                  'resultdm': to_utf8(analysis.getResultDM()),
                  'outofrange': False,
                  'type': analysis.portal_type,
                  'reftype': analysis.getReferenceType() \
                            if hasattr(analysis, 'getReferenceType')
                            else None,
                  'worksheet': None,
                  'specs': {},
                  'formatted_specs': ''}

        if analysis.portal_type == 'DuplicateAnalysis':
            andict['reftype'] = 'd'

        ws = analysis.getBackReferences('WorksheetAnalysis')
        andict['worksheet'] = ws[0].id if ws and len(ws) > 0 else None
        andict['worksheet_url'] = ws[0].absolute_url if ws and len(
            ws) > 0 else None
        andict['refsample'] = analysis.getSample().id \
                            if analysis.portal_type == 'Analysis' \
                            else '%s - %s' % (analysis.aq_parent.id, analysis.aq_parent.Title())

        # Which analysis specs must be used?
        # Try first with those defined at AR Publish Specs level
        if analysis.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis':
            # The analysis is a Control or Blank. We might use the
            # reference results instead other specs
            uid = analysis.getServiceUID()
            specs = analysis.aq_parent.getResultsRangeDict().get(uid, {})

        elif analysis.portal_type == 'DuplicateAnalysis':
            specs = analysis.getAnalysisSpecs()

            ar = analysis.aq_parent
            specs = ar.getPublicationSpecification()
            if not specs or keyword not in specs.getResultsRangeDict():
                specs = analysis.getAnalysisSpecs()
            specs = specs.getResultsRangeDict().get(keyword, {}) \
                    if specs else {}

        andict['specs'] = specs
        scinot = self.context.bika_setup.getScientificNotationReport()
        andict['formatted_result'] = analysis.getFormattedResult(
            specs=specs, sciformat=int(scinot), decimalmark=decimalmark)

        fs = ''
        if specs.get('min', None) and specs.get('max', None):
            fs = '%s - %s' % (specs['min'], specs['max'])
        elif specs.get('min', None):
            fs = '> %s' % specs['min']
        elif specs.get('max', None):
            fs = '< %s' % specs['max']
        andict['formatted_specs'] = formatDecimalMark(fs, decimalmark)
        andict['formatted_uncertainty'] = format_uncertainty(

        # Return specs of current analysis
        andict['specs_dict'] = analysis.getSpecification().getResultsRangeDict(

        # Out of range?
        if specs:
            adapters = getAdapters((analysis, ), IResultOutOfRange)
            bsc = getToolByName(self.context, "bika_setup_catalog")
            for name, adapter in adapters:
                ret = adapter(specification=specs)
                if ret and ret['out_of_range']:
                    andict['outofrange'] = True
        return andict
Example #27
    def _analysis_data(self, analysis, decimalmark=None):
        keyword = analysis.getKeyword()
        service = analysis.getService()
        andict = {'obj': analysis,
                  'id': analysis.id,
                  'title': analysis.Title(),
                  'keyword': keyword,
                  'scientific_name': service.getScientificName(),
                  'accredited': service.getAccredited(),
                  'point_of_capture': to_utf8(POINTS_OF_CAPTURE.getValue(service.getPointOfCapture())),
                  'category': to_utf8(service.getCategoryTitle()),
                  'result': analysis.getResult(),
                  'isnumber': isnumber(analysis.getResult()),
                  'unit': to_utf8(service.getUnit()),
                  'formatted_unit': format_supsub(to_utf8(service.getUnit())),
                  'capture_date': analysis.getResultCaptureDate(),
                  'request_id': analysis.aq_parent.getId(),
                  'formatted_result': '',
                  'uncertainty': analysis.getUncertainty(),
                  'formatted_uncertainty': '',
                  'retested': analysis.getRetested(),
                  'remarks': to_utf8(analysis.getRemarks()),
                  'resultdm': to_utf8(analysis.getResultDM()),
                  'outofrange': False,
                  'type': analysis.portal_type,
                  'reftype': analysis.getReferenceType() \
                            if hasattr(analysis, 'getReferenceType')
                            else None,
                  'worksheet': None,
                  'specs': {},
                  'formatted_specs': ''}

        if analysis.portal_type == 'DuplicateAnalysis':
            andict['reftype'] = 'd'

        ws = analysis.getBackReferences('WorksheetAnalysis')
        andict['worksheet'] = ws[0].id if ws and len(ws) > 0 else None
        andict['worksheet_url'] = ws[0].absolute_url if ws and len(ws) > 0 else None
        andict['refsample'] = analysis.getSample().id \
                            if analysis.portal_type == 'Analysis' \
                            else '%s - %s' % (analysis.aq_parent.id, analysis.aq_parent.Title())

        if analysis.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis':
            # The analysis is a Control or Blank. We might use the
            # reference results instead other specs
            uid = analysis.getServiceUID()
            specs = analysis.aq_parent.getResultsRangeDict().get(uid, {})

            # Get the specs directly from the analysis. The getResultsRange
            # function already takes care about which are the specs to be used:
            # AR, client or lab.
            specs = analysis.getResultsRange()

        andict['specs'] = specs
        scinot = self.context.bika_setup.getScientificNotationReport()
        andict['formatted_result'] = analysis.getFormattedResult(specs=specs, sciformat=int(scinot), decimalmark=decimalmark)

        fs = ''
        if specs.get('min', None) and specs.get('max', None):
            fs = '%s - %s' % (specs['min'], specs['max'])
        elif specs.get('min', None):
            fs = '> %s' % specs['min']
        elif specs.get('max', None):
            fs = '< %s' % specs['max']
        andict['formatted_specs'] = formatDecimalMark(fs, decimalmark)
        andict['formatted_uncertainty'] = format_uncertainty(analysis, analysis.getResult(), decimalmark=decimalmark, sciformat=int(scinot))

        # Out of range?
        if specs:
            adapters = getAdapters((analysis, ), IResultOutOfRange)
            bsc = getToolByName(self.context, "bika_setup_catalog")
            for name, adapter in adapters:
                ret = adapter(specification=specs)
                if ret and ret['out_of_range']:
                    andict['outofrange'] = True
        return andict
Example #28
def format_uncertainty(analysis, result, decimalmark='.', sciformat=1):
    Returns the formatted uncertainty according to the analysis, result
    and decimal mark specified following these rules:

    If the "Calculate precision from uncertainties" is enabled in
    the Analysis service, and

    a) If the the non-decimal number of digits of the result is above
       the service's ExponentialFormatPrecision, the uncertainty will
       be formatted in scientific notation. The uncertainty exponential
       value used will be the same as the one used for the result. The
       uncertainty will be rounded according to the same precision as
       the result.

       Given an Analysis with an uncertainty of 37 for a range of
       results between 30000 and 40000, with an
       ExponentialFormatPrecision equal to 4 and a result of 32092,
       this method will return 0.004E+04

    b) If the number of digits of the integer part of the result is
       below the ExponentialFormatPrecision, the uncertainty will be
       formatted as decimal notation and the uncertainty will be
       rounded one position after reaching the last 0 (precision
       calculated according to the uncertainty value).

       Given an Analysis with an uncertainty of 0.22 for a range of
       results between 1 and 10 with an ExponentialFormatPrecision
       equal to 4 and a result of 5.234, this method will return 0.2

    If the "Calculate precision from Uncertainties" is disabled in the
    analysis service, the same rules described above applies, but the
    precision used for rounding the uncertainty is not calculated from
    the uncertainty neither the result. The fixed length precision is
    used instead.

    For further details, visit

    If the result is not floatable or no uncertainty defined, returns
    an empty string.

    The default decimal mark '.' will be replaced by the decimalmark

    :param analysis: the analysis from which the uncertainty, precision
                     and other additional info have to be retrieved
    :param result: result of the analysis. Used to retrieve and/or
                   calculate the precision and/or uncertainty
    :param decimalmark: decimal mark to use. By default '.'
    :param sciformat: 1. The sci notation has to be formatted as aE^+b
                  2. The sci notation has to be formatted as ax10^b
                  3. As 2, but with super html entity for exp
                  4. The sci notation has to be formatted as a·10^b
                  5. As 4, but with super html entity for exp
                  By default 1
    :return: the formatted uncertainty
        result = float(result)
    except ValueError:
        return ""

    objres = None
        objres = float(analysis.getResult())
    except ValueError:

    service = analysis.getService()
    uncertainty = None
    if result == objres:
        # To avoid problems with DLs
        uncertainty = analysis.getUncertainty()
        uncertainty = analysis.getUncertainty(result)

    if uncertainty is None or uncertainty == 0:
        return ""

    # Scientific notation?
    # Get the default precision for scientific notation
    threshold = service.getExponentialFormatPrecision()
    precision = analysis.getPrecision(result)
    formatted = _format_decimal_or_sci(uncertainty, precision, threshold,
    return formatDecimalMark(formatted, decimalmark)
Example #29
    def folderitems(self):
        rc = getToolByName(self.context, REFERENCE_CATALOG)
        bsc = getToolByName(self.context, 'bika_setup_catalog')
        analysis_categories = bsc(portal_type="AnalysisCategory", sort_on="sortable_title")
        analysis_categories_order = dict([(b.Title, "{:04}".format(a)) for a, b in enumerate(analysis_categories)])
        workflow = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_workflow')
        mtool = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_membership')
        checkPermission = mtool.checkPermission
        if not self.allow_edit:
            can_edit_analyses = False
            if self.contentFilter.get('getPointOfCapture', '') == 'field':
                can_edit_analyses = checkPermission(EditFieldResults, self.context)
                can_edit_analyses = checkPermission(EditResults, self.context)
            self.allow_edit = can_edit_analyses
        self.show_select_column = self.allow_edit
        context_active = isActive(self.context)

        self.categories = []
        items = super(AnalysesView, self).folderitems(full_objects = True)

        member = mtool.getAuthenticatedMember()

        # manually skim retracted analyses from the list
        new_items = []
        for i,item in enumerate(items):
            # self.contentsMethod may return brains or objects.
            if not ('obj' in items[i]):
            obj = hasattr(items[i]['obj'], 'getObject') and \
                items[i]['obj'].getObject() or \
            if workflow.getInfoFor(obj, 'review_state') == 'retracted' \
                and not checkPermission(ViewRetractedAnalyses, self.context):
        items = new_items

        methods = self.get_methods_vocabulary()

        self.interim_fields = {}
        self.interim_columns = {}
        self.specs = {}
        show_methodinstr_columns = False
        dmk = self.context.bika_setup.getResultsDecimalMark()
        for i, item in enumerate(items):
            # self.contentsMethod may return brains or objects.
            obj = hasattr(items[i]['obj'], 'getObject') and \
                items[i]['obj'].getObject() or \
            if workflow.getInfoFor(obj, 'review_state') == 'retracted' \
                and not checkPermission(ViewRetractedAnalyses, self.context):

            result = obj.getResult()
            service = obj.getService()
            calculation = service.getCalculation()
            unit = service.getUnit()
            keyword = service.getKeyword()

            if self.show_categories:
                cat = obj.getService().getCategoryTitle()
                cat_order = analysis_categories_order.get(cat)
                items[i]['category'] = cat
                if (cat, cat_order) not in self.categories:
                    self.categories.append((cat, cat_order))

            # Check for InterimFields attribute on our object,
            interim_fields = hasattr(obj, 'getInterimFields') \
                and obj.getInterimFields() or []
            # kick some pretty display values in.
            for x in range(len(interim_fields)):
                interim_fields[x]['formatted_value'] = \
                    formatDecimalMark(interim_fields[x]['value'], dmk)
            self.interim_fields[obj.UID()] = interim_fields
            items[i]['service_uid'] = service.UID()
            items[i]['Service'] = service.Title()
            items[i]['Keyword'] = keyword
            items[i]['Unit'] = format_supsub(unit) if unit else ''
            items[i]['Result'] = ''
            items[i]['formatted_result'] = ''
            items[i]['interim_fields'] = interim_fields
            items[i]['Remarks'] = obj.getRemarks()
            items[i]['Uncertainty'] = ''
            items[i]['DetectionLimit'] = ''
            items[i]['retested'] = obj.getRetested()
            items[i]['class']['retested'] = 'center'
            items[i]['result_captured'] = self.ulocalized_time(
                obj.getResultCaptureDate(), long_format=0)
            items[i]['calculation'] = calculation and True or False
                items[i]['Partition'] = obj.getSamplePartition().getId()
            except AttributeError:
                items[i]['Partition'] = ''
            if obj.portal_type == "ReferenceAnalysis":
                items[i]['DueDate'] = self.ulocalized_time(obj.aq_parent.getExpiryDate(), long_format=0)
                items[i]['DueDate'] = self.ulocalized_time(obj.getDueDate(), long_format=1)
            cd = obj.getResultCaptureDate()
            items[i]['CaptureDate'] = cd and self.ulocalized_time(cd, long_format=1) or ''
            items[i]['Attachments'] = ''

            item['allow_edit'] = []
            client_or_lab = ""

            tblrowclass = items[i].get('table_row_class');
            if obj.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis':
                items[i]['st_uid'] = obj.aq_parent.UID()
                items[i]['table_row_class'] = ' '.join([tblrowclass, 'qc-analysis']);
            elif obj.portal_type == 'DuplicateAnalysis' and \
                obj.getAnalysis().portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis':
                items[i]['st_uid'] = obj.aq_parent.UID()
                items[i]['table_row_class'] = ' '.join([tblrowclass, 'qc-analysis']);
                sample = None
                if self.context.portal_type == 'AnalysisRequest':
                    sample = self.context.getSample()
                elif self.context.portal_type == 'Worksheet':
                    if obj.portal_type in ('DuplicateAnalysis', 'RejectAnalysis'):
                        sample = obj.getAnalysis().getSample()
                        sample = obj.aq_parent.getSample()
                elif self.context.portal_type == 'Sample':
                    sample = self.context
                st_uid = sample.getSampleType().UID() if sample else ''
                items[i]['st_uid'] = st_uid

            if checkPermission(ManageBika, self.context):
                service_uid = service.UID()
                latest = rc.lookupObject(service_uid).version_id
                items[i]['Service'] = service.Title()
                items[i]['class']['Service'] = "service_title"

            # Show version number of out-of-date objects
            # No: This should be done in another column, if at all.
            # The (vX) value confuses some more fragile forms.
            #     if hasattr(obj, 'reference_versions') and \
            #        service_uid in obj.reference_versions and \
            #        latest != obj.reference_versions[service_uid]:
            #         items[i]['after']['Service'] = "(v%s)" % \
            #              (obj.reference_versions[service_uid])

            # choices defined on Service apply to result fields.
            choices = service.getResultOptions()
            if choices:
                item['choices']['Result'] = choices

            # permission to view this item's results
            can_view_result = \
                getSecurityManager().checkPermission(ViewResults, obj)

            # permission to edit this item's results
            # Editing Field Results is possible while in Sample Due.
            poc = self.contentFilter.get("getPointOfCapture", 'lab')
            can_edit_analysis = self.allow_edit and context_active and \
                ( (poc == 'field' and getSecurityManager().checkPermission(EditFieldResults, obj))
                  (poc != 'field' and getSecurityManager().checkPermission(EditResults, obj)) )

            allowed_method_states = ['to_be_sampled',

            # Prevent from being edited if the instrument assigned
            # is not valid (out-of-date or uncalibrated), except if
            # the analysis is a QC with assigned status
            can_edit_analysis = can_edit_analysis \
                and (obj.isInstrumentValid() \
                    or (obj.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis' \
                        and item['review_state'] in allowed_method_states))

            if can_edit_analysis:
                # if the Result field is editable, our interim fields are too
                for f in self.interim_fields[obj.UID()]:

                # if there isn't a calculation then result must be re-testable,
                # and if there are interim fields, they too must be re-testable.
                if not items[i]['calculation'] or \
                   (items[i]['calculation'] and self.interim_fields[obj.UID()]):

            # TODO: Only the labmanager must be able to change the method
            # can_set_method = getSecurityManager().checkPermission(SetAnalysisMethod, obj)
            can_set_method = can_edit_analysis \
                and item['review_state'] in allowed_method_states
            method = obj.getMethod() \
                        if hasattr(obj, 'getMethod') and obj.getMethod() \
                        else service.getMethod()

            # Display the methods selector if the AS has at least one
            # method assigned
            item['Method'] = ''
            item['replace']['Method'] = ''
            if can_set_method:
                voc = self.get_methods_vocabulary(obj)
                if voc:
                    # The service has at least one method available
                    item['Method'] = method.UID() if method else ''
                    item['choices']['Method'] = voc
                    show_methodinstr_columns = True

                elif method:
                    # This should never happen
                    # The analysis has set a method, but its parent
                    # service hasn't any method available O_o
                    item['Method'] = method.Title()
                    item['replace']['Method'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                        (method.absolute_url(), method.Title())
                    show_methodinstr_columns = True

            elif method:
                # Edition not allowed, but method set
                item['Method'] = method.Title()
                item['replace']['Method'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                    (method.absolute_url(), method.Title())
                show_methodinstr_columns = True

            # TODO: Instrument selector dynamic behavior in worksheet Results
            # Only the labmanager must be able to change the instrument to be used. Also,
            # the instrument selection should be done in accordance with the method selected
            # can_set_instrument = service.getInstrumentEntryOfResults() and getSecurityManager().checkPermission(SetAnalysisInstrument, obj)
            can_set_instrument = service.getInstrumentEntryOfResults() \
                and can_edit_analysis \
                and item['review_state'] in allowed_method_states

            item['Instrument'] = ''
            item['replace']['Instrument'] = ''
            if service.getInstrumentEntryOfResults():
                instrument = None

                # If the analysis has an instrument already assigned, use it
                if service.getInstrumentEntryOfResults() \
                    and hasattr(obj, 'getInstrument') \
                    and obj.getInstrument():
                        instrument = obj.getInstrument()

                # Otherwise, use the Service's default instrument
                elif service.getInstrumentEntryOfResults():
                        instrument = service.getInstrument()

                if can_set_instrument:
                    # Edition allowed
                    voc = self.get_instruments_vocabulary(obj)
                    if voc:
                        # The service has at least one instrument available
                        item['Instrument'] = instrument.UID() if instrument else ''
                        item['choices']['Instrument'] = voc
                        show_methodinstr_columns = True

                    elif instrument:
                        # This should never happen
                        # The analysis has an instrument set, but the
                        # service hasn't any available instrument
                        item['Instrument'] = instrument.Title()
                        item['replace']['Instrument'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                            (instrument.absolute_url(), instrument.Title())
                        show_methodinstr_columns = True

                elif instrument:
                    # Edition not allowed, but instrument set
                    item['Instrument'] = instrument.Title()
                    item['replace']['Instrument'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                        (instrument.absolute_url(), instrument.Title())
                    show_methodinstr_columns = True

                # Manual entry of results, instrument not allowed
                item['Instrument'] = _('Manual')
                msgtitle = t(_(
                    "Instrument entry of results not allowed for ${service}",
                    mapping={"service": safe_unicode(service.Title())},
                item['replace']['Instrument'] = \
                    '<a href="#" title="%s">%s</a>' % (msgtitle, t(_('Manual')))

            # Sets the analyst assigned to this analysis
            if can_edit_analysis:
                analyst = obj.getAnalyst()
                # widget default: current user
                if not analyst:
                    analyst = mtool.getAuthenticatedMember().getUserName()
                items[i]['Analyst'] = analyst
                item['choices']['Analyst'] = self.getAnalysts()
                items[i]['Analyst'] = obj.getAnalystName()

            # If the user can attach files to analyses, show the attachment col
            can_add_attachment = \
                getSecurityManager().checkPermission(AddAttachment, obj)
            if can_add_attachment or can_view_result:
                attachments = ""
                if hasattr(obj, 'getAttachment'):
                    for attachment in obj.getAttachment():
                        af = attachment.getAttachmentFile()
                        icon = af.icon
                        attachments += "<span class='attachment' attachment_uid='%s'>" % (attachment.UID())
                        if icon: attachments += "<img src='%s/%s'/>" % (self.portal_url, icon)
                        attachments += '<a href="%s/at_download/AttachmentFile"/>%s</a>' % (attachment.absolute_url(), af.filename)
                        if can_edit_analysis:
                            attachments += "<img class='deleteAttachmentButton' attachment_uid='%s' src='%s'/>" % (attachment.UID(), "++resource++bika.lims.images/delete.png")
                        attachments += "</br></span>"
                items[i]['replace']['Attachments'] = attachments[:-12] + "</span>"

            # Only display data bearing fields if we have ViewResults
            # permission, otherwise just put an icon in Result column.
            if can_view_result:
                items[i]['Result'] = result
                scinot = self.context.bika_setup.getScientificNotationResults()
                items[i]['formatted_result'] = obj.getFormattedResult(sciformat=int(scinot),decimalmark=dmk)

                # LIMS-1379 Allow manual uncertainty value input
                # https://jira.bikalabs.com/browse/LIMS-1379
                fu = format_uncertainty(obj, result, decimalmark=dmk, sciformat=int(scinot))
                fu = fu if fu else ''
                if can_edit_analysis and service.getAllowManualUncertainty() == True:
                    unc = obj.getUncertainty(result)
                    items[i]['Uncertainty'] = unc if unc else ''
                    items[i]['before']['Uncertainty'] = '&plusmn;&nbsp;';
                    items[i]['after']['Uncertainty'] = '<em class="discreet" style="white-space:nowrap;"> %s</em>' % items[i]['Unit'];
                    items[i]['structure'] = False;
                elif fu:
                    items[i]['Uncertainty'] = fu
                    items[i]['before']['Uncertainty'] = '&plusmn;&nbsp;';
                    items[i]['after']['Uncertainty'] = '<em class="discreet" style="white-space:nowrap;"> %s</em>' % items[i]['Unit'];
                    items[i]['structure'] = True

                # LIMS-1700. Allow manual input of Detection Limits
                # LIMS-1775. Allow to select LDL or UDL defaults in results with readonly mode
                # https://jira.bikalabs.com/browse/LIMS-1700
                # https://jira.bikalabs.com/browse/LIMS-1775
                if can_edit_analysis and \
                    hasattr(obj, 'getDetectionLimitOperand') and \
                    hasattr(service, 'getDetectionLimitSelector') and \
                    service.getDetectionLimitSelector() == True:
                    isldl = obj.isBelowLowerDetectionLimit()
                    isudl = obj.isAboveUpperDetectionLimit()
                    if isldl or isudl:
                        dlval = '<' if isldl else '>'
                    item['DetectionLimit'] = dlval
                    choices=[{'ResultValue': '<', 'ResultText': '<'},
                             {'ResultValue': '>', 'ResultText': '>'}]
                    item['choices']['DetectionLimit'] = choices
                    self.columns['DetectionLimit']['toggle'] = True
                    srv = obj.getService()
                    defdls = {'min':srv.getLowerDetectionLimit(),
                    defin = '<input type="hidden" id="DefaultDLS.%s" value=\'%s\'/>'
                    defin = defin % (obj.UID(), json.dumps(defdls))
                    item['after']['DetectionLimit'] = defin

                # LIMS-1769. Allow to use LDL and UDL in calculations.
                # https://jira.bikalabs.com/browse/LIMS-1769
                # Since LDL, UDL, etc. are wildcards that can be used
                # in calculations, these fields must be loaded always
                # for 'live' calculations.
                if can_edit_analysis:
                    dls = {'default_ldl': 'none',
                           'default_udl': 'none',
                           'below_ldl': False,
                           'above_udl': False,
                           'is_ldl': False,
                           'is_udl': False,
                           'manual_allowed': False,
                           'dlselect_allowed': False}
                    if hasattr(obj, 'getDetectionLimits'):
                        dls['below_ldl'] = obj.isBelowLowerDetectionLimit()
                        dls['above_udl'] = obj.isBelowLowerDetectionLimit()
                        dls['is_ldl'] = obj.isLowerDetectionLimit()
                        dls['is_udl'] = obj.isUpperDetectionLimit()
                        dls['default_ldl'] = service.getLowerDetectionLimit()
                        dls['default_udl'] = service.getUpperDetectionLimit()
                        dls['manual_allowed'] = service.getAllowManualDetectionLimit()
                        dls['dlselect_allowed'] = service.getDetectionLimitSelector()
                    dlsin = '<input type="hidden" id="AnalysisDLS.%s" value=\'%s\'/>'
                    dlsin = dlsin % (obj.UID(), json.dumps(dls))
                    item['after']['Result'] = dlsin

                items[i]['Specification'] = ""
                if 'Result' in items[i]['allow_edit']:
                items[i]['before']['Result'] = \
                    '<img width="16" height="16" ' + \
                    'src="%s/++resource++bika.lims.images/to_follow.png"/>' % \
            # Everyone can see valid-ranges
            spec = self.get_analysis_spec(obj)
            if spec:
                min_val = spec.get('min', '')
                min_str = ">{0}".format(min_val) if min_val else ''
                max_val = spec.get('max', '')
                max_str = "<{0}".format(max_val) if max_val else ''
                error_val = spec.get('error', '')
                error_str = "{0}%".format(error_val) if error_val else ''
                rngstr = ",".join([x for x in [min_str, max_str, error_str] if x])
                rngstr = ""
            items[i]['Specification'] = rngstr
            # Add this analysis' interim fields to the interim_columns list
            for f in self.interim_fields[obj.UID()]:
                if f['keyword'] not in self.interim_columns and not f.get('hidden', False):
                    self.interim_columns[f['keyword']] = f['title']
                # and to the item itself
                items[i][f['keyword']] = f
                items[i]['class'][f['keyword']] = 'interim'

            # check if this analysis is late/overdue

            resultdate = obj.aq_parent.getDateSampled() \
                if obj.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis' \
                else obj.getResultCaptureDate()

            duedate = obj.aq_parent.getExpiryDate() \
                if obj.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis' \
                else obj.getDueDate()

            items[i]['replace']['DueDate'] = \
                self.ulocalized_time(duedate, long_format=1)

            if items[i]['review_state'] not in ['to_be_sampled',

                if (resultdate and resultdate > duedate) \
                    or (not resultdate and DateTime() > duedate):

                    items[i]['replace']['DueDate'] = '%s <img width="16" height="16" src="%s/++resource++bika.lims.images/late.png" title="%s"/>' % \
                        (self.ulocalized_time(duedate, long_format=1),
                         t(_("Late Analysis")))

            after_icons = []
            # Submitting user may not verify results unless the user is labman
            # or manager and the AS has isSelfVerificationEnabled set to True
            if items[i]['review_state'] == 'to_be_verified':
                # If multi-verification required, place an informative icon
                numverifications = obj.getNumberOfRequiredVerifications()
                if numverifications > 1:
                    # More than one verification required, place an icon
                    # Get the number of verifications already done:
                    done = obj.getNumberOfVerifications()
                    pending = numverifications - done
                    ratio = float(done)/float(numverifications) \
                        if done > 0 else 0
                    scale = '' if ratio < 0.25 else '25' \
                            if ratio < 0.50 else '50' \
                            if ratio < 0.75 else '75'
                    anchor = "<a href='#' title='%s &#13;%s %s' " \
                             "class='multi-verification scale-%s'>%s/%s</a>"
                    anchor = anchor % (t(_("Multi-verification required")),
                                       t(_("verification(s) pending")),
                                       scale, str(done), str(numverifications))

                username = member.getUserName()
                allowed = api.user.has_permission(VerifyPermission,
                if allowed and not obj.isUserAllowedToVerify(member):
                        "<img src='++resource++bika.lims.images/submitted-by-current-user.png' title='%s'/>" %
                        (t(_("Cannot verify, submitted or verified by current user before")))
                elif allowed:
                    if obj.getSubmittedBy() == member.getUser().getId():
                        "<img src='++resource++bika.lims.images/warning.png' title='%s'/>" %
                        (t(_("Can verify, but submitted by current user")))
            #If analysis Submitted and Verified by the same person, then warning icon will appear.
            if submitter and obj.wasVerifiedByUser(submitter):
                    "<img src='++resource++bika.lims.images/warning.png' title='%s'/>" %
                    (t(_("Submited and verified by the same user- "+ submitter)))

            # add icon for assigned analyses in AR views
            if self.context.portal_type == 'AnalysisRequest':
                obj = items[i]['obj']
                if obj.portal_type in ['ReferenceAnalysis',
                                       'DuplicateAnalysis'] or \
                   workflow.getInfoFor(obj, 'worksheetanalysis_review_state') == 'assigned':
                    br = obj.getBackReferences('WorksheetAnalysis')
                    if len(br) > 0:
                        ws = br[0]
                        after_icons.append("<a href='%s'><img src='++resource++bika.lims.images/worksheet.png' title='%s'/></a>" %
                         t(_("Assigned to: ${worksheet_id}",
                             mapping={'worksheet_id': safe_unicode(ws.id)}))))
            items[i]['after']['state_title'] = '&nbsp;'.join(after_icons)

        # the TAL requires values for all interim fields on all
        # items, so we set blank values in unused cells
        for item in items:
            for field in self.interim_columns:
                if field not in item:
                    item[field] = ''

        # XXX order the list of interim columns
        interim_keys = self.interim_columns.keys()

        # add InterimFields keys to columns
        for col_id in interim_keys:
            if col_id not in self.columns:
                self.columns[col_id] = {'title': self.interim_columns[col_id],
                                        'input_width': '6',
                                        'input_class': 'ajax_calculate numeric',
                                        'sortable': False}

        if can_edit_analyses:
            new_states = []
            for state in self.review_states:
                # InterimFields are displayed in review_state
                # They are anyway available through View.columns though.
                # In case of hidden fields, the calcs.py should check calcs/services
                # for additional InterimFields!!
                pos = 'Result' in state['columns'] and \
                    state['columns'].index('Result') or len(state['columns'])
                for col_id in interim_keys:
                    if col_id not in state['columns']:
                        state['columns'].insert(pos, col_id)
                # retested column is added after Result.
                pos = 'Result' in state['columns'] and \
                    state['columns'].index('Uncertainty') + 1 or len(state['columns'])
                state['columns'].insert(pos, 'retested')
            self.review_states = new_states
            # Allow selecting individual analyses
            self.show_select_column = True

        # Dry Matter.
        # The Dry Matter column is never enabled for reference sample contexts
        # and refers to getReportDryMatter in ARs.
        if items and \
            (hasattr(self.context, 'getReportDryMatter') and \

            # look through all items
            # if the item's Service supports ReportDryMatter, add getResultDM().
            for item in items:
                if item['obj'].getService().getReportDryMatter():
                    item['ResultDM'] = item['obj'].getResultDM()
                    item['ResultDM'] = ''
                if item['ResultDM']:
                    item['after']['ResultDM'] = "<em class='discreet'>%</em>"

            # modify the review_states list to include the ResultDM column
            new_states = []
            for state in self.review_states:
                pos = 'Result' in state['columns'] and \
                    state['columns'].index('Uncertainty') + 1 or len(state['columns'])
                state['columns'].insert(pos, 'ResultDM')
            self.review_states = new_states

        if self.show_categories:
            self.categories = map(lambda x: x[0], sorted(self.categories, key=lambda x: x[1]))

        # self.json_specs = json.dumps(self.specs)
        self.json_interim_fields = json.dumps(self.interim_fields)
        self.items = items

        # Method and Instrument columns must be shown or hidden at the
        # same time, because the value assigned to one causes
        # a value reassignment to the other (one method can be performed
        # by different instruments)
        self.columns['Method']['toggle'] = show_methodinstr_columns
        self.columns['Instrument']['toggle'] = show_methodinstr_columns

        return items
Example #30
    def folderitems(self):
        bsc = getToolByName(self.context, 'bika_setup_catalog')
        analysis_categories = bsc(portal_type="AnalysisCategory",
        analysis_categories_order = dict([
            (b.Title, "{:04}".format(a))
            for a, b in enumerate(analysis_categories)
        workflow = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_workflow')
        mtool = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_membership')
        checkPermission = mtool.checkPermission
        if not self.allow_edit:
            can_edit_analyses = False
            if self.contentFilter.get('getPointOfCapture', '') == 'field':
                can_edit_analyses = checkPermission(EditFieldResults,
                can_edit_analyses = checkPermission(EditResults, self.context)
            self.allow_edit = can_edit_analyses
        self.show_select_column = self.allow_edit
        context_active = isActive(self.context)

        self.categories = []
        items = super(AnalysesView, self).folderitems(full_objects=True)

        member = mtool.getAuthenticatedMember()

        self.interim_fields = {}
        self.interim_columns = {}
        self.specs = {}
        show_methodinstr_columns = False
        dmk = self.context.bika_setup.getResultsDecimalMark()

        for item in items:
            if 'obj' not in item:
                    "Missing 'obj' key in Analysis item '{}'".format(item))

            # self.contentsMethod may return brains or objects.
            obj = api.get_object(item["obj"])

            if workflow.getInfoFor(obj, 'review_state') == 'retracted' \
               and not checkPermission(ViewRetractedAnalyses, self.context):
                logger.info("Skipping retracted analysis {}".format(

            result = obj.getResult()
            service = obj.getService()
            calculation = service.getCalculation()
            unit = service.getUnit()
            keyword = service.getKeyword()

            if self.show_categories:
                cat = obj.getService().getCategoryTitle()
                cat_order = analysis_categories_order.get(cat)
                item['category'] = cat
                if (cat, cat_order) not in self.categories:
                    self.categories.append((cat, cat_order))

            # Check for InterimFields attribute on our object,
            interim_fields = hasattr(obj, 'getInterimFields') \
                and obj.getInterimFields() or []
            # kick some pretty display values in.
            for x in range(len(interim_fields)):
                interim_fields[x]['formatted_value'] = \
                    formatDecimalMark(interim_fields[x]['value'], dmk)
            self.interim_fields[obj.UID()] = interim_fields
            item['service_uid'] = service.UID()
            item['Service'] = service.Title()
            item['Keyword'] = keyword
            item['Unit'] = format_supsub(unit) if unit else ''
            item['Result'] = ''
            item['formatted_result'] = ''
            item['interim_fields'] = interim_fields
            item['Remarks'] = obj.getRemarks()
            item['Uncertainty'] = ''
            item['DetectionLimit'] = ''
            item['retested'] = obj.getRetested()
            item['class']['retested'] = 'center'
            item['result_captured'] = self.ulocalized_time(
                obj.getResultCaptureDate(), long_format=0)
            item['calculation'] = calculation and True or False
                item['Partition'] = obj.getSamplePartition().getId()
            except AttributeError:
                item['Partition'] = ''
            if obj.portal_type == "ReferenceAnalysis":
                item['DueDate'] = self.ulocalized_time(
                    obj.aq_parent.getExpiryDate(), long_format=0)
                item['DueDate'] = self.ulocalized_time(obj.getDueDate(),
            cd = obj.getResultCaptureDate()
            item['CaptureDate'] = cd and self.ulocalized_time(
                cd, long_format=1) or ''
            item['Attachments'] = ''

            item['allow_edit'] = []

            tblrowclass = item.get('table_row_class')
            if obj.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis':
                item['st_uid'] = obj.aq_parent.UID()
                item['table_row_class'] = ' '.join(
                    [tblrowclass, 'qc-analysis'])
            elif obj.portal_type == 'DuplicateAnalysis' and \
                    obj.getAnalysis().portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis':
                item['st_uid'] = obj.aq_parent.UID()
                item['table_row_class'] = ' '.join(
                    [tblrowclass, 'qc-analysis'])
                sample = None
                if self.context.portal_type == 'AnalysisRequest':
                    sample = self.context.getSample()
                elif self.context.portal_type == 'Worksheet':
                    if obj.portal_type in ('DuplicateAnalysis',
                        sample = obj.getAnalysis().getSample()
                        sample = obj.aq_parent.getSample()
                elif self.context.portal_type == 'Sample':
                    sample = self.context
                st_uid = sample.getSampleType().UID() if sample else ''
                item['st_uid'] = st_uid

            if checkPermission(ManageBika, self.context):
                # service_uid = service.UID()
                # latest = rc.lookupObject(service_uid).version_id
                item['Service'] = service.Title()
                item['class']['Service'] = "service_title"

            # Show version number of out-of-date objects
            # No: This should be done in another column, if at all.
            # The (vX) value confuses some more fragile forms.
            #     if hasattr(obj, 'reference_versions') and \
            #        service_uid in obj.reference_versions and \
            #        latest != obj.reference_versions[service_uid]:
            #         items[i]['after']['Service'] = "(v%s)" % \
            #              (obj.reference_versions[service_uid])

            # choices defined on Service apply to result fields.
            choices = service.getResultOptions()
            if choices:
                item['choices']['Result'] = choices

            # permission to view this item's results
            can_view_result = \
                getSecurityManager().checkPermission(ViewResults, obj)

            # permission to edit this item's results
            # Editing Field Results is possible while in Sample Due.
            poc = self.contentFilter.get("getPointOfCapture", 'lab')
            can_edit_analysis = self.allow_edit and context_active and \
                ((poc == 'field' and getSecurityManager().checkPermission(EditFieldResults, obj)) or
                 (poc != 'field' and getSecurityManager().checkPermission(EditResults, obj)))

            allowed_method_states = [

            # Prevent from being edited if the instrument assigned
            # is not valid (out-of-date or uncalibrated), except if
            # the analysis is a QC with assigned status
            can_edit_analysis = can_edit_analysis \
                and (obj.isInstrumentValid() or
                     (obj.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis' and
                      item['review_state'] in allowed_method_states))

            if can_edit_analysis:
                item['allow_edit'].extend(['Analyst', 'Result', 'Remarks'])
                # if the Result field is editable, our interim fields are too
                for f in self.interim_fields[obj.UID()]:

                # if there isn't a calculation then result must be re-testable,
                # and if there are interim fields, they too must be re-testable.
                if not item['calculation'] or \
                   (item['calculation'] and self.interim_fields[obj.UID()]):

            # TODO: Only the labmanager must be able to change the method
            # can_set_method = getSecurityManager().checkPermission(SetAnalysisMethod, obj)
            can_set_method = can_edit_analysis \
                and item['review_state'] in allowed_method_states
            method = obj.getMethod() \
                if hasattr(obj, 'getMethod') and obj.getMethod() else service.getMethod()

            # Display the methods selector if the AS has at least one
            # method assigned
            item['Method'] = ''
            item['replace']['Method'] = ''
            if can_set_method:
                voc = self.get_methods_vocabulary(obj)
                if voc:
                    # The service has at least one method available
                    item['Method'] = method.UID() if method else ''
                    item['choices']['Method'] = voc
                    show_methodinstr_columns = True

                elif method:
                    # This should never happen
                    # The analysis has set a method, but its parent
                    # service hasn't any method available O_o
                    item['Method'] = method.Title()
                    item['replace']['Method'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                        (method.absolute_url(), method.Title())
                    show_methodinstr_columns = True

            elif method:
                # Edition not allowed, but method set
                item['Method'] = method.Title()
                item['replace']['Method'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                    (method.absolute_url(), method.Title())
                show_methodinstr_columns = True

            # TODO: Instrument selector dynamic behavior in worksheet Results
            # Only the labmanager must be able to change the instrument to be used. Also,
            # the instrument selection should be done in accordance with the method selected
            # can_set_instrument = service.getInstrumentEntryOfResults() and getSecurityManager().checkPermission(SetAnalysisInstrument, obj)
            can_set_instrument = service.getInstrumentEntryOfResults() \
                and can_edit_analysis \
                and item['review_state'] in allowed_method_states

            item['Instrument'] = ''
            item['replace']['Instrument'] = ''
            if service.getInstrumentEntryOfResults():
                instrument = None

                # If the analysis has an instrument already assigned, use it
                if service.getInstrumentEntryOfResults() \
                    and hasattr(obj, 'getInstrument') \
                        and obj.getInstrument():
                    instrument = obj.getInstrument()

                # Otherwise, use the Service's default instrument
                elif service.getInstrumentEntryOfResults():
                    instrument = service.getInstrument()

                if can_set_instrument:
                    # Edition allowed
                    voc = self.get_instruments_vocabulary(obj)
                    if voc:
                        # The service has at least one instrument available
                        item['Instrument'] = instrument.UID(
                        ) if instrument else ''
                        item['choices']['Instrument'] = voc
                        show_methodinstr_columns = True

                    elif instrument:
                        # This should never happen
                        # The analysis has an instrument set, but the
                        # service hasn't any available instrument
                        item['Instrument'] = instrument.Title()
                        item['replace']['Instrument'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                            (instrument.absolute_url(), instrument.Title())
                        show_methodinstr_columns = True

                elif instrument:
                    # Edition not allowed, but instrument set
                    item['Instrument'] = instrument.Title()
                    item['replace']['Instrument'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                        (instrument.absolute_url(), instrument.Title())
                    show_methodinstr_columns = True

                # Manual entry of results, instrument not allowed
                item['Instrument'] = _('Manual')
                msgtitle = t(
                        "Instrument entry of results not allowed for ${service}",
                        mapping={"service": safe_unicode(service.Title())},
                item['replace']['Instrument'] = \
                    '<a href="#" title="%s">%s</a>' % (msgtitle, t(_('Manual')))

            # Sets the analyst assigned to this analysis
            if can_edit_analysis:
                analyst = obj.getAnalyst()
                # widget default: current user
                if not analyst:
                    analyst = mtool.getAuthenticatedMember().getUserName()
                item['Analyst'] = analyst
                item['choices']['Analyst'] = self.getAnalysts()
                item['Analyst'] = obj.getAnalystName()

            # If the user can attach files to analyses, show the attachment col
            can_add_attachment = \
                getSecurityManager().checkPermission(AddAttachment, obj)
            if can_add_attachment or can_view_result:
                attachments = ""
                if hasattr(obj, 'getAttachment'):
                    for attachment in obj.getAttachment():
                        af = attachment.getAttachmentFile()
                        icon = af.icon
                        attachments += "<span class='attachment' attachment_uid='%s'>" % (
                        if icon:
                            attachments += "<img src='%s/%s'/>" % (
                                self.portal_url, icon)
                        attachments += '<a href="%s/at_download/AttachmentFile"/>%s</a>' % (
                            attachment.absolute_url(), af.filename)
                        if can_edit_analysis:
                            attachments += "<img class='deleteAttachmentButton' attachment_uid='%s' src='%s'/>" % (
                        attachments += "</br></span>"
                item['replace']['Attachments'] = attachments[:-12] + "</span>"

            # Only display data bearing fields if we have ViewResults
            # permission, otherwise just put an icon in Result column.
            if can_view_result:
                item['Result'] = result
                scinot = self.context.bika_setup.getScientificNotationResults()
                item['formatted_result'] = obj.getFormattedResult(
                    sciformat=int(scinot), decimalmark=dmk)

                # LIMS-1379 Allow manual uncertainty value input
                # https://jira.bikalabs.com/browse/LIMS-1379
                fu = format_uncertainty(obj,
                fu = fu if fu else ''
                if can_edit_analysis and service.getAllowManualUncertainty(
                ) is True:
                    unc = obj.getUncertainty(result)
                    item['Uncertainty'] = unc if unc else ''
                    item['before']['Uncertainty'] = '&plusmn;&nbsp;'
                        'Uncertainty'] = '<em class="discreet" style="white-space:nowrap;"> %s</em>' % item[
                    item['structure'] = False
                elif fu:
                    item['Uncertainty'] = fu
                    item['before']['Uncertainty'] = '&plusmn;&nbsp;'
                        'Uncertainty'] = '<em class="discreet" style="white-space:nowrap;"> %s</em>' % item[
                    item['structure'] = True

                # LIMS-1700. Allow manual input of Detection Limits
                # LIMS-1775. Allow to select LDL or UDL defaults in results with readonly mode
                # https://jira.bikalabs.com/browse/LIMS-1700
                # https://jira.bikalabs.com/browse/LIMS-1775
                if can_edit_analysis and \
                    hasattr(obj, 'getDetectionLimitOperand') and \
                    hasattr(service, 'getDetectionLimitSelector') and \
                        service.getDetectionLimitSelector() is True:
                    isldl = obj.isBelowLowerDetectionLimit()
                    isudl = obj.isAboveUpperDetectionLimit()
                    dlval = ''
                    if isldl or isudl:
                        dlval = '<' if isldl else '>'
                    item['DetectionLimit'] = dlval
                    choices = [{
                        'ResultValue': '<',
                        'ResultText': '<'
                    }, {
                        'ResultValue': '>',
                        'ResultText': '>'
                    item['choices']['DetectionLimit'] = choices
                    self.columns['DetectionLimit']['toggle'] = True
                    srv = obj.getService()
                    defdls = {
                        'min': srv.getLowerDetectionLimit(),
                        'max': srv.getUpperDetectionLimit(),
                        'manual': srv.getAllowManualDetectionLimit()
                    defin = '<input type="hidden" id="DefaultDLS.%s" value=\'%s\'/>'
                    defin = defin % (obj.UID(), json.dumps(defdls))
                    item['after']['DetectionLimit'] = defin

                # LIMS-1769. Allow to use LDL and UDL in calculations.
                # https://jira.bikalabs.com/browse/LIMS-1769
                # Since LDL, UDL, etc. are wildcards that can be used
                # in calculations, these fields must be loaded always
                # for 'live' calculations.
                if can_edit_analysis:
                    dls = {
                        'default_ldl': 'none',
                        'default_udl': 'none',
                        'below_ldl': False,
                        'above_udl': False,
                        'is_ldl': False,
                        'is_udl': False,
                        'manual_allowed': False,
                        'dlselect_allowed': False
                    if hasattr(obj, 'getDetectionLimits'):
                        dls['below_ldl'] = obj.isBelowLowerDetectionLimit()
                        dls['above_udl'] = obj.isBelowLowerDetectionLimit()
                        dls['is_ldl'] = obj.isLowerDetectionLimit()
                        dls['is_udl'] = obj.isUpperDetectionLimit()
                        dls['default_ldl'] = service.getLowerDetectionLimit()
                        dls['default_udl'] = service.getUpperDetectionLimit()
                        dls['manual_allowed'] = service.getAllowManualDetectionLimit(
                        dls['dlselect_allowed'] = service.getDetectionLimitSelector(
                    dlsin = '<input type="hidden" id="AnalysisDLS.%s" value=\'%s\'/>'
                    dlsin = dlsin % (obj.UID(), json.dumps(dls))
                    item['after']['Result'] = dlsin

                item['Specification'] = ""
                if 'Result' in item['allow_edit']:
                item['before']['Result'] = \
                    '<img width="16" height="16" ' + \
                    'src="%s/++resource++bika.lims.images/to_follow.png"/>' % \
            # Everyone can see valid-ranges
            spec = self.get_analysis_spec(obj)
            if spec:
                min_val = spec.get('min', '')
                min_str = ">{0}".format(min_val) if min_val else ''
                max_val = spec.get('max', '')
                max_str = "<{0}".format(max_val) if max_val else ''
                error_val = spec.get('error', '')
                error_str = "{0}%".format(error_val) if error_val else ''
                rngstr = ",".join(
                    [x for x in [min_str, max_str, error_str] if x])
                rngstr = ""
            item['Specification'] = rngstr
            # Add this analysis' interim fields to the interim_columns list
            for f in self.interim_fields[obj.UID()]:
                if f['keyword'] not in self.interim_columns and not f.get(
                        'hidden', False):
                    self.interim_columns[f['keyword']] = f['title']
                # and to the item itself
                item[f['keyword']] = f
                item['class'][f['keyword']] = 'interim'

            # check if this analysis is late/overdue

            resultdate = obj.aq_parent.getDateSampled() \
                if obj.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis' \
                else obj.getResultCaptureDate()

            duedate = obj.aq_parent.getExpiryDate() \
                if obj.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis' \
                else obj.getDueDate()

            item['replace']['DueDate'] = \
                self.ulocalized_time(duedate, long_format=1)

            if item['review_state'] not in [
                    'to_be_sampled', 'to_be_preserved', 'sample_due',

                if (resultdate and resultdate > duedate) \
                   or (not resultdate and DateTime() > duedate):

                    item['replace']['DueDate'] = '%s <img width="16" height="16" src="%s/++resource++bika.lims.images/late.png" title="%s"/>' % \
                        (self.ulocalized_time(duedate, long_format=1),
                         t(_("Late Analysis")))

            after_icons = []
            # Submitting user may not verify results unless the user is labman
            # or manager and the AS has isSelfVerificationEnabled set to True
            if item['review_state'] == 'to_be_verified':
                # If multi-verification required, place an informative icon
                numverifications = obj.getNumberOfRequiredVerifications()
                if numverifications > 1:
                    # More than one verification required, place an icon
                    # Get the number of verifications already done:
                    done = obj.getNumberOfVerifications()
                    pending = numverifications - done
                    ratio = float(done) / float(numverifications) \
                        if done > 0 else 0
                    scale = '' if ratio < 0.25 else '25' \
                            if ratio < 0.50 else '50' \
                            if ratio < 0.75 else '75'
                    anchor = "<a href='#' title='%s &#13;%s %s' " \
                             "class='multi-verification scale-%s'>%s/%s</a>"
                    anchor = anchor % (t(
                        _("Multi-verification required")), str(pending),
                                       t(_("verification(s) pending")), scale,
                                       str(done), str(numverifications))

                username = member.getUserName()
                allowed = ploneapi.user.has_permission(VerifyPermission,
                if allowed and not obj.isUserAllowedToVerify(member):
                        "<img src='++resource++bika.lims.images/submitted-by-current-user.png' title='%s'/>"
                        % (t(
                            _("Cannot verify, submitted or verified by current user before"
                elif allowed:
                    if obj.getSubmittedBy() == member.getUser().getId():
                            "<img src='++resource++bika.lims.images/warning.png' title='%s'/>"
                            (t(_("Can verify, but submitted by current user")))
            # If analysis Submitted and Verified by the same person, then warning icon will appear.
            submitter = obj.getSubmittedBy()
            if submitter and obj.wasVerifiedByUser(submitter):
                    "<img src='++resource++bika.lims.images/warning.png' title='%s'/>"
                    % (t(
                        _("Submited and verified by the same user- " +

            # add icon for assigned analyses in AR views
            if self.context.portal_type == 'AnalysisRequest':
                obj = item['obj']
                if obj.portal_type in ['ReferenceAnalysis',
                                       'DuplicateAnalysis'] or \
                   workflow.getInfoFor(obj, 'worksheetanalysis_review_state') == 'assigned':
                    br = obj.getBackReferences('WorksheetAnalysis')
                    if len(br) > 0:
                        ws = br[0]
                            "<a href='%s'><img src='++resource++bika.lims.images/worksheet.png' title='%s'/></a>"
                            % (ws.absolute_url(),
                                   _("Assigned to: ${worksheet_id}",
                                         'worksheet_id': safe_unicode(ws.id)
            item['after']['state_title'] = '&nbsp;'.join(after_icons)

        # the TAL requires values for all interim fields on all
        # items, so we set blank values in unused cells
        for item in items:
            for field in self.interim_columns:
                if field not in item:
                    item[field] = ''

        # XXX order the list of interim columns
        interim_keys = self.interim_columns.keys()

        # add InterimFields keys to columns
        for col_id in interim_keys:
            if col_id not in self.columns:
                self.columns[col_id] = {
                    'title': self.interim_columns[col_id],
                    'input_width': '6',
                    'input_class': 'ajax_calculate numeric',
                    'sortable': False

        if can_edit_analyses:
            new_states = []
            for state in self.review_states:
                # InterimFields are displayed in review_state
                # They are anyway available through View.columns though.
                # In case of hidden fields, the calcs.py should check calcs/services
                # for additional InterimFields!!
                pos = 'Result' in state['columns'] and \
                    state['columns'].index('Result') or len(state['columns'])
                for col_id in interim_keys:
                    if col_id not in state['columns']:
                        state['columns'].insert(pos, col_id)
                # retested column is added after Result.
                pos = 'Result' in state['columns'] and \
                    state['columns'].index('Uncertainty') + 1 or len(state['columns'])
                state['columns'].insert(pos, 'retested')
            self.review_states = new_states
            # Allow selecting individual analyses
            self.show_select_column = True

        # Dry Matter.
        # The Dry Matter column is never enabled for reference sample contexts
        # and refers to getReportDryMatter in ARs.
        if items and \
            (hasattr(self.context, 'getReportDryMatter') and

            # look through all items
            # if the item's Service supports ReportDryMatter, add getResultDM().
            for item in items:
                if item['obj'].getService().getReportDryMatter():
                    item['ResultDM'] = item['obj'].getResultDM()
                    item['ResultDM'] = ''
                if item['ResultDM']:
                    item['after']['ResultDM'] = "<em class='discreet'>%</em>"

            # modify the review_states list to include the ResultDM column
            new_states = []
            for state in self.review_states:
                pos = 'Result' in state['columns'] and \
                    state['columns'].index('Uncertainty') + 1 or len(state['columns'])
                state['columns'].insert(pos, 'ResultDM')
            self.review_states = new_states

        if self.show_categories:
            self.categories = map(lambda x: x[0],
                                  sorted(self.categories, key=lambda x: x[1]))

        # self.json_specs = json.dumps(self.specs)
        self.json_interim_fields = json.dumps(self.interim_fields)
        self.items = items

        # Method and Instrument columns must be shown or hidden at the
        # same time, because the value assigned to one causes
        # a value reassignment to the other (one method can be performed
        # by different instruments)
        self.columns['Method']['toggle'] = show_methodinstr_columns
        self.columns['Instrument']['toggle'] = show_methodinstr_columns

        return items