Example #1
def sprintf(p, core_taint, plt_path, *_, **__):
    sprintf function summary

    :param p: angr project
    :param core_taint: core taint engine
    :param plt_path: path to the plt entry
    :return: None

    plt_state = plt_path.active[0]
    if are_parameters_in_registers(p):
        frmt_str = getattr(plt_state.regs, arg_reg_name(p, 1))
        str_val = get_string(p, frmt_str.args[0], extended=True)
        n_vargs = str_val.count('%s')
        for i in range(2, 2 + n_vargs):
            name = p.arch.register_names[ordered_argument_regs[p.arch.name][i]]
            reg = getattr(plt_state.regs, name)
            if (core_taint.is_tainted(reg, path=plt_path)
                    or core_taint.is_tainted(
                        core_taint.safe_load(plt_path, reg), path=plt_path)):
                return True
        return False
        raise Exception("implement me")
Example #2
def strcpy(p, core_taint, plt_path, size_con=None):
    strcpy function summary

    :param p: angr project
    :param core_taint: core taint engine
    :param plt_path: path to the plt entry
    :return:  None

    plt_state = plt_path.active[0]
    if are_parameters_in_registers(p):
        name_reg_src = p.arch.register_names[ordered_argument_regs[p.arch.name]
        reg_src = getattr(plt_state.regs, name_reg_src)
        if core_taint.is_tainted(reg_src, path=plt_path):
            return True

        # check the size of the two buffers
        name_reg_dst = p.arch.register_names[ordered_argument_regs[p.arch.name]
        reg_dst = getattr(plt_state.regs, name_reg_dst)

        src = core_taint.safe_load(plt_path, reg_src)
        dst = core_taint.safe_load(plt_path, reg_dst)
        tainted = core_taint.is_tainted(src, path=plt_path)

        # we raise alerts also for equal size of src and dst, as the analysis might be under-constrained.
        return tainted and size_con >= (src.cardinality -
                                        1) >= (dst.cardinality - 1)
        raise Exception("implement me")
Example #3
    def _run_def_use(self, caller_node, role_function_info):
        Run def-use analysis to find the data-key

        :param caller_node: node calling an environment function
        :param role_function_info: role function info
        :return: None

        if not self._normalized_cfg:
            self._normalized_cfg = self._p.analyses.CFG(normalize=True)

        p = self._p
        cfg = self._normalized_cfg

        c = caller_node
        # Reaching definition analysis
        fun = cfg.functions.function(caller_node.function_address)
        t = (caller_node.instruction_addrs[-1], angr.analyses.reaching_definitions.OP_AFTER)
        rd = p.analyses.ReachingDefinitions(func=fun, observation_points=[t,], init_func=True)

            results = rd.observed_results[t]
        except TimeOutException:

        if are_parameters_in_registers(p):
            idx = role_function_info[RoleInfo.PAR_N]
            reg_off = ordered_argument_regs[p.arch.name][idx]

            for r_def in results.register_definitions.get_objects_by_offset(reg_off):
                for val in r_def.data.data:
                    if type(val) == angr.analyses.reaching_definitions.undefined.Undefined:
                    if type(val) not in (int, long):
                        print("Data value is not what expected. Check me...")

                    c_string = get_string(p, val)
                    if c_string:
                        if val not in self._role_info:
                            self._role_info[val] = []

                        new_role_info = dict(role_function_info)
                        new_role_info[RoleInfo.DATAKEY] = c_string
                        new_role_info[RoleInfo.X_REF_FUN] = c.function_address
                        new_role_info[RoleInfo.CALLER_BB] = c.addr
                        new_role_info[RoleInfo.CPF] = self._name

                        if new_role_info not in self._role_info[val]:
                        role = self._roles[0]

            raise Exception("Envirnoment cpf: Parameters not in registers, implement me")
Example #4
def system(p, core_taint, plt_path, *_, **__):
    system function summary

    :param p: angr project
    :param core_taint: core taint engine
    :param plt_path: path to the plt entry
    :return: None

    plt_state = plt_path.active[0]
    if are_parameters_in_registers(p):
        name = p.arch.register_names[ordered_argument_regs[p.arch.name][0]]
        reg = getattr(plt_state.regs, name)
        idx = 0
        state = plt_path.active[0]
        if core_taint.is_tainted(reg, path=plt_path):
            return True
        while not core_taint.is_tainted(core_taint.safe_load(
                plt_path, reg.args[0] + idx),
            byt = state.memory.load(reg.args[0] + idx, 1).args[0]
            if byt == 0:
                return False
            idx += 1
        return True
        raise Exception("implement me")
Example #5
    def find_ref_http_strings(n, keywords):
        Finds HTTP related strings

        :param n: BDG node
        :param keywords: keywords to look for
        :return: None

        cfg = n.cfg
        p = n.p

        # get all the string references we are looking for
        for key_str in keywords:
            strs_info = get_addrs_similar_string(p, key_str)
            for s_info in strs_info:
                str_addr = s_info[1]
                current_string = s_info[0]
                direct_refs = [s for s in cfg.memory_data.items() if s[0] == str_addr]
                indirect_refs = get_indirect_str_refs(p, cfg, [str_addr])

                for a, s in direct_refs + indirect_refs:
                    if not s.irsb:

                    if not BinaryDependencyGraph.is_call(s):

                    for (irsb_addr, stmt_idx, insn_addr) in list(s.refs):
                        if are_parameters_in_registers(p):
                            reg_used = get_reg_used(p, cfg, irsb_addr, stmt_idx, a, [str_addr])
                            if not reg_used:

                            par_n = ordered_argument_regs[p.arch.name].index(p.arch.registers[reg_used][0])

                            # in this way we filter out sub-functions (angr's mistakes)
                            x_ref_fun = min([f for f in cfg.functions.values() if
                                             min(f.block_addrs) <= s.irsb_addr <= max(f.block_addrs)],
                                            key=lambda x: x.addr)

                            info = {
                                RoleInfo.ROLE: n.role,
                                RoleInfo.DATAKEY: current_string,
                                RoleInfo.CPF: None,
                                RoleInfo.X_REF_FUN: x_ref_fun.addr,
                                RoleInfo.CALLER_BB: s.irsb_addr,
                                RoleInfo.ROLE_FUN: None,
                                RoleInfo.ROLE_INS: None,
                                RoleInfo.ROLE_INS_IDX: None,
                                RoleInfo.COMM_BUFF: None,
                                RoleInfo.PAR_N: par_n
                            n.add_role_info(s.address, info)
                            log.error("_find_str_xref_in_call: arch doesn t use registers to set function parameters."
                                      "Implement me!")
Example #6
def fwrite(p, core_taint, plt_path, *_, **__):
    fwrite function summary

    :param p: angr project
    :param core_taint: core taint engine
    :param plt_path: path to the plt entry
    :return: None

    plt_state = plt_path.active[0]
    if are_parameters_in_registers(p):
        name = p.arch.register_names[ordered_argument_regs[p.arch.name][0]]
        reg = getattr(plt_state.regs, name)
        return (core_taint.is_tainted(reg, path=plt_path)
                or core_taint.is_tainted(core_taint.safe_load(plt_path, reg),
        raise Exception("implement me")
Example #7
    def _apply_taint(self, addr, current_path, next_state, taint_key=False):
        Applies the taint to the role function call

        :param addr: address of the role function
        :param current_path: current angr's path
        :param next_state: state at the entry of the function
        :param taint_key: taint the used data key
        def is_arg_key(arg):
            return hasattr(arg, 'args') and type(arg.args[0]) in (
                int, long) and arg.args[0] == self._current_seed_addr

        p = self._current_p
        ins_args = get_ord_arguments_call(p, addr)
        if not ins_args:
            ins_args = get_any_arguments_call(p, addr)

        if not are_parameters_in_registers(p):
            raise Exception("Parameters not in registers: Implement me")

        for stmt in ins_args:
            reg_off = stmt.offset
            reg_name = p.arch.register_names[reg_off]
            val_arg = getattr(next_state.regs, reg_name)
            size = None
            if is_arg_key(val_arg):
                if not taint_key:
                n_bytes = p.loader.memory.read_bytes(val_arg.args[0], STR_LEN)
                size = len(get_mem_string(n_bytes)) * 8
            if val_arg.concrete and val_arg.args[
                    0] < p.loader.main_object.min_addr:
            log.info('taint applied to %s:%s' % (reg_name, str(val_arg)))
            self._ct.apply_taint(current_path, val_arg, reg_name, size)
Example #8
    def run(self, data_key, key_addr, reg_name, core_taint, current_path,
            *kargs, **kwargs):
        Run this CPF

        :param data_key:
        :param key_addr:
        :param reg_name:
        :param core_taint:
        :param current_path:
        :param kargs:
        :param kwargs:
        p = self._p
        cfg = self._cfg

        path_copy = current_path.copy(copy_states=True)
        addr = current_path.active[0].addr
        node = cfg.get_any_node(addr)
        prev_node = node.predecessors
        if prev_node:
            prev_node = prev_node[0]
        par_n = ordered_argument_regs[p.arch.name].index(

        if node and node.name and '+' not in node.name:
            if are_parameters_in_registers(p):
                reg_cnt = getattr(path_copy.active[0].regs, reg_name)
                tainted = core_taint.is_tainted(reg_cnt)
                if not tainted:
                    tainted = core_taint.is_tainted(core_taint.safe_load(
                        path_copy, reg_cnt),
                raise Exception(
                    "nvram.run: Parameters not in registers, implement me")

            if (M_SET_KEYWORD in str(node.name).lower()
                    or M_GET_KEYWORD in str(node.name).lower()) and tainted:

                assert len(current_path.active[0].history.bbl_addrs
                           ) >= 1, "nvram.run: what's the caller? :("
                block_caller_role_function = current_path.active[
                no = self._cfg.get_any_node(block_caller_role_function)

                assert no, "nvram.run: Impossible to find the function address, this is bad.."

                # set_nvram
                role = Role.GETTER if M_GET_KEYWORD in str(
                    node.name).lower() else Role.SETTER

                plt = self._p.loader.main_bin.reverse_plt
                if addr not in plt and prev_node.addr in plt:
                    addr = prev_node.addr
                    no = prev_node
                    block_caller_role_function = current_path.active[

                info = {
                    RoleInfo.ROLE: role,
                    RoleInfo.DATAKEY: data_key,
                    RoleInfo.X_REF_FUN: no.function_address,
                    RoleInfo.CALLER_BB: block_caller_role_function,
                    RoleInfo.ROLE_FUN: addr,
                    RoleInfo.ROLE_INS: addr,
                    RoleInfo.ROLE_INS_IDX: None,
                    RoleInfo.COMM_BUFF: None,
                    RoleInfo.PAR_N: par_n,
                    RoleInfo.CPF: self._name

                if key_addr not in self._role_info:
                    self._role_info[key_addr] = []
                if info not in self._role_info[key_addr]:

                return True, role

        return False, Role.UNKNOWN
Example #9
    def run(self, data_key, key_addr, reg_name, core_taint, current_path,
            *kargs, **kwargs):
        Run this CPF

        :param data_key: data key
        :param key_addr: data key address
        :param reg_name: register name where the address is stored
        :param core_taint: core taint engine
        :param current_path: angr current path
        :param kargs: kargs
        :param kwargs: kwargs
        :return: None

        p = self._p
        cfg = self._cfg
        self._current_key_addr = key_addr
        path_copy = current_path
        addr = current_path.active[0].addr

        next_path = current_path.copy(copy_states=True).step()
        # we jump into the GoT if we have an extern call
        if len(next_path.active) > 0 and next_path.active[
                0].addr in self._p.loader.main_bin.reverse_plt.keys():
            path_copy = next_path.copy(copy_states=True).step()
            addr = path_copy.active[0].addr

        if not are_parameters_in_registers(p):
            raise Exception("socket.run: Implement me")

        node = cfg.get_any_node(addr)
        block_caller_role_function = current_path.active[0].addr
        par_n = ordered_argument_regs[p.arch.name].index(
        candidate_role = Role.UNKNOWN
        x_ref_fun = cfg.get_any_node(block_caller_role_function)
        if node and node.name and '+' not in node.name:
            # setter
            if str(node.name).lower() in M_SET_KEYWORD:
                reg_off = ordered_argument_regs[p.arch.name][1]
                reg_name = p.arch.register_names[reg_off]
                reg_cnt = getattr(path_copy.active[0].regs, reg_name)
                tainted = core_taint.is_tainted(reg_cnt)
                if not tainted:
                    tainted = core_taint.is_tainted(core_taint.safe_load(
                        path_copy, reg_cnt),

                if tainted:
                        "tainted data is sent over socket.. looking for binding values"
                    candidate_role = Role.SETTER

            # getter
            # getter are more complicated. We have to understand whether the data key is compared against
            # some content retrieved from socket
            elif str(node.name).lower() in CMP_KEYWORD:

                # check whether if the data key is passed. We have to check both args
                reg_off = ordered_argument_regs[p.arch.name][0]
                reg_name = p.arch.register_names[reg_off]
                reg_cnt = getattr(path_copy.active[0].regs, reg_name)
                tainted_0 = core_taint.is_tainted(reg_cnt)
                if not tainted_0:
                    tainted_0 = core_taint.is_tainted(core_taint.safe_load(
                        path_copy, reg_cnt),

                reg_off = ordered_argument_regs[p.arch.name][1]
                reg_name = p.arch.register_names[reg_off]
                reg_cnt = getattr(path_copy.active[0].regs, reg_name)
                tainted_1 = core_taint.is_tainted(reg_cnt)
                if not tainted_1:
                    tainted_1 = core_taint.is_tainted(core_taint.safe_load(
                        path_copy, reg_cnt),

                tainted = tainted_0 | tainted_1
                if tainted:
                        "tainted data used in a memcmp-like function.. looking for recv"
                    self._stop_run = False
                    self._sink_addrs = [block_caller_role_function]

                    # if the data key is passed to a memcmp-like function
                    # we have to make sure that the content is compared against to is retrieved
                    # from socket. We have to find the recv.


                    if self._read_from_socket:
                        candidate_role = Role.GETTER
                        self._stop_run = False

            # Role data key is passed directly to a getter function
            elif M_GET_KEYWORD in str(node.name).lower():
                self._read_from_socket = True
                # check whether if the data key is passed. We have to check both args
                reg_off = ordered_argument_regs[p.arch.name][1]
                reg_name = p.arch.register_names[reg_off]
                reg_cnt = getattr(path_copy.active[0].regs, reg_name)
                tainted = core_taint.is_tainted(reg_cnt)
                if not tainted:
                    tainted = core_taint.is_tainted(core_taint.safe_load(
                        path_copy, reg_cnt),

                if tainted:
                        "tainted data is received from socket.. looking for binding values"
                    # set_env
                    candidate_role = Role.GETTER

            if candidate_role != Role.UNKNOWN:
                # if the data key contains the ":%s", ":5d" and so forth, we remove it
                data_key = data_key.split(":%")[0]


                info = {
                    RoleInfo.ROLE: candidate_role,
                    RoleInfo.DATAKEY: data_key,
                    RoleInfo.X_REF_FUN: x_ref_fun,
                    RoleInfo.CALLER_BB: block_caller_role_function,
                    RoleInfo.ROLE_FUN: addr,
                    RoleInfo.ROLE_INS: addr,
                    RoleInfo.ROLE_INS_IDX: None,
                    RoleInfo.COMM_BUFF: None,
                    RoleInfo.PAR_N: par_n,
                    RoleInfo.CPF: self._name

                if key_addr not in self._role_info:
                    self._role_info[key_addr] = []
                if info not in self._role_info[key_addr]:
                return True, candidate_role

        return False, Role.UNKNOWN
Example #10
    def _indirect_access_search(self, current_path, data_key, key_addr, core_taint, reg_name):
        Checks whether tainted data is used indirectly (through a loop and memory comparison) to retrieve, or set, data
        into a structure.

        :param current_path: angr current path
        :param data_key: data key value
        :param key_addr: data key address
        :param core_taint: core taint engine
        :param reg_name: register name
        current_addr = current_path.active[0].addr

        next_path = current_path.copy(copy_states=True)

            next_state = next_path.active[0]
        except TimeOutException:
        except Exception:
            return False, Role.UNKNOWN

        if self._p.factory.block(current_addr).vex.jumpkind == 'Ijk_Call':
            # there must be a loop, a strcmp-like function and the data_key has to be used as key
            history_bbs = [x for x in current_path.active[0].history.bbl_addrs]
            no = self._cfg.get_any_node(current_addr)

            if no and no.successors:

                for succ in no.successors:
                    if current_addr in history_bbs and self._is_memcmp_succ(succ):

                        # we are calling a strcmp-like function within a loop.
                        if not are_parameters_in_registers(self._p):
                            raise Exception("implement me")

                        dst_reg = ordered_argument_regs[self._p.arch.name][1]
                        dst_addr = getattr(next_state.regs, self._p.arch.register_names[dst_reg])
                        dst_cnt = current_path.active[0].memory.load(dst_addr)
                        if core_taint.is_tainted(dst_cnt) or (dst_addr.concrete and dst_addr.args[0] == dst_addr):
                            # yup! they are looking for some data indexed by the key. Understand if for setting
                            # or getting
                            current_function = no.function_address
                                pos_call = len(history_bbs) - 1 - history_bbs[::-1].index(current_function)
                            except TimeOutException:
                                pos_call = 0

                            assert pos_call > 0, 'semantic.run: unable to find the calling block'

                            caller_block = history_bbs[pos_call - 1]

                            # Heuristic: if the function's arity is greater than two, we assume
                            # that the third paramenter is the content to store in the shared buffer, making
                            # the function itsels a setter.
                            # FIXME: (limitation) improve this heuristic. One should perform a def-use analysis to
                            # see whether the base pointer used as first argument in the strcmp is used to return a
                            # value, or to set a value
                            nargs = get_arity(self._p, caller_block)
                            if nargs > 2:
                                candidate_role = Role.SETTER
                                candidate_role = Role.GETTER

                            no = self._cfg.get_any_node(caller_block)
                            assert no, 'semantic.run: could not get a node :('

                            function_x_ref = no.function_address
                            par_id = ordered_argument_regs[self._p.arch.name].index(self._p.arch.registers[reg_name][0])
                            block = self._p.factory.block(no.addr)
                            is_wrapped, wrapp_addr = self._is_wrapped(history_bbs, current_path)
                            if is_wrapped:
                                last_index = len(history_bbs) - 1 - history_bbs[::-1].index(wrapp_addr)
                                if last_index > 0:
                                    current_function = wrapp_addr
                                    caller_block = history_bbs[last_index - 1]
                                    cno = self._cfg.get_any_node(caller_block)
                                    function_x_ref = None
                                    if cno:
                                        function_x_ref = cno.function_address

                            info = {
                                RoleInfo.ROLE: candidate_role,
                                RoleInfo.DATAKEY: data_key,
                                RoleInfo.X_REF_FUN: function_x_ref,
                                RoleInfo.CALLER_BB: caller_block,
                                RoleInfo.ROLE_FUN: current_function,
                                RoleInfo.ROLE_INS: no.addr,
                                RoleInfo.ROLE_INS_IDX: len(block.vex.statements),
                                RoleInfo.COMM_BUFF: None,
                                RoleInfo.PAR_N: par_id,
                                RoleInfo.CPF: self._name

                            if key_addr not in self._role_info:
                                self._role_info[key_addr] = []

                            if info not in self._role_info[key_addr]:
                            return True, candidate_role

        return False, Role.UNKNOWN
Example #11
    def run(self, data_key, key_addr, reg_name, core_taint, current_path,
            *kargs, **kwargs):
        Run this CPF

        :param data_key: data key
        :param key_addr: data key address
        :param reg_name: register name where the address is stored
        :param core_taint: core taint engine
        :param current_path: angr current path
        :param kargs: kargs
        :param kwargs: kwargs
        :return: None

        p = self._p
        cfg = self._cfg
        self._current_key_addr = key_addr
        path_copy = current_path
        addr = current_path.active[0]

        next_path = current_path.copy(copy_states=True).step()
        # we jump into the GoT if we have an extern call
        if next_path.active[
                0].addr in self._p.loader.main_bin.reverse_plt.keys():
            path_copy = next_path.copy(copy_states=True).step()
            addr = path_copy.active[0].addr

        node = cfg.get_any_node(addr)
        par_n = ordered_argument_regs[p.arch.name].index(

        if not are_parameters_in_registers(p):
            raise Exception("file.run: Implement me")

        block_caller_role_function = current_path.active[0].addr

        if node and node.name and '+' not in node.name:

            # Setter
            candidate_role = Role.UNKNOWN

            if str(node.name).lower() in M_SET_KEYWORD:
                # check whether if the data_key is passed.
                reg_off = ordered_argument_regs[p.arch.name][1]
                reg_name = p.arch.register_names[reg_off]
                reg_cnt = getattr(path_copy.active[0].regs, reg_name)
                tainted = core_taint.is_tainted(reg_cnt)
                if not tainted:
                    tainted = core_taint.is_tainted(core_taint.safe_load(
                        path_copy, reg_cnt),

                if tainted:
                    candidate_role = Role.SETTER

                    # we got to find the filename
                    self._sink_addr = block_caller_role_function
                    self._stop_run = False
                    self._find_file_name(current_path, self._check_setter_sink)

            # getter
            # getter are more complicated. We have to understand whether the data_key is compared against
            # some content taken from a file
            if str(node.name).lower() in CMP_KEYWORD:

                # check whether if the data_key is passed. We have to check both args

                reg_off = ordered_argument_regs[p.arch.name][0]
                reg_name = p.arch.register_names[reg_off]
                reg_cnt = getattr(path_copy.active[0].regs, reg_name)
                tainted_0 = core_taint.is_tainted(reg_cnt)
                if not tainted_0:
                    tainted_0 = core_taint.is_tainted(core_taint.safe_load(
                        path_copy, reg_cnt),

                reg_off = ordered_argument_regs[p.arch.name][1]
                reg_name = p.arch.register_names[reg_off]
                reg_cnt = getattr(path_copy.active[0].regs, reg_name)
                tainted_1 = core_taint.is_tainted(reg_cnt)
                if not tainted_1:
                    tainted_1 = core_taint.is_tainted(core_taint.safe_load(
                        path_copy, reg_cnt),

                tainted = tainted_0 | tainted_1
                if tainted:
                    self._sink_addr = block_caller_role_function

                    self._stop_run = False

                    # as in this case we do not know yet whether the data_key comes from a file
                    # (we only found a strmp), we start looking for the open only if it is within two hops
                    # from the strcmp.
                    self._find_file_name(current_path, self._check_getter_sink)
                    if self._read_from_file:
                        candidate_role = Role.GETTER

            if candidate_role != Role.UNKNOWN:

                x_ref_fun = cfg.get_any_node(block_caller_role_function)
                # if the data_key contains the ":%s", ":5d" and so forth, we remove it
                data_key = data_key.split(":%")[0]
                if data_key:
                    info = {
                        RoleInfo.ROLE: candidate_role,
                        RoleInfo.DATAKEY: data_key,
                        RoleInfo.X_REF_FUN: x_ref_fun,
                        RoleInfo.CALLER_BB: block_caller_role_function,
                        RoleInfo.ROLE_FUN: addr,
                        RoleInfo.ROLE_INS: addr,
                        RoleInfo.ROLE_INS_IDX: None,
                        RoleInfo.COMM_BUFF: None,
                        RoleInfo.PAR_N: par_n,
                        RoleInfo.CPF: self._name
                    if key_addr not in self._role_info:
                        self._role_info[key_addr] = []
                    if info not in self._role_info[key_addr]:
                    if self._last_file_name not in self._name_files:

                    return True, candidate_role

        return False, Role.UNKNOWN
Example #12
    def run(self, data_key, key_addr, reg_name, core_taint, current_path, *kargs, **kwargs):
        Runs this CPF.

        :param data_key: data key value
        :param key_addr: data key address
        :param reg_name: register name
        :param core_taint: core taint engine
        :param current_path: angr current path
        :return: True, and the role if the role for the current binary was found, False and Unknown otherwise.

        p = self._p
        cfg = self._cfg

        path_copy = current_path.copy(copy_states=True)
        addr = current_path.active[0].addr
        node = cfg.get_any_node(addr)
        prev_node = node.predecessors
        if prev_node:
            prev_node = prev_node[0]
        par_n = ordered_argument_regs[p.arch.name].index(p.arch.registers[reg_name][0])

        # we check that + is not in the name as we want to avoid to consider ever single block
        # within a function starting with a get/set keyword
        if node and node.name and '+' not in node.name:
            if are_parameters_in_registers(p):
                reg_cnt = getattr(path_copy.active[0].regs, reg_name)
                tainted = core_taint.is_tainted(reg_cnt)
                if not tainted:
                    tainted = core_taint.is_tainted(core_taint.safe_load(path_copy, reg_cnt), path=path_copy)
                raise Exception("setter_getter.run: Implement me")

            if (SetterGetter.is_setter(str(node.name)) or SetterGetter.is_getter(str(node.name))) and tainted:
                assert len(current_path.active[0].history.bbl_addrs) >= 1, "setter_getter.run: what's the caller? :("
                block_caller_role_function = current_path.active[0].history.bbl_addrs[-1]
                no = self._cfg.get_any_node(block_caller_role_function)

                assert no, "setter_getter.run: Impossible to find the function address, this is bad.."

                # set_env
                role = Role.GETTER if SetterGetter.is_getter(str(node.name)) else Role.SETTER

                plt = self._p.loader.main_bin.reverse_plt
                if addr not in plt and prev_node.addr in plt:
                    addr = prev_node.addr
                    no = prev_node
                    block_caller_role_function = current_path.active[0].history.bbl_addrs[-2]

                info = {
                    RoleInfo.ROLE: role,
                    RoleInfo.DATAKEY: data_key,
                    RoleInfo.CPF: self._name,
                    RoleInfo.X_REF_FUN: no.function_address,
                    RoleInfo.CALLER_BB: block_caller_role_function,
                    RoleInfo.ROLE_FUN: addr,
                    RoleInfo.ROLE_INS: addr,
                    RoleInfo.ROLE_INS_IDX: None,
                    RoleInfo.COMM_BUFF: None,
                    RoleInfo.PAR_N: par_n

                if key_addr not in self._role_info:
                    self._role_info[key_addr] = []
                if info not in self._role_info[key_addr]:
                return True, role

        return False, Role.UNKNOWN