def test_bestTest(self): bst=BinarySearchTree() #Test 'add' and 'size' bst.add(10,"A value") self.assertEqual(bst.size(),1) bst.add(5,"A value") self.assertEqual(bst.size(),2) bst.add(30,"A value") self.assertEqual(bst.size(),3) #Test 'inorder_walk' self.assertListEqual(bst.inorder_walk(),[5,10,30]) bst.add(15,"value") self.assertListEqual(bst.inorder_walk(),[5,10,15,30]) #Test 'preorder_walk' self.assertListEqual(bst.preorder_walk(),[10,5,30,15]) #Test 'postorder_walk' self.assertListEqual(bst.postorder_walk(),[5,15,30,10]) #test 'smallest' self.assertEqual(bst.smallest(),5) #test 'largest' self.assertEqual(bst.largest(),30) #test 'search' #the output itself gives the test. since the value is not returned, this test case cannot be applied #also delete implements search #test 'delete' bst.delete(5) self.assertListEqual(bst.inorder_walk(),[10,15,30])
from binary_search import BinarySearchTree bst = BinarySearchTree() bst.add(10, "A value") bst.add(20, "B value") bst.add(5, "A value") bst.add(12, "D value") bst.add(30, "E value") bst.add(2, "G value") bst.add(35, "F value") print("The inorder traversal of the tree is") print(bst.inorder_walk()) print("The preorder traversal of the tree is") print(bst.preorder_walk()) print("The postorder traversal of the tree is") print(bst.postorder_walk()) print(bst.smallest(), "is the smallest") print(bst.largest(), "is the largest") x = int(input("enter the no. u want to search? ")) del_value = int(input("enter the key u want to delte.")) bst.delete(del_value) print("after deletion the search tree becomes.. ", bst.inorder_walk())