def test_insert_no_left_child(self): node = Node(3, 'value') assert node.left_child is None assert node.insert(2, 'left_value') is True assert node.left_child is not None assert node.left_child.key == 2 assert node.left_child.value == 'left_value'
def sortedarraytoBSTrecu(self, nums, begin, end): if begin > end: return None mid = begin + (end - begin) // 2 root = TN(nums[mid]) root.left = self.sortedarraytoBSTrecu(nums, begin, mid - 1) root.right = self.sortedarraytoBSTrecu(nums, mid + 1, end) return root
def test_insert_no_right_child(self): node = Node(3, 'value') assert node.right_child is None assert node.insert(4, 'right_value') is True assert node.right_child is not None assert node.right_child.key == 4 assert node.right_child.value == 'right_value'
def test_insert_right_child(self): node = Node(3, 'value') node.insert(4, 'right_value') assert node.right_child.right_child is None node.insert(5, 'right_child_value') assert node.right_child.right_child is not None assert node.right_child.right_child.key == 5 assert node.right_child.right_child.value == 'right_child_value'
def test_insert_left_child(self): node = Node(3, 'value') node.insert(2, 'left_value') assert node.left_child.left_child is None node.insert(1, 'left_child_value') assert node.left_child.left_child is not None assert node.left_child.left_child.key == 1 assert node.left_child.left_child.value == 'left_child_value'
def test_get_node_list(self): node = Node(4, 'a') node.insert(2, 'b') node.insert(5, 'c') node.insert(1, 'd') node.insert(3, 'e') node.insert(6, 'f') assert node.get_node_list(node) == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
def __init__(self, val): Node.__init__(self, val) self.prob = Treap.gen_prob()
def helper(i): if i > (size-1): return None else: a = Node(l[i], helper(2*i +1), helper(2*i + 2)) return a
class Solution(object): def identical_trees(self, tree_1, tree_2): if tree_1 is None and tree_2 is None: return True if tree_1 is not None and tree_2 is not None: return ((tree_1.value == tree_2.value) and self.identical_trees(tree_1.left, tree_2.left) and self.identical_trees(tree_1.right, tree_2.right)) return False S = Solution() root1 = Treenode(1) root1.left = Treenode(2) root1.right = Treenode(3) root1.left.left = Treenode(4) root1.left.right = Treenode(5) print root1 root2 = Treenode(1) root2.left = Treenode(2) root2.right = Treenode(3) root2.left.left = Treenode(4) root2.left.right = Treenode(5) print root2 if S.identical_trees(root1, root2): print "Trees are identical"
def zigzagLevelOrder(self, root: TreeNode) -> List[List[int]]: if not root: return [] res = [] cur_level = [root] depth = 0 while cur_level: tmp = [] next_level = [] for node in cur_level: tmp.append(node.val) if node.left: next_level.append(node.left) if node.right: next_level.append(node.right) if depth % 2 == 1: res.append(tmp[::-1]) else: res.append(tmp) depth += 1 cur_level = next_level return res if __name__ == "__main__": root = TreeNode(3) root.left = TreeNode(9) root.right = TreeNode(20) root.right.left = TreeNode(15) root.right.right = TreeNode(7) print(root) print(Solution().zigzagLevelOrder(root))
def mirrorTree(self, root: TreeNode) -> TreeNode: if not root: return root.left, root.right = self.mirrorTree(root.right), self.mirrorTree( root.left) return root
""" """ from binarytree import Node class SearchInBST: def searchBST(self, root, val: int): if root == None or root.val == val: return root if val < root.val: return self.searchBST(root.left, val) else: return self.searchBST(root.right, val) obj = SearchInBST() root = Node(4) root.left = Node(2) root.right = Node(7) root.left.left = Node(1) root.left.right = Node(3) print(obj.searchBST(root, 2))
def test_LCA(self): root = Node(5) root.left = Node(4) root.left.left = Node(2) root.left.right = Node(3) root.right = Node(6) root.right.left = Node(11) root.right.right = Node(7) root.right.right.left = Node(8) print(root) self.assertEqual(lcaPython.findLCA(root,3,7),5) self.assertEqual(lcaPython.findLCA(root,2,4),4) self.assertEqual(lcaPython.findLCA(root,6,3),5) self.assertEqual(lcaPython.findLCA(root,2,3),4) self.assertEqual(lcaPython.findLCA(root,5,6),5) self.assertEqual(lcaPython.findLCA(root,5,5),5) self.assertEqual(lcaPython.findLCA(root,7,7),7) self.assertEqual(lcaPython.findLCA(root,7,11),6) self.assertEqual(lcaPython.findLCA(root,7,20),-1)
async def bst(self, ctx: commands.Context): """ `!bst` __`Binary Search Tree analysis tool`__ **Usage:** !bst <node> [node] [...] **Examples:** `!bst 2 1 3` displays a BST in ASCII and PNG form with root node 2 and leaves 1, 3 `!bst 4 5 6` displays a BST in ASCII and PNG form with root node 4, parent node 5 and leaf 6 Launching the command activates a 60 second window during which additional unprefixed commands can be called: `pre` displays pre-order traversal of the tree `in` displays in-order traversal of the tree `level` displays level-order traversal of the tree `post` displays post-order traversal of the tree `about` displays characteristics of the tree `pause` stops the 60 second countdown timer `unpause` starts the 60 second countdown timer `show` displays the ASCII and PNG representations of the tree again `exit` exits the window `insert <node> [node] [...]` inserts nodes into the tree **Example:** `insert 5 7 6` inserts nodes 5, 7 and 6, in that order `delete <node> [node] [...]` deletes nodes from the tree **Example:** `delete 7 8 9` deletes nodes 7, 8 and 9, in that order """ numbers = [] for num in ctx.message.content[5:].replace(",", "").split(): if re.fullmatch(r"[+-]?((\d+(\.\d*)?)|(\.\d+))", num): try: numbers.append(int(num)) except ValueError: numbers.append(float(num)) else: raise BadArgs("Please provide valid numbers for the tree.") if not numbers: raise BadArgs("Please provide some numbers for the tree.", show_help=True) root = Node(numbers[0]) nodes = [root] def insert(subroot: Node, num: int) -> None: if num < subroot.val: if not subroot.left: node = Node(num) subroot.left = node nodes.append(node) else: insert(subroot.left, num) else: if not subroot.right: node = Node(num) subroot.right = node nodes.append(node) else: insert(subroot.right, num) def delete(subroot: Node, num: int) -> Node: if subroot: if subroot.val == num: if subroot.left is not None and subroot.right is not None: parent = subroot predecessor = subroot.left while predecessor.right is not None: parent = predecessor predecessor = predecessor.right if parent.right == predecessor: parent.right = predecessor.left else: parent.left = predecessor.left predecessor.left = subroot.left predecessor.right = subroot.right ret = predecessor else: if subroot.left is not None: ret = subroot.left else: ret = subroot.right nodes.remove(subroot) del subroot return ret else: if subroot.val > num: if subroot.left: subroot.left = delete(subroot.left, num) else: if subroot.right: subroot.right = delete(subroot.right, num) return subroot def get_node(num: int) -> Optional[Node]: for node in nodes: if node.val == num: return node return None for num in numbers[1:]: if not get_node(num): insert(root, num) timeout = 60 display = True def draw_bst(root: Node) -> None: graph = root.graphviz() graph.render("bst", format="png") while True: draw_bst(root) text = f"```{root}\n```" if display: await ctx.send(text, file=discord.File("bst.png")) display = False try: message = await"message", timeout=timeout, check=lambda m: == and == except asyncio.exceptions.TimeoutError: for f in glob.glob("bst*"): os.remove(f) return await ctx.send("Timed out.", delete_after=5) command = message.content.replace(",", "").replace("!", "").lower() if command.startswith("level"): await ctx.send("Level-Order Traversal:\n**" + " ".join([str(n.val) for n in root.levelorder]) + "**") elif command.startswith("pre"): await ctx.send("Pre-Order Traversal:\n**" + " ".join([str(n.val) for n in root.preorder]) + "**") elif command.startswith("post"): await ctx.send("Post-Order Traversal:\n**" + " ".join([str(n.val) for n in root.postorder]) + "**") elif command.startswith("in") and not command.startswith("ins"): await ctx.send("In-Order Traversal:\n**" + " ".join([str(n.val) for n in root.inorder]) + "**") elif command.startswith("about"): embed = discord.Embed(title="Binary Search Tree Info", description="> " + text.replace("\n", "\n> "), color=random.randint(0, 0xffffff)) embed.add_field(name="Height:", value=str(root.height)) embed.add_field(name="Balanced?", value=str(root.is_balanced)) embed.add_field(name="Complete?", value=str(root.is_complete)) embed.add_field(name="Full?", value=str(root.is_strict)) embed.add_field(name="Perfect?", value=str(root.is_perfect)) embed.add_field(name="Number of leaves:", value=str(root.leaf_count)) embed.add_field(name="Max Leaf Depth:", value=str(root.max_leaf_depth)) embed.add_field(name="Min Leaf Depth:", value=str(root.min_leaf_depth)) embed.add_field(name="Max Node Value:", value=str(root.max_node_value)) embed.add_field(name="Min Node Value:", value=str(root.min_node_value)) embed.add_field(name="Entries:", value=str(root.size)) embed.add_field(name="Pre-Order Traversal:", value=" ".join([str(n.val) for n in root.preorder])) embed.add_field(name="In-Order Traversal:", value=" ".join([str(n.val) for n in root.inorder])) embed.add_field(name="Level-Order Traversal:", value=" ".join([str(n.val) for n in root.levelorder])) embed.add_field(name="Post-Order Traversal:", value=" ".join([str(n.val) for n in root.postorder])) if root.left: embed.add_field(name="In-Order Predecessor:", value=str(max(filter(lambda x: x is not None, root.left.values)))) if root.right: embed.add_field(name="In-Order Successor:", value=str(min(filter(lambda x: x is not None, root.right.values)))) await ctx.send(embed=embed, file=discord.File("bst.png")) elif command.startswith("pause"): timeout = 86400 await ctx.send("Timeout paused.") elif command.startswith("unpause"): timeout = 60 await ctx.send("Timeout reset to 60 seconds.") elif command.startswith("show"): display = True elif command.startswith("insert"): add = [] for entry in command[7:].split(): if re.fullmatch(r"[+-]?((\d+(\.\d*)?)|(\.\d+))", entry): try: num = int(entry) except ValueError: num = float(entry) else: continue add.append(str(num)) if not get_node(num): insert(root, num) await ctx.send(f"Inserted {','.join(add)}.") display = True elif command.startswith("delete"): remove = [] for entry in command[7:].split(): try: num = float(entry) except ValueError: continue if root.size == 1: await ctx.send("Tree has reached one node in size. Stopping deletions.") break if math.modf(num)[0] == 0: num = int(round(num)) if not get_node(num): continue remove.append(str(num)) root = delete(root, num) await ctx.send(f"Deleted {','.join(remove)}.") display = True elif command.startswith("exit"): for f in glob.glob("bst*"): os.remove(f) return await ctx.send("Exiting.") elif command.startswith("bst"): return
def display(self, msg): print(msg) pprint(self.root) if __name__ == "__main__": print("program to generate the AVL trees") N = int(input("How many numbers?")) lt = random.sample(range(1, 1000), N) print(lt) bt = BinarySearchTree() av = AVLTree() for i in range(N): #print("Inserting ... %d" %lt[i]) bt.insert(Node(lt[i])) av.insert(AVLnode(lt[i])) #av.display("AVL tree at iteration %d" %i) #print(".........................") #print() bt.display("The input Binary Tree is as follows") av.display("The AVL tree is as follows") height = av.get_height() print("The height of the tree is %d" % height) while 1: item = int(input("Enter the node value to remove")) av.delete(item) av.display("The AVL tree afer the node removal") height = av.get_height() print("The height of the tree is %d" % height)
import random from itertools import combinations,permutations from binarytree import tree, Node ## to anaylze every cases, we use permutations of X to represent the order of ## these 6 value, the more previous, the more lower ## x2,x4,x1,x3,x5,x6 means x2<x4<x1<x3<x5<x6 X = ["x1","x2","x3","x4","x5","x6"] state_list = [("",""),("x1","x2"),("x2","x1"),("x3","x4"),("x4","x3"),("x5","x6"),("x6","x5")] ## the search branch that player 1 moves on a, since we use the binarytree lib ## we build 3 subtrees for this branch depending on player 2's move ## s for swap. so three trees are ab,ac,as. ## Since the binarytree node's value must be number, so here we use a ## state_list for our node's value. root_ab = Node(0) root_ab.left = Node(1) root_ab.right = Node(0) root_ab.right.left = Node(2) root_ab.right.right = Node(5) # print(root_ab) root_ac = Node(0) root_ac.left = Node(3) root_ac.right = Node(0) root_ac.right.left = Node(4) root_ac.right.right = Node(6) # print(root_ac) root_as = Node(0) root_as.left = Node(2) root_as.right = Node(4) # print(root_as)
def draw_bst(root: Node) -> None: graph = root.graphviz() graph.render("bst", format="png")
def pre_process_points(points): global stop_y global sls global intersection_discovered global intersection_point for i in xrange(len(points)): print "Coordinates = " + str(points[i].x) + "," + str(points[i].y) # Sort the points in the event queue by y-coordinate event_queue = sorted(points, key=lambda point: point.y) last_point = 0 sls = None index = 0 # Consider each point in the event queue for current_point in event_queue: stop_y = current_point.y - last_point # If the current point has a previous point, insert that line segment into the sls if current_point.prev_point is not None: line_segment_1 = LineSegment(current_point, current_point.prev_point, current_point.prev_point.index) line_segment_1_dup = LineSegment(current_point.prev_point, current_point, current_point.prev_point.index) if sls is None: sls = Node(line_segment_1) index = index + 1 else: # Verify that line segment is not already present lsegment = sls.lookup(line_segment_1) rsegment = sls.lookup(line_segment_1_dup) if lsegment[0] is None and rsegment[0] is None: sls.insert(line_segment_1) index = index + 1 findPreSuc.pre = None findPreSuc.suc = None findPreSuc(sls, line_segment_1) # Check for intersection with predecessor if findPreSuc.pre is not None and abs( - line_segment_1.index) > 1: if do_intersect(,, line_segment_1.start, line_segment_1.end): print "Predecessor is",, "{(", \, ",",, "),(", \, ",",, ")}" print "Current Point is", line_segment_1.label, "{(", \ line_segment_1.start.x, ",", line_segment_1.start.y, "),(", \ line_segment_1.end.x, ",", line_segment_1.end.y, ")}" print "Intersection Discovered1" intersection_discovered = True intersection_point = get_intersection_point(, line_segment_1) if automate_clicked: if test is not None: sls_canvas.delete(test) test = sls_canvas.create_text( window_width / 2, 20, fill="darkblue", font="Times 20 italic bold", text="Intersection Discovered at (" + str(intersection_point.x) + ", " + str(intersection_point.y) + ")", anchor=CENTER) child_canvas.create_oval( intersection_point.x - 2.0, intersection_point.y - 2.0, intersection_point.x + 2.0, intersection_point.y + 2.0, outline="red", fill="red", width=2) # Check for intersection with successor if findPreSuc.suc is not None and abs( - line_segment_1.index) > 1: if do_intersect(,, line_segment_1.start, line_segment_1.end): print "Successor is",, "{(", \, ",",, "),(", \, ",",, ")}" print "Current Point is", line_segment_1.label, "{(", \ line_segment_1.start.x, ",", line_segment_1.start.y, "),(", \ line_segment_1.end.x, ",", line_segment_1.end.y, ")}" print "Intersection Discovered2" intersection_discovered = True intersection_point = get_intersection_point(, line_segment_1) if automate_clicked: if test is not None: sls_canvas.delete(test) test = sls_canvas.create_text( window_width / 2, 20, fill="darkblue", font="Times 20 italic bold", text="Intersection Discovered at (" + str(intersection_point.x) + ", " + str(intersection_point.y) + ")", anchor=CENTER) child_canvas.create_oval( intersection_point.x - 2.0, intersection_point.y - 2.0, intersection_point.x + 2.0, intersection_point.y + 2.0, outline="red", fill="red", width=2) else: # If the line segment already exists in the sls, delete it if lsegment[0] is not None: findPreSuc.pre = None findPreSuc.suc = None findPreSuc(sls, lsegment[0].data) sls.delete(lsegment[0].data) else: findPreSuc.pre = None findPreSuc.suc = None findPreSuc(sls, rsegment[0].data) sls.delete(rsegment[0].data) # Check for intersection with new successor and predecessor if findPreSuc.pre is not None and findPreSuc.suc is not None and \ abs( - > 1 and\ do_intersect(,,, print "Predecessor is",, "{(", \, ",",, "),(", \, ",",, ")}" print "Successor is",, "{(", \, ",",, "),(", \, ",",, ")}" print "Intersection Discovered3" intersection_discovered = True intersection_point = get_intersection_point(, if automate_clicked: if test is not None: sls_canvas.delete(test) test = sls_canvas.create_text( window_width / 2, 20, fill="darkblue", font="Times 20 italic bold", text="Intersection Discovered at (" + str(intersection_point.x) + ", " + str(intersection_point.y) + ")", anchor=CENTER) child_canvas.create_oval( intersection_point.x - 2.0, intersection_point.y - 2.0, intersection_point.x + 2.0, intersection_point.y + 2.0, outline="red", fill="red", width=2) return # If the current point has a next point, insert that line segment into the sls if current_point.next_point is not None: line_segment_2 = LineSegment(current_point, current_point.next_point, current_point.index) line_segment_2_dup = LineSegment(current_point.next_point, current_point, current_point.index) if sls is None: sls = Node(line_segment_2) index = index + 1 else: lsegment = sls.lookup(line_segment_2) rsegment = sls.lookup(line_segment_2_dup) # Verify that line segment is not already present if lsegment[0] is None and rsegment[0] is None: sls.insert(line_segment_2) index = index + 1 findPreSuc.pre = None findPreSuc.suc = None findPreSuc(sls, line_segment_2) # Check for intersection with predecessor if findPreSuc.pre is not None and abs( - line_segment_2.index) > 1: if do_intersect(,, line_segment_2.start, line_segment_2.end): print "Predecessor is",, "{(", \, ",",, "),(", \, ",",, ")}" print "Current Point is", line_segment_2.label, "{(", \ line_segment_2.start.x, ",", line_segment_2.start.y, "),(", \ line_segment_2.end.x, ",", line_segment_2.end.y, ")}" print "Intersection Discovered4" intersection_discovered = True intersection_point = get_intersection_point(, line_segment_2) if automate_clicked: if test is not None: sls_canvas.delete(test) test = sls_canvas.create_text( window_width / 2, 20, fill="darkblue", font="Times 20 italic bold", text="Intersection Discovered at (" + str(intersection_point.x) + ", " + str(intersection_point.y) + ")", anchor=CENTER) child_canvas.create_oval( intersection_point.x - 2.0, intersection_point.y - 2.0, intersection_point.x + 2.0, intersection_point.y + 2.0, outline="red", fill="red", width=2) return # Check for intersection with successor if findPreSuc.suc is not None and abs( - line_segment_2.index) > 1: if do_intersect(,, line_segment_2.start, line_segment_2.end): print "Successor is",, "{(", \, ",",, "),(", \, ",",, ")}" print "Current Point is", line_segment_2.label, "{(", \ line_segment_2.start.x, ",", line_segment_2.start.y, "),(", \ line_segment_2.end.x, ",", line_segment_2.end.y, ")}" print "Intersection Discovered5" intersection_discovered = True intersection_point = get_intersection_point(, line_segment_2) if automate_clicked: if test is not None: sls_canvas.delete(test) test = sls_canvas.create_text( window_width / 2, 20, fill="darkblue", font="Times 20 italic bold", text="Intersection Discovered at (" + str(intersection_point.x) + ", " + str(intersection_point.y) + ")", anchor=CENTER) child_canvas.create_oval( intersection_point.x - 2.0, intersection_point.y - 2.0, intersection_point.x + 2.0, intersection_point.y + 2.0, outline="red", fill="red", width=2) return else: # If the line segment already exists in the sls, delete it if lsegment[0] is not None: findPreSuc.pre = None findPreSuc.suc = None findPreSuc(sls, lsegment[0].data) sls.delete(lsegment[0].data) else: findPreSuc.pre = None findPreSuc.suc = None findPreSuc(sls, rsegment[0].data) sls.delete(rsegment[0].data) # Check for intersection with new successor and predecessor if findPreSuc.pre is not None and findPreSuc.suc is not None and \ abs( - > 1 and \ do_intersect(,,, print "Predecessor is",, "{(", \, ",",, "),(", \, ",",, ")}" print "Successor is",, "{(", \, ",",, "),(", \, ",",, ")}" print "Intersection Discovered6" intersection_discovered = True intersection_point = get_intersection_point(, if automate_clicked: if test is not None: sls_canvas.delete(test) test = sls_canvas.create_text( window_width / 2, 20, fill="darkblue", font="Times 20 italic bold", text="Intersection Discovered at (" + str(intersection_point.x) + ", " + str(intersection_point.y) + ")", anchor=CENTER) child_canvas.create_oval( intersection_point.x - 2.0, intersection_point.y - 2.0, intersection_point.x + 2.0, intersection_point.y + 2.0, outline="red", fill="red", width=2) return if not automate_clicked: button4.wait_variable(var) var.set(0) if intersection_discovered: return label = "" global test if is not None: sls_text = sls.print_tree(label) if test is not None: sls_canvas.delete(test) test = sls_canvas.create_text(window_width / 2, 20, fill="darkblue", font="Times 20 italic bold", anchor=CENTER, text=sls_text) print label last_point = current_point.y print "This is a simple chain" global button4 if test is not None: sls_canvas.delete(test) test = sls_canvas.create_text(window_width / 2, 20, fill="green", font="Times 20 italic bold", anchor=CENTER, text="This is a simple chain") button4.config(state="disabled")
right_r = BSTSequences(root.right) for sequence in right_r: sequence.insert(0, root.value) return right_r """ :type root: TreeNode :rtype: List[List[int]] """ tree = build([2, 1, 3]) print(tree) print(BSTSequences(tree)) tree = build([1, 2]) print(tree) print(BSTSequences(tree)) tree = None print(BSTSequences(tree)) tree = build([5,2,None,1,4,None,None,None, None, 3]) print(tree) print(BSTSequences(tree)) nums1 = [1, 2] nums2 = [3, 4] root = Node(0) print(buildTree(root, nums1, nums2)) print(root)
root = None return temp elif root.right is None: temp = root.left root = None return temp else: temp = self.getMinVal(root.right) root.val = temp.val root.right = self.delete(root.right, temp.val) return root return root def getMinVal(self, root): minval = root while minval.left is not None: minval = minval.left return minval if __name__ == "__main__": bst = BinarySearchTree(Node(50)) bst.insert(bst, Node(40)) bst.insert(bst, Node(60)) bst.insert(bst, Node(70)) bst.insert(bst, Node(80)) bst.inorder(bst)
def create_tree(self, nums, root, i): if i < len(nums): root = TN(nums[i]) root.left = self.create_tree(nums, root.left, 2 * i + 1) root.right = self.create_tree(nums, root.right, 2 * i + 2) return root
def __init__(self, val): Node.__init__(self, val) self.height = 1
def test_insert_same_key(self): node = Node(3, 'value') assert node.insert(3, 'value') is False
print("\n---Add Node") root.pprint(index=True) idx = int(input("Enter index of node:")) try: root[idx] if root[idx].left == None and root[idx].right == None: #left right print("1-add left node,\n2-add right node\n0-cancel") opt_add = int(input("Select option: ")) if opt_add == 1: #left print("\n---Add Left Node") val = int(input("Enter value: ")) root[idx].left = Node(val) print(root) elif opt_add == 2: #right print("\n---Add Right Node") val = int(input("Enter value: ")) root[idx].right = Node(val) print(root) elif opt_add == 0: print("\n---Canceled") #cancel continue else: print("Wrong option\n") continue
def test_init(self): node = Node(3, 'value') assert node.key == 3 assert node.value == 'value'
def perfectTree(i, vals): if i < len(vals): return Node(vals[i], left=perfectTree((i + 1) * 2 - 1, vals), right=perfectTree((i + 1) * 2, vals))
class SameTree: def isSameTree(self, p: TreeNode, q: TreeNode) -> bool: if p is None and q is None: return True if (p is not None and q is not None) and (p.val == q.val): return self.isSameTree(p.left, q.left) and self.isSameTree( p.right, q.right) return False obj = SameTree() root1 = Node(1) root1.left = Node(2) root1.right = Node(3) root2 = Node(1) root2.left = Node(2) root2.right = Node(3) print(obj.isSameTree(root1, root2)) root3 = Node(1) root3.left = Node(2) root4 = Node(1) root4.right = Node(2)
def inorderTraversal(tree, inorderArray): if tree is not None: inorderTraversal(tree.left, inorderArray) inorderArray.append(tree.value) inorderTraversal(tree.right, inorderArray) return inorderArray def findKthLargestValueInBst(tree, k): array = inorderTraversal(tree, []) return array[len(array) - k] root = Node(15) root.left = Node(5) root.right = Node(20) root.left.left = Node(2) root.left.right = Node(5) root.right.left = Node(17) root.right.right = Node(22) root.left.left.left = Node(1) root.left.left.right = Node(3) print(findKthLargestValueInBst(root, 3)) """ Java Solution ------------- import java.util.*;
"""解法2:辅助栈 - 时间复杂度:O(N) - 空间复杂度:O(N) """ # class Solution: # def mirrorTree(self, root: TreeNode) -> TreeNode: # if not root: # return # stack = [root] # while stack: # node = stack.pop() # if node.left: # stack.append(node.left) # if node.right: # stack.append(node.right) # node.left, node.right = node.right, node.left # return root if __name__ == "__main__": root = TreeNode(4) root.left = TreeNode(2) root.right = TreeNode(7) root.left.left = TreeNode(1) root.left.right = TreeNode(3) root.right.left = TreeNode(6) root.right.right = TreeNode(9) print(root) print(Solution().mirrorTree(root))
def createNodes(alphabet): nodes = {} for ele in alphabet.keys(): nodes[ele] = Node(ele) return nodes
from binarytree import tree, bst, Node class MyNode: def __init__(self, value, left=None, right=None): self.value = value self.left = left self.right = right a = tree(height=4, is_perfect=False) print(a) b = bst(height=3, is_perfect=True) print(b) root = Node(20) root.left = Node(10) root.right = Node(30) root.right.right = Node(50) root.left.left = Node(2) print(root) print('*' * 50) c = tree(height=5, is_perfect=False) print(c) num = int(input('Какое число найти: ')) def search(bin_tree, number, path=''): if bin_tree.value == number: return f'Число {number} найдено по следующему пути:\nКорень{path}'
def buildBtreeWithNodeLib(): hHeap = Node('*') hHeap.left = Node('*') hHeap.left.right = Node('a') hHeap.left.left = Node('*') hHeap.left.left.left = Node('c') hHeap hHeap.right = Node('*') hHeap.right.left = Node('t') hHeap.right.right = Node('*') hHeap.right.right.right = Node('s') print(hHeap)
if root_node.right and root_node.right.value < value: return False return check_tree(root_node.left, min_v=min_v, max_v=value) \ and check_tree(root_node.right, min_v=value, max_v=max_v) # create random binary tree non_sorted_tree = tree(height=3, is_perfect=False) print(non_sorted_tree) result = check_tree(non_sorted_tree) print('Non sorted tree:', result) # Build the new tree from the example in the video: sorted_tree = Node(50) sorted_tree.left = Node(10) sorted_tree.right = Node(80) sorted_tree.left.left = Node(5) sorted_tree.left.right = Node(30) sorted_tree.left.right.left = Node(20) sorted_tree.left.right.left = Node(40) sorted_tree.right.left = Node(70) sorted_tree.right.right = Node(90) sorted_tree.right.right.left = Node(85) print(sorted_tree) # Check it result = check_tree(sorted_tree) print('Example tree:', result)
self.pushAll(root) # @return a boolean, whether we have a next smallest number def hasNext(self): if self.stack: return True return False # @return an integer, the next smallest number def next(self): tmpNode = self.stack.pop() self.pushAll(tmpNode.right) return tmpNode.value def pushAll(self, node): while node is not None: self.stack.append(node) node = node.left root = Treenode(2) root.left = Treenode(1) root.left.left = Treenode(0) root.right = Treenode(3) print(root) S = Solution(root) print print print S.hasNext()
return s == 0 else: ans = 0 # Otherwise check both subtrees subSum = s - root.value # If we reach a leaf node and sum becomes 0, then # return True if (subSum == 0 and root.left == None and root.right == None): return True if root.left is not None: ans = ans or self.roottoleafpathSum(root.left, subSum) if root.right is not None: ans = ans or self.roottoleafpathSum(root.right, subSum) return ans S = Solution() s = 21 root = TN(10) root.left = TN(8) root.right = TN(2) root.left.right = TN(5) root.left.left = TN(3) root.right.left = TN(2) print(root) print S.roottoleafpathSum(root, s)
from binarytree import Node as TN class Solution(object): def invertbinaryTree(self, root): if root is not None: root.left, root.right = \ self.invertbinaryTree(root.right), self.invertbinaryTree(root.left) return root S = Solution() root = TN(4) root.left = TN(2) root.left = TN(2) root.right = TN(7) root.left.left = TN(1) root.left.right = TN(3) root.right.left = TN(6) root.right.right = TN(9) print root print S.invertbinaryTree(root)
#use bfs indices to manipulate nodes from binarytree import Node root = Node(1) root.left = Node(4) root.right = Node(7) root.left.right = Node(8) root.right.left = Node(9) root.right.right = Node(6) print "tree: " print(root) print "with indices " root.pprint(index=True, delimiter=',') idx = 2 print "node/subtree at index ", idx, root[idx] print "changing node val at ", idx root[idx] = Node(20) root.pprint(index=True, delimiter=',') idx = 4 print "changing subtree at ", idx root[idx] = Node(40, left=Node(12), right=Node(80)) root.pprint(index=True, delimiter=',') idx = 1 print "delete at ", idx del root[1] root.pprint(index=True, delimiter=',')
def k_path_sum(self, root, k): if root is None: return #print 'Visiting {}'.format(root.value) self.path.append(root.value) self.k_path_sum(root.left, k) self.k_path_sum(root.right, k) #print 'Current path: {}'.format(self.path) currsum = 0 for i in reversed(xrange(len(self.path))): currsum += self.path[i] if currsum == k: print self.path[i:] self.path.pop() root = Treenode(1) root.left = Treenode(3) root.left.left = Treenode(2) root.left.right = Treenode(1) root.left.right.left = Treenode(1) root.right = Treenode(-1) root.right.left = Treenode(4) root.right.left.left = Treenode(1) root.right.left.right = Treenode(2) root.right.right = Treenode(5) root.right.right.right = Treenode(2) print(root) S = Solution() S.k_path_sum(root, 5)
if tree_1 is not None and tree_2 is not None: return ((tree_1.value == tree_2.value) and self.identical_trees(tree_1.left, tree_2.left) and self.identical_trees(tree_1.right, tree_2.right)) return False def isSubtree(self, s, t): if not s: return False if self.identical_trees(s, t): return True if self.isSubtree(s.left, t) or self.isSubtree(s.right, t): return True return False S = Solution() root1 = Treenode(30) root1.left = Treenode(20) root1.right = Treenode(40) root1.left.left = Treenode(20) root1.left.right = Treenode(40) print root1 root2 = Treenode(20) root2.left = Treenode(20) root2.right = Treenode(40) print root2 print S.isSubtree(root1, root2)
class Tree: heap = [] codes = {} reverseMap = {} root = Node(0, 0)
return node, 1 if node.right is not None: right_node, found_one = delete_node(node.right, node_val) if found_one is not None: node.right = right_node return node, 1 return None, None delete_node(self.root, node_val) tree = BinaryTree(3) print(tree.root) random_node = tree.find_random_node() found_node = tree.find(random_node.value) assert random_node.value == found_node.value tree.insert(Node(55)) tree.insert(Node(105)) tree.insert(Node(125)) print(tree.root) tree_values = tree.root.values tree_values = list(filter(None, tree_values)) idx = int(np.random.randint(0, len(tree_values))) val = tree_values[idx] print("remove", val) tree.delete(val) print(tree.root)
#import sys from binarytree import tree from binarytree import Node import time start = time.time() n = int(input().strip()) ls = list(map(int, input().strip().split())) store = [[-3 for i in range(3)] for j in range(n)] #sys.setrecursionlimit(3*n) root = Node(0.0) root2 = Node(0) result = [] #lll=input().strip().split() #ls=[int(i) for i in lll] def qq(ind, rest, result): print('returning ', result, ' for', ' rec(', ind, rest, ')', '') def pq(ind, rest): a = ind + 1 b = rest + 1 print('calls rec(', a, ',0) and calls rec(', a, ',', b, ')') def p(ind, rest): print('ind,rest: ', ind, rest, store)
class TestNode: def test_init(self): node = Node(3, 'value') assert node.key == 3 assert node.value == 'value' def test_insert_same_key(self): node = Node(3, 'value') assert node.insert(3, 'value') is False def test_insert_no_left_child(self): node = Node(3, 'value') assert node.left_child is None assert node.insert(2, 'left_value') is True assert node.left_child is not None assert node.left_child.key == 2 assert node.left_child.value == 'left_value' def test_insert_left_child(self): node = Node(3, 'value') node.insert(2, 'left_value') assert node.left_child.left_child is None node.insert(1, 'left_child_value') assert node.left_child.left_child is not None assert node.left_child.left_child.key == 1 assert node.left_child.left_child.value == 'left_child_value' def test_insert_no_right_child(self): node = Node(3, 'value') assert node.right_child is None assert node.insert(4, 'right_value') is True assert node.right_child is not None assert node.right_child.key == 4 assert node.right_child.value == 'right_value' def test_insert_right_child(self): node = Node(3, 'value') node.insert(4, 'right_value') assert node.right_child.right_child is None node.insert(5, 'right_child_value') assert node.right_child.right_child is not None assert node.right_child.right_child.key == 5 assert node.right_child.right_child.value == 'right_child_value' @pytest.mark.parametrize('node, left_child, right_child, search_key', [ (Node(4, 'a'), 2, 5, 4), (Node(4, 'a'), 2, 5, 2), (Node(4, 'a'), 2, 5, 5), ]) def test_find_key(self, node, left_child, right_child, search_key): node.insert(left_child, 'b') node.insert(right_child, 'c') assert node.find(search_key).key == search_key @pytest.mark.parametrize('node, left_child, right_child, search_key', [ (Node(4, 'a'), 2, 5, 6), (Node(4, 'a'), 2, 5, 3), (Node(4, 'a'), None, None, 6), (Node(4, 'a'), None, None, 3), ]) def test_key_not_in_node(self, node, left_child, right_child, search_key): if left_child: node.insert(left_child, 'b') if right_child: node.insert(right_child, 'c') assert node.find(search_key) is None def test_get_node_list(self): node = Node(4, 'a') node.insert(2, 'b') node.insert(5, 'c') node.insert(1, 'd') node.insert(3, 'e') node.insert(6, 'f') assert node.get_node_list(node) == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
from binarytree import Node def invertBinaryTree(tree): if not tree: return None right,left = invertBinaryTree(tree.right),invertBinaryTree(tree.left) tree.left,tree.right = right,left return tree root = Node(1) root.left = Node(2) root.right = Node(3) root.left.left = Node(4) root.left.right = Node(5) root.right.left = Node(6) root.right.right = Node(7) root.left.left.left = Node(8) root.left.left.right = Node(9) print(invertBinaryTree(root))
from random import seed from collections import deque """ deque: double-ended queue """ # Build a tree with binarytree.tree seed(3) my_tree = tree(height = 3, is_perfect = False) #print("Generate with built-in tree method") #print(type(my_tree)) # <class 'binarytree.Node'> #print(my_tree) # Build with Node root = Node(1) root.left = Node(2) root.right = Node(3) #print("Generate with built-in Node method") #print(root) #print(root.value) # Build tree using a list data1 = [10,5,-3,3,2,None,11,3,-2,None,1] data2 = [3,5,2,1,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14] def create_btree_with_list(data): tree = Node(data.pop(0)) fringe = deque([tree])