def test(network, data, labels): activities = torch.zeros(len(data), RUN_TIME, len(SUBJECTS)) # data_size * run_time * classes true_labels = torch.from_numpy(np.array(labels)) for index, image_batch in enumerate(tqdm(data)): network_input = encode_image_batch(image_batch), time=RUN_TIME) spikes = network.monitors["OUT"].get("s") activities[index, :, :] = spikes[-RUN_TIME:, 0] assignments = assign_labels(activities, true_labels, len(SUBJECTS)) predicated_labels = all_activity(activities, assignments[0], len(SUBJECTS)) print(classification_report(true_labels, predicated_labels))
def predict(labeled_batches): print(f"predicting {len(labeled_batches)} batches...") n_samples = len(labeled_batches) n_classes = len(TARGETS) true_labels = torch.zeros(n_samples) activities = torch.zeros(n_samples, ENCODE_WINDOW, n_classes) sample_idx = 0 for label, img_batch in tqdm(labeled_batches): run_sinle_batch(img_batch) activities[sample_idx, :, :] = get_result_activity() sample_idx += 1 assignments, _, _ = assign_labels(activities, true_labels, n_classes) pred_labels = all_activity(activities, assignments, n_classes) return pred_labels
update_interval) print( "\nAll activity accuracy: %.2f (last), %.2f (average), %.2f (best)" % (accuracy["all"][-1], np.mean( accuracy["all"]), np.max(accuracy["all"]))) print( "Proportion weighting accuracy: %.2f (last), %.2f (average), %.2f (best)\n" % ( accuracy["proportion"][-1], np.mean(accuracy["proportion"]), np.max(accuracy["proportion"]), )) # Assign labels to excitatory layer neurons. assignments, proportions, rates = assign_labels( spike_record, labels, num_classes, rates) #Add the current label to the list of labels for this update_interval labels[i % update_interval] = label[0] # Run the network on the input. choice = np.random.choice(int(n_neurons / num_classes), size=n_clamp, replace=False) clamp = {"Ae": per_class * label.long() + torch.Tensor(choice).long()} inputs = {"X": image.view(time, 480, 480, 3)}, time=time, clamp=clamp) # Get voltage recording. exc_voltages = exc_voltage_monitor.get("v") inh_voltages = inh_voltage_monitor.get("v")
def main(seed=0, n_neurons=100, n_train=60000, n_test=10000, inhib=100, lr=1e-2, lr_decay=1, time=350, dt=1, theta_plus=0.05, theta_decay=1e7, intensity=1, progress_interval=10, update_interval=250, plot=False, train=True, gpu=False): assert n_train % update_interval == 0 and n_test % update_interval == 0, \ 'No. examples must be divisible by update_interval' params = [ seed, n_neurons, n_train, inhib, lr, lr_decay, time, dt, theta_plus, theta_decay, intensity, progress_interval, update_interval ] test_params = [ seed, n_neurons, n_train, n_test, inhib, lr, lr_decay, time, dt, theta_plus, theta_decay, intensity, progress_interval, update_interval ] model_name = '_'.join([str(x) for x in params]) np.random.seed(seed) if gpu: torch.set_default_tensor_type('torch.cuda.FloatTensor') torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) else: torch.manual_seed(seed) n_examples = n_train if train else n_test n_sqrt = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(n_neurons))) n_classes = 10 # Build network. if train: network = DiehlAndCook2015v2(n_inpt=784, n_neurons=n_neurons, inh=inhib, dt=dt, norm=78.4, theta_plus=theta_plus, theta_decay=theta_decay, nu=[0, lr]) else: network = load(os.path.join(params_path, model_name + '.pt')) network.connections['X', 'Y'].update_rule = NoOp( connection=network.connections['X', 'Y'], nu=network.connections['X', 'Y'].nu) network.layers['Y'].theta_decay = 0 network.layers['Y'].theta_plus = 0 # Load MNIST data. dataset = MNIST(path=data_path, download=True) if train: images, labels = dataset.get_train() else: images, labels = dataset.get_test() images = images.view(-1, 784) images *= intensity # Record spikes during the simulation. spike_record = torch.zeros(update_interval, time, n_neurons) full_spike_record = torch.zeros(n_examples, n_neurons).long() # Neuron assignments and spike proportions. if train: assignments = -torch.ones_like(torch.Tensor(n_neurons)) proportions = torch.zeros_like(torch.Tensor(n_neurons, n_classes)) rates = torch.zeros_like(torch.Tensor(n_neurons, n_classes)) ngram_scores = {} else: path = os.path.join(params_path, '_'.join(['auxiliary', model_name]) + '.pt') assignments, proportions, rates, ngram_scores = torch.load( open(path, 'rb')) # Sequence of accuracy estimates. curves = {'all': [], 'proportion': [], 'ngram': []} predictions = {scheme: torch.Tensor().long() for scheme in curves.keys()} if train: best_accuracy = 0 spikes = {} for layer in set(network.layers): spikes[layer] = Monitor(network.layers[layer], state_vars=['s'], time=time) network.add_monitor(spikes[layer], name='%s_spikes' % layer) # Train the network. if train: print('\nBegin training.\n') else: print('\nBegin test.\n') inpt_axes = None inpt_ims = None spike_ims = None spike_axes = None weights_im = None assigns_im = None perf_ax = None start = t() for i in range(n_examples): if i % progress_interval == 0: print(f'Progress: {i} / {n_examples} ({t() - start:.4f} seconds)') start = t() if i % update_interval == 0 and i > 0: if train: network.connections['X', 'Y'][1] *= lr_decay if i % len(labels) == 0: current_labels = labels[-update_interval:] else: current_labels = labels[i % len(images) - update_interval:i % len(images)] # Update and print accuracy evaluations. curves, preds = update_curves(curves, current_labels, n_classes, spike_record=spike_record, assignments=assignments, proportions=proportions, ngram_scores=ngram_scores, n=2) print_results(curves) for scheme in preds: predictions[scheme] = [predictions[scheme], preds[scheme]], -1) # Save accuracy curves to disk. to_write = ['train'] + params if train else ['test'] + params f = '_'.join([str(x) for x in to_write]) + '.pt', update_interval, n_examples), open(os.path.join(curves_path, f), 'wb')) if train: if any([x[-1] > best_accuracy for x in curves.values()]): print( 'New best accuracy! Saving network parameters to disk.' ) # Save network to disk., model_name + '.pt')) path = os.path.join( params_path, '_'.join(['auxiliary', model_name]) + '.pt'), proportions, rates, ngram_scores), open(path, 'wb')) best_accuracy = max([x[-1] for x in curves.values()]) # Assign labels to excitatory layer neurons. assignments, proportions, rates = assign_labels( spike_record, current_labels, n_classes, rates) # Compute ngram scores. ngram_scores = update_ngram_scores(spike_record, current_labels, n_classes, 2, ngram_scores) print() # Get next input sample. image = images[i % len(images)] sample = poisson(datum=image, time=time, dt=dt) inpts = {'X': sample} # Run the network on the input., time=time) retries = 0 while spikes['Y'].get('s').sum() < 1 and retries < 3: retries += 1 image *= 2 sample = poisson(datum=image, time=time, dt=dt) inpts = {'X': sample}, time=time) # Add to spikes recording. spike_record[i % update_interval] = spikes['Y'].get('s').t() full_spike_record[i] = spikes['Y'].get('s').t().sum(0).long() # Optionally plot various simulation information. if plot: # _input = image.view(28, 28) # reconstruction = inpts['X'].view(time, 784).sum(0).view(28, 28) _spikes = {layer: spikes[layer].get('s') for layer in spikes} input_exc_weights = network.connections[('X', 'Y')].w square_weights = get_square_weights( input_exc_weights.view(784, n_neurons), n_sqrt, 28) # square_assignments = get_square_assignments(assignments, n_sqrt) # inpt_axes, inpt_ims = plot_input(_input, reconstruction, label=labels[i], axes=inpt_axes, ims=inpt_ims) spike_ims, spike_axes = plot_spikes(_spikes, ims=spike_ims, axes=spike_axes) weights_im = plot_weights(square_weights, im=weights_im) # assigns_im = plot_assignments(square_assignments, im=assigns_im) # perf_ax = plot_performance(curves, ax=perf_ax) plt.pause(1e-8) network.reset_() # Reset state variables. print(f'Progress: {n_examples} / {n_examples} ({t() - start:.4f} seconds)') i += 1 if i % len(labels) == 0: current_labels = labels[-update_interval:] else: current_labels = labels[i % len(images) - update_interval:i % len(images)] # Update and print accuracy evaluations. curves, preds = update_curves(curves, current_labels, n_classes, spike_record=spike_record, assignments=assignments, proportions=proportions, ngram_scores=ngram_scores, n=2) print_results(curves) for scheme in preds: predictions[scheme] =[predictions[scheme], preds[scheme]], -1) if train: if any([x[-1] > best_accuracy for x in curves.values()]): print('New best accuracy! Saving network parameters to disk.') # Save network to disk. if train:, model_name + '.pt')) path = os.path.join( params_path, '_'.join(['auxiliary', model_name]) + '.pt'), proportions, rates, ngram_scores), open(path, 'wb')) if train: print('\nTraining complete.\n') else: print('\nTest complete.\n') print('Average accuracies:\n') for scheme in curves.keys(): print('\t%s: %.2f' % (scheme, float(np.mean(curves[scheme])))) # Save accuracy curves to disk. to_write = ['train'] + params if train else ['test'] + params f = '_'.join([str(x) for x in to_write]) + '.pt', update_interval, n_examples), open(os.path.join(curves_path, f), 'wb')) # Save results to disk. results = [ np.mean(curves['all']), np.mean(curves['proportion']), np.mean(curves['ngram']), np.max(curves['all']), np.max(curves['proportion']), np.max(curves['ngram']) ] to_write = params + results if train else test_params + results to_write = [str(x) for x in to_write] name = 'train.csv' if train else 'test.csv' if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(results_path, name)): with open(os.path.join(results_path, name), 'w') as f: if train: f.write( 'random_seed,n_neurons,n_train,inhib,lr,lr_decay,time,timestep,theta_plus,theta_decay,intensity,' 'progress_interval,update_interval,mean_all_activity,mean_proportion_weighting,' 'mean_ngram,max_all_activity,max_proportion_weighting,max_ngram\n' ) else: f.write( 'random_seed,n_neurons,n_train,n_test,inhib,lr,lr_decay,time,timestep,theta_plus,theta_decay,' 'intensity,progress_interval,update_interval,mean_all_activity,mean_proportion_weighting,' 'mean_ngram,max_all_activity,max_proportion_weighting,max_ngram\n' ) with open(os.path.join(results_path, name), 'a') as f: f.write(','.join(to_write) + '\n') if labels.numel() > n_examples: labels = labels[:n_examples] else: while labels.numel() < n_examples: if 2 * labels.numel() > n_examples: labels = [labels, labels[:n_examples - labels.numel()]]) else: labels =[labels, labels]) # Compute confusion matrices and save them to disk. confusions = {} for scheme in predictions: confusions[scheme] = confusion_matrix(labels, predictions[scheme]) to_write = ['train'] + params if train else ['test'] + test_params f = '_'.join([str(x) for x in to_write]) + '.pt', os.path.join(confusion_path, f)) # Save full spike record to disk., os.path.join(spikes_path, f))
accuracy['proportion'].append( 100 * torch.sum(labels[i - update_interval:i].long() == proportion_pred) / update_interval) print( '\nAll activity accuracy: %.2f (last), %.2f (average), %.2f (best)' % (accuracy['all'][-1], np.mean( accuracy['all']), np.max(accuracy['all']))) print( 'Proportion weighting accuracy: %.2f (last), %.2f (average), %.2f (best)\n' % (accuracy['proportion'][-1], np.mean( accuracy['proportion']), np.max(accuracy['proportion']))) # Assign labels to excitatory layer neurons. assignments, proportions, rates = assign_labels( spike_record, labels[i - update_interval:i], 10, rates) # Get next input sample. sample = next(data_loader) inpts = {'X': sample} # Run the network on the input. choice = np.random.choice(int(n_neurons / 10), size=n_clamp, replace=False) clamp = {'Ae': per_class * labels[i].long() + torch.Tensor(choice).long()}, time=time, clamp=clamp) # Get voltage recording. exc_voltages = exc_voltage_monitor.get('v') inh_voltages = inh_voltage_monitor.get('v') # Add to spikes recording.
np.mean(accuracy["all"]), np.max(accuracy["all"]), ) ) print( "Proportion weighting accuracy: %.2f (last), %.2f (average), %.2f (best)\n" % ( accuracy["proportion"][-1], np.mean(accuracy["proportion"]), np.max(accuracy["proportion"]), ) ) # Assign labels to excitatory layer neurons. assignments, proportions, rates = assign_labels( spike_record, label_tensor[step - update_interval : step], 10, rates ) # Run the network on the input., time=time, input_time_dim=1) # Get voltage recording. exc_voltages = exc_voltage_monitor.get("v") inh_voltages = inh_voltage_monitor.get("v") # Add to spikes recording. spike_record[step % update_interval] = spikes["Ae"].get("s").t() # Optionally plot various simulation information. if plot: inpt = inpts["X"].view(time, 784).sum(0).view(28, 28)
# Save network to disk. path = os.path.join('..', '..', 'params', data, model) if not os.path.isdir(path): os.makedirs(path), model_name + '.pt')) path = os.path.join( path, '_'.join(['auxiliary', model_name]) + '.pt'), proportions, rates, ngram_scores), open(path, 'wb')) best_accuracy = max([x[-1] for x in curves.values()]) # Assign labels to excitatory layer neurons. assignments, proportions, rates = assign_labels( spike_record, current_labels, n_classes, rates) # Compute ngram scores. ngram_scores = update_ngram_scores(spike_record, current_labels, n_classes, 2, ngram_scores) print() # Get next input sample. image = images[i] sample = bernoulli(datum=image, time=time, dt=dt, max_prob=0.5).unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1) inpts = {'X': sample} # Run the network on the input., time=time)
def main(seed=0, n_train=60000, n_test=10000, c_low=1, c_high=25, p_low=0.5, kernel_size=(16,), stride=(2,), n_filters=25, crop=4, lr=0.01, lr_decay=1, time=100, dt=1, theta_plus=0.05, theta_decay=1e-7, intensity=1, norm=0.2, progress_interval=10, update_interval=250, plot=False, train=True, gpu=False): assert n_train % update_interval == 0 and n_test % update_interval == 0, \ 'No. examples must be divisible by update_interval' params = [ seed, kernel_size, stride, n_filters, crop, lr, lr_decay, n_train, c_low, c_high, p_low, time, dt, theta_plus, theta_decay, intensity, norm, progress_interval, update_interval ] model_name = '_'.join([str(x) for x in params]) if not train: test_params = [ seed, kernel_size, stride, n_filters, crop, lr, lr_decay, n_train, n_test, c_low, c_high, p_low, time, dt, theta_plus, theta_decay, intensity, norm, progress_interval, update_interval ] np.random.seed(seed) if gpu: torch.set_default_tensor_type('torch.cuda.FloatTensor') torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) else: torch.manual_seed(seed) side_length = 28 - crop * 2 n_inpt = side_length ** 2 input_shape = [side_length, side_length] n_examples = n_train if train else n_test n_classes = 10 if _pair(kernel_size) == input_shape: conv_size = [1, 1] else: conv_size = (int((input_shape[0] - _pair(kernel_size)[0]) / _pair(stride)[0]) + 1, int((input_shape[1] - _pair(kernel_size)[1]) / _pair(stride)[1]) + 1) # Build network. if train: network = Network() input_layer = Input(n=n_inpt, traces=True, trace_tc=5e-2) output_layer = DiehlAndCookNodes( n=n_filters * conv_size[0] * conv_size[1], traces=True, rest=-65.0, reset=-60.0, thresh=-52.0, refrac=5, decay=1e-2, trace_tc=5e-2, theta_plus=theta_plus, theta_decay=theta_decay ) input_output_conn = LocallyConnectedConnection( input_layer, output_layer, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, n_filters=n_filters, nu=[0, lr], update_rule=PostPre, wmin=0, wmax=1, norm=norm, input_shape=input_shape ) w = torch.zeros(n_filters, *conv_size, n_filters, *conv_size) for fltr1 in range(n_filters): for fltr2 in range(n_filters): if fltr1 != fltr2: for j in range(conv_size[0]): for k in range(conv_size[1]): x1, y1 = fltr1 // np.sqrt(n_filters), fltr1 % np.sqrt(n_filters) x2, y2 = fltr2 // np.sqrt(n_filters), fltr2 % np.sqrt(n_filters) w[fltr1, j, k, fltr2, j, k] = max(-c_high, -c_low * np.sqrt(euclidean([x1, y1], [x2, y2]))) w = w.view(n_filters * conv_size[0] * conv_size[1], n_filters * conv_size[0] * conv_size[1]) recurrent_conn = Connection(output_layer, output_layer, w=w) plt.matshow(w) plt.colorbar() network.add_layer(input_layer, name='X') network.add_layer(output_layer, name='Y') network.add_connection(input_output_conn, source='X', target='Y') network.add_connection(recurrent_conn, source='Y', target='Y') else: network = load_network(os.path.join(params_path, model_name + '.pt')) network.connections['X', 'Y'].update_rule = NoOp( connection=network.connections['X', 'Y'], nu=network.connections['X', 'Y'].nu ) network.layers['Y'].theta_decay = 0 network.layers['Y'].theta_plus = 0 conv_size = network.connections['X', 'Y'].conv_size locations = network.connections['X', 'Y'].locations conv_prod = int( n_neurons = n_filters * conv_prod # Voltage recording for excitatory and inhibitory layers. voltage_monitor = Monitor(network.layers['Y'], ['v'], time=time) network.add_monitor(voltage_monitor, name='output_voltage') # Load MNIST data. dataset = MNIST(path=data_path, download=True) if train: images, labels = dataset.get_train() else: images, labels = dataset.get_test() images *= intensity images = images[:, crop:-crop, crop:-crop] # Record spikes during the simulation. spike_record = torch.zeros(update_interval, time, n_neurons) # Neuron assignments and spike proportions. if train: assignments = -torch.ones_like(torch.Tensor(n_neurons)) proportions = torch.zeros_like(torch.Tensor(n_neurons, 10)) rates = torch.zeros_like(torch.Tensor(n_neurons, 10)) ngram_scores = {} else: path = os.path.join(params_path, '_'.join(['auxiliary', model_name]) + '.pt') assignments, proportions, rates, ngram_scores = torch.load(open(path, 'rb')) if train: best_accuracy = 0 # Sequence of accuracy estimates. curves = {'all': [], 'proportion': [], 'ngram': []} predictions = { scheme: torch.Tensor().long() for scheme in curves.keys() } spikes = {} for layer in set(network.layers): spikes[layer] = Monitor(network.layers[layer], state_vars=['s'], time=time) network.add_monitor(spikes[layer], name=f'{layer}_spikes') # Train the network. if train: print('\nBegin training.\n') else: print('\nBegin test.\n') spike_ims = None spike_axes = None weights_im = None # Calculate linear increase every update interval. if train: n_increase = int(p_low * n_examples) / update_interval increase = (c_high - c_low) / n_increase increases = 0 inhib = c_low start = t() for i in range(n_examples): if i % progress_interval == 0: print(f'Progress: {i} / {n_examples} ({t() - start:.4f} seconds)') start = t() if i % update_interval == 0 and i > 0: if train: network.connections['X', 'Y'][1] *= lr_decay if increases < n_increase: inhib = inhib + increase print(f'\nIncreasing inhibition to {inhib}.\n') w = torch.zeros(n_filters, *conv_size, n_filters, *conv_size) for fltr1 in range(n_filters): for fltr2 in range(n_filters): if fltr1 != fltr2: for j in range(conv_size[0]): for k in range(conv_size[1]): x1, y1 = fltr1 // np.sqrt(n_filters), fltr1 % np.sqrt(n_filters) x2, y2 = fltr2 // np.sqrt(n_filters), fltr2 % np.sqrt(n_filters) w[fltr1, j, k, fltr2, j, k] = max(-c_high, -c_low * np.sqrt(euclidean([x1, y1], [x2, y2]))) w = w.view(n_filters * conv_size[0] * conv_size[1], n_filters * conv_size[0] * conv_size[1]) network.connections['Y', 'Y'].w = w if i % len(labels) == 0: current_labels = labels[-update_interval:] else: current_labels = labels[i % len(images) - update_interval:i % len(images)] # Update and print accuracy evaluations. curves, preds = update_curves( curves, current_labels, n_classes, spike_record=spike_record, assignments=assignments, proportions=proportions, ngram_scores=ngram_scores, n=2 ) print_results(curves) for scheme in preds: predictions[scheme] =[predictions[scheme], preds[scheme]], -1) # Save accuracy curves to disk. to_write = ['train'] + params if train else ['test'] + params f = '_'.join([str(x) for x in to_write]) + '.pt', update_interval, n_examples), open(os.path.join(curves_path, f), 'wb')) if train: if any([x[-1] > best_accuracy for x in curves.values()]): print('New best accuracy! Saving network parameters to disk.') # Save network to disk., model_name + '.pt')) path = os.path.join(params_path, '_'.join(['auxiliary', model_name]) + '.pt'), proportions, rates, ngram_scores), open(path, 'wb')) best_accuracy = max([x[-1] for x in curves.values()]) # Assign labels to excitatory layer neurons. assignments, proportions, rates = assign_labels(spike_record, current_labels, 10, rates) # Compute ngram scores. ngram_scores = update_ngram_scores(spike_record, current_labels, 10, 2, ngram_scores) print() # Get next input sample. image = images[i % update_interval].contiguous().view(-1) sample = poisson(datum=image, time=time, dt=dt) inpts = {'X': sample} # Run the network on the input., time=time) retries = 0 while spikes['Y'].get('s').sum() < 5 and retries < 3: retries += 1 image *= 2 sample = poisson(datum=image, time=time, dt=dt) inpts = {'X': sample}, time=time) # Add to spikes recording. spike_record[i % update_interval] = spikes['Y'].get('s').t() # Optionally plot various simulation information. if plot: _spikes = { 'X': spikes['X'].get('s').view(side_length ** 2, time), 'Y': spikes['Y'].get('s').view(n_filters * conv_prod, time) } spike_ims, spike_axes = plot_spikes(spikes=_spikes, ims=spike_ims, axes=spike_axes) weights_im = plot_locally_connected_weights( network.connections[('X', 'Y')].w, n_filters, kernel_size, conv_size, locations, side_length, im=weights_im ) plt.pause(1e-8) network.reset_() # Reset state variables. print(f'Progress: {n_examples} / {n_examples} ({t() - start:.4f} seconds)') i += 1 if i % len(labels) == 0: current_labels = labels[-update_interval:] else: current_labels = labels[i % len(images) - update_interval:i % len(images)] # Update and print accuracy evaluations. curves, preds = update_curves( curves, current_labels, n_classes, spike_record=spike_record, assignments=assignments, proportions=proportions, ngram_scores=ngram_scores, n=2 ) print_results(curves) for scheme in preds: predictions[scheme] =[predictions[scheme], preds[scheme]], -1) if train: if any([x[-1] > best_accuracy for x in curves.values()]): print('New best accuracy! Saving network parameters to disk.') # Save network to disk., model_name + '.pt')) path = os.path.join(params_path, '_'.join(['auxiliary', model_name]) + '.pt'), proportions, rates, ngram_scores), open(path, 'wb')) if train: print('\nTraining complete.\n') else: print('\nTest complete.\n') print('Average accuracies:\n') for scheme in curves.keys(): print('\t%s: %.2f' % (scheme, float(np.mean(curves[scheme])))) # Save accuracy curves to disk. to_write = ['train'] + params if train else ['test'] + params f = '_'.join([str(x) for x in to_write]) + '.pt', update_interval, n_examples), open(os.path.join(curves_path, f), 'wb')) # Save results to disk. results = [ np.mean(curves['all']), np.mean(curves['proportion']), np.mean(curves['ngram']), np.max(curves['all']), np.max(curves['proportion']), np.max(curves['ngram']) ] to_write = params + results if train else test_params + results to_write = [str(x) for x in to_write] name = 'train.csv' if train else 'test.csv' if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(results_path, name)): with open(os.path.join(results_path, name), 'w') as f: if train: f.write( 'random_seed,kernel_size,stride,n_filters,crop,lr,lr_decay,n_train,c_low,c_high,p_low,time,timestep,theta_plus,' 'theta_decay,intensity,norm,progress_interval,update_interval,mean_all_activity,' 'mean_proportion_weighting,mean_ngram,max_all_activity,max_proportion_weighting,max_ngram\n' ) else: f.write( 'random_seed,kernel_size,stride,n_filters,crop,lr,lr_decay,n_train,n_test,c_low,c_high,p_low,time,timestep,' 'theta_plus,theta_decay,intensity,norm,progress_interval,update_interval,mean_all_activity,' 'mean_proportion_weighting,mean_ngram,max_all_activity,max_proportion_weighting,max_ngram\n' ) with open(os.path.join(results_path, name), 'a') as f: f.write(','.join(to_write) + '\n') if labels.numel() > n_examples: labels = labels[:n_examples] else: while labels.numel() < n_examples: if 2 * labels.numel() > n_examples: labels =[labels, labels[:n_examples - labels.numel()]]) else: labels =[labels, labels]) # Compute confusion matrices and save them to disk. confusions = {} for scheme in predictions: confusions[scheme] = confusion_matrix(labels, predictions[scheme]) to_write = ['train'] + params if train else ['test'] + test_params f = '_'.join([str(x) for x in to_write]) + '.pt', os.path.join(confusion_path, f))
def main(args): if args.update_steps is None: args.update_steps = max( 250 // args.batch_size, 1 ) #Its value is 16 # why is it always multiplied with step? #update_steps is how many batch to classify before updating the graphs update_interval = args.update_steps * args.batch_size # Value is 240 #update_interval is how many pictures to classify before updating the graphs # Sets up GPU use torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False if args.gpu and torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.manual_seed_all( args.seed ) #to enable reproducability of the code to get the same result else: torch.manual_seed(args.seed) # Determines number of workers to use if args.n_workers == -1: args.n_workers = args.gpu * 4 * torch.cuda.device_count() n_sqrt = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(args.n_neurons))) if args.reduction == "sum": #could have used switch to improve performance reduction = torch.sum #weight updates for the batch elif args.reduction == "mean": reduction = torch.mean elif args.reduction == "max": reduction = max_without_indices else: raise NotImplementedError # Build network. network = DiehlAndCook2015v2( #Changed here n_inpt=784, # input dimensions are 28x28=784 n_neurons=args.n_neurons, inh=args.inh, dt=args.dt, norm=78.4, nu=(1e-4, 1e-2), reduction=reduction, theta_plus=args.theta_plus, inpt_shape=(1, 28, 28), ) # Directs network to GPU if args.gpu:"cuda") # Load MNIST data. dataset = MNIST( PoissonEncoder(time=args.time, dt=args.dt), None, root=os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "data", "MNIST"), download=True, train=True, transform=transforms.Compose( #Composes several transforms together [ transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Lambda(lambda x: x * args.intensity) ]), ) test_dataset = MNIST( PoissonEncoder(time=args.time, dt=args.dt), None, root=os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "data", "MNIST"), download=True, train=False, transform=transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Lambda(lambda x: x * args.intensity) ]), ) # Neuron assignments and spike proportions. n_classes = 10 #changed assignments = -torch.ones(args.n_neurons) #assignments is set to -1 proportions = torch.zeros(args.n_neurons, n_classes) #matrix of 100x10 filled with zeros rates = torch.zeros(args.n_neurons, n_classes) #matrix of 100x10 filled with zeros # Set up monitors for spikes and voltages spikes = {} for layer in set(network.layers): spikes[layer] = Monitor( network.layers[layer], state_vars=["s"], time=args.time ) # Monitors: Records state variables of interest. obj:An object to record state variables from during network simulation. network.add_monitor( spikes[layer], name="%s_spikes" % layer ) #state_vars: Iterable of strings indicating names of state variables to record. #param time: If not ``None``, pre-allocate memory for state variable recording. weights_im = None spike_ims, spike_axes = None, None # Record spikes for length of update interval. spike_record = torch.zeros(update_interval, args.time, args.n_neurons) if os.path.isdir( args.log_dir): #checks if the path is a existing directory shutil.rmtree( args.log_dir) # is used to delete an entire directory tree # Summary writer. writer = SummaryWriter( log_dir=args.log_dir, flush_secs=60 ) #SummaryWriter: these utilities let you log PyTorch models and metrics into a directory for visualization #flush_secs: in seconds, to flush the pending events and summaries to disk. for epoch in range(args.n_epochs): #default is 1 print("\nEpoch: {epoch}\n") labels = [] # Create a dataloader to iterate and batch data dataloader = DataLoader( #It represents a Python iterable over a dataset dataset, batch_size=args.batch_size, #how many samples per batch to load shuffle= True, #set to True to have the data reshuffled at every epoch num_workers=args.n_workers, pin_memory=args. gpu, #If True, the data loader will copy Tensors into CUDA pinned memory before returning them. ) for step, batch in enumerate( dataloader ): #Enumerate() method adds a counter to an iterable and returns it in a form of enumerate object print("Step:", step) global_step = 60000 * epoch + args.batch_size * step if step % args.update_steps == 0 and step > 0: # Convert the array of labels into a tensor label_tensor = torch.tensor(labels) # Get network predictions. all_activity_pred = all_activity(spikes=spike_record, assignments=assignments, n_labels=n_classes) proportion_pred = proportion_weighting( spikes=spike_record, assignments=assignments, proportions=proportions, n_labels=n_classes, ) writer.add_scalar( tag="accuracy/all vote", scalar_value=torch.mean( (label_tensor.long() == all_activity_pred).float()), global_step=global_step, ) #Vennila: Records the accuracies in each step value = torch.mean( (label_tensor.long() == all_activity_pred).float()) value = value.item() accuracy.append(value) print("ACCURACY:", value) writer.add_scalar( tag="accuracy/proportion weighting", scalar_value=torch.mean( (label_tensor.long() == proportion_pred).float()), global_step=global_step, ) writer.add_scalar( tag="spikes/mean", scalar_value=torch.mean(torch.sum(spike_record, dim=1)), global_step=global_step, ) square_weights = get_square_weights( network.connections["X", "Y"].w.view(784, args.n_neurons), n_sqrt, 28, ) img_tensor = colorize(square_weights, cmap="hot_r") writer.add_image( tag="weights", img_tensor=img_tensor, global_step=global_step, dataformats="HWC", ) # Assign labels to excitatory layer neurons. assignments, proportions, rates = assign_labels( spikes=spike_record, labels=label_tensor, n_labels=n_classes, rates=rates, ) labels = [] labels.extend( batch["label"].tolist() ) #for each batch or 16 pictures the labels of it is added to this list # Prep next input batch. inpts = {"X": batch["encoded_image"]} if args.gpu: inpts = { k: v.cuda() for k, v in inpts.items() } #.cuda() is used to set up and run CUDA operations in the selected GPU # Run the network on the input. t0 = time(), time=args.time, one_step=args.one_step ) # Simulate network for given inputs and time. t1 = time() - t0 # Add to spikes recording. s = spikes["Y"].get("s").permute((1, 0, 2)) spike_record[(step * args.batch_size) % update_interval:(step * args.batch_size % update_interval) + s.size(0)] = s writer.add_scalar(tag="time/simulation", scalar_value=t1, global_step=global_step) # if(step==1): # input_exc_weights = network.connections["X", "Y"].w # an_array = input_exc_weights.detach().cpu().clone().numpy() # #print(np.shape(an_array)) # data = asarray(an_array) # savetxt('data.csv',data) # print("Beginning weights saved") # if(step==3749): # input_exc_weights = network.connections["X", "Y"].w # an_array = input_exc_weights.detach().cpu().clone().numpy() # #print(np.shape(an_array)) # data2 = asarray(an_array) # savetxt('data2.csv',data2) # print("Ending weights saved") # Plot simulation data. if args.plot: input_exc_weights = network.connections["X", "Y"].w # print("Weights:",input_exc_weights) square_weights = get_square_weights( input_exc_weights.view(784, args.n_neurons), n_sqrt, 28) spikes_ = { layer: spikes[layer].get("s")[:, 0] for layer in spikes } spike_ims, spike_axes = plot_spikes(spikes_, ims=spike_ims, axes=spike_axes) weights_im = plot_weights(square_weights, im=weights_im) plt.pause(1e-8) # Reset state variables. network.reset_state_variables() print(end_accuracy()) #Vennila
def main(args): update_interval = args.update_steps * args.batch_size # Sets up GPU use torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False if args.gpu and torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(args.seed) else: torch.manual_seed(args.seed) # Determines number of workers to use if args.n_workers == -1: args.n_workers = args.gpu * 4 * torch.cuda.device_count() n_sqrt = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(args.n_neurons))) if args.reduction == "sum": reduction = torch.sum elif args.reduction == "mean": reduction = torch.mean elif args.reduction == "max": reduction = max_without_indices else: raise NotImplementedError # Build network. network = DiehlAndCook2015v2( n_inpt=784, n_neurons=args.n_neurons, inh=args.inh, dt=args.dt, norm=78.4, nu=(0.0, 1e-2), reduction=reduction, theta_plus=args.theta_plus, inpt_shape=(1, 28, 28), ) # Directs network to GPU. if args.gpu:"cuda") # Load MNIST data. dataset = MNIST( PoissonEncoder(time=args.time, dt=args.dt), None, root=os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "data", "MNIST"), download=True, train=True, transform=transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Lambda(lambda x: x * args.intensity) ]), ) dataset, valid_dataset = dataset, [59000, 1000]) test_dataset = MNIST( PoissonEncoder(time=args.time, dt=args.dt), None, root=os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "data", "MNIST"), download=True, train=False, transform=transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Lambda(lambda x: x * args.intensity) ]), ) # Neuron assignments and spike proportions. n_classes = 10 assignments = -torch.ones(args.n_neurons) proportions = torch.zeros(args.n_neurons, n_classes) rates = torch.zeros(args.n_neurons, n_classes) # Set up monitors for spikes and voltages spikes = {} for layer in set(network.layers): spikes[layer] = Monitor(network.layers[layer], state_vars=["s"], time=args.time) network.add_monitor(spikes[layer], name="%s_spikes" % layer) weights_im = None spike_ims, spike_axes = None, None # Record spikes for length of update interval. spike_record = torch.zeros(update_interval, args.time, args.n_neurons) if os.path.isdir(args.log_dir): shutil.rmtree(args.log_dir) # Summary writer. writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir=args.log_dir, flush_secs=60) for epoch in range(args.n_epochs): print(f"\nEpoch: {epoch}\n") labels = [] # Get training data loader. dataloader = DataLoader( dataset=dataset, batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=args.n_workers, pin_memory=args.gpu, ) for step, batch in enumerate(dataloader): print(f"Step: {step} / {len(dataloader)}") global_step = 60000 * epoch + args.batch_size * step if step % args.update_steps == 0 and step > 0: # Disable learning. network.train(False) # Get test data loader. valid_dataloader = DataLoader( dataset=valid_dataset, batch_size=args.test_batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=args.n_workers, pin_memory=args.gpu, ) test_labels = [] test_spike_record = torch.zeros(len(valid_dataset), args.time, args.n_neurons) t0 = time() for test_step, test_batch in enumerate(valid_dataloader): # Prep next input batch. inpts = {"X": test_batch["encoded_image"]} if args.gpu: inpts = {k: v.cuda() for k, v in inpts.items()} # Run the network on the input (inference mode)., time=args.time, one_step=args.one_step) # Add to spikes recording. s = spikes["Y"].get("s").permute((1, 0, 2)) test_spike_record[(test_step * args.test_batch_size ):(test_step * args.test_batch_size) + s.size(0)] = s # Plot simulation data. if args.valid_plot: input_exc_weights = network.connections["X", "Y"].w square_weights = get_square_weights( input_exc_weights.view(784, args.n_neurons), n_sqrt, 28) spikes_ = { layer: spikes[layer].get("s")[:, 0] for layer in spikes } spike_ims, spike_axes = plot_spikes(spikes_, ims=spike_ims, axes=spike_axes) weights_im = plot_weights(square_weights, im=weights_im) plt.pause(1e-8) # Reset state variables. network.reset_() test_labels.extend(test_batch["label"].tolist()) t1 = time() - t0 writer.add_scalar(tag="time/test", scalar_value=t1, global_step=global_step) # Convert the list of labels into a tensor. test_label_tensor = torch.tensor(test_labels) # Get network predictions. all_activity_pred = all_activity( spikes=test_spike_record, assignments=assignments, n_labels=n_classes, ) proportion_pred = proportion_weighting( spikes=test_spike_record, assignments=assignments, proportions=proportions, n_labels=n_classes, ) writer.add_scalar( tag="accuracy/valid/all vote", scalar_value=100 * torch.mean( (test_label_tensor.long() == all_activity_pred).float()), global_step=global_step, ) writer.add_scalar( tag="accuracy/valid/proportion weighting", scalar_value=100 * torch.mean( (test_label_tensor.long() == proportion_pred).float()), global_step=global_step, ) square_weights = get_square_weights( network.connections["X", "Y"].w.view(784, args.n_neurons), n_sqrt, 28, ) img_tensor = colorize(square_weights, cmap="hot_r") writer.add_image( tag="weights", img_tensor=img_tensor, global_step=global_step, dataformats="HWC", ) # Convert the array of labels into a tensor label_tensor = torch.tensor(labels) # Get network predictions. all_activity_pred = all_activity(spikes=spike_record, assignments=assignments, n_labels=n_classes) proportion_pred = proportion_weighting( spikes=spike_record, assignments=assignments, proportions=proportions, n_labels=n_classes, ) writer.add_scalar( tag="accuracy/train/all vote", scalar_value=100 * torch.mean( (label_tensor.long() == all_activity_pred).float()), global_step=global_step, ) writer.add_scalar( tag="accuracy/train/proportion weighting", scalar_value=100 * torch.mean( (label_tensor.long() == proportion_pred).float()), global_step=global_step, ) # Assign labels to excitatory layer neurons. assignments, proportions, rates = assign_labels( spikes=spike_record, labels=label_tensor, n_labels=n_classes, rates=rates, ) # Re-enable learning. network.train(True) labels = [] labels.extend(batch["label"].tolist()) # Prep next input batch. inpts = {"X": batch["encoded_image"]} if args.gpu: inpts = {k: v.cuda() for k, v in inpts.items()} # Run the network on the input (training mode). t0 = time(), time=args.time, one_step=args.one_step) t1 = time() - t0 writer.add_scalar(tag="time/train/step", scalar_value=t1, global_step=global_step) # Add to spikes recording. s = spikes["Y"].get("s").permute((1, 0, 2)) spike_record[(step * args.batch_size) % update_interval:(step * args.batch_size % update_interval) + s.size(0)] = s # Plot simulation data. if args.plot: input_exc_weights = network.connections["X", "Y"].w square_weights = get_square_weights( input_exc_weights.view(784, args.n_neurons), n_sqrt, 28) spikes_ = { layer: spikes[layer].get("s")[:, 0] for layer in spikes } spike_ims, spike_axes = plot_spikes(spikes_, ims=spike_ims, axes=spike_axes) weights_im = plot_weights(square_weights, im=weights_im) plt.pause(1e-8) # Reset state variables. network.reset_()
def train(self, config=None): if config is None: cfg = self.cfg update_interval = cfg['update_interval'] time = cfg['time'] n_neurons = cfg['network']['n_neurons'] dataset, n_classes = self._init_dataset(cfg) # Record spikes during the simulation spike_record = torch.zeros(update_interval, time, n_neurons) # Neuron assignments and spike proportions assignments = -torch.ones(n_neurons) proportions = torch.zeros(n_neurons, n_classes) rates = torch.zeros(n_neurons, n_classes) # Sequence of accuracy estimates accuracy = {"all": [], "proportion": []} # Set up monitors for spikes and voltages exc_voltage_monitor, inh_voltage_monitor, spikes, voltages = self._init_network_monitor(, cfg) inpt_ims, inpt_axes = None, None spike_ims, spike_axes = None, None weights_im = None assigns_im = None perf_ax = None voltage_axes, voltage_ims = None, None print("\nBegin training.\n") iteration = 0 for epoch in range(cfg['epochs']): print("Progress: %d / %d" % (epoch, cfg['epochs'])) labels = [] start_time = T.time() dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=1, shuffle=True, num_workers=cfg['n_workers']) for step, batch in enumerate(tqdm(dataloader)): # Get next input sample. inputs = {'X': batch["encoded_image"].view(time, 1, 1, 28, 28)} inputs = {k: for k, v in inputs.items()} if step % update_interval == 0 and step > 0: # Convert the array of labels into a tensor label_tensor = torch.tensor(labels) # Get network predictions. all_activity_pred = all_activity(spikes=spike_record, assignments=assignments, n_labels=n_classes) proportion_pred = proportion_weighting( spikes=spike_record, assignments=assignments, proportions=proportions, n_labels=n_classes, ) # Compute network accuracy according to available classification strategies. accuracy["all"].append(100 * torch.sum( label_tensor.long() == all_activity_pred).item() / len(label_tensor)) accuracy["proportion"].append(100 * torch.sum( label_tensor.long() == proportion_pred).item() / len(label_tensor)) iteration += len(label_tensor) print( "\nAll activity accuracy: %.2f (last), %.2f (average), %.2f (best)" % ( accuracy["all"][-1], np.mean(accuracy["all"]), np.max(accuracy["all"]), )) print( "Proportion weighting accuracy: %.2f (last), %.2f (average), %.2f (best)\n" % ( accuracy["proportion"][-1], np.mean(accuracy["proportion"]), np.max(accuracy["proportion"]), )) self.recorder.insert( (iteration, accuracy["all"][-1], np.mean(accuracy["all"]), np.max(accuracy["all"]), accuracy["proportion"][-1], np.mean(accuracy["proportion"]), np.max(accuracy["proportion"]))) assignments, proportions, rates = assign_labels( spikes=spike_record, labels=label_tensor, n_labels=n_classes, rates=rates, ) labels = [] labels.append(batch["label"]) # Run the network on the input., time=time, input_time_dim=1) # Get voltage recording. exc_voltages = exc_voltage_monitor.get("v") inh_voltages = inh_voltage_monitor.get("v") # Add to spikes recording. spike_record[step % update_interval] = spikes["Ae"].get( "s").squeeze() # Reset state variables if step % 1000 == 0: print("Progress: %d / %d (%.4f seconds)" % (epoch + 1, cfg['epochs'], T.time() - start_time)) self.recorder.write(self.save_dir, cfg['name']) print("Training complete.\n") return None
def main(seed=0, n_train=60000, n_test=10000, kernel_size=(8,), kernel_size2=(4,), stride=(4,), stride2=(2,), n_filters=25, n_filters2=25, padding=0, inhib=100, time=100, lr=1e-3, lr_decay=0.99, dt=1, intensity=1, progress_interval=10, update_interval=250, plot=False, train=True, gpu=False): assert n_train % update_interval == 0 and n_test % update_interval == 0, \ 'No. examples must be divisible by update_interval' params = [ seed, n_train, kernel_size, kernel_size2, stride, stride2, n_filters, n_filters2, padding, inhib, time, lr, lr_decay, dt, intensity, update_interval ] model_name = '_'.join([str(x) for x in params]) if not train: test_params = [ seed, n_train, n_test, kernel_size, kernel_size2, stride, stride2, n_filters, n_filters2, padding, inhib, time, lr, lr_decay, dt, intensity, update_interval ] np.random.seed(seed) if gpu: torch.set_default_tensor_type('torch.cuda.FloatTensor') torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) else: torch.manual_seed(seed) n_examples = n_train if train else n_test input_shape = [28, 28] if kernel_size == input_shape: conv_size = [1, 1] else: conv_size = ( int((input_shape[0] - kernel_size[0]) / stride[0]) + 1, int((input_shape[1] - kernel_size[1]) / stride[1]) + 1 ) if kernel_size2 == conv_size: conv_size2 = [1, 1] else: conv_size2 = ( int((conv_size[0] - kernel_size2[0]) / stride2[0]) + 1, int((conv_size[1] - kernel_size2[1]) / stride2[1]) + 1 ) n_classes = 10 total_kernel_size = int( total_conv_size = int( n_neurons = n_filters * total_conv_size total_kernel_size2 = int( total_conv_size2 = int( n_neurons2 = n_filters2 * total_conv_size2 # Build network. if train: network = Network() input_layer = Input(n=784, shape=(1, 1, 28, 28), traces=True) conv_layer = DiehlAndCookNodes( n=n_neurons, shape=(1, n_filters, *conv_size), thresh=-64.0, traces=True, theta_plus=0.05, refrac=0 ) conv_layer_prime = LIFNodes( n=n_neurons, shape=(1, n_filters, *conv_size), refrac=0, traces=True ) conv_conn = Conv2dConnection( input_layer, conv_layer, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, update_rule=PostPre, norm=0.5 * int(np.sqrt(total_kernel_size)), nu=[0, lr], wmax=2.0 ) conv_conn_prime = Conv2dConnection( input_layer, conv_layer_prime, w=conv_conn.w, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, nu=[0, 0], wmax=2.0 ) w = torch.zeros( n_filters, conv_size[0], conv_size[1], n_filters, conv_size[0], conv_size[1] ) for f1 in range(n_filters): for f2 in range(n_filters): if f1 != f2: for i in range(conv_size[0]): for j in range(conv_size[1]): w[f1, i, j, f2, i, j] = -inhib w = w.view(n_neurons, n_neurons) recurrent_conn = Connection(conv_layer, conv_layer, w=w) conv_layer2 = DiehlAndCookNodes( n=n_neurons2, shape=(1, n_filters2, *conv_size2), thresh=-64.0, traces=True, theta_plus=0.05, refrac=0 ) conv_layer2_prime = LIFNodes( n=n_neurons2, shape=(1, n_filters2, *conv_size2), refrac=0 ) conv_conn2 = Conv2dConnection( conv_layer_prime, conv_layer2, kernel_size=kernel_size2, stride=stride2, update_rule=PostPre, norm=0.25 * int(np.sqrt(total_kernel_size2)), nu=[0, 10 * lr], wmax=2.0 ) conv_conn2_prime = Conv2dConnection( conv_layer_prime, conv_layer2_prime, w=conv_conn2.w, kernel_size=kernel_size2, stride=stride2, nu=[0, 0], wmax=2.0 ) w = torch.zeros( n_filters2, conv_size2[0], conv_size2[1], n_filters2, conv_size2[0], conv_size2[1] ) for f1 in range(n_filters2): for f2 in range(n_filters2): if f1 != f2: for i in range(conv_size2[0]): for j in range(conv_size2[1]): w[f1, i, j, f2, i, j] = -inhib w = w.view(n_neurons2, n_neurons2) recurrent_conn2 = Connection(conv_layer2, conv_layer2, w=w) network.add_layer(input_layer, name='X') network.add_layer(conv_layer, name='Y') network.add_layer(conv_layer_prime, name='Y_') network.add_layer(conv_layer2, name='Z') network.add_layer(conv_layer2_prime, name='Z_') network.add_connection(conv_conn, source='X', target='Y') network.add_connection(conv_conn_prime, source='X', target='Y_') network.add_connection(recurrent_conn, source='Y', target='Y') network.add_connection(conv_conn2, source='Y_', target='Z') network.add_connection(conv_conn2_prime, source='Y_', target='Z_') network.add_connection(recurrent_conn2, source='Z', target='Z') # Voltage recording for excitatory and inhibitory layers. voltage_monitor = Monitor(network.layers['Y'], ['v'], time=time) network.add_monitor(voltage_monitor, name='output_voltage') else: network = load_network(os.path.join(params_path, model_name + '.pt')) for connection in network.connections.values(): connection.update_rule = NoOp(connection, connection.theta_decay = 0 connection.theta_plus = 0 # Load MNIST data. dataset = MNIST(data_path, download=True) if train: images, labels = dataset.get_train() else: images, labels = dataset.get_test() images *= intensity # Record spikes during the simulation. spike_record = torch.zeros(update_interval, time, n_neurons2) # Neuron assignments and spike proportions. if train: assignments = -torch.ones_like(torch.Tensor(n_neurons2)) proportions = torch.zeros_like(torch.Tensor(n_neurons2, n_classes)) rates = torch.zeros_like(torch.Tensor(n_neurons2, n_classes)) logreg_model = LogisticRegression(warm_start=True, n_jobs=-1, solver='lbfgs') logreg_model.coef_ = np.zeros([n_classes, n_neurons2]) logreg_model.intercept_ = np.zeros(n_classes) logreg_model.classes_ = np.arange(n_classes) else: path = os.path.join(params_path, '_'.join(['auxiliary', model_name]) + '.pt') assignments, proportions, rates, logreg_coef, logreg_intercept = torch.load(open(path, 'rb')) logreg_model = LogisticRegression(warm_start=True, n_jobs=-1, solver='lbfgs') logreg_model.coef_ = logreg_coef logreg_model.intercept_ = logreg_intercept logreg_model.classes_ = np.arange(n_classes) # Sequence of accuracy estimates. curves = {'all': [], 'proportion': [], 'logreg': []} predictions = { scheme: torch.Tensor().long() for scheme in curves.keys() } if train: best_accuracy = 0 spikes = {} for layer in set(network.layers): spikes[layer] = Monitor(network.layers[layer], state_vars=['s'], time=time) network.add_monitor(spikes[layer], name='%s_spikes' % layer) # Train the network. if train: print('\nBegin training.\n') else: print('\nBegin test.\n') inpt_ims = None inpt_axes = None spike_ims = None spike_axes = None weights_im = None weights_im2 = None start = t() for i in range(n_examples): if i % progress_interval == 0: print('Progress: %d / %d (%.4f seconds)' % (i, n_examples, t() - start)) start = t() if i % update_interval == 0 and i > 0: network.connections['X', 'Y'][1] *= lr_decay network.connections['Y_', 'Z'][1] *= lr_decay if i % len(labels) == 0: current_labels = labels[-update_interval:] else: current_labels = labels[i % len(images) - update_interval:i % len(images)] # Update and print accuracy evaluations. curves, preds = update_curves( curves, current_labels, n_classes, spike_record=spike_record, assignments=assignments, proportions=proportions, logreg=logreg_model ) print_results(curves) for scheme in preds: predictions[scheme] =[predictions[scheme], preds[scheme]], -1) # Save accuracy curves to disk. to_write = ['train'] + params if train else ['test'] + params f = '_'.join([str(x) for x in to_write]) + '.pt', update_interval, n_examples), open(os.path.join(curves_path, f), 'wb')) if train: if any([x[-1] > best_accuracy for x in curves.values()]): print('New best accuracy! Saving network parameters to disk.') # Save network to disk., model_name + '.pt')) path = os.path.join(params_path, '_'.join(['auxiliary', model_name]) + '.pt') ( assignments, proportions, rates, logreg_model.coef_, logreg_model.intercept_ ), open(path, 'wb') ) best_accuracy = max([x[-1] for x in curves.values()]) # Assign labels to excitatory layer neurons. assignments, proportions, rates = assign_labels(spike_record, current_labels, n_classes, rates) # Refit logistic regression model. logreg_model = logreg_fit(spike_record, current_labels, logreg_model) print() # Get next input sample. image = images[i % len(images)] sample = bernoulli(datum=image, time=time, dt=dt, max_prob=0.5).unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1) inpts = {'X': sample} # Run the network on the input., time=time) retries = 0 while spikes['Z_'].get('s').sum() < 5 and retries < 3: retries += 1 sample = bernoulli(datum=image, time=time, dt=dt, max_prob=0.5 + retries * 0.15).unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1) inpts = {'X': sample}, time=time) # Add to spikes recording. spike_record[i % update_interval] = spikes['Z_'].get('s').view(time, -1) # Optionally plot various simulation information. if plot: _input = inpts['X'].view(time, 784).sum(0).view(28, 28) w = network.connections['X', 'Y'].w w2 = network.connections['Y_', 'Z'].w _spikes = { 'X': spikes['X'].get('s').view(28 ** 2, time), 'Y': spikes['Y'].get('s').view(n_neurons, time), 'Y_': spikes['Y_'].get('s').view(n_neurons, time), 'Z': spikes['Z'].get('s').view(n_neurons2, time), 'Z_': spikes['Z_'].get('s').view(n_neurons2, time) } inpt_axes, inpt_ims = plot_input( image.view(28, 28), _input, label=labels[i], ims=inpt_ims, axes=inpt_axes ) spike_ims, spike_axes = plot_spikes(spikes=_spikes, ims=spike_ims, axes=spike_axes) weights_im = plot_conv2d_weights(w, im=weights_im, wmax=0.2) weights_im2 = plot_conv2d_weights(w2, im=weights_im2, wmax=0.2) plt.pause(1e-8) network.reset_() # Reset state variables. print(f'Progress: {n_examples} / {n_examples} ({t() - start:.4f} seconds)') i += 1 if i % len(labels) == 0: current_labels = labels[-update_interval:] else: current_labels = labels[i % len(images) - update_interval:i % len(images)] # Update and print accuracy evaluations. curves, preds = update_curves( curves, current_labels, n_classes, spike_record=spike_record, assignments=assignments, proportions=proportions, logreg=logreg_model ) print_results(curves) for scheme in preds: predictions[scheme] =[predictions[scheme], preds[scheme]], -1) if train: if any([x[-1] > best_accuracy for x in curves.values()]): print('New best accuracy! Saving network parameters to disk.') # Save network to disk., model_name + '.pt')) path = os.path.join(params_path, '_'.join(['auxiliary', model_name]) + '.pt') ( assignments, proportions, rates, logreg_model.coef_, logreg_model.intercept_ ), open(path, 'wb') ) if train: print('\nTraining complete.\n') else: print('\nTest complete.\n') print('Average accuracies:\n') for scheme in curves.keys(): print('\t%s: %.2f' % (scheme, float(np.mean(curves[scheme])))) # Save accuracy curves to disk. to_write = ['train'] + params if train else ['test'] + params to_write = [str(x) for x in to_write] f = '_'.join(to_write) + '.pt', update_interval, n_examples), open(os.path.join(curves_path, f), 'wb')) # Save results to disk. results = [ np.mean(curves['all']), np.mean(curves['proportion']), np.mean(curves['logreg']), np.max(curves['all']), np.max(curves['proportion']), np.max(curves['logreg']) ] to_write = params + results if train else test_params + results to_write = [str(x) for x in to_write] name = 'train.csv' if train else 'test.csv' if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(results_path, name)): with open(os.path.join(results_path, name), 'w') as f: if train: columns = [ 'seed', 'n_train', 'kernel_size', 'stride', 'n_filters', 'n_filters2', 'padding', 'inhib', 'time', 'lr', 'lr_decay', 'dt', 'intensity', 'update_interval', 'mean_all_activity', 'mean_proportion_weighting', 'mean_logreg', 'max_all_activity', 'max_proportion_weighting', 'max_logreg' ] header = ','.join(columns) + '\n' f.write(header) else: columns = [ 'seed', 'n_train', 'n_test', 'kernel_size', 'stride', 'n_filters', 'n_filters2', 'padding', 'inhib', 'time', 'lr', 'lr_decay', 'dt', 'intensity', 'update_interval', 'mean_all_activity', 'mean_proportion_weighting', 'mean_logreg', 'max_all_activity', 'max_proportion_weighting', 'max_logreg' ] header = ','.join(columns) + '\n' f.write(header) with open(os.path.join(results_path, name), 'a') as f: f.write(','.join(to_write) + '\n') if labels.numel() > n_examples: labels = labels[:n_examples] else: while labels.numel() < n_examples: if 2 * labels.numel() > n_examples: labels =[labels, labels[:n_examples - labels.numel()]]) else: labels =[labels, labels]) # Compute confusion matrices and save them to disk. confusions = {} for scheme in predictions: confusions[scheme] = confusion_matrix(labels, predictions[scheme]) to_write = ['train'] + params if train else ['test'] + test_params f = '_'.join([str(x) for x in to_write]) + '.pt', os.path.join(confusion_path, f))
def main(seed=0, n_neurons=100, n_train=60000, n_test=10000, c_low=2.5, c_high=250, p_low=0.1, time=250, dt=1, theta_plus=0.05, theta_decay=1e-7, intensity=1, progress_interval=10, update_interval=250, plot=False, train=True, gpu=False): assert n_train % update_interval == 0 and n_test % update_interval == 0,\ 'No. examples must be divisible by update_interval' params = [ seed, n_neurons, n_train, c_low, c_high, p_low, time, dt, theta_plus, theta_decay, intensity, progress_interval, update_interval ] model_name = '_'.join([str(x) for x in params]) if not train: test_params = [ seed, n_neurons, n_train, n_test, c_low, c_high, p_low, time, dt, theta_plus, theta_decay, intensity, progress_interval, update_interval ] np.random.seed(seed) if gpu: torch.set_default_tensor_type('torch.cuda.FloatTensor') torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) else: torch.manual_seed(seed) n_examples = n_train if train else n_test n_sqrt = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(n_neurons))) n_classes = 10 if train: iter_increase = int(n_train * p_low) print(f'Iteration to increase from c_low to c_high: {iter_increase}\n') # Build network. if train: network = Network(dt=dt) input_layer = Input(n=784, traces=True) exc_layer = DiehlAndCookNodes(n=n_neurons, traces=True) w = torch.rand(input_layer.n, exc_layer.n) input_exc_conn = Connection(input_layer, exc_layer, w=w, update_rule=PostPre, norm=78.4, nu=(1e-4, 1e-2), wmax=1.0) w = torch.zeros(exc_layer.n, exc_layer.n) for k1 in range(n_neurons): for k2 in range(n_neurons): if k1 != k2: x1, y1 = k1 // np.sqrt(n_neurons), k1 % np.sqrt(n_neurons) x2, y2 = k2 // np.sqrt(n_neurons), k2 % np.sqrt(n_neurons) w[k1, k2] = max( -c_high, -c_low * np.sqrt(euclidean([x1, y1], [x2, y2]))) recurrent_conn = Connection(exc_layer, exc_layer, w=w) network.add_layer(input_layer, name='X') network.add_layer(exc_layer, name='Y') network.add_connection(input_exc_conn, source='X', target='Y') network.add_connection(recurrent_conn, source='Y', target='Y') else: network = load_network(os.path.join(params_path, model_name + '.pt')) network.connections['X', 'Y'].update_rule = NoOp( connection=network.connections['X', 'Y'], nu=network.connections['X', 'Y'].nu) network.layers['Y'].theta_decay = 0 network.layers['Y'].theta_plus = 0 # Load MNIST data. dataset = MNIST(data_path, download=True) if train: images, labels = dataset.get_train() else: images, labels = dataset.get_test() images = images.view(-1, 784) images *= intensity # Record spikes during the simulation. spike_record = torch.zeros(update_interval, int(time / dt), n_neurons) # Neuron assignments and spike proportions. if train: assignments = -torch.ones_like(torch.Tensor(n_neurons)) proportions = torch.zeros_like(torch.Tensor(n_neurons, 10)) rates = torch.zeros_like(torch.Tensor(n_neurons, 10)) ngram_scores = {} else: path = os.path.join(params_path, '_'.join(['auxiliary', model_name]) + '.pt') assignments, proportions, rates, ngram_scores = torch.load( open(path, 'rb')) # Sequence of accuracy estimates. curves = {'all': [], 'proportion': [], 'ngram': []} predictions = {scheme: torch.Tensor().long() for scheme in curves.keys()} if train: best_accuracy = 0 spikes = {} for layer in set(network.layers) - {'X'}: spikes[layer] = Monitor(network.layers[layer], state_vars=['s'], time=int(time / dt)) network.add_monitor(spikes[layer], name='%s_spikes' % layer) # Train the network. if train: print('\nBegin training.\n') else: print('\nBegin test.\n') inpt_axes = None inpt_ims = None spike_ims = None spike_axes = None weights_im = None assigns_im = None perf_ax = None start = t() for i in range(n_examples): if train and i == iter_increase: print( '\nChanging inhibition from low and graded to high and constant.\n' ) w = -c_high * (torch.ones(n_neurons, n_neurons) - torch.diag(torch.ones(n_neurons))) network.connections['Y', 'Y'].w = w if i % progress_interval == 0: print(f'Progress: {i} / {n_examples} ({t() - start:.4f} seconds)') start = t() if i % update_interval == 0 and i > 0: if i % len(labels) == 0: current_labels = labels[-update_interval:] else: current_labels = labels[i % len(images) - update_interval:i % len(images)] # Update and print accuracy evaluations. curves, preds = update_curves(curves, current_labels, n_classes, spike_record=spike_record, assignments=assignments, proportions=proportions, ngram_scores=ngram_scores, n=2) print_results(curves) for scheme in preds: predictions[scheme] = [predictions[scheme], preds[scheme]], -1) # Save accuracy curves to disk. to_write = ['train'] + params if train else ['test'] + params f = '_'.join([str(x) for x in to_write]) + '.pt', update_interval, n_examples), open(os.path.join(curves_path, f), 'wb')) if train: if any([x[-1] > best_accuracy for x in curves.values()]): print( 'New best accuracy! Saving network parameters to disk.' ) # Save network to disk., model_name + '.pt')) path = os.path.join( params_path, '_'.join(['auxiliary', model_name]) + '.pt'), proportions, rates, ngram_scores), open(path, 'wb')) best_accuracy = max([x[-1] for x in curves.values()]) # Assign labels to excitatory layer neurons. assignments, proportions, rates = assign_labels( spike_record, labels[i - update_interval:i], 10, rates) # Compute ngram scores. ngram_scores = update_ngram_scores( spike_record, labels[i - update_interval:i], 10, 2, ngram_scores) print() # Get next input sample. image = images[i] sample = poisson(datum=image, time=int(time / dt)) inpts = {'X': sample} # Run the network on the input., time=time) retries = 0 while spikes['Y'].get('s').sum() < 5 and retries < 3: retries += 1 image *= 2 sample = poisson(datum=image, time=int(time / dt)) inpts = {'X': sample}, time=time) # Add to spikes recording. spike_record[i % update_interval] = spikes['Y'].get('s').t() # Optionally plot various simulation information. if plot: inpt = inpts['X'].view(time, 784).sum(0).view(28, 28) _spikes = {layer: spikes[layer].get('s') for layer in spikes} input_exc_weights = network.connections['X', 'Y'].w square_weights = get_square_weights( input_exc_weights.view(784, n_neurons), n_sqrt, 28) square_assignments = get_square_assignments(assignments, n_sqrt) # inpt_axes, inpt_ims = plot_input(images[i].view(28, 28), inpt, label=labels[i], axes=inpt_axes, ims=inpt_ims) spike_ims, spike_axes = plot_spikes(_spikes, ims=spike_ims, axes=spike_axes) weights_im = plot_weights(square_weights, im=weights_im) # assigns_im = plot_assignments(square_assignments, im=assigns_im) # perf_ax = plot_performance(curves, ax=perf_ax) plt.pause(1e-8) network.reset_() # Reset state variables. print(f'Progress: {n_examples} / {n_examples} ({t() - start:.4f} seconds)') i += 1 if i % len(labels) == 0: current_labels = labels[-update_interval:] else: current_labels = labels[i % len(images) - update_interval:i % len(images)] # Update and print accuracy evaluations. curves, preds = update_curves(curves, current_labels, n_classes, spike_record=spike_record, assignments=assignments, proportions=proportions, ngram_scores=ngram_scores, n=2) print_results(curves) for scheme in preds: predictions[scheme] =[predictions[scheme], preds[scheme]], -1) if train: if any([x[-1] > best_accuracy for x in curves.values()]): print('New best accuracy! Saving network parameters to disk.') # Save network to disk., model_name + '.pt')) path = os.path.join(params_path, '_'.join(['auxiliary', model_name]) + '.pt'), proportions, rates, ngram_scores), open(path, 'wb')) if train: print('\nTraining complete.\n') else: print('\nTest complete.\n') print('Average accuracies:\n') for scheme in curves.keys(): print(f'\t%s: %.2f' % (scheme, float(np.mean(curves[scheme])))) # Save accuracy curves to disk. to_write = ['train'] + params if train else ['test'] + params to_write = [str(x) for x in to_write] f = '_'.join(to_write) + '.pt', update_interval, n_examples), open(os.path.join(curves_path, f), 'wb')) results = [ np.mean(curves['all']), np.mean(curves['proportion']), np.mean(curves['ngram']), np.max(curves['all']), np.max(curves['proportion']), np.max(curves['ngram']) ] to_write = params + results if train else test_params + results to_write = [str(x) for x in to_write] name = 'train.csv' if train else 'test.csv' if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(results_path, name)): with open(os.path.join(results_path, name), 'w') as f: if train: f.write( 'random_seed,n_neurons,n_train,excite,inhib,time,timestep,theta_plus,theta_decay,' 'intensity,progress_interval,update_interval,mean_all_activity,mean_proportion_weighting,' 'mean_ngram,max_all_activity,max_proportion_weighting,max_ngram\n' ) else: f.write( 'random_seed,n_neurons,n_train,n_test,excite,inhib,time,timestep,theta_plus,theta_decay,' 'intensity,progress_interval,update_interval,mean_all_activity,mean_proportion_weighting,' 'mean_ngram,max_all_activity,max_proportion_weighting,max_ngram\n' ) with open(os.path.join(results_path, name), 'a') as f: f.write(','.join(to_write) + '\n') if labels.numel() > n_examples: labels = labels[:n_examples] else: while labels.numel() < n_examples: if 2 * labels.numel() > n_examples: labels = [labels, labels[:n_examples - labels.numel()]]) else: labels =[labels, labels]) # Compute confusion matrices and save them to disk. confusions = {} for scheme in predictions: confusions[scheme] = confusion_matrix(labels, predictions[scheme]) to_write = ['train'] + params if train else ['test'] + test_params f = '_'.join([str(x) for x in to_write]) + '.pt', os.path.join(confusion_path, f)) print()
def main(seed=0, n_train=60000, n_test=10000, inhib=250, kernel_size=(16, ), stride=(2, ), time=50, n_filters=25, crop=0, lr=1e-2, lr_decay=0.99, dt=1, theta_plus=0.05, theta_decay=1e-7, norm=0.2, progress_interval=10, update_interval=250, train=True, relabel=False, plot=False, gpu=False): assert n_train % update_interval == 0 and n_test % update_interval == 0 or relabel, \ 'No. examples must be divisible by update_interval' params = [ seed, kernel_size, stride, n_filters, crop, lr, lr_decay, n_train, inhib, time, dt, theta_plus, theta_decay, norm, progress_interval, update_interval ] model_name = '_'.join([str(x) for x in params]) if not train: test_params = [ seed, kernel_size, stride, n_filters, crop, lr, lr_decay, n_train, n_test, inhib, time, dt, theta_plus, theta_decay, norm, progress_interval, update_interval ] np.random.seed(seed) if gpu: torch.set_default_tensor_type('torch.cuda.FloatTensor') torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) else: torch.manual_seed(seed) side_length = 28 - crop * 2 n_inpt = side_length**2 n_examples = n_train if train else n_test n_classes = 10 # Build network. if train: network = LocallyConnectedNetwork( n_inpt=n_inpt, input_shape=[side_length, side_length], kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, n_filters=n_filters, inh=inhib, dt=dt, nu=[.1 * lr, lr], theta_plus=theta_plus, theta_decay=theta_decay, wmin=0, wmax=1.0, norm=norm) network.layers['Y'].thresh = 1 network.layers['Y'].reset = 0 network.layers['Y'].rest = 0 else: network = load_network(os.path.join(params_path, model_name + '.pt')) network.connections['X', 'Y'].update_rule = NoOp( connection=network.connections['X', 'Y'], nu=network.connections['X', 'Y'].nu) network.layers['Y'].theta_decay = 0 network.layers['Y'].theta_plus = 0 conv_size = network.connections['X', 'Y'].conv_size locations = network.connections['X', 'Y'].locations conv_prod = int( n_neurons = n_filters * conv_prod # Voltage recording for excitatory and inhibitory layers. voltage_monitor = Monitor(network.layers['Y'], ['v'], time=time) network.add_monitor(voltage_monitor, name='output_voltage') # Load Fashion-MNIST data. dataset = FashionMNIST(path=data_path, download=True) if train: images, labels = dataset.get_train() else: images, labels = dataset.get_test() if crop != 0: images = images[:, crop:-crop, crop:-crop] # Record spikes during the simulation. if not train: update_interval = n_examples spike_record = torch.zeros(update_interval, time, n_neurons) # Neuron assignments and spike proportions. if train: assignments = -torch.ones_like(torch.Tensor(n_neurons)) proportions = torch.zeros_like(torch.Tensor(n_neurons, 10)) rates = torch.zeros_like(torch.Tensor(n_neurons, 10)) ngram_scores = {} else: path = os.path.join(params_path, '_'.join(['auxiliary', model_name]) + '.pt') assignments, proportions, rates, ngram_scores = torch.load( open(path, 'rb')) if train: best_accuracy = 0 # Sequence of accuracy estimates. curves = {'all': [], 'proportion': [], 'ngram': []} predictions = {scheme: torch.Tensor().long() for scheme in curves.keys()} spikes = {} for layer in set(network.layers): spikes[layer] = Monitor(network.layers[layer], state_vars=['s'], time=time) network.add_monitor(spikes[layer], name=f'{layer}_spikes') # Train the network. if train: print('\nBegin training.\n') else: print('\nBegin test.\n') spike_ims = None spike_axes = None weights_im = None start = t() for i in range(n_examples): if i % progress_interval == 0 and train: network.connections['X', 'Y'][1] *= lr_decay if i % progress_interval == 0: print(f'Progress: {i} / {n_examples} ({t() - start:.4f} seconds)') start = t() if i % update_interval == 0 and i > 0: if i % len(labels) == 0: current_labels = labels[-update_interval:] else: current_labels = labels[i % len(images) - update_interval:i % len(images)] # Update and print accuracy evaluations. curves, preds = update_curves(curves, current_labels, n_classes, spike_record=spike_record, assignments=assignments, proportions=proportions, ngram_scores=ngram_scores, n=2) print_results(curves) for scheme in preds: predictions[scheme] = [predictions[scheme], preds[scheme]], -1) # Save accuracy curves to disk. to_write = ['train'] + params if train else ['test'] + params f = '_'.join([str(x) for x in to_write]) + '.pt', update_interval, n_examples), open(os.path.join(curves_path, f), 'wb')) if train: if any([x[-1] > best_accuracy for x in curves.values()]): print( 'New best accuracy! Saving network parameters to disk.' ) # Save network to disk., model_name + '.pt')) path = os.path.join( params_path, '_'.join(['auxiliary', model_name]) + '.pt'), proportions, rates, ngram_scores), open(path, 'wb')) best_accuracy = max([x[-1] for x in curves.values()]) # Assign labels to excitatory layer neurons. assignments, proportions, rates = assign_labels( spike_record, current_labels, n_classes, rates) # Compute ngram scores. ngram_scores = update_ngram_scores(spike_record, current_labels, n_classes, 2, ngram_scores) print() # Get next input sample. image = images[i % len(images)].contiguous().view(-1) sample = poisson(datum=image, time=time, dt=dt) inpts = {'X': sample} # Run the network on the input., time=time) retries = 0 while spikes['Y'].get('s').sum() < 5 and retries < 3: retries += 1 image *= 2 sample = poisson(datum=image, time=time, dt=dt) inpts = {'X': sample}, time=time) # Add to spikes recording. spike_record[i % update_interval] = spikes['Y'].get('s').t() # Optionally plot various simulation information. if plot: _spikes = { 'X': spikes['X'].get('s').view(side_length**2, time), 'Y': spikes['Y'].get('s').view(n_filters * conv_prod, time) } spike_ims, spike_axes = plot_spikes(spikes=_spikes, ims=spike_ims, axes=spike_axes) weights_im = plot_locally_connected_weights( network.connections['X', 'Y'].w, n_filters, kernel_size, conv_size, locations, side_length, im=weights_im, wmin=0, wmax=1) plt.pause(1e-8) network.reset_() # Reset state variables. print(f'Progress: {n_examples} / {n_examples} ({t() - start:.4f} seconds)') i += 1 if i % len(labels) == 0: current_labels = labels[-update_interval:] else: current_labels = labels[i % len(images) - update_interval:i % len(images)] if not train and relabel: # Assign labels to excitatory layer neurons. assignments, proportions, rates = assign_labels( spike_record, current_labels, n_classes, rates) # Compute ngram scores. ngram_scores = update_ngram_scores(spike_record, current_labels, n_classes, 2, ngram_scores) # Update and print accuracy evaluations. curves, preds = update_curves(curves, current_labels, n_classes, spike_record=spike_record, assignments=assignments, proportions=proportions, ngram_scores=ngram_scores, n=2) print_results(curves) for scheme in preds: predictions[scheme] =[predictions[scheme], preds[scheme]], -1) if train: if any([x[-1] > best_accuracy for x in curves.values()]): print('New best accuracy! Saving network parameters to disk.') # Save network to disk., model_name + '.pt')) path = os.path.join(params_path, '_'.join(['auxiliary', model_name]) + '.pt'), proportions, rates, ngram_scores), open(path, 'wb')) if train: print('\nTraining complete.\n') else: print('\nTest complete.\n') print('Average accuracies:\n') for scheme in curves.keys(): print('\t%s: %.2f' % (scheme, float(np.mean(curves[scheme])))) # Save accuracy curves to disk. to_write = ['train'] + params if train else ['test'] + params f = '_'.join([str(x) for x in to_write]) + '.pt', update_interval, n_examples), open(os.path.join(curves_path, f), 'wb')) # Save results to disk. path = os.path.join('..', '..', 'results', data, model) if not os.path.isdir(path): os.makedirs(path) results = [ np.mean(curves['all']), np.mean(curves['proportion']), np.mean(curves['ngram']), np.max(curves['all']), np.max(curves['proportion']), np.max(curves['ngram']) ] to_write = params + results if train else test_params + results to_write = [str(x) for x in to_write] name = 'train.csv' if train else 'test.csv' if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(results_path, name)): with open(os.path.join(path, name), 'w') as f: if train: f.write( 'random_seed,kernel_size,stride,n_filters,crop,n_train,inhib,time,lr,lr_decay,timestep,theta_plus,' 'theta_decay,norm,progress_interval,update_interval,mean_all_activity,mean_proportion_weighting,' 'mean_ngram,max_all_activity,max_proportion_weighting,max_ngram\n' ) else: f.write( 'random_seed,kernel_size,stride,n_filters,crop,n_train,n_test,inhib,time,lr,lr_decay,timestep,' 'theta_plus,theta_decay,norm,progress_interval,update_interval,mean_all_activity,' 'mean_proportion_weighting,mean_ngram,max_all_activity,max_proportion_weighting,max_ngram\n' ) with open(os.path.join(results_path, name), 'a') as f: f.write(','.join(to_write) + '\n') if labels.numel() > n_examples: labels = labels[:n_examples] else: while labels.numel() < n_examples: if 2 * labels.numel() > n_examples: labels = [labels, labels[:n_examples - labels.numel()]]) else: labels =[labels, labels]) # Compute confusion matrices and save them to disk. confusions = {} for scheme in predictions: confusions[scheme] = confusion_matrix(labels, predictions[scheme]) to_write = ['train'] + params if train else ['test'] + test_params f = '_'.join([str(x) for x in to_write]) + '.pt', os.path.join(confusion_path, f))
update_interval) print( "\nAll activity accuracy: %.2f (last), %.2f (average), %.2f (best)" % (accuracy["all"][-1], np.mean( accuracy["all"]), np.max(accuracy["all"]))) print( "Proportion weighting accuracy: %.2f (last), %.2f (average), %.2f (best)\n" % ( accuracy["proportion"][-1], np.mean(accuracy["proportion"]), np.max(accuracy["proportion"]), )) # Assign labels to excitatory layer neurons. assignments, proportions, rates = assign_labels( spike_record, labels, num_classes, rates) #Add the current label to the list of labels for this update_interval labels[i % update_interval] = label[0] # Run the network on the input. choice = np.random.choice(int(n_neurons / num_classes), size=n_clamp, replace=False) clamp = {"Ae": per_class * label.long() + torch.Tensor(choice).long()} inputs = {"X": image.view(time, 1, 32, 32, 3)}, time=time, clamp=clamp) # Get voltage recording. exc_voltages = exc_voltage_monitor.get("v") inh_voltages = inh_voltage_monitor.get("v")
accuracy["all"][-1], np.mean(accuracy["all"]), np.max(accuracy["all"]), )) print( "Proportion weighting accuracy: %.2f (last), %.2f (average), %.2f (best)\n" % ( accuracy["proportion"][-1], np.mean(accuracy["proportion"]), np.max(accuracy["proportion"]), )) # Assign labels to excitatory layer neurons. assignments, proportions, rates = assign_labels( spikes=spike_record, labels=label_tensor, n_labels=n_classes, rates=rates, ) labels = [] labels.extend(batch["label"].tolist()) # Run the network on the input., time=time, input_time_dim=1) # Add to spikes recording. s = spikes["Ae"].get("s").permute((1, 0, 2)) spike_record[(step * batch_size) % update_interval:(step * batch_size % update_interval) + s.size(0)] = s
def main(seed=0, n_neurons=100, n_train=60000, n_test=10000, inhib=250, time=50, lr=1e-2, lr_decay=0.99, dt=1, theta_plus=0.05, theta_decay=1e-7, progress_interval=10, update_interval=250, train=True, plot=False, gpu=False): assert n_train % update_interval == 0 and n_test % update_interval == 0, \ 'No. examples must be divisible by update_interval' params = [ seed, n_neurons, n_train, inhib, time, lr, lr_decay, theta_plus, theta_decay, progress_interval, update_interval ] test_params = [ seed, n_neurons, n_train, n_test, inhib, time, lr, lr_decay, theta_plus, theta_decay, progress_interval, update_interval ] model_name = '_'.join([str(x) for x in params]) np.random.seed(seed) if gpu: torch.set_default_tensor_type('torch.cuda.FloatTensor') torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) else: torch.manual_seed(seed) if train: n_examples = n_train else: n_examples = n_test n_sqrt = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(n_neurons))) n_classes = 10 # Build network. if train: network = Network(dt=dt) input_layer = Input(n=784, traces=True, trace_tc=5e-2) network.add_layer(input_layer, name='X') output_layer = DiehlAndCookNodes(n=n_neurons, traces=True, rest=0, reset=0, thresh=1, refrac=0, decay=1e-2, trace_tc=5e-2, theta_plus=theta_plus, theta_decay=theta_decay) network.add_layer(output_layer, name='Y') w = 0.3 * torch.rand(784, n_neurons) input_connection = Connection(source=network.layers['X'], target=network.layers['Y'], w=w, update_rule=PostPre, nu=[0, lr], wmin=0, wmax=1, norm=78.4) network.add_connection(input_connection, source='X', target='Y') w = -inhib * (torch.ones(n_neurons, n_neurons) - torch.diag(torch.ones(n_neurons))) recurrent_connection = Connection(source=network.layers['Y'], target=network.layers['Y'], w=w, wmin=-inhib, wmax=0) network.add_connection(recurrent_connection, source='Y', target='Y') else: path = os.path.join('..', '..', 'params', data, model) network = load_network(os.path.join(path, model_name + '.pt')) network.connections['X', 'Y'].update_rule = NoOp( connection=network.connections['X', 'Y'], nu=network.connections['X', 'Y'].nu) network.layers['Y'].theta_decay = 0 network.layers['Y'].theta_plus = 0 # Load Fashion-MNIST data. dataset = FashionMNIST(path=os.path.join('..', '..', 'data', 'FashionMNIST'), download=True) if train: images, labels = dataset.get_train() else: images, labels = dataset.get_test() images = images.view(-1, 784) images = images / 255 # if train: # for i in range(n_neurons): # network.connections['X', 'Y'].w[:, i] = images[i] + images[i].mean() * torch.randn(784) # Record spikes during the simulation. spike_record = torch.zeros(update_interval, time, n_neurons) # Neuron assignments and spike proportions. if train: assignments = -torch.ones_like(torch.Tensor(n_neurons)) proportions = torch.zeros_like(torch.Tensor(n_neurons, n_classes)) rates = torch.zeros_like(torch.Tensor(n_neurons, n_classes)) ngram_scores = {} else: path = os.path.join('..', '..', 'params', data, model) path = os.path.join(path, '_'.join(['auxiliary', model_name]) + '.pt') assignments, proportions, rates, ngram_scores = torch.load( open(path, 'rb')) # Sequence of accuracy estimates. curves = {'all': [], 'proportion': [], 'ngram': []} if train: best_accuracy = 0 spikes = {} for layer in set(network.layers): spikes[layer] = Monitor(network.layers[layer], state_vars=['s'], time=time) network.add_monitor(spikes[layer], name='%s_spikes' % layer) # Train the network. if train: print('\nBegin training.\n') else: print('\nBegin test.\n') inpt_axes = None inpt_ims = None spike_ims = None spike_axes = None weights_im = None assigns_im = None perf_ax = None start = t() for i in range(n_examples): if i % progress_interval == 0 and train: network.connections['X', 'Y'][1] *= lr_decay if i % progress_interval == 0: print(f'Progress: {i} / {n_examples} ({t() - start:.4f} seconds)') start = t() if i % update_interval == 0 and i > 0: if i % len(labels) == 0: current_labels = labels[-update_interval:] else: current_labels = labels[i % len(images) - update_interval:i % len(images)] # Update and print accuracy evaluations. curves, predictions = update_curves(curves, current_labels, n_classes, spike_record=spike_record, assignments=assignments, proportions=proportions, ngram_scores=ngram_scores, n=2) print_results(curves) if train: if any([x[-1] > best_accuracy for x in curves.values()]): print( 'New best accuracy! Saving network parameters to disk.' ) # Save network to disk. path = os.path.join('..', '..', 'params', data, model) if not os.path.isdir(path): os.makedirs(path), model_name + '.pt')) path = os.path.join( path, '_'.join(['auxiliary', model_name]) + '.pt'), proportions, rates, ngram_scores), open(path, 'wb')) best_accuracy = max([x[-1] for x in curves.values()]) # Assign labels to excitatory layer neurons. assignments, proportions, rates = assign_labels( spike_record, current_labels, n_classes, rates) # Compute ngram scores. ngram_scores = update_ngram_scores(spike_record, current_labels, n_classes, 2, ngram_scores) print() # Get next input sample. image = images[i % n_examples] sample = rank_order(datum=image, time=time, dt=dt) inpts = {'X': sample} # Run the network on the input., time=time) retries = 0 while spikes['Y'].get('s').sum() < 5 and retries < 3: retries += 1 image *= 2 sample = rank_order(datum=image, time=time, dt=dt) inpts = {'X': sample}, time=time) # Add to spikes recording. spike_record[i % update_interval] = spikes['Y'].get('s').t() # Optionally plot various simulation information. if plot: _input = images[i % n_examples].view(28, 28) reconstruction = inpts['X'].view(time, 784).sum(0).view(28, 28) _spikes = {layer: spikes[layer].get('s') for layer in spikes} input_exc_weights = network.connections['X', 'Y'].w square_weights = get_square_weights( input_exc_weights.view(784, n_neurons), n_sqrt, 28) square_assignments = get_square_assignments(assignments, n_sqrt) # inpt_axes, inpt_ims = plot_input(_input, reconstruction, label=labels[i], axes=inpt_axes, ims=inpt_ims) spike_ims, spike_axes = plot_spikes(_spikes, ims=spike_ims, axes=spike_axes) weights_im = plot_weights(square_weights, im=weights_im, wmax=0.25) # assigns_im = plot_assignments(square_assignments, im=assigns_im) # perf_ax = plot_performance(curves, ax=perf_ax) plt.pause(1e-8) network.reset_() # Reset state variables. print(f'Progress: {n_examples} / {n_examples} ({t() - start:.4f} seconds)') i += 1 if i % len(labels) == 0: current_labels = labels[-update_interval:] else: current_labels = labels[i % len(images) - update_interval:i % len(images)] # Update and print accuracy evaluations. curves, predictions = update_curves(curves, current_labels, n_classes, spike_record=spike_record, assignments=assignments, proportions=proportions, ngram_scores=ngram_scores, n=2) print_results(curves) if train: if any([x[-1] > best_accuracy for x in curves.values()]): print('New best accuracy! Saving network parameters to disk.') # Save network to disk. if train: path = os.path.join('..', '..', 'params', data, model) if not os.path.isdir(path): os.makedirs(path), model_name + '.pt')) path = os.path.join( path, '_'.join(['auxiliary', model_name]) + '.pt'), proportions, rates, ngram_scores), open(path, 'wb')) if train: print('\nTraining complete.\n') else: print('\nTest complete.\n') print('Average accuracies:\n') for scheme in curves.keys(): print('\t%s: %.2f' % (scheme, float(np.mean(curves[scheme])))) # Save accuracy curves to disk. path = os.path.join('..', '..', 'curves', data, model) if not os.path.isdir(path): os.makedirs(path) if train: to_write = ['train'] + params else: to_write = ['test'] + params to_write = [str(x) for x in to_write] f = '_'.join(to_write) + '.pt', update_interval, n_examples), open(os.path.join(path, f), 'wb')) # Save results to disk. path = os.path.join('..', '..', 'results', data, model) if not os.path.isdir(path): os.makedirs(path) results = [ np.mean(curves['all']), np.mean(curves['proportion']), np.mean(curves['ngram']), np.max(curves['all']), np.max(curves['proportion']), np.max(curves['ngram']) ] if train: to_write = params + results else: to_write = test_params + results to_write = [str(x) for x in to_write] if train: name = 'train.csv' else: name = 'test.csv' if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, name)): with open(os.path.join(path, name), 'w') as f: if train: f.write( 'random_seed,n_neurons,n_train,inhib,time,lr,lr_decay,theta_plus,theta_decay,' 'progress_interval,update_interval,mean_all_activity,mean_proportion_weighting,' 'mean_ngram,max_all_activity,max_proportion_weighting,max_ngram\n' ) else: f.write( 'random_seed,n_neurons,n_train,n_test,inhib,time,lr,lr_decay,theta_plus,theta_decay,' 'progress_interval,update_interval,mean_all_activity,mean_proportion_weighting,' 'mean_ngram,max_all_activity,max_proportion_weighting,max_ngram\n' ) with open(os.path.join(path, name), 'a') as f: f.write(','.join(to_write) + '\n')
update_interval) print( "\nAll activity accuracy: %.2f (last), %.2f (average), %.2f (best)" % (accuracy["all"][-1], np.mean( accuracy["all"]), np.max(accuracy["all"]))) print( "Proportion weighting accuracy: %.2f (last), %.2f (average), %.2f (best)\n" % ( accuracy["proportion"][-1], np.mean(accuracy["proportion"]), np.max(accuracy["proportion"]), )) # Assign labels to excitatory layer neurons. assignments, proportions, rates = assign_labels( spike_record, label, 10, rates) # Run the network on the input. choice = np.random.choice(int(n_neurons / 10), size=n_clamp, replace=False) clamp = {"Ae": per_class * label.long() + torch.Tensor(choice).long()} inpts = {"X": image.view(time, 1, 28, 28)}, time=time, clamp=clamp) # Get voltage recording. exc_voltages = exc_voltage_monitor.get("v") inh_voltages = inh_voltage_monitor.get("v") # Add to spikes recording. spike_record[i % update_interval] = spikes["Ae"].get("s").view( 50, n_neurons)
def main(): seed = 0 #random seed n_neurons = 100 # number of neurons per layer n_train = 60000 # number of traning examples to go through n_epochs = 1 inh = 120.0 # strength of synapses from inh. layer to exci. layer exc = 22.5 lr = 1e-2 # learning rate lr_decay = 0.99 # learning rate decay time = 350 # duration of each sample after running through possion encoder dt = 1 # timestep theta_plus = 0.05 # post spike threshold increase tc_theta_decay = 1e7 # threshold decay intensity = 0.25 # number to multiply input Diehl Cook maja 0.25 progress_interval = 10 update_interval = 250 plot = False gpu = False load_network = False # load network from disk n_classes = 10 n_sqrt = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(n_neurons))) # TRAINING save_weights_fn = "plots_snn/weights/weights_train.png" save_performance_fn = "plots_snn/performance/performance_train.png" save_assaiments_fn = "plots_snn/assaiments/assaiments_train.png" directorys = [ "plots_snn", "plots_snn/weights", "plots_snn/performance", "plots_snn/assaiments" ] for directory in directorys: if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) assert n_train % update_interval == 0 np.random.seed(seed) if gpu: torch.set_default_tensor_type('torch.cuda.FloatTensor') torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) else: torch.manual_seed(seed) # Build network if load_network: network = load('') # here goes file with network to load else: network = DiehlAndCook2015( n_inpt=784, n_neurons=n_neurons, exc=exc, inh=inh, dt=dt, norm=78.4, nu=(1e-4, lr), theta_plus=theta_plus, inpt_shape=(1, 28, 28), ) if gpu:"cuda") # Pull dataset data, targets = torch.load( 'data/MNIST/TorchvisionDatasetWrapper/processed/') data = data * intensity trainset =, targets) trainloader =, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=1) # Spike recording spike_record = torch.zeros(update_interval, time, n_neurons) full_spike_record = torch.zeros(n_train, n_neurons).long() # Intialization if load_network: assignments, proportions, rates, ngram_scores = torch.load( '') else: assignments = -torch.ones_like(torch.Tensor(n_neurons)) proportions = torch.zeros_like(torch.Tensor(n_neurons, n_classes)) rates = torch.zeros_like(torch.Tensor(n_neurons, n_classes)) ngram_scores = {} curves = {'all': [], 'proportion': [], 'ngram': []} predictions = {scheme: torch.Tensor().long() for scheme in curves.keys()} best_accuracy = 0 # Initilize spike records spikes = {} for layer in set(network.layers): spikes[layer] = Monitor(network.layers[layer], state_vars=['s'], time=time) network.add_monitor(spikes[layer], name='%s_spikes' % layer) i = 0 current_labels = torch.zeros(update_interval) inpt_axes = None inpt_ims = None spike_ims = None spike_axes = None weights_im = None assigns_im = None perf_ax = None # train train_time = t.time() current_labels = torch.zeros(update_interval) time1 = t.time() for j in range(n_epochs): i = 0 for sample, label in trainloader: if i >= n_train: break if i % progress_interval == 0: print(f'Progress: {i} / {n_train} took {(t.time()-time1)} s') time1 = t.time() if i % update_interval == 0 and i > 0: #network.connections['X','Y'][1] *= lr_decay curves, preds = update_curves(curves, current_labels, n_classes, spike_record=spike_record, assignments=assignments, proportions=proportions, ngram_scores=ngram_scores, n=2) print_results(curves) for scheme in preds: predictions[scheme] = [predictions[scheme], preds[scheme]], -1) # Accuracy curves if any([x[-1] > best_accuracy for x in curves.values()]): print( 'New best accuracy! Saving network parameters to disk.' ) # Save network and parameters to disk.'')) path = "", proportions, rates, ngram_scores), open(path, 'wb')) best_accuracy = max([x[-1] for x in curves.values()]) assignments, proportions, rates = assign_labels( spike_record, current_labels, n_classes, rates) ngram_scores = update_ngram_scores(spike_record, current_labels, n_classes, 2, ngram_scores) sample_enc = poisson(datum=sample, time=time, dt=dt) inpts = {'X': sample_enc} # Run the network on the input., time=time) retries = 0 # Spikes reocrding spike_record[i % update_interval] = spikes['Ae'].get('s').view( time, n_neurons) full_spike_record[i] = spikes['Ae'].get('s').view( time, n_neurons).sum(0).long() if plot: _input = sample.view(28, 28) reconstruction = inpts['X'].view(time, 784).sum(0).view(28, 28) _spikes = {layer: spikes[layer].get('s') for layer in spikes} input_exc_weights = network.connections[('X', 'Ae')].w square_assignments = get_square_assignments( assignments, n_sqrt) assigns_im = plot_assignments(square_assignments, im=assigns_im) if i % update_interval == 0: square_weights = get_square_weights( input_exc_weights.view(784, n_neurons), n_sqrt, 28) weights_im = plot_weights(square_weights, im=weights_im) [weights_im, save_weights_fn] = plot_weights(square_weights, im=weights_im, save=save_weights_fn) inpt_axes, inpt_ims = plot_input(_input, reconstruction, label=label, axes=inpt_axes, ims=inpt_ims) spike_ims, spike_axes = plot_spikes(_spikes, ims=spike_ims, axes=spike_axes) assigns_im = plot_assignments(square_assignments, im=assigns_im, save=save_assaiments_fn) perf_ax = plot_performance(curves, ax=perf_ax, save=save_performance_fn) plt.pause(1e-8) current_labels[i % update_interval] = label[0] network.reset_state_variables() if i % 10 == 0 and i > 0: preds = all_activity( spike_record[i % update_interval - 10:i % update_interval], assignments, n_classes) print(f'Predictions: {(preds * 1.0).numpy()}') print( f'True value: {current_labels[i % update_interval - 10:i % update_interval].numpy()}' ) i += 1 print(f'Number of epochs {j}/{n_epochs+1}'), '') path = "", proportions, rates, ngram_scores), open(path, 'wb')) print("Training completed. Training took " + str((t.time() - train_time) / 6) + " min.") print("Saving network...")'')), proportions, rates, ngram_scores), open('', 'wb')) print("Network saved.")