Example #1
def download_concept_audio():
	Download audio wav file for each concept.
    db = Database()
    t = BingTranslate()
    cmd = "SELECT * FROM concept"
    concept_res = db.query_db(cmd)
    for concept in concept_res[117599:]:
        concept_id = concept[0]
        concept_name = concept[1]
        filename = path + "static/audio/concept/" + str(concept_id) + ".wav"
        print filename
        t.get_speech(concept_name, filename, "zh-CHT")
Example #2
def get_concept_dialog(concept, location, action, user_id):
	json = {}
	cmd = "SELECT id, english FROM concept WHERE name = '%s'" % (concept)
	concept_res = db.query_db(cmd)
	concept_id = concept_res[0][0]
	concept_english = concept_res[0][1]
	cmd = "SELECT id FROM location WHERE chinese_name = '%s'" % (location)
	location_id = db.query_db(cmd)[0][0]
	# check dialog for action first
	if action != u'任何事':
		cmd = "SELECT id FROM action WHERE chinese_name = '%s'" \
				% (action)
		cmd = "SELECT action_id FROM location_action WHERE location_id = %s" \
				% (location_id)
	for action_item in db.query_db(cmd):
		action_id = action_item[0]
		cmd = "SELECT category FROM action_concept WHERE \
				action_id = %s AND concept_id = %s" % (action_id, concept_id)
		category_res = db.query_db(cmd)
		if len(category_res) != 0:
			category = category_res[0][0]
			cmd = "SELECT b.id, b.content FROM dialog_action_category AS a, \
					dialog AS b WHERE a.dialog_id = b.id AND \
					a.action_id = %s AND a.category = %s ORDER BY b.difficulty" \
					% (action_id, category)
			dialog_res = db.query_db(cmd)
			for dialog_item in dialog_res:
				dialog_id = dialog_item[0]
				dialog = dialog_item[1]
				cmd = "SELECT a.view_count+COUNT(b.concept_id) FROM \
						user_dialog AS a, user_location_dialog AS b WHERE \
						a.user_id = %s AND b.user_id = %s AND a.dialog_id = %s \
						AND b.dialog_id = %s" % (user_id, user_id, dialog_id, dialog_id)
				view_res = db.query_db(cmd)
				if len(view_res) > 0:
					if view_res[0][0] > 5:
				matches = re.findall(r'\[\w+\]', \
						dialog, flags=re.UNICODE)
				matches = list(set(matches))
				for match in matches:
					match = match.replace('[', '').replace(']', '')
					cmd = "SELECT a.category, b.english FROM \
							action_concept AS a, concept AS b \
							WHERE a.action_id = %s AND b.name = '%s' AND \
							a.concept_id = b.id" % (action_id, match)
					category_res = db.query_db(cmd)
					if len(category_res) > 0:
						if category == category_res[0][0]:
							json['dialog_id'] = dialog_id
							json['dialog'] = []
							dialog = dialog.lower().replace('['+category_res[0][1]+']', '['+concept_english+']')
							print category_res[0][1]
							print concept_english
							t = BingTranslate()
							for sentence in \
									dialog.replace('['+match+']', '['+concept+']').split('\n'):
								chinese = sentence.split('\t')[0]
								english = sentence.split('\t')[1]
								cmd = "SELECT id FROM sentence WHERE sentence = '%s'" % (chinese)
								sentence_res = db.query_db(cmd)
								if len(sentence_res) == 0:
									cmd = "INSERT INTO sentence (sentence) VALUES ('%s')" % (chinese)
									cmd = "SELECT id FROM sentence WHERE sentence = '%s'" % (chinese)
									sentence_res = db.query_db(cmd)
									filename = '/home/a33kuo/public_html/language-learner/audio/dialog/'+str(sentence_res[0][0])+'.wav'
									t.get_speech(chinese.replace('[', '').replace(']', ''), filename, "zh-CHT")
								audio_file = 'http://lime.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~a33kuo/language-learner/audio/dialog/'+str(sentence_res[0][0])+'.wav'
										{'chinese':chinese, 'english':english, 'audio':audio_file})
				if len(json.keys()) > 0:
					return flask.jsonify(json)
	# if there is no dialog for action, use location
	cmd = "SELECT category FROM location_concept WHERE \
			location_id = %s AND concept_id = %s" % (location_id, concept_id)
	category_res = db.query_db(cmd)
	if len(category_res) != 0:
		category = category_res[0][0]
		cmd = "SELECT b.id, b.content FROM dialog_location_category AS a, \
				dialog AS b WHERE a.dialog_id = b.id AND \
				a.location_id = %s AND a.category = %s ORDER BY b.difficulty" \
				% (location_id, category)
		dialog_res = db.query_db(cmd)
		for dialog_item in dialog_res:
			dialog_id = dialog_item[0]
			dialog = dialog_item[1]
			cmd = "SELECT a.view_count+COUNT(b.concept_id) FROM \
					user_dialog AS a, user_location_dialog AS b WHERE \
					a.user_id = %s AND b.user_id = %s AND a.dialog_id = %s \
					AND b.dialog_id = %s" % (user_id, user_id, dialog_id, dialog_id)
			view_res = db.query_db(cmd)
			if len(view_res) > 0:
				if view_res[0][0] > 5:
			matches = re.findall(r'\[\w+\]', \
					dialog, flags=re.UNICODE)
			matches = list(set(matches))
			for match in matches:
				match = match.replace('[', '').replace(']', '')
				cmd = "SELECT a.category, b.english FROM \
						location_concept AS a, concept AS b \
						WHERE a.location_id = %s AND b.name = '%s' AND \
						a.concept_id = b.id" % (location_id, match)
				category_res = db.query_db(cmd)
				if len(category_res) > 0:
					if category == category_res[0][0]:
						json['dialog_id'] = dialog_id
						json['dialog'] = []
						dialog = dialog.lower().replace('['+category_res[0][1]+']', '['+concept_english+']')
						print category_res[0][1]
						print concept_english
						t = BingTranslate()
						for sentence in \
								dialog.replace('['+match+']', '['+concept+']').split('\n'):
							chinese = sentence.split('\t')[0]
							english = sentence.split('\t')[1]
							cmd = "SELECT id FROM sentence WHERE sentence = '%s'" % (chinese)
							sentence_res = db.query_db(cmd)
							if len(sentence_res) == 0:
								cmd = "INSERT INTO sentence (sentence) VALUES ('%s')" % (chinese)
								cmd = "SELECT id FROM sentence WHERE sentence = '%s'" % (chinese)
								sentence_res = db.query_db(cmd)
								filename = '/home/a33kuo/public_html/language-learner/audio/dialog/'+str(sentence_res[0][0])+'.wav'
								t.get_speech(chinese.replace('[', '').replace(']', ''), filename, "zh-CHT")
							audio_file = 'http://lime.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~a33kuo/language-learner/audio/dialog/'+str(sentence_res[0][0])+'.wav'
									{'chinese':chinese, 'english':english, 'audio':audio_file})
			if len(json.keys()) > 0:
	return flask.jsonify(json)