parser.add_argument('probanno', help='ID of ProbAnno object', action='store', default=None) parser.add_argument('-w', '--probannows', help='workspace where ProbAnno object is saved', action='store', dest='probannows', default=None) parser.add_argument('--genomews', help='workspace where Genome object is saved', action='store', dest='genomews', default=None) parser.add_argument('--url', help='url for service', action='store', dest='url', default=None) parser.add_argument('-e', '--show-error', help='show detailed information for an exception', action='store_true', dest='showError', default=False) usage = parser.format_usage() parser.description = desc1 + ' ' + usage + desc2 parser.usage = argparse.SUPPRESS args = parser.parse_args() # Create input parameters for annotate() function. input = dict() input['genome'] = args.genome input['probanno'] = args.probanno if args.genomews is None: input['genome_workspace'] = user_workspace() else: input['genome_workspace'] = args.genomews if args.probannows is None: input['probanno_workspace'] = user_workspace() else: input['probanno_workspace'] = args.probannows # Create a probabilistic annotation client. if args.url is None: args.url = get_url() paClient = ProbabilisticAnnotation(url=args.url) # Submit a job to annotate the specified genome. try: jobid = paClient.annotate(input)
parser.add_argument('probanno', help='ID of ProbAnno object', action='store', default=None) parser.add_argument('-w', '--workspace', help='workspace where ProbAnno object is saved', action='store', dest='probannows', default=None) parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', help='version number of ProbAnno object', action='store', dest='probannover', type=int, default=None) parser.add_argument('-r', '--roles', help='Print role likelihoods instead of annotation likelihoods', action='store_true', dest='roles', default=False) parser.add_argument('-u', '--url', help='url for service', action='store', dest='url', default=None) parser.add_argument('-e', '--show-error', help='show detailed information for an exception', action='store_true', dest='showError', default=False) usage = parser.format_usage() parser.description = desc1 + ' ' + usage + desc2 parser.usage = argparse.SUPPRESS args = parser.parse_args() # Create input parameters for annotate() function. input = dict() input['probanno'] = args.probanno if args.probannows is None: input['probanno_workspace'] = user_workspace() else: input['probanno_workspace'] = args.probannows input['probanno_version'] = args.probannover # Create a probabilistic annotation client. if args.url is None: args.url = get_url() paClient = ProbabilisticAnnotation(url=args.url) # Get the raw data from the server. try: output = paClient.get_probanno(input) except Exception as e: print 'Error getting ProbAnno object: %s' %(e.message) if args.showError:
parser.add_argument('-e', '--show-error', help='show detailed information for an exception', action='store_true', dest='showError', default=False) usage = parser.format_usage() parser.description = desc1 + ' ' + usage + desc2 parser.usage = argparse.SUPPRESS args = parser.parse_args() # Create input parameters for annotate() function. input = dict() input['rxnprobs'] = args.rxnprobs if args.rxnprobsws is None: input['rxnprobs_workspace'] = user_workspace() else: input['rxnprobs_workspace'] = args.rxnprobsws input['rxnprobs_version'] = args.rxnprobsver input['sort_field'] = args.sortField # Create a probabilistic annotation client. if args.url is None: args.url = get_url() paClient = ProbabilisticAnnotation(url=args.url) # Get the raw data from the server. try: output = paClient.get_rxnprobs(input) except Exception as e: print 'Error getting RxnProbs object: %s' % (e.message)
parser.add_argument('--probannows', help='workspace where ProbAnno object is stored', action='store', dest='probannows', default=None) parser.add_argument('-t', '--template', help='ID of ModelTemplate object', action='store', dest='template', default=None) parser.add_argument('--templatews', help='workspace where ModelTemplate object is stored', action='store', dest='templatews', default=None) parser.add_argument('--url', help='url for service', action='store', dest='url', default=None) parser.add_argument('-e', '--show-error', help='show detailed information for an exception', action='store_true', dest='showError', default=False) usage = parser.format_usage() parser.description = desc1 + ' ' + usage + desc2 parser.usage = argparse.SUPPRESS args = parser.parse_args() # Create input parameters for annotate() function. input = dict() input['probanno'] = args.probanno input['rxnprobs'] = args.rxnprobs if args.probannows is None: input['probanno_workspace'] = user_workspace() else: input['probanno_workspace'] = args.probannows if args.rxnprobsws is None: input['rxnprobs_workspace'] = user_workspace() else: input['rxnprobs_workspace'] = args.rxnprobsws input['template_model'] = args.template input['template_workspace'] = args.templatews # Create a probabilistic annotation client. if args.url is None: args.url = get_url() paClient = ProbabilisticAnnotation(url=args.url) # Calculate reaction probabilities from probabilistic annotation.
parser.add_argument('rxnprobs', help='ID of RxnProbs object', action='store', default=None) parser.add_argument('-w', '--workspace', help='workspace where RxnProbs object is saved', action='store', dest='rxnprobsws', default=None) parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', help='version number of RxnProbs object', action='store', dest='rxnprobsver', type=int, default=None) parser.add_argument('--sort', help='field to use as key for sorting output table', action='store', dest='sortField', default='rxnid') parser.add_argument('-u', '--url', help='url for service', action='store', dest='url', default=None) parser.add_argument('-e', '--show-error', help='show detailed information for an exception', action='store_true', dest='showError', default=False) usage = parser.format_usage() parser.description = desc1 + ' ' + usage + desc2 parser.usage = argparse.SUPPRESS args = parser.parse_args() # Create input parameters for annotate() function. input = dict() input['rxnprobs'] = args.rxnprobs if args.rxnprobsws is None: input['rxnprobs_workspace'] = user_workspace() else: input['rxnprobs_workspace'] = args.rxnprobsws input['rxnprobs_version'] = args.rxnprobsver input['sort_field'] = args.sortField # Create a probabilistic annotation client. if args.url is None: args.url = get_url() paClient = ProbabilisticAnnotation(url=args.url) # Get the raw data from the server. try: output = paClient.get_rxnprobs(input) except Exception as e: print 'Error getting RxnProbs object: %s' %(e.message)
parser.add_argument('-e', '--show-error', help='show detailed information for an exception', action='store_true', dest='showError', default=False) usage = parser.format_usage() parser.description = desc1 + ' ' + usage + desc2 parser.usage = argparse.SUPPRESS args = parser.parse_args() # Create input parameters for annotate() function. input = dict() input['probanno'] = args.probanno if args.probannows is None: input['probanno_workspace'] = user_workspace() else: input['probanno_workspace'] = args.probannows input['probanno_version'] = args.probannover # Create a probabilistic annotation client. if args.url is None: args.url = get_url() paClient = ProbabilisticAnnotation(url=args.url) # Get the raw data from the server. try: output = paClient.get_probanno(input) except Exception as e: print 'Error getting ProbAnno object: %s' % (e.message) if args.showError: