def fetch_artcls(pmid_list): articles = [] annot_patn = re.compile('\[\'.*?\'\]') for pmid in pmid_list: annot_text = ' '.join(fs.read_file(os.path.join(ANNOT_PATH, pmid+'.txt'), 'utf8')).lower() ## Extract the hallmark label annots = [annot.strip('[]\'\" ') for annot_list in annot_patn.findall(annot_text) if annot_list != '[]' for annot in annot_list.split(',')] ## Extract the abstracts abs_text = ' '.join(fs.read_file(os.path.join(ABS_PATH, pmid+'.txt'), 'utf8')) ## Extract the Mesh heading and the chemicals meta_text = SC.join(fs.read_file(os.path.join(META_PATH, pmid+'.absmeta'), 'utf8')).split('~~~chem:') mesh_headings = meta_text[0].split('~~~mesh:')[1].strip().split(SC) chemicals = meta_text[1].strip().split(SC) articles.append({'id':pmid,'abs':abs_text, 'annots':annots, 'mesh':mesh_headings, 'chem':chemicals}) return articles
def read_prcsed_files(fpaths, code='ascii'): for fpath in fpaths: try: words = [] for line in fs.read_file(fpath, code): if (line == '~~~'): continue if (line == '. . .' or line == '~~~ ~~~' or line == ', , ,'): continue items = line.split() if (len(items) < 3): # Skip the unrecognized words continue words.append(items[2].lower()) yield TaggedDocument(words=words, tags=[os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fpath))[0]]) except Exception as e: continue
def get_featsets(feat_sets, label_num, labels=[]): feat_files = fs.listf(os.path.join(FEATS_PATH, 'byLabel')) featset_patn = re.compile('\s\d') if (len(labels) != 0): feature_sets = [[] for i in range(label_num)] else: feature_sets = [] feat_stat = {} # Every feature set for fset in feat_sets: fs_list = [] fs_stat = [] # Every matched file for f in fnmatch.filter(feat_files, fset+'*'): ft_per_lb = [] for line in fs.read_file(os.path.join(FEATS_PATH, 'byLabel', f), code='utf8'): feat_match = if (not feat_match): continue # Deal with different types of features if (fset == 'parse'): feature = line[:feat_match.start()].strip(' []').replace('\'', '').replace(', ', ',') else: feature = line[:feat_match.start()].strip(' ') ft_per_lb.append(feature) fs_per_lb = set(ft_per_lb) fs_list.append(fs_per_lb) fs_stat.append(len(fs_per_lb)) # If the number of feature-set files is not equal to that of labels, combine the redundance into the last label if (len(fs_list) > label_num): fs_list[label_num-1].update(set.union(*fs_list[label_num:])) fs_stat[label_num-1] = sum(fs_stat[label_num-1:]) del fs_list[label_num:] del fs_stat[label_num:] if (len(labels) != 0): for i in range(len(feature_sets)): feature_sets[i].append(fs_list[i]) else: feature_sets.append(set.union(*fs_list)) feat_stat[fset] = fs_stat return feature_sets, feat_stat
def get_data(articles, from_file=None, ft_type='binary', max_df=1.0, min_df=1, fmt='npz', spfmt='csr'): # Read from local files if (from_file): if (type(from_file) == bool): file_name = 'X.npz' if (fmt == 'npz') else 'X.csv' else: file_name = from_file print 'Reading file: %s and Y.%s' % (file_name, fmt) if (fmt == 'npz'): return io.read_df(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, file_name), with_idx=True, sparse_fmt=spfmt), io.read_df(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'Y.npz'), with_idx=True, sparse_fmt=spfmt) else: return pd.read_csv(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, file_name), index_col=0, encoding='utf8'), pd.read_csv(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'Y.csv'), index_col=0, encoding='utf8') ## Feature columns ft_pmid, ft_abs, ft_lem, ft_nnv, ft_ner, ft_parse, ft_vc, ft_mesh, ft_chem, label = [[] for i in range(10)] ft_order = ['lem', 'nn', 'ner', 'parse', 'vc', 'mesh', 'chem'] ft_name = {'lem':'LBoW', 'nn':'N-Bigrams', 'ner':'NE', 'parse':'GR', 'vc':'VC', 'mesh':'MeSH', 'chem':'Chem'} ft_dic = {'lem':ft_lem, 'ner':ft_ner, 'parse':ft_parse, 'vc':ft_vc, 'mesh':ft_mesh, 'chem':ft_chem} hm_lb = ['PS', 'GS', 'CD', 'RI', 'A', 'IM', 'GI', 'TPI', 'CE', 'ID'] bft_dic, hm_stat = [{} for i in range(2)] label_set = set() # sent_splitter ='tokenizers/punkt/english.pickle') for artcl in articles: ft_pmid.append(artcl['id']) ft_abs.append(artcl['abs']) ft_mesh.append(artcl['mesh']) ft_chem.append(artcl['chem']) label.append(artcl['annots']) label_set.update(artcl['annots']) c = Counter(artcl['annots']) for hm, num in c.iteritems(): hs = hm_stat.setdefault(hm, [0,0]) hs[0], hs[1] = hs[0] + 1, hs[1] + num # hs[0], hs[1] = hs[0] + 1, hs[1] + len(sent_splitter.tokenize(artcl['abs'].strip())) # uniq_lb = list(label_set) uniq_lb = [IHM_MAP[lb] for lb in hm_lb] ## Get the feature sets of the specific hallmark # feat_sets = get_fsnames() feat_sets = ft_order feature_sets, feat_stat = get_featsets(feat_sets, len(uniq_lb)) ft_stat_mt = np.array([feat_stat[ft] for ft in ft_order]).T ft_stat_pd = pd.DataFrame(ft_stat_mt, index=hm_lb, columns=[ft_name[fset] for fset in feat_sets]) hm_stat_pd = pd.DataFrame([hm_stat[lb] for lb in uniq_lb], index=hm_lb, columns=['No. abstracts', 'No. sentences']) if (fmt == 'npz'): io.write_df(ft_stat_pd, os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'ft_stat.npz')) io.write_df(hm_stat_pd, os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'hm_stat.npz'), with_idx=True) else: ft_stat_pd.to_csv(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'ft_stat.csv'), encoding='utf8') hm_stat_pd.to_csv(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'hm_stat.csv'), encoding='utf8') ## Extract the features from the preprocessed data for i in range(len(feat_sets)): fset = feat_sets[i] feature_set = feature_sets[i] if (fset == 'chem' or fset == 'mesh'): continue if (fset == 'nn'): continue for pmid in ft_pmid: feature, extra_feat = [[], []] prev_term = '' for line in fs.read_file(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, fset, '.'.join([pmid, fset, 'txt'])), 'utf8'): if (line == '~~~'): continue if (fset == 'lem'): if (line == '. . .' or line == '~~~ ~~~' or line == ', , ,'): continue items = line.split() if (len(items) < 3): # Skip the unrecognized words continue feature.append(items[2].lower()) # Extract NN feature if (items[1] == 'NN'): if (prev_term != ''): extra_feat.append(prev_term + ' ' + items[0].lower()) prev_term = items[0].lower() else: prev_term = '' if (fset == 'ner'): feature.append(line) if (fset == 'parse'): record = line.strip('()').replace(' _ ', ' ').split() feature.append(','.join([w.split('_')[0] for w in record]).lower()) if (fset == 'vc'): feature.extend(line.split()) ft_dic[fset].append(feature) if (fset == 'lem'): ft_nnv.extend(extra_feat) ## Convert the raw features into binary features ft_type = ft_type.lower() for i in range(len(feat_sets)): fset = feat_sets[i] feature_set = feature_sets[i] if (fset == 'nn'): bigram_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(2, 2), token_pattern=r'\b\w+\b', max_df=max_df, min_df=min_df, vocabulary=set(ft_nnv), binary=True if ft_type=='binary' else False) ft_nn = bigram_vectorizer.fit_transform(ft_abs).tocsr() nn_classes = [cls[0] for cls in sorted(bigram_vectorizer.vocabulary_.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))] bft_dic[fset] = (ft_nn, nn_classes) continue # overall_ft = list(set([ft for samp in ft_dic[fset] for ft in samp if ft])) # mlb = MultiLabelBinarizer(classes=overall_ft) # bft_dic[fset] = (mlb.fit_transform(ft_dic[fset]), mlb.classes_) count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(tokenizer=lambda text: [t for t in text.split('*#@') if t and t not in string.punctuation], lowercase=False, stop_words='english', token_pattern=r'\b\w+\b', max_df=max_df, min_df=min_df, binary=True if ft_type=='binary' else False) ft_all = count_vectorizer.fit_transform(['*#@'.join(samp) for samp in ft_dic[fset]]) all_classes = [cls[0] for cls in sorted(count_vectorizer.vocabulary_.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))] bft_dic[fset] = (ft_all, all_classes) ## Convert the annotations of each document to binary labels mlb = MultiLabelBinarizer(classes=uniq_lb) bin_label = (mlb.fit_transform(label), mlb.classes_) ## Generate the features as well as the labels to form a completed dataset feat_mt = sp.sparse.hstack([bft_dic[fset][0] for fset in ft_order]) if (ft_type == 'tfidf'): transformer = TfidfTransformer(norm='l2', sublinear_tf=False) feat_mt = transformer.fit_transform(feat_mt) feat_cols = ['%s_%s' % (fset, w) for fset in ft_order for w in bft_dic[fset][1]] feat_df = pd.DataFrame(feat_mt.todense(), index=ft_pmid, columns=feat_cols) label_df = pd.DataFrame(bin_label[0], index=ft_pmid, columns=bin_label[1]) obj_samp_idx = np.random.random_integers(0, feat_df.shape[0] - 1, size=200).tolist() ft_samp_idx = np.random.random_integers(0, feat_df.shape[1] - 1, size=1000).tolist() samp_feat_df = feat_df.iloc[obj_samp_idx, ft_samp_idx] samp_lb_df = label_df.iloc[obj_samp_idx,:] if (fmt == 'npz'): io.write_df(feat_df, os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'X.npz'), with_idx=True, sparse_fmt=spfmt, compress=True) io.write_df(label_df, os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'Y.npz'), with_idx=True, sparse_fmt=spfmt, compress=True) io.write_df(samp_feat_df, os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'sample_X.npz'), with_idx=True, sparse_fmt=spfmt, compress=True) io.write_df(samp_lb_df, os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'sample_Y.npz'), with_idx=True, sparse_fmt=spfmt, compress=True) else: feat_df.to_csv(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'X.csv'), encoding='utf8') label_df.to_csv(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'Y.csv'), encoding='utf8') samp_feat_df.to_csv(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'sample_X.csv'), encoding='utf8') samp_lb_df.to_csv(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'sample_Y.csv'), encoding='utf8') return feat_df, label_df
def read_files(fpaths, code='ascii'): for fpath in fpaths: try: yield TaggedDocument(words=preprocess_string('\n'.join(fs.read_file(fpath, code))), tags=[os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fpath))[0]]) except Exception as e: continue