Example #1
from sys import stderr
from pyppl import Box
from os import path
from bioprocs.utils import shell, mem2
from bioprocs.utils.poll import Poll
from bioprocs.utils.shell import Shell
from bioprocs.utils.reference import bamIndex

infile = {{i.infile | quote}}
bamIndex(infile, samtools=None)
outfile = {{o.outfile | quote}}
outprefix = {{o.outfile | prefix | quote}}
tool = {{args.tool | quote}}
gatk = {{args.gatk | quote}}
samtools = {{args.samtools | quote}}
picard = {{args.picard | quote}}
bamutil = {{args.bamutil | quote}}
params = {{args.params | repr}}
ref = {{args.ref | quote}}
tmpdir = {{args.tmpdir | quote}}
knownSites = {{args.knownSites | quote}}
argsmem = {{args.mem | quote}}
nthread = {{args.nthread | quote}}
joboutdir = {{job.outdir | quote}}
joblen = {{proc.size | repr}}
jobindex = {{job.index | repr}}
workdir = {{proc.workdir | quote}}
tmpdir = path.join(tmpdir, "{{proc.id}}.{{i.infile | fn}}.{{job.index}}")
# pass the index file
shell.ln_s(infile + '.bai', outfile + '.bai')
if not path.exists(tmpdir):
Example #2
from pyppl import Box
from bioprocs.utils import shell, runcmd, cmdargs
from bioprocs.utils.reference import bamIndex

infiles = {{i.infiles | repr}}
exbaits = {{args.exbaits | repr}}
accfile = {{args.accfile | repr}}
ref = {{args.ref | repr}}
params = {{args.params | repr}}
prefix = {{i.infiles | fs2name | quote}}
outdir = {{job.outdir | quote}}
cnvkit = {{args.cnvkit | quote}}
nthread = {{args.nthread | repr}}

for infile in infiles:

shell.TOOLS['cnvkit'] = cnvkit
envs = dict(OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS=str(nthread),
ckshell = shell.Shell(subcmd=True, equal=' ', envs=envs, cwd=outdir).cnvkit

# generate target file
params_t = params.target
params_t.o = path.join(outdir, prefix + '.bed')
ckshell.target(exbaits, **params_t).run()

# generate access file
if not accfile:
Example #3
prefix    = {{i.infile | fn2 | quote}}
tool      = {{args.tool | quote}}
gz        = {{args.gz | bool}}
outfile   = {{o.outfile | quote}}
params    = {{args.params | repr}}
samtools  = {{args.samtools | quote}}
mem       = {{args.mem | quote}}
nthread   = {{args.nthread | repr}}
gatk      = {{args.gatk | quote}}
cfgParams = {{args.cfgParams | repr}}
platypus  = {{args.platypus | quote}}
ssniffer  = {{args.snvsniffer | quote}}
strelka   = {{args.strelka | quote}}
vardict   = {{ args.vardict | quote}}
joboutdir = {{job.outdir | quote}}
bamIndex(infile,  samtools = None, nthread = nthread)
	gatk     = gatk,
	platypus = platypus,
	ssniffer = ssniffer,
	strelka  = strelka,
	vardict  = vardict

if not path.exists(ref):
	raise ValueError("Reference file not specified")

tmpdir = path.join(tmpdir, "{procid}.{prefix}.{jobindex}".format(
	jobindex = jobindex,
	procid   = procid,
	prefix  = prefix
Example #4
nprefix   = {{i.normal | fn2 | quote}}
tool      = {{args.tool | quote}}
gz        = {{args.gz | bool}}
outfile   = {{o.outfile | quote}}
params    = {{args.params | repr}}
samtools  = {{args.samtools | quote}}
mem       = {{args.mem | quote}}
nthread   = {{args.nthread | repr}}
gatk      = {{args.gatk | quote}}
ssniper   = {{args.somaticsniper | quote}}
ssniffer  = {{args.snvsniffer | quote}}
strelka   = {{args.strelka | quote}}
virmid    = {{ args.virmid | quote}}
vardict   = {{ args.vardict | quote}}
joboutdir = {{job.outdir | quote}}
bamIndex(tumor,  samtools = None, nthread = nthread)
bamIndex(normal, samtools = None, nthread = nthread)

if tprefix == nprefix:
	tprefix = tprefix + '_TUMOR'
	nprefix = nprefix + '_NORMAL'

if gz:	
	# remove ending .gz
	outfile = outfile[:-3]

if not path.exists (ref):
	stderr.write ("Reference file not specified")
	exit (1)

tmpdir = path.join (tmpdir, "{procid}.{tprefix}.{nprefix}.{jobindex}".format(
Example #5
{% python from os import path %}
itvfile  = {{ i.itvfile | quote}}
prefix   = {{ o.outdir | path.join: fn(i.itvfile) | quote }}
tumbam   = {{ i.tumbam | quote}}
tumsnp   = {{ o.outdir | path.join: fn(i.tumbam) | @append: '.bamrc' | quote}}
normbam  = {{ i.normbam | quote}}
normsnp  = {{ o.outdir | path.join: fn(i.normbam) | @append: '.bamrc' | quote}}
outdir   = {{ o.outdir | quote}}
params   = {{ args.params | repr}}
bamrc    = {{ args.bam_readcount | quote }}
nthread  = {{ args.nthread | repr}}
affysnps = {{ args.affysnps | quote}}
ref      = {{ args.ref | quote}}
theta    = {{ args.theta | quote}}
bamIndex(tumbam,  samtools = None, nthread = nthread)
bamIndex(normbam, samtools = None, nthread = nthread)

if not path.isfile(ref):
	raise ValueError('A reference fasta file is required to extract allele counts.')

if not path.isfile(affysnps):
	raise ValueError('A snp list is required.')

def getAlleleCount(bamfile, snpfile, outfile):
	brcparams   = Box()
	brcparams.f = ref
	brcparams.w = 0
	brcparams.l = snpfile

	brcparams[''] = bamfile