Example #1
    def test_default_dwell_times_are_equal_to_one(self):
        ns = 3
        rng = np.random.default_rng(3)
        trans_mat = rng.uniform(size=(ns, ns))

        smm1 = SemiMarkov(ns, trans_mat=trans_mat)

        n = 10
        seq1 = smm1.sample(n)

        smm2 = SemiMarkov(ns, trans_mat=trans_mat, dwell_times=1)
        seq2 = smm2.sample(n)

        np.testing.assert_equal(seq1, seq2)
Example #2
class TestSemiMarkovDwellTimeConstraintsObeyed(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.n_components = 4
        self.min_dwell = [2, 3, 1, 0]
        self.max_dwell = [5, 3, np.inf, 4]
        self.dwell_times = [2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 2.0]
        self.smm = SemiMarkov(

    def to_rle(seq: np.ndarray) -> list:
        starts = np.hstack(([0], np.diff(seq).nonzero()[0] + 1, len(seq)))
        rle = [(seq[tmp1], tmp2 - tmp1)
               for tmp1, tmp2 in zip(starts, starts[1:])]

        return rle

    def test_dwell_times_reach_minimum_but_do_not_go_below(self):
        seq = self.smm.sample(300)
        seq_rle = self.to_rle(seq)

        for i in range(self.n_components):
            # last element of RLE might be truncated due to n_samples
            dwell_times = [_[1] for _ in seq_rle[:-1] if _[0] == i]

            self.assertGreater(len(dwell_times), 0,
                               f"State {i} does not occur")
            self.assertEqual(np.min(dwell_times), max(1, self.min_dwell[i]),
                             f"State {i}")

    def test_dwell_times_reach_maximum_but_do_not_go_above(self):
        seq = self.smm.sample(2000)
        seq_rle = self.to_rle(seq)

        for i in range(self.n_components):
            # last element of RLE might be truncated due to n_samples
            dwell_times = [_[1] for _ in seq_rle[:-1] if _[0] == i]

            self.assertGreater(len(dwell_times), 0,
                               f"State {i} does not occur")
            if np.isfinite(self.max_dwell[i]):
                self.assertEqual(np.max(dwell_times), self.max_dwell[i],
                                 f"State {i}")
                self.assertGreater(len(np.unique(dwell_times)), 0,
                                   f"State {i}")
Example #3
    def test_diagonal_trans_mat_elements_are_ignored(self):
        ns = 5
        rng = np.random.default_rng(1)
        trans_mat1 = rng.uniform(size=(ns, ns))
        trans_mat2 = np.copy(trans_mat1)
        trans_mat1 += np.diag(rng.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=ns))
        smm1 = SemiMarkov(ns, trans_mat=trans_mat1)

        n = 32
        seq1 = smm1.sample(n)

        smm2 = SemiMarkov(ns, trans_mat=trans_mat2)
        seq2 = smm2.sample(n)

        np.testing.assert_equal(seq1, seq2)
Example #4
    def test_semi_markov(self):
        smm = SemiMarkov(5, min_dwell=3, max_dwell=13, dwell_times=4.3)

        n = 28
        seq = smm.sample(n)

        self.assertEqual(len(seq), n)
Example #5
    def test_pure_markov(self):
        smm = SemiMarkov(4)

        n = 12
        seq = smm.sample(n)

        self.assertEqual(len(seq), n)
Example #6
    def test_dwell_times_affect_generated_sequence(self):
        ns = 3
        rng = np.random.default_rng(4)
        trans_mat = rng.uniform(size=(ns, ns))

        dwell_times1 = rng.uniform(low=0, high=10, size=ns)
        smm1 = SemiMarkov(ns, trans_mat=trans_mat, dwell_times=dwell_times1)

        n = 100
        seq1 = smm1.sample(n)

        dwell_times2 = rng.uniform(low=0, high=10, size=ns)
        smm2 = SemiMarkov(ns, trans_mat=trans_mat, dwell_times=dwell_times2)
        seq2 = smm2.sample(n)

        self.assertGreater(np.max(np.abs(seq1 - seq2)), 0)
Example #7
    def test_default_seed_is_zero(self):
        smm2 = SemiMarkov(self.n_components, rng=0)

        n = 50
        seq1 = self.smm.sample(n)
        seq2 = smm2.sample(n)

        np.testing.assert_equal(seq1, seq2)
Example #8
    def test_int_seed_uses_numpy_default_rng(self):
        smm2 = SemiMarkov(self.n_components, rng=np.random.default_rng(0))

        n = 43
        seq1 = self.smm.sample(n)
        seq2 = smm2.sample(n)

        np.testing.assert_equal(seq1, seq2)
Example #9
    def test_offdiagonal_trans_mat_elements_are_normalized(self):
        ns = 4
        rng = np.random.default_rng(2)
        trans_mat1 = rng.uniform(size=(ns, ns))
        trans_mat1 -= np.diag(np.diag(trans_mat1))

        trans_mat2 = 3.2 * trans_mat1

        smm1 = SemiMarkov(ns, trans_mat=trans_mat1)

        n = 27
        seq1 = smm1.sample(n)

        smm2 = SemiMarkov(ns, trans_mat=trans_mat2)
        seq2 = smm2.sample(n)

        np.testing.assert_equal(seq1, seq2)
Example #10
    def test_all_transitions_occur_if_dwell_time_larger_than_one(self):
        n_components = 3
        smm = SemiMarkov(n_components, rng=5, dwell_times=2.0)

        n_seq = 5
        n = 200
        for i in range(n_seq):
            seq = smm.sample(n)
            pairs = set(zip(seq, seq[1:]))

            self.assertEqual(len(pairs), n_components**2)
Example #11
    def test_all_non_dwelling_transitions_occur_by_default(self):
        n_components = 3
        smm = SemiMarkov(n_components, rng=4)

        n_seq = 5
        n = 200
        for i in range(n_seq):
            seq = smm.sample(n)
            pairs = set(zip(seq, seq[1:]))

            self.assertEqual(len(pairs), n_components * (n_components - 1))
Example #12
    def test_transform_second_retval_is_usage_seq_from_semi_markov_when_ret_usseq(
        arma_hsmm = ArmaHSMM(self.armas)

        n = 15
        _, usage_seq = arma_hsmm.transform(n, return_usage_seq=True)

        smm = SemiMarkov(2)
        usage_seq_exp = smm.sample(n)

        np.testing.assert_allclose(usage_seq, usage_seq_exp)
Example #13
    def test_single_non_zero_initial_prob(self):
        n_components = 6
        start_prob = np.zeros(n_components)
        state_idx = 3
        start_prob[state_idx] = 1.0
        smm = SemiMarkov(n_components, start_prob=start_prob)

        n_seq = 40
        n = 4
        for i in range(n_seq):
            seq = smm.sample(n)
            self.assertEqual(seq[0], state_idx, f"at iteration {i}")
Example #14
    def test_all_states_occur_by_default(self):
        n_components = 5
        smm = SemiMarkov(n_components, rng=2)

        n_seq = 50
        n = 3
        all_ini_states = []
        for i in range(n_seq):
            seq = smm.sample(n)

        self.assertEqual(set(all_ini_states), set(range(n_components)))
Example #15
    def test_additional_init_kwargs_passed_to_semi_markov(self):
        kwargs = dict(max_dwell=20, rng=5)
        arma_hsmm = ArmaHSMM(self.armas, **kwargs)

        n = 15
        _, _, usage_seq = arma_hsmm.transform(n,

        smm = SemiMarkov(2, **kwargs)
        usage_seq_exp = smm.sample(n)

        np.testing.assert_allclose(usage_seq, usage_seq_exp)
Example #16
class TestSemiMarkovStateContentOfOutputIsRight(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.n_components = 4
        self.smm = SemiMarkov(self.n_components, rng=1)

    def test_all_states_are_between_zero_and_n_components(self):
        n = 100
        seq = self.smm.sample(n)

        self.assertGreaterEqual(np.min(seq), 0)
        self.assertLess(np.max(seq), self.n_components)

    def test_lowest_state_in_long_sequence_is_zero(self):
        n = 200
        seq = self.smm.sample(n)

        self.assertEqual(np.min(seq), 0)

    def test_highest_state_in_long_sequence_is_n_components_minus_one(self):
        n = 200
        seq = self.smm.sample(n)

        self.assertEqual(np.max(seq), self.n_components - 1)
Example #17
class TestSemiMarkovWithPseudorandom(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.n_components = 4
        self.smm = SemiMarkov(self.n_components)

    def test_repeated_runs_yield_different_results(self):
        n = 100
        seq1 = self.smm.sample(n)
        seq2 = self.smm.sample(n)

        self.assertGreater(np.max(np.abs(seq1 - seq2)), 0)

    def test_default_seed_is_zero(self):
        smm2 = SemiMarkov(self.n_components, rng=0)

        n = 50
        seq1 = self.smm.sample(n)
        seq2 = smm2.sample(n)

        np.testing.assert_equal(seq1, seq2)

    def test_output_is_int(self):
        n = 23
        seq = self.smm.sample(n)

        dtype = np.asarray(seq).dtype
        self.assertTrue(np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer))

    def test_int_seed_uses_numpy_default_rng(self):
        smm2 = SemiMarkov(self.n_components, rng=np.random.default_rng(0))

        n = 43
        seq1 = self.smm.sample(n)
        seq2 = smm2.sample(n)

        np.testing.assert_equal(seq1, seq2)
Example #18
    def test_several_non_zero_initial_prob(self):
        n_components = 6
        start_prob = np.zeros(n_components)
        state_idxs = [1, 3, 5]
        start_prob[state_idxs] = 1.0 / len(state_idxs)
        smm = SemiMarkov(n_components, start_prob=start_prob, rng=1)

        n_seq = 40
        n = 4
        all_ini_states = []
        for i in range(n_seq):
            seq = smm.sample(n)
            self.assertIn(seq[0], state_idxs, f"at iteration {i}")


        self.assertEqual(set(all_ini_states), set(state_idxs))
Example #19
    def test_absorbing_state(self):
        n_components = 3
        abs_idx = 2
        dwell_times = np.ones(n_components)
        dwell_times[abs_idx] = np.inf
        smm = SemiMarkov(n_components, dwell_times=dwell_times)

        n_seq = 10
        n = 16
        for i in range(n_seq):
            seq = smm.sample(n)
            where_abs = (seq == abs_idx).nonzero()[0]

            # make sure we reach absorbing state
            self.assertGreater(len(where_abs), 0)

            # and stay there once we've reached it
            np.testing.assert_equal(seq[where_abs[0]:], abs_idx)
    def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> SwitchingSnippetSignal:
        """ Generate a signal.

            The index of the signal to generate.

        Returns a `SwitchingSnippetSignal` instance. Note that the signal is generated
        anew every time it is accessed, making this a potentially time-consuming
        if idx < 0:
            idx = self.n_signals + idx
        if idx < 0 or idx >= self.n_signals:
            raise IndexError("index out of range")

        seed = self.signal_seeds[idx]
        rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)

        # create an ArmaHSMM instance
        semi_markov = SemiMarkov(len(self.snippets),
        usage_seq = semi_markov.sample(self.n_samples)

        # generate the signal
        y = np.zeros(self.n_samples)
        usage_rle = rle_encode(usage_seq)
        idx = 0
        for elem, n in usage_rle:
            crt_snippet = self.snippets[elem]
            crt_start = rng.integers(0, len(crt_snippet) - n + 1)
            y[idx:idx + n] = crt_snippet[crt_start:crt_start + n]
            idx += n

        # normalize, if asked to
        if self.normalize:
            scale = 1.0 / np.std(y)
            y *= scale
            scale = 1.0

        return SwitchingSnippetSignal(y=y, usage_seq=usage_seq, scale=scale)
Example #21
    def test_deterministic_cyclic_transitions(self):
        n_components = 4
        cycle = [2, 3, 1, 0]
        trans_mat = np.zeros((n_components, n_components))
        allowed_pairs = set()
        for i in range(len(cycle)):
            s1 = cycle[i]
            s2 = cycle[(i + 1) % len(cycle)]
            trans_mat[s1, s2] = 1.0
            allowed_pairs.add((s1, s2))
        smm = SemiMarkov(n_components, trans_mat=trans_mat)

        n_seq = 6
        n = 40
        for i in range(n_seq):
            seq = smm.sample(n)
            pairs = set(zip(seq, seq[1:]))

            for s1, s2 in pairs:
                self.assertIn((s1, s2), allowed_pairs, f"iteration {i}")
Example #22
class ArmaHSMM(object):
    """ A hidden semi-Markov model with ARMA emissions.

    This class can be used to generate samples from a non-stationary stochastic
    process that stochastically switches between several ARMA processes based on
    a hidden semi-Markov model.

    n_features : int
        Number of input dimensions. This is always equal to 1.
     n_components : int
        Number of output dimensions.This is always equal to 1.
        Sequence of models to use.
        Semi-Markov model used to generate ARMA states.

    def __init__(self, models: Sequence, **kwargs):
        """ Initialize the ARMA HSMM.

            Sequence of models to use. This sets the number of states in the
            semi-Markov model.
        All other keyword arguments are passed to the semi-Markov model
        self.models = models
        self.smm = SemiMarkov(len(models), **kwargs)

        self.n_features = 1
        self.n_components = 1

    def transform(
        n_samples: Optional[int] = None,
        X: Union[None, Sequence, Callable] = None,
        initial_conditions: Optional[Tuple[Sequence, Sequence]] = None,
        return_input: bool = False,
        return_usage_seq: bool = False,
    ) -> Union[
        Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray],
        Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray],
        """ Process input samples.

        The function uses exactly `n_samples` input samples.

        If no input source is explicitly provided, the default source for each
        of the ARMAs is used. An exception is raised if a process needs to be
        used that does not have a default source.

            Number of samples to generate. If not provided, `U` must be provided
            and it must be a sequence.
            Input samples or input generator. See `Arma.transform`.
            A tuple, `(initial_y, initial_x)`, of recent samples of the output
            and input sequences used to seed the simulation. If these are not
            provided, they are assumed equal to zero.
            If true, returns both output and input. If false (the default), returns only
            the output.
            If true, returns the `usage_seq` in addition to output (and potentially

        Returns either a single array (`Y`) if `return_input` and `return_usage_seq` are
        both false; or a tuple `(Y, X)` or `(Y, usage_sea)` if only `return_input` or
        only `return_usage_seq` is true, respectively; or a tuple `(Y, X, usage_seq)` if
        both are true. Here `Y` is an array of generated `y`; `X` contains the input `x`
        samples; and `usage_seq` is an integer array indicating which model was used at
        each time step. If the `X` parameter was used and was a sequence, the output `X`
        simply mirrors the input `X`.
        # check inputs
        if n_samples is None:
            if X is None or not hasattr(X, "__len__"):
                raise ValueError("Need either n_samples or sequence U.")
            n_samples = len(X)

        # generate usage sequence, then use sample_switching_models
        usage_seq = self.smm.sample(n_samples)
        y, x = sample_switching_models(

        res = (y,)
        if return_input:
            res = res + (x,)
        if return_usage_seq:
            res = res + (usage_seq,)

        if len(res) == 1:
            return res[0]
            return res

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        r = f"ArmaHSMM(models={repr(self.models)}, smm={repr(self.smm)})"
        return r

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        s = f"ArmaHSMM(models={str(self.models)}, smm={str(self.smm)})"
        return s
Example #23
    def test_no_error(self):
        smm = SemiMarkov(5, rng=np.random.RandomState(1))
        n = 13
        seq = smm.sample(n)

        self.assertEqual(len(seq), n)