Example #1
    def middleware(request):
        This function is called on every request.

        It triggers actions for authenticated users.
        user, session = request.user, request.session

        # Views for anonymous users are not analzed further.
        if user.is_anonymous:
            return get_response(request)

        # Banned and suspended will be logged out.
        if auth.is_suspended(user=user):
                           f"Account is {user.profile.get_state_display()}")

        # Update a new user into trusted after 10 votes.
        # TODO: change to a separate function and a different policy.
        if (user.profile.state == Profile.NEW) and (user.profile.score > 10):
            user.profile.state = Profile.TRUSTED

        # Parses the ip of the request.
        ip = get_ip(request)

        # Find out the time since the last visit.
        elapsed = (now() - user.profile.last_login).total_seconds()

        # Update information since the last visit.
        if elapsed > settings.SESSION_UPDATE_SECONDS:
            # Detect user location if not set in the profile.
            detect_location.spool(ip=ip, user_id=user.id)

            # Set the last login time.

            # The number of new messages since last visit.
            message_count = Message.objects.filter(recipient=user,

            # The number of new votes since last visit.
            vote_count = Vote.objects.filter(

            # Store the counts into the session.
            counts = dict(message_count=message_count, vote_count=vote_count)

            # Set the session.
            request.session[const.COUNT_DATA_KEY] = counts

        response = get_response(request)

        # Can process response here after its been handled by the view

        return response
Example #2
    def middleware(request):

        user, session = request.user, request.session

        # Views for anonymous users are not analzed further.
        if user.is_anonymous:
            return get_response(request)

        # Banned and suspended will be logged out.
        if auth.is_suspended(user=user):
            messages.error(request, f"Account is {user.profile.get_state_display()}")


        # Find out the time since the last visit.
        elapsed = (now() - user.profile.last_login).total_seconds()

        # Update information since the last visit.
        if elapsed > settings.SESSION_UPDATE_SECONDS:

            # Detect user location if not set in the profile.
            ip = helpers.get_ip(request)

            # Detect user location if not set in the profile.
            if not user.profile.location:
                detect_location.spool(ip=ip, user_id=user.id)

            # Set the last login time.

            # Compute latest counts.
            counts = auth.get_counts(user=user)

            # Set the session.
            request.session[settings.SESSION_COUNT_KEY] = counts

            # Trigger award generation.

        # Can process response here after its been handled by the view
        response = get_response(request)

        return response