Example #1
Created on Thu Mar 15 09:36:15 2018

All species for the biodiesel production section of the lipid cane baseline biorefinery are defined here in the Species object, biodiesel_species.

@author: Yoel Rene Cortes-Pena
from biosteam import Species
from biosteam.compounds import Chemical, Substance
from .lipid import lipid

__all__ = ['biodiesel_species']

# %% Make species

sp = Species('Methanol', 'Glycerol', 'Water')
sp.Lipid = lipid  # Triolein
sp.Biodiesel = Chemical('methyl oleate')
# sp.FreeLipid = Chemical('oleic acid')

# %% Enthalpy of formations
sp.Lipid.Hf = -2193.7 * 1000  # https://webbook.nist.gov/cgi/cbook.cgi?ID=C122327&Mask=2
#sp.free_lipid.Hfm = -764.80 * 1000
sp.Biodiesel.Hf = -727.64 * 1000
sp.Glycerol.Hf = -669.6 * 1000

# %% Missing properties

sp.Lipid.Tb = 879.9  # Boiling point of Triolein
sp.Lipid.dipole = 0.1
sp.Biodiesel.dipole = 0
@author: Yoel Rene Cortes-Pena
from biosteam import Species
from biosteam.compounds import Substance
from .ethanol import ethanol_species
from .biodiesel import lipid

__all__ = ['pretreatment_species']

sp = Species()
for name in ('Ash', 'Cellulose', 'Flocculant', 'Hemicellulose', 'Lignin',
    setattr(sp, name, Substance(name, rho=1540))

sp.Lipid = lipid
sp.Lipid.ID = 'Lipid'
sp.CaO = Substance('CaO', MW=56.0774, rho=1540)
sp.setprops(sp.IDs, 'Hf', 0)
sp.setprops(sp.IDs, 'T_ref', 298.15)

# %% Heat capacities

# References
# https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0032386182901252
# https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10853-013-7815-6

pretreatment_species = Species.tospecies(tuple(ethanol_species) + tuple(sp))
sp = pretreatment_species
sp.Ash.Cp = sp.Ash.Cpm = 0.09 * 4184 / 1000  # from Kumar
sp.CaO.Cp = 1023.88 / 1000  # from Kumar