def test4a_create_encrypted_multiwallet():
    wallet = BismuthMultiWallet("tmp/wallet3.json", seed="seed2")
    wallet.new_address(label="ad1", password="******", salt="1")  # Will auto save
    wallet.encrypt("some_password", current_password=None)  # Will auto save
    assert wallet._addresses[0][
        'address'] == '59994eac4a36942fdbb05e33a353f72850f26112123840844bedb870'
    def load_multi_wallet(self, wallet_file='wallet.json'):
        Tries to load the wallet file

        :param wallet_file: string, a wallet.json file
        # TODO: Refactor
        self.wallet_file = None
        self.address = None
        self._wallet = None
        self._wallet = BismuthMultiWallet(wallet_file, verbose=self.verbose)
        if len(self._wallet._data["addresses"]) == 0:
            # Create a first address by default
        self.wallet_file = wallet_file
        if self.address != self._wallet.address:
        self.address = self._wallet.address
    def load_wallet(self, wallet_file='wallet.der'):
        Tries to load the wallet file

        :param wallet_file: string, a wallet.der file
        # Default values, fail
        self.wallet_file = None
        self.address = None
        self._wallet = None
        self._wallet = BismuthWallet(wallet_file, verbose=self.verbose)
        self.wallet_file = wallet_file
        if self.address != self._wallet.address:
        self.address = self._wallet.address
Example #4
Script for generating a legacy wallet.der from an encrypted Tornado wallet.json

import json
import getpass
from bismuthclient.bismuthmultiwallet import BismuthMultiWallet

w = BismuthMultiWallet()

info =
N = info['count']
print("The multiwallet contains {} addresses:".format(N))

address = input('Address you want to export: ')
password = getpass.getpass('Enter wallet master password:'******'Private Key'] = repr(
    w.key.exportKey().decode('unicode_escape')).replace("'", "")
wallet['Public Key'] = repr(
    w.public_key).encode().decode('unicode_escape').replace("'", "")
wallet['Address'] = address
def test4b_addto_encrypted_multiwallet():
    wallet = BismuthMultiWallet("tmp/wallet3.json")
    wallet.new_address(label="ad2", password="******", salt="2")  # Will auto save
    for address in wallet._addresses:
def test3_create_empty_encrypted_multiwallet():
    wallet = BismuthMultiWallet("tmp/wallet2.json", seed="seed2")
    with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info:
        wallet.encrypt("some_password", current_password=None)
def test2b_read_address():
    wallet = BismuthMultiWallet("tmp/wallet1.json")
    assert wallet._addresses[0][
        'address'] == '59994eac4a36942fdbb05e33a353f72850f26112123840844bedb870'
def test2_add_address():
    wallet = BismuthMultiWallet("tmp/wallet1.json", seed="seed2")
    wallet.new_address(label="ad1", password="******", salt="1")
def test1_create_clear_multiwallet():
    wallet = BismuthMultiWallet("tmp/wallet1.json", seed="seed1")
class BismuthClient():

    __slots__ = ('initial_servers_list', 'servers_list', 'app_log', '_loop', 'address', '_current_server',
                 'wallet_file', '_wallet', '_connection', '_cache', 'verbose', 'full_servers_list', 'time_drift',
                 '_alias_cache', '_alias_cache_file')

    def __init__(self, servers_list=None, app_log=None, loop=None, wallet_file='', verbose=False):
        Init the main class.

        :param servers_list: list of "ip:port" wallet servers
        :param app_log:
        :param loop: None of an asyncio loop
        :param address:
        self.verbose = verbose
        if not servers_list:
            servers_list = []
        self.initial_servers_list = servers_list
        if app_log:
            self.app_log = app_log
        elif logging.getLogger("tornado.application"):
            self.app_log = logging.getLogger("tornado.application")
            self.app_log = logging
        self._loop = loop
        self.wallet_file = None
        self._wallet = None
        self.address = None
        self.servers_list = servers_list
        self.full_servers_list = None
        self._current_server = None
        self._connection = None
        self._cache = {}
        # address: [alias, expiration_ts]
        self._alias_cache = {}
        self._alias_cache_file = None
        # Difference between local time and server time.
        self.time_drift = 0

    # Alias functions

    def set_alias_cache_file(self, filename:str):
        """Define an optional file for persistent storage of alias data"""
        self._alias_cache_file = filename
        # Try to load
        if path.isfile(filename):
            with open(filename) as f:
                self._alias_cache = json.load(f)

    def get_aliases_of(self, addresses: list) -> dict:
        """Get alias from a list of addresses. returns a dict {address:alias (or '')}"""
        # Filter out the ones from valid cache
        now = time()
        addresses = set(addresses)  # dedup
        cached = { address: self._alias_cache[address][0] for address in addresses if address in self._alias_cache and self._alias_cache[address][1] > now}
        print("cached", cached)
        # Ask for the rest.
        unknown = [address for address in addresses if address not in cached]
        aliases = self.command("aliasesget", [unknown])
        # Returns a list of aliases (or addresses if no alias)
        # print("aliases", aliases)
        new = dict(zip(unknown, aliases))
        for address, alias in new.items():
            # cache empty ones for 1 hour, existing ones for a day.
            if address == alias:
                self._alias_cache[address] = [alias, now + 3600]
                self._alias_cache[address] = [alias, now + 3600 * 24]
        # save cache if alias_cache_file is defined
        if self._alias_cache_file:
            with open(self._alias_cache_file, 'w') as fp:
                json.dump(self._alias_cache, fp)
        # return merge
        return {**cached, **new}

    def has_alias(self, address):
        """Does this address have an alias? - not the most efficient, prefer get_aliases_of for batch ops."""
        return self.get_aliases_of([address]) != ''

    def alias_exists(self, alias):
        """Does this alias exists?"""
        # if we have in cache, it does.
        for address, info in self._alias_cache:
            if info[0] == alias:
                return True
        # if not, ask the chain (do not cache there)
        return self.command("aliascheck", [alias])

    # End of alias functions

    def _get_cached(self, key, timeout_sec=30):
        if key in self._cache:
            data = self._cache[key]
            if data[0] + timeout_sec >= time():
                if self.verbose:
          "Cache Hit on {}".format(key))
                    # print(data[1])
                return data[1]
        return None

    def _set_cache(self, key, value):
        self._cache[key] = (time(), value)

    def clear_cache(self):
        self._cache = {}

    def current_server(self):
        return self._current_server

    def user_subdir(subdir):
        """Returns a path to subdir in the user data directory. Path will be created if it does not exist."""
        home = os.path.expanduser('~')
        location = os.path.join(home, subdir)
        if not os.path.isdir(location):
            os.makedirs(location, exist_ok=True)
        return location

    def list_wallets(self, scan_dir='wallets'):
        Returns a list of dict for each wallet file found in the dir to scan.

        Each dict has the following keys: 'file', 'address', 'encrypted'

        :param scan_dir: string, the dir to scan for wallet (*.der files).
        wallets = []
        for entry in scandir(scan_dir):
            # print(entry)
            if'.der') and entry.is_file():
        # TODO: sorts by name
        return wallets

    def latest_transactions(self, num=10, offset=0, for_display=False, mempool_included=False):
        Returns the list of the latest num transactions for the current address.
        if mempool_inc is True, also return (in addition to num, start of the list) the tx currently in mempool.

        Each transaction is a dict with the following keys:
        `["block_height", "timestamp", "address", "recipient", "amount", "signature", "public_key", "block_hash", "fee", "reward", "operation", "openfield"]`
        if not self.address or not self._wallet:
            return []
            key = "tx{}-{}".format(num, offset)
            cached = self._get_cached(key)
            if cached:
                return cached
            if offset == 0:
                transactions = self.command("addlistlim", [self.address, num])
                transactions = self.command("addlistlimfrom", [self.address, num, offset])
            if mempool_included:
                transactions_mempool = self.command("mpgetfor", [self.address])
                transactions = transactions_mempool
            # print(transactions)
            # TODO: Handle retry, at least error message.
            transactions = []

        #json = [dict(zip(["block_height", "timestamp", "address", "recipient", "amount", "signature", "public_key", "block_hash", "fee", "reward", "operation", "openfield"], tx)) for tx in transactions]
        json = [TxFormatter(tx).to_json(for_display=for_display) for tx in transactions]
        # print(json)
        self._set_cache(key, json)
        return json

    def balance(self, for_display=False):
        Returns the current balance for the current address.
        if not self.address or not self._wallet:
            return 'N/A'
            balance = self._get_cached('balance')
            if not balance:
                balance = self.command("balanceget", [self.address])[0]
                self._set_cache('balance', balance)
                balance = self._get_cached('balance')
        except Exception as e:
            return 'N/A'
        if for_display:
            balance = AmountFormatter(balance).to_string(leading=0)
        if balance == '0E-8':
            balance = 0.000
        return balance

    def global_balance(self, for_display=False):
        Returns the current global balance for all addresses of current multiwallet.
        if not type(self._wallet) == BismuthMultiWallet:
            raise RuntimeWarning("Not a Multiwallet")
        if not self.address or not self._wallet:
            return 'N/A'
            address_list = [add['address'] for add in self._wallet._addresses]
            # print('al', address_list)
            balance = self.command("globalbalanceget", [address_list])
            # print('balance', balance)
            balance = balance[0]
            # TODO: Handle retry, at least error message.
            balance = -1  # -1 means "N/A" for AmountFormatter
        if for_display:
            balance = AmountFormatter(balance).to_string(leading=0)
        if balance == '0E-8':
            balance = 0.000
        return balance

    def all_balances(self, for_display=False) -> dict:
        Returns the balance for every single addresses of current multiwallet.
        Time and resource consuming, avoid using this call for the moment!
        if not type(self._wallet) == BismuthMultiWallet:
            raise RuntimeWarning("Not a Multiwallet")
        if not self.address or not self._wallet:
            return 'N/A'
        balances = {}
        for i in range(3):  # retries
                # balances = {add['address']: self.command("balanceget", [add['address']])[0] for add in self._wallet._addresses}
                for add in self._wallet._addresses:
                    if add['address'] not in balances:
                        balances[add['address']] = self.command("balanceget", [add['address']])[0]
            except Exception as e:
                # TODO: Handle retry, at least error message.
                print("Error {} all_balances".format(str(e)))

        if for_display:
            balances = {address: AmountFormatter(balance).to_string(leading=0) for address, balance in balances.items()}
        return balances

    def reject_empty_message_for(self, address: str) -> bool:
        """Hardcoded list."""
        return address in REJECT_EMPTY_MESSAGE_FOR

    def send(self, recipient: str, amount: float, operation: str='', data: str='', error_reply: list=None):
        Sends the given tx
        error_reply = [] if error_reply is None else error_reply
            timestamp = time()
            if self.time_drift > 0:
                # we are more advanced than server, fix and add 0.1 sec safety
                timestamp -= (self.time_drift + 0.1)
                # This is to avoid "rejected transaction because in the future
            # public_key_encoded = base64.b64encode(self._wallet.public_key.encode('utf-8'))
            public_key_encoded = self._wallet.get_encoded_pubkey()

            # signature_enc = bismuthcrypto.sign_with_key(timestamp, self.address, recipient, amount, operation, data, self._wallet.key)
            signature_enc = self._wallet.sign_encoded(timestamp, self.address, recipient, amount, operation, data)

            txid = signature_enc[:56]
            tx_submit = ( '%.2f' % timestamp, self.address, recipient, '%.8f' % float(amount),
                          signature_enc, public_key_encoded, operation, data)
            reply = self.command('mpinsert', [tx_submit])
            if self.verbose:
                print("Server replied '{}'".format(reply))
            if reply[-1] != "Success":
                print("Error '{}'".format(reply))
                return None
            if not reply:
                print("Server timeout")
                error_reply.append('Server timeout')
                return None
            return txid
        except Exception as e:
            exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
            fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]
            print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)

    def sign(self, message: str):
        Signs the given message
            signature = bismuthcrypto.sign_message_with_key(message, self._wallet.key)
            return signature
        except Exception as e:
            exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
            fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]
            print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)

    def encrypt(self, message: str, recipient:str):
        Encrypts the given message for the recipient
            # Fetch the pubkey of the recipient
            pubkey = self.command('pubkeyget', [recipient])
            # print("pubkey", pubkey, recipient)
            encrypted = bismuthcrypto.encrypt_message_with_pubkey(message, pubkey)
            return encrypted
        except Exception as e:
            exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
            fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]
            print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)

    def decrypt(self, message: str):
        Decrypts the given message
            decrypted = bismuthcrypto.decrypt_message_with_key(message, self._wallet.key)
            return decrypted
        except Exception as e:
            exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
            fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]
            print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)

    def status(self):
        Returns the current status of the wallet server
            cached = self._get_cached('status')
            if cached:
                return cached
            status = self.command("statusjson")
            # print("getstatus", status)
                status['uptime_human'] = str(timedelta(seconds=status['uptime']))
            except Exception as e:
                status['uptime_human'] = 'N/A'
                status['extended'] = self.command("wstatusget")
                status['extended'] = None

            if 'server_timestamp' in status:
                self.time_drift = time() - float(status['server_timestamp'])
                self.time_drift = 0
            status['time_drift'] = self.time_drift

            self._set_cache('status', status)
        except Exception as e:
            # TODO: Handle retry, at least error message.
            status = {}
        return status

    def load_wallet(self, wallet_file='wallet.der'):
        Tries to load the wallet file

        :param wallet_file: string, a wallet.der file
        # Default values, fail
        self.wallet_file = None
        self.address = None
        self._wallet = None
        self._wallet = BismuthWallet(wallet_file, verbose=self.verbose)
        self.wallet_file = wallet_file
        if self.address != self._wallet.address:
        self.address = self._wallet.address

    def load_multi_wallet(self, wallet_file='wallet.json'):
        Tries to load the wallet file

        :param wallet_file: string, a wallet.json file
        # TODO: Refactor
        self.wallet_file = None
        self.address = None
        self._wallet = None
        self._wallet = BismuthMultiWallet(wallet_file, verbose=self.verbose)
        if len(self._wallet._data["addresses"]) == 0:
            # Create a first address by default
        self.wallet_file = wallet_file
        if self.address != self._wallet.address:
        self.address = self._wallet.address

    def set_address(self, address: str=''):
        if not type(self._wallet) == BismuthMultiWallet:
            raise RuntimeWarning("Not a Multiwallet")
        if self.address != self._wallet.address:
        self.address = self._wallet.address

    def new_wallet(self, wallet_file='wallet.der'):
        Creates a new wallet if it does not already exists

        :param wallet_file: string, a wallet.der file
        # Default values, fail
        wallet = BismuthWallet(wallet_file, verbose=self.verbose)

    def wallet(self, full=False):
        returns info about the currently loaded wallet

        if full is True, also force a check of the current balance.

    def info(self):
        returns a dict with server info: ip, port, latest server status
        connected = False
        if self._connection:
            connected = bool(self._connection.sdef)
        info = {"wallet": self.wallet_file, "address": self.address, "server": self._current_server,
                "servers_list": self.servers_list, "full_servers_list": self.full_servers_list,
                "connected": connected}
        return info

    def get_server(self):
        Tries to find the best available server given the config and sets self._current_server for later use.

        Returns the first connectible server.
        # Use the API or bench to get the best one.
        if not len(self.initial_servers_list):
            self.full_servers_list = bismuthapi.get_wallet_servers_legacy(self.initial_servers_list, self.app_log, minver='0.1.5', as_dict=True)
            self.servers_list=["{}:{}".format(server['ip'], server['port']) for server in self.full_servers_list]
            self.servers_list = self.initial_servers_list
            self.full_servers_list = [{"ip": server.split(':')[0], "port": server.split(':')[1],
                                       'load':'N/A', 'height': 'N/A'}
                                      for server in self.servers_list]
        # Now try to connect
        if self.verbose:
            print("self.servers_list", self.servers_list)
        for server in self.servers_list:
            if self.verbose:
                print("test server", server)
            if lwbench.connectible(server):
                self._current_server = server
                # TODO: if self._loop, use async version
                if self.verbose:
                    print("connect server", server)
                self._connection = rpcconnections.Connection(server, verbose=self.verbose)
                return server
        self._current_server = None
        self._connection = None
        # TODO: raise
        return None

    def refresh_server_list(self):
        Gets info from api, add to previous config list.
        backup = list(self.full_servers_list)
        self.full_servers_list = bismuthapi.get_wallet_servers_legacy(self.initial_servers_list, self.app_log,
                                                                      minver='0.1.5', as_dict=True)
        for server in backup:
            is_there = False
            for present in self.full_servers_list:
                if server['ip'] == present['ip'] and server['port'] == present['port']:
            if not is_there:
        self.servers_list = ["{}:{}".format(server['ip'], server['port']) for server in self.full_servers_list]

    def set_server(self, ipport):
        Tries to connect and use the given server
        :param ipport:
        if not lwbench.connectible(ipport):
            self._current_server = None
            self._connection = None
            return False
        self._current_server = ipport
        # TODO: if self._loop, use async version
        if self.verbose:
            print("connect server", ipport)
        self._connection = rpcconnections.Connection(ipport, verbose=self.verbose)
        return ipport

    def command(self, command, options=None):
        Makes sure we have a connection, runs a command and sends back the result.

        :param command: the command as a string
        :param options: optional options to the command, as a list if needed
        :return: the result as a native structure
        if not self._current_server:
            # TODO: failsafe if can't connect
        if self.verbose:
            print("command {}, {}".format(command, options))
        return self._connection.command(command, options)