Example #1
    def increment(self):
        pre: No pre-conditions
        post: It will increase the binary size by 1
        trailingBit = self.leastSignificantBit  # This creates a trail bit
        leadingBit = trailingBit.get_next_bit()  # This creates a leading bit
        put = Bit(
        )  # This creates a put bit which is 1 and adds to the binary number

        while leadingBit != None:  # while there is no leading bit
            if trailingBit.bitValue == 0 and put.bitValue == 0:
                put = Bit(False)
            elif trailingBit.bitValue == 0 and put.bitValue == 1:
                put = Bit(False)
            elif trailingBit.bitValue == 1 and put.bitValue == 0:
                put = Bit(False)
                put = Bit(True)

            trailingBit = leadingBit
            leadingBit = leadingBit.get_next_bit()

        if put.bitValue == 1:  # This conditional statement deals with the exception when there is no more leading bit
            self.numBits += 1
Example #2
    def convert_decimal_to_binary(self, decimal):
        '''pre: The decimal input >= 0, leastSignificantBit = None
            If there IS a number in this object already, it will be clobbered.
        post: leastSignificantBit will point to the first link
        of a linked list representing the "decimal" number in reverse
        order (least to most significant bit)'''

        if (decimal < 0):

        # Now use an algorithm to convert a decimal number to binary.
# Repeatedly divide the number by 2 and keep the remainder.
# It will build the binary number this way.

# Start the process with the first binary number.
        if decimal % 2 == 1:
            self.leastSignificantBit = Bit(True)
            self.leastSignificantBit = Bit(False)
        self.numBits += 1

        # Now loop through the decimal and convert to binary.
        bitRef = self.leastSignificantBit
        remainder = 0
        quotient = decimal / 2

        while quotient > 0:
            remainder = quotient % 2
            quotient = quotient / 2

            bitRef.add_next_bit(remainder == 1)
            bitRef = bitRef.get_next_bit()  # Advance the reference
            self.numBits += 1
Example #3
def main():
    x = TwoBytes(Bit.init_with_value(False), Bit.init_with_value(False))
    y = TwoBytes(Bit.init_with_value(False), Bit.init_with_value(False))

    res, car = x + y

def lis_bit(array):
    M = max(array)
    bit = Bit(max, 0, M)
    for num in array:
        # arr[val] is the lis that ends with val
        a = bit.compute(num - 1)
        bit.update(num, a + 1)
    return bit.compute(M)
Example #5
def full_adder(b1, b2, b3):
    "Takes three bit inputs and outputs (sum, carry)"
    bits = [
        half_adder(pair[0], pair[1])
        for pair in itertools.combinations([b1, b2, b3], 2)
    carry, s = Bit(0), Bit(0)
    for t in bits:
        carry = (carry | t[1])
        s = (s | t[0])
    sum = ~(~carry ^ s)
    return (sum, carry)
Example #6
    def decrement(self, to_dec_flag=None):
        borrow = Bit.from_number(utils.one)
        if to_dec_flag:
            borrow = Bit.from_number(to_dec_flag) & borrow

        output = []

        for bit_i in range(len(self.encrypted_bit_array))[::-1]:
            bit_1 = self.encrypted_bit_array[bit_i]
            output.append((bit_1 ^ borrow))
            borrow = ~bit_1 & borrow

        return Number(output[::-1])
Example #7
    def increment(self, to_inc_flag=None):
        carry = Bit.from_number(utils.one)
        if to_inc_flag:
            carry = Bit.from_number(to_inc_flag) & carry

        output = []

        for bit_i in range(len(self.encrypted_bit_array))[::-1]:
            bit_1 = self.encrypted_bit_array[bit_i]
            output.append((bit_1 ^ carry))
            carry = bit_1 & carry

        return Number(output[::-1])
Example #8
def from_num(num):
    "Helper function to create a 16-bit Multi instance using a number"
    bnum = bin(num)
    b = bnum.index('b') + 1
    pos = Multi(Bit(digit) for digit in bnum[b:])
    pos.insert(0, Bit(0))
    pos = pad_to_digits(16, pos)[0]
    if bnum[0] == '-':
        neg = inc(~pos)
        if len(neg) > 16:
            return neg[1:]
        return Multi(neg)
    return Multi(pos)
Example #9
def alu(x, y, zx, nx, zy, ny, f, no):
    """Calculates a variety of functions on x and y, determined by the combination of control bits
        Outputs (out, zr, ng) where out is the 16-bit Multi result, and zr and ng are single Bits"""

    neg_one = Multi(Bit(digit) for digit in '1111111111111111')

    zero_x = x & Multi(~Bit(zx) for bit in range(16))
    zero_y = y & Multi(~Bit(zy) for bit in range(16))
    x2 = multimux(zero_x, ~zero_x, nx)
    y2 = multimux(zero_y, ~zero_y, ny)
    f_xy = multimux(x2 & y2, add_multi(x2, y2), f)
    out = multimux(f_xy, ~f_xy, no)
    zr = ~(or_multiway(out))
    ng = out[0]

    return (out, zr, ng)
Example #10
def pad_to_digits(mult1, digits, *mult):
    """Takes two Multi arrays and pads them to a specified number of digits
        If both instances have the same length, will return (m1, m2) unchanged. If a Multi instance is longer than the number of digits, 
        will return (m1, m2) unchanged"""
    m = [Multi(m) for m in mult]
    m.insert(0, Multi(mult1))
    base = Multi(Bit(0) for digit in range(digits))
    pad_m = [pad_multi(base, instance)[1] for instance in m]
    return pad_m
Example #11
def pad_multi(mult1, mult2):
    """Takes two Multi arrays and pads the shorter one with Bit(0) if it is a negative number, and Bit(1) if it is negative
    Returns the instances in the order in which they were entered"""
    if len(mult1) == len(mult2):
        return (mult1, mult2)
    longest = Multi(max(mult1, mult2, key=len))
    shortest = Multi(min(mult1, mult2, key=len))
    diff = len(longest) - len(shortest)
    for i in range(diff):
        if shortest.to_decimal() < 0:
            shortest.value.insert(0, Bit(1))
            shortest.value.insert(0, Bit(0))
    assert len(longest) == len(shortest)

    if longest == mult1:
        return (longest, shortest)
    return (shortest, longest)
Example #12
    def from_num(self):
        "Enables construction of a Multi instance using a number or binary number"
            bnum = bin(self)
        except TypeError:
            bnum = self
        b = bnum.index('b') + 1

        return Multi(Bit(int(digit)) for digit in bnum[b:])
Example #13
        class WDTCR(Register):
            """Watchdog Timer Control Register"""

            # bits definition
            WDP0 = Bit(
                0, value=0
            )  # value is optional, but here present for demonstrative purposes
            WDP1 = Bit(1, 0)
            WDP2 = Bit(2, 0)
            WDE = Bit(
                3, value='X'
            )  # init value is undefined, 'X' is a user parameter and not processed
            WDCE = Bit(4, 0)
            WDP3 = Bit(5, 0)
            WDIE = Bit(6, 0)
            WDIF = Bit(7, 0)

            # bit field can unite several bits
            WDP = BitField(WDP3, WDP2, WDP1, WDP0,
                           value=0)  # value is optional

            # custom properties
            _ADR = 0x21
            _BIT_COUNT = 8
            _MASK = 0b_1111_0111

            # more custom properties (these are accessible through class instance)
            def watchdog_time_state(self):
                return {
                    0b00: 'Stopped',
                    0b01: 'Running',
                    0b10: 'Running',
                    0b11: 'Running',
                }[self.WDE.value << 1 | self.WDIE.value]

            def action_on_timeout(self):
                return {
                    0b00: 'None',
                    0b01: 'Interrupt',
                    0b10: 'Reset',
                    0b11: 'Interrupt',
                }[self.WDE.value << 1 | self.WDIE.value]

            def number_of_wdt_oscillator_cycles(self):
                return {i: 2048 * 2**i for i in range(10)}[self.WDP.value]

            def number_of_wdt_oscillator_cycles(self, n):
                self.WDP.value = {2048 * 2**i: i for i in range(10)}[n]
Example #14
    def __init__(self, name="generator", bit_stream=None, channel=0):
        self.name = name
        self.bit_stream = bit_stream
        self.channel = channel

        # Always make a single bit as default, if no bitstream is passed:
        if self.bit_stream is None:
            self.bit_stream = [Bit()]

        self.field = None
        self.shape = None
Example #15
def pad_multi(mult1, mult2):
    "Takes two Multi arrays and pads the shorter one with Bit(0) -- only works for positive numbers"
    if len(mult1) == len(mult2):
        return (mult1, mult2)
    longest = Multi(max(mult1, mult2, key=len))
    shortest = Multi(min(mult1, mult2, key=len))
    diff = len(longest) - len(shortest)
    for i in range(diff):
        shortest.value.insert(0, Bit(0))
    assert len(longest) == len(shortest)

    if longest == mult1:
        return (longest, shortest)
    return (shortest, longest)
Example #16
def pad_to_digits(digits, *mult):
    """Takes a variable number of Multi arrays and pads them to a specified number of digits
        If all instances have the same length, will return [m1, m2...] unchanged. 
        If a Multi instance is longer than the number of digits, will throw an exception"""
    padded = []
    compare = Multi(Bit(0) for digit in range(digits))
    for m in mult:
        if len(m) > digits:
            raise ValueError('{} has more than {} digits'.format(
                str(m), digits))
            pad_m = pad_multi(compare, Multi(m))[1]
    return padded
Example #17
    def move(self, player, position):
        # check if the move is on the board
        if position not in range(0, 9):
            return False

        # get the bit for the move
        bit = self.__bits[position]

        # make sure the spot is available
        if Bit.is_set(self.__get_set(), bit):
            return False
            # player x is stored as 1, o as 0, so set or unset the bit accordingly
            if player == self.PLAYER_X:
                self._status = Bit.set(self._status, bit)
                self._status = Bit.unset(self._status, bit)

            # set the set bit by shifting the position and setting it
            self._status = Bit.set(self._status, bit, self.__position_set)
            # change the player
            self._status = self._status ^ 0x0001
            return True
Example #18
    def __add__(self, num):
        carry = Bit.from_number(utils.zero)

        output = []

        # Treverse in reverse

        for bit_i in range(len(self.encrypted_bit_array))[::-1]:
            bit_1 = self.encrypted_bit_array[bit_i]
            bit_2 = num.encrypted_bit_array[bit_i]

            output.append(bit_1 ^ bit_2 ^ carry)
            carry = (bit_1 & bit_2) | (carry & (bit_1 ^ bit_2))

        return Number(output[::-1])
Example #19
 def __update_positions(self, positions, player_data, icon):
     for i in range(0, 9):
         bit = self.__bits[i]
         if Bit.is_set(player_data, bit):
             positions[i] = icon
Example #20
def from_num(num):
    "Helper function to create a 16-bit Multi instance using a number"
    bnum = bin(num)
    b = bnum.index('b') + 1
    pos = Multi(Bit(digit) for digit in bnum[b:])
    pos.insert(0, Bit(0))
    pos = pad_to_digits(16, pos)[0]
    if bnum[0] == '-':
        neg = inc(~pos)
        if len(neg) > 16:
            return neg[1:]
        return Multi(neg)
    return Multi(pos)

zero = Bit(0)
one = Bit(1)

neg_one = Multi(Bit(digit) for digit in '1111111111111111')
neg_two = Multi(Bit(digit) for digit in '1111111111111110')
neg_three = Multi(Bit(digit) for digit in '1111111111111101')
neg_four = Multi(Bit(digit) for digit in '1111111111111100')
neg_eight = Multi(Bit(digit) for digit in '1111111111111000')

zero16 = Multi([zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero])
one16 = Multi([zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, one])
two16 = Multi([zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, one, zero])
three16 = Multi([zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, one, one])
four16 = Multi([zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, one, zero, zero])
eight16 = Multi([zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, one, zero, zero, zero])
m_16384  = Multi([zero, one, zero, one, zero, zero, one, zero, zero, one, zero, one, zero, one, zero, zero])
Example #21
def inc(m):
    "Increases a Multi instance and returns a 16-bit value"
    m, one = pad_to_digits(16, m, Multi([Bit(1)]))
    return add_multi(m, one)
Example #22
from bit import Bit, nand, mux, dmux
from multi import Multi, pad_multi, pad_to_digits, multimux, or_multiway,\
        multimux_multiway, dmux_multiway
from ALU import *

import unittest

zero = Bit(0)
one = Bit(1)

m_fifteen = Multi([one, one, one, one])
m_fourteen = Multi([one, one, one, zero])
m_eight = Multi([one, zero, zero, zero])
m_three = Multi([one, one])
m_one = Multi([zero, zero, one])
m_zero = Multi([zero])

zero16 = Multi([
    zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero,
    zero, zero, zero, zero
one16 = Multi([
    zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero,
    zero, zero, zero, one
three16 = Multi([
    zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero,
    zero, zero, one, one
eight16 = Multi([
    zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero,
Example #23
 def __init__(self):
     self.bits = [Bit() for i in range(16)]
Example #24
 def __init__(self, username, password, master=None):
     self.master = master
     self.bit = Bit(username, password)
Example #25
class GUI(tk.Frame):

    bit = Bit('', '')

    def __init__(self, username, password, master=None):
        self.master = master
        self.bit = Bit(username, password)

    def create_widgets(self):


        #Moving Average System

        #Interval Text Box, Value Text Box, and Button for 1
        self.ma_value_one = tk.Text(self, height=1, width=10)
        self.ma_value_one.grid(row=3, column=2)
        self.ma_interval_one = tk.Text(self, height=1, width=10)
        self.ma_interval_one.grid(row=3, column=1)
        self.get_ma_one = tk.Button(self)
        self.get_ma_one["text"] = "Get Moving Average"
            "command"] = lambda arg1=self.ma_value_one, arg2=self.ma_interval_one: self.get_moving_average(
                arg1, arg2)
        self.get_ma_one.grid(row=3, column=0)

        #Interval Text Box, Value Text Box, and Button for 2
        self.ma_value_two = tk.Text(self, height=1, width=10)
        self.ma_value_two.grid(row=4, column=2)
        self.ma_interval_two = tk.Text(self, height=1, width=10)
        self.ma_interval_two.grid(row=4, column=1)
        self.get_ma_two = tk.Button(self)
        self.get_ma_two["text"] = "Get Moving Average"
            "command"] = lambda arg1=self.ma_value_two, arg2=self.ma_interval_two: self.get_moving_average(
                arg1, arg2)
        self.get_ma_two.grid(row=4, column=0)

        #Text Box for Market Price
        self.mp = tk.Text(self, height=1, width=25)
        self.mp.insert(tk.END, "Getting Market Price...")
        self.master.after(10000, self.update_market_price)
        self.mp.grid(row=1, column=1)

        #Quit Button
        self.quit = tk.Button(self,
        self.quit.grid(row=5, column=1)

    def get_moving_average(self, ma, ma_value):
        print("Getting moving average...")
        ma.delete("1.0", tk.END)
        value = int(self.retrieve_input_from_TB(ma_value))
        btc_ma = self.bit.get_moving_average()
        ma.insert(tk.END, btc_ma)

    def retrieve_input_from_TB(self, ma_value):
        input = ma_value.get("1.0", tk.END)
        return input

    def get_market_value(self):
        input = self.bit.get_market_value()
        return input

    def update_market_price(self):
        print("Updating Market Price...")
        self.mp.delete("1.0", tk.END)
        market_price = self.get_market_value()
        self.mp.insert(tk.END, market_price)
        self.master.after(60000, self.update_market_price)
Example #26
 def from_plaintext(number, ctx, secret, size=8):
     array = Number.create_binary_array(number, size)
     for i, bit in enumerate(array):
         array[i] = Bit.from_plaintext(bit, ctx, secret)
     return Number(array)
Example #27
def or_multiway(mult):
    "Iterates through a Multi instance and returns Bit(1) if any bits = 1, and Bit(0) if all bits = 0"
    # This may be less clear than the previous version, but it's a good
    # opportunity to learn about reduce (otherwise known as fold) if you
    # haven't seen it before :).
    return reduce(lambda base, bit: base | bit, mult, Bit(0))
from bit import Bit, nand, mux, dmux
from multi import Multi, multimux, or_multiway, multimux_multiway, dmux_multiway, pad_to_digits, pad_multi
from ALU import half_adder, full_adder, add_multi, inc, alu

import unittest

zero = Bit(0)
one = Bit(1)

def from_num(num):
    "Helper function to create a 16-bit Multi instance using a number"
    bnum = bin(num)
    b = bnum.index('b') + 1
    pos = Multi(Bit(digit) for digit in bnum[b:])
    pos.insert(0, Bit(0))
    pos = pad_to_digits(16, pos)[0]
    if bnum[0] == '-':
        neg = inc(~pos)
        if len(neg) > 16:
            return neg[1:]
        return Multi(neg)
    return Multi(pos)

m_fifteen = Multi([one, one, one, one])
m_fourteen = Multi([one, one, one, zero])
m_eight = Multi([one, zero, zero, zero])
m_three = Multi([one, one])
m_two = Multi([zero, one, zero])
m_one = Multi([zero, zero, one])
m_zero = Multi([zero])
Example #29
 def get_player(data):
     # if the player bit is set then the current player is x, else it is o
     if Bit.is_set(data, Board.__player_bit):
         return Board.PLAYER_X
         return Board.PLAYER_O
Example #30
import pytest

from bit import Bit

test_input = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
test_load = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0]
test_output = [0, 1, 1, 1, 0]

bit = Bit()

def test_bit():
    for i in range(len(test_input)):
        result = bit.compute(test_input[i], test_load[i])
        assert result == test_output[
            i], 'Error, in: {}, load: {} should output: {} but got: {}'.format(
                test_input[i - 1], test_load[i - 1], test_output[i], result)
Example #31
 def __set_player(self, player):
     if player == self.PLAYER_X:
         self._status = Bit.set(self._status, self.__player_bit)
         self._status = Bit.unset(self._status, self.__player_bit)