Example #1
def generate_single_podle_sig(priv, i):
    """Make a podle entry for key priv at index i, using a dummy utxo value.
    This calls the underlying 'raw' code based on the class PoDLE, not the
    library 'generate_podle' which intelligently searches and updates commitments.
    dummy_utxo = btc.sha256(priv) + ":3"
    podle = btc.PoDLE(dummy_utxo, binascii.hexlify(priv))
    r = podle.generate_podle(i)
    return (r['P'], r['P2'], r['sig'], r['e'], r['commit'])
Example #2
 def generate_single_podle_sig(u, priv, i):
     """Make a podle entry for key priv at index i, using a dummy utxo value.
     This calls the underlying 'raw' code based on the class PoDLE, not the
     library 'generate_podle' which intelligently searches and updates commitments.
     #Convert priv to hex
     hexpriv = btc.from_wif_privkey(priv, vbyte=get_p2pk_vbyte())
     podle = btc.PoDLE(u, hexpriv)
     r = podle.generate_podle(i)
     return (r['P'], r['P2'], r['sig'], r['e'], r['commit'])
Example #3
def test_tx_commitments_used(setup_podle, consume_tx, age_required, cmt_age):
    tries = jm_single().config.getint("POLICY", "taker_utxo_retries")
    #remember and reset at the end
    taker_utxo_age = jm_single().config.getint("POLICY", "taker_utxo_age")
    jm_single().config.set("POLICY", "taker_utxo_age", str(age_required))
    #Don't want to wait too long, but must account for possible
    #throttling with !auth
    jm_single().maker_timeout_sec = 12
    amount = 0
    wallets = make_wallets(3,
                           wallet_structures=[[1, 2, 1, 0, 0], [1, 2, 0, 0, 0],
                                              [2, 2, 1, 0, 0]],
    #the sendpayment bot uses the last wallet in the list
    wallet = wallets[2]['wallet']

    #make_wallets calls grab_coins which mines 1 block per individual payout,
    #so the age of the coins depends on where they are in that list. The sendpayment
    #is the last wallet in the list, and we choose the non-tx utxos which are in
    #mixdepth 1 and 2 (2 and 1 utxos in each respectively). We filter for those
    #that have sufficient age, so to get 1 which is old enough, it will be the oldest,
    #which will have an age of 2 + 1 (the first utxo spent to that wallet).
    #So if we need an age of 6, we need to mine 3 more blocks.
    blocks_reqd = cmt_age - 3
    yigen_procs = []
    for i in range(2):
        ygp = local_command([python_cmd, yg_cmd,\
                             str(wallets[i]['seed'])], bg=True)
        time.sleep(2)  #give it a chance

    destaddr = btc.privkey_to_address(binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(32)),
    addr_valid, errormsg = validate_address(destaddr)
    assert addr_valid, "Invalid destination address: " + destaddr + \
           ", error message: " + errormsg

    log.debug('starting sendpayment')

    log.debug("Here is the whole wallet: \n" + str(wallet.unspent))
    #Trigger PING LAG sending artificially
    joinmarket.irc.PING_INTERVAL = 3

    mcs = [IRCMessageChannel(c) for c in get_irc_mchannels()]
    mcc = MessageChannelCollection(mcs)
    if consume_tx:
        #add all utxo in mixdepth 0 to 'used' list of commitments,
        utxos = wallet.get_utxos_by_mixdepth()[0]
        for u, addrval in utxos.iteritems():
            priv = wallet.get_key_from_addr(addrval['address'])
            podle = btc.PoDLE(u, priv)
            for i in range(tries):
                #loop because we want to use up all retries of this utxo
                commitment = podle.generate_podle(i)['commit']

    #Now test a sendpayment from mixdepth 0 with all the depth 0 utxos
    #used up, so that the other utxos in the wallet get used.
    taker = sendpayment.SendPayment(mcc, wallet, destaddr, amount, 2, 5000, 3,
                                    0, True, weighted_order_choose)
        log.debug('starting message channels')
        if any(yigen_procs):
            for ygp in yigen_procs:
                #NB *GENTLE* shutdown is essential for
                #test coverage reporting!
    #wait for block generation
    received = jm_single().bc_interface.get_received_by_addr(
        [destaddr], None)['data'][0]['balance']
    jm_single().config.set("POLICY", "taker_utxo_age", str(taker_utxo_age))
    if cmt_age < age_required:
        assert received == 0, "Coins arrived but shouldn't"
        assert received != 0, "sendpayment failed - coins not arrived, " +\
           "received: " + str(received)
Example #4
def test_external_commitment_used(setup_podle):
    tries = jm_single().config.getint("POLICY", "taker_utxo_retries")
    #Don't want to wait too long, but must account for possible
    #throttling with !auth
    jm_single().maker_timeout_sec = 12
    amount = 50000000
    wallets = make_wallets(3,
                           wallet_structures=[[1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                                              [1, 1, 0, 0, 0]],
    #the sendpayment bot uses the last wallet in the list
    wallet = wallets[2]['wallet']
    yigen_procs = []
    for i in range(2):
        ygp = local_command([python_cmd, yg_cmd,\
                             str(wallets[i]['seed'])], bg=True)
        time.sleep(2)  #give it a chance

    #A significant delay is needed to wait for the yield generators to sync
    destaddr = btc.privkey_to_address(binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(32)),
    addr_valid, errormsg = validate_address(destaddr)
    assert addr_valid, "Invalid destination address: " + destaddr + \
           ", error message: " + errormsg

    log.debug('starting sendpayment')


    #Trigger PING LAG sending artificially
    joinmarket.irc.PING_INTERVAL = 3

    mcs = [IRCMessageChannel(c) for c in get_irc_mchannels()]
    mcc = MessageChannelCollection(mcs)
    #add all utxo in mixdepth 0 to 'used' list of commitments,
    utxos = wallet.get_utxos_by_mixdepth()[0]
    for u, addrval in utxos.iteritems():
        priv = wallet.get_key_from_addr(addrval['address'])
        podle = btc.PoDLE(u, priv)
        for i in range(tries):
            #loop because we want to use up all retries of this utxo
            commitment = podle.generate_podle(i)['commit']

    #create a new utxo, notionally from an external source; to make life a little
    #easier we'll pay to another mixdepth, but this is OK because
    #taker does not source from here currently, only from the utxos chosen
    #for the transaction, not the whole wallet. So we can treat it as if
    #external (don't access its privkey).
    utxos = wallet.get_utxos_by_mixdepth()[1]
    ecs = {}
    for u, addrval in utxos.iteritems():
        priv = wallet.get_key_from_addr(addrval['address'])
        ecs[u] = {}
        ecs[u]['reveal'] = {}
        for j in range(tries):
            P, P2, s, e, commit = generate_single_podle_sig(
                binascii.unhexlify(priv), j)
            if 'P' not in ecs[u]:
                ecs[u]['P'] = P
            ecs[u]['reveal'][j] = {'P2': P2, 's': s, 'e': e}
    #Now the conditions described above hold. We do a normal single
    taker = sendpayment.SendPayment(mcc, wallet, destaddr, amount, 2, 5000, 3,
                                    0, True, weighted_order_choose)
        log.debug('starting message channels')
        if any(yigen_procs):
            for ygp in yigen_procs:
                #NB *GENTLE* shutdown is essential for
                #test coverage reporting!
    #wait for block generation
    received = jm_single().bc_interface.get_received_by_addr(
        [destaddr], None)['data'][0]['balance']
    assert received == amount, "sendpayment failed - coins not arrived, " +\
           "received: " + str(received)
    #Cleanup - remove the external commitments added
Example #5
    def make_commitment(self, wallet, input_utxos, cjamount):
        """The Taker default commitment function, which uses PoDLE.
        Alternative commitment types should use a different commit type byte.
        This will allow future upgrades to provide different style commitments
        by subclassing Taker and changing the commit_type_byte; existing makers
        will simply not accept this new type of commitment.
        In case of success, return the commitment and its opening.
        In case of failure returns (None, None) and constructs a detailed
        log for the user to read and discern the reason.
        def filter_by_coin_age_amt(utxos, age, amt):
            results = jm_single().bc_interface.query_utxo_set(utxos,
            newresults = []
            too_old = []
            too_small = []
            for i, r in enumerate(results):
                #results return "None" if txo is spent; drop this
                if not r:
                valid_age = r['confirms'] >= age
                valid_amt = r['value'] >= amt
                if not valid_age:
                if not valid_amt:
                if valid_age and valid_amt:

            return newresults, too_old, too_small

        def priv_utxo_pairs_from_utxos(utxos, age, amt):
            #returns pairs list of (priv, utxo) for each valid utxo;
            #also returns lists "too_old" and "too_small" for any
            #utxos that did not satisfy the criteria for debugging.
            priv_utxo_pairs = []
            new_utxos, too_old, too_small = filter_by_coin_age_amt(
                utxos.keys(), age, amt)
            new_utxos_dict = {k: v for k, v in utxos.items() if k in new_utxos}
            for k, v in new_utxos_dict.iteritems():
                addr = v['address']
                priv = wallet.get_key_from_addr(addr)
                if priv:  #can be null from create-unsigned
                    priv_utxo_pairs.append((priv, k))
            return priv_utxo_pairs, too_old, too_small

        commit_type_byte = "P"
        podle_data = None
        tries = jm_single().config.getint("POLICY", "taker_utxo_retries")
        age = jm_single().config.getint("POLICY", "taker_utxo_age")
        #Minor rounding errors don't matter here
        amt = int(
            cjamount *
            jm_single().config.getint("POLICY", "taker_utxo_amtpercent") /
        priv_utxo_pairs, to, ts = priv_utxo_pairs_from_utxos(
            input_utxos, age, amt)
        #Note that we ignore the "too old" and "too small" lists in the first
        #pass through, because the same utxos appear in the whole-wallet check.

        #For podle data format see: btc.podle.PoDLE.reveal()
        #In first round try, don't use external commitments
        podle_data = btc.generate_podle(priv_utxo_pairs, tries)
        if not podle_data:
            #We defer to a second round to try *all* utxos in wallet;
            #this is because it's much cleaner to use the utxos involved
            #in the transaction, about to be consumed, rather than use
            #random utxos that will persist after. At this step we also
            #allow use of external utxos in the json file.
            if wallet.unspent:
                priv_utxo_pairs, to, ts = priv_utxo_pairs_from_utxos(
                    wallet.unspent, age, amt)
            #Pre-filter the set of external commitments that work for this
            #transaction according to its size and age.
            dummy, extdict = btc.get_podle_commitments()
            if len(extdict.keys()) > 0:
                ext_valid, ext_to, ext_ts = filter_by_coin_age_amt(
                    extdict.keys(), age, amt)
                ext_valid = None
            podle_data = btc.generate_podle(priv_utxo_pairs, tries, ext_valid)
        if podle_data:
            log.debug("Generated PoDLE: " + pprint.pformat(podle_data))
            revelation = btc.PoDLE(u=podle_data['utxo'],
            return (commit_type_byte + podle_data["commit"], revelation)
            #we know that priv_utxo_pairs all passed age and size tests, so
            #they must have failed the retries test. Summarize this info
            #and publish to commitments_debug.txt
            with open("commitments_debug.txt", "wb") as f:
                f.write("THIS IS A TEMPORARY FILE FOR DEBUGGING; "
                        "IT CAN BE SAFELY DELETED ANY TIME.\n")
                f.write("1: Utxos that passed age and size limits, but have "
                        "been used too many times (see taker_utxo_retries "
                        "in the config):\n")
                if len(priv_utxo_pairs) == 0:
                    for p, u in priv_utxo_pairs:
                        f.write(str(u) + "\n")
                f.write("2: Utxos that have less than " +
                        jm_single().config.get("POLICY", "taker_utxo_age") +
                        " confirmations:\n")
                if len(to) == 0:
                    for t in to:
                        f.write(str(t) + "\n")
                f.write("3: Utxos that were not at least " + \
                            "POLICY", "taker_utxo_amtpercent") + "% of the "
                        "size of the coinjoin amount " + str(
                            self.proposed_cj_amount) + "\n")
                if len(ts) == 0:
                    for t in ts:
                        f.write(str(t) + "\n")
                    "Utxos that appeared in item 1 cannot be used again.\n")
                    "Utxos only in item 2 can be used by waiting for more "
                    "confirmations, (set by the value of taker_utxo_age).\n")
                f.write("Utxos only in item 3 are not big enough for this "
                        "coinjoin transaction, set by the value "
                        "of taker_utxo_amtpercent.\n")
                    "If you cannot source a utxo from your wallet according "
                    "to these rules, use the tool add-utxo.py to source a "
                    "utxo external to your joinmarket wallet. Read the help "
                    "with 'python add-utxo.py --help'\n\n")
                f.write("You can also reset the rules in the joinmarket.cfg "
                        "file, but this is generally inadvisable.\n")
                    "***\nFor reference, here are the utxos in your wallet:\n")
                f.write("\n" + str(self.proposed_wallet.unspent))

            return (None, None)