Example #1
def sign_raw_data(raw_data, privatekey):
    Sign a string of data.
    Returns signature as a base64 string
    data_hash = get_data_hash(raw_data)

    pk = ECPrivateKey(privatekey)
    pk_hex = pk.to_hex()

    # force uncompressed
    if len(pk_hex) > 64:
        pk = ECPrivateKey(privkey[:64])
    priv = pk.to_hex()
    pub = pk.public_key().to_hex()

    assert len(pub[2:].decode('hex')) == ecdsa.SECP256k1.verifying_key_length, "BUG: Invalid key decoding"
    sk = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(priv.decode('hex'), curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1)
    sig_bin = sk.sign_digest(data_hash.decode('hex'), sigencode=ecdsa.util.sigencode_der)
    # enforce low-s
    sig_r, sig_s = ecdsa.util.sigdecode_der( sig_bin, ecdsa.SECP256k1.order )
    if sig_s * 2 >= ecdsa.SECP256k1.order:
        log.debug("High-S to low-S")
        sig_s = ecdsa.SECP256k1.order - sig_s

    sig_bin = ecdsa.util.sigencode_der( sig_r, sig_s, ecdsa.SECP256k1.order )

    # sanity check 
    vk = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_string(pub[2:].decode('hex'), curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1)
    assert vk.verify_digest(sig_bin, data_hash.decode('hex'), sigdecode=ecdsa.util.sigdecode_der), "Failed to verify signature ({}, {})".format(sig_r, sig_s)

    return base64.b64encode( bitcoin.encode_sig( None, sig_r, sig_s ).decode('hex') )
Example #2
def ecdsa_sign_bin(msgbin, priv):
    v, r, s = ecdsa_raw_sign(msgbin, priv)
    sig = encode_sig(v, r, s)
    pubkey = privkey_to_pubkey(wif_to_privkey(priv))

    ok = ecdsa_raw_verify(msgbin, decode_sig(sig), pubkey)
    if not ok:
        raise Exception('Bad signature!')
    return sig
Example #3
def sign_raw_data( raw_data, privatekey ):
   Sign a string of data.
   Return a base64-encoded signature.
   data_hash = get_data_hash( raw_data )

   data_sig_bin = pybitcointools.ecdsa_raw_sign( data_hash, privatekey )
   return pybitcointools.encode_sig( data_sig_bin[0], data_sig_bin[1], data_sig_bin[2] )
Example #4
def sign_raw_data( raw_data, privatekey ):
   Sign a string of data.
   Return a base64-encoded signature.
   data_hash = get_data_hash( raw_data )

   data_sig_bin = pybitcointools.ecdsa_raw_sign( data_hash, privatekey )
   return pybitcointools.encode_sig( data_sig_bin[0], data_sig_bin[1], data_sig_bin[2] )
Example #5
def ecdsa_sign(msg: str, wif_priv_key: str, dash_network: str):
    """Signs a message with the Elliptic Curve algorithm."""
    v, r, s = bitcoin.ecdsa_raw_sign(electrum_sig_hash(msg), wif_priv_key)
    sig = bitcoin.encode_sig(v, r, s)
    pubkey = bitcoin.privkey_to_pubkey(wif_to_privkey(wif_priv_key, dash_network))

    ok = bitcoin.ecdsa_raw_verify(electrum_sig_hash(msg), bitcoin.decode_sig(sig), pubkey)
    if not ok:
        raise Exception('Bad signature!')
    return sig
def ecdsa_sign_raw(msg_raw: bytes, wif_priv_key: str, dash_network: str):
    """Signs raw bytes (a message hash) with the Elliptic Curve algorithm.

    v, r, s = bitcoin.ecdsa_raw_sign(msg_raw, wif_priv_key)
    sig = bitcoin.encode_sig(v, r, s)
    pubkey = bitcoin.privkey_to_pubkey(wif_to_privkey(wif_priv_key, dash_network))

    ok = bitcoin.ecdsa_raw_verify(msg_raw, bitcoin.decode_sig(sig), pubkey)
    if not ok:
        raise Exception('Bad signature!')
    return sig
Example #7
def ecdsa_sign(msg, priv):
    Based on project: https://github.com/chaeplin/dashmnb.
    v, r, s = ecdsa_raw_sign(electrum_sig_hash(msg), priv)
    sig = encode_sig(v, r, s)
    pubkey = privkey_to_pubkey(wif_to_privkey(priv))

    ok = ecdsa_raw_verify(electrum_sig_hash(msg), decode_sig(sig), pubkey)
    if not ok:
        raise Exception('Bad signature!')
    return sig
def ecdsa_sign(msg, priv):
    Based on project: https://github.com/chaeplin/dashmnb with some changes related to usage of bitcoin library.
    v, r, s = bitcoin.ecdsa_raw_sign(electrum_sig_hash(msg), priv)
    sig = bitcoin.encode_sig(v, r, s)
    pubkey = bitcoin.privkey_to_pubkey(wif_to_privkey(priv))

    ok = bitcoin.ecdsa_raw_verify(electrum_sig_hash(msg),
                                  bitcoin.decode_sig(sig), pubkey)
    if not ok:
        raise Exception('Bad signature!')
    return sig
def ecdsa_sign(msg: str, wif_priv_key: str, dash_network: str):
    """Signs a message with the Elliptic Curve algorithm.
    Note: Dash core uses uncompressed public keys, so if the private key passed as an argument
    is of compressed format, convert it to an uncompressed
    # wif_priv_key = wif_privkey_to_uncompressed(wif_priv_key)

    v, r, s = bitcoin.ecdsa_raw_sign(electrum_sig_hash(msg), wif_priv_key)
    sig = bitcoin.encode_sig(v, r, s)
    pubkey = bitcoin.privkey_to_pubkey(wif_to_privkey(wif_priv_key, dash_network))

    ok = bitcoin.ecdsa_raw_verify(electrum_sig_hash(msg), bitcoin.decode_sig(sig), pubkey)
    if not ok:
        raise Exception('Bad signature!')
    return sig
Example #10
 def make_sigs(self, outfile, shash):
     """ Make and write signatures to the given output file. """
     for priv in self.privs:
         sig = bitcoin.encode_sig(*bitcoin.ecdsa_raw_sign(shash, priv))
         outfile.write(("SIG " + sig + "\n").encode("ascii"))
Example #11
    msgHash = sha3_256Hash(msg)
    valid = verify(generator_secp256k1, public_key, msgHash, signature)
    return valid

private_key = bitcoin.random_key()
decoded_private_key = bitcoin.decode_privkey(private_key, 'hex')
print("Private Key (hex) is: ", private_key)

# Multiply the EC generator point G with the private key to get a public key point
public_key = bitcoin.fast_multiply(bitcoin.G, decoded_private_key)

# Compress public key, adjust prefix depending on whether y is even or odd
(public_key_x, public_key_y) = public_key
compressed_prefix = '02' if (public_key_y % 2) == 0 else '03'
hex_compressed_public_key = compressed_prefix + \
    (bitcoin.encode(public_key_x, 16).zfill(64))
print("Compressed Public Key (hex) is:", hex_compressed_public_key)

msg = "my name is nabin"
signature = signECDSAsecp256k1(msg, decoded_private_key)
print("Message:", msg)

hex_encoded_signature = bitcoin.encode_sig(23, signature[0], signature[1])
print("Signature(Hex):", hex_encoded_signature)

# ECDSA verify signature (using the curve secp256k1 + SHA3-256)
valid = verifyECDSAsecp256k1("123", signature, public_key)
print("Signature valid?", valid)