Example #1
    def serialize(self):
        Serialize raw block in bytes.

        A block consists of a 80 bytes header:
        * version - 4 bytes
        * previous block - 32 bytes
        * merkle root - 32 bytes
        * timestamp - 4 bytes
        * bits - 4 bytes
        * nonce - 4 bytes

        Followed by a list of raw serialized transactions.

        Method will raise an error if one of the header fields is missing or has an incorrect size.

        :return bytes:
        if len(self.transactions) != self.tx_count or len(
                self.transactions) < 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "Block contains incorrect number of transactions, can not serialize"
        rb = self.version[::-1]
        rb += self.prev_block[::-1]
        rb += self.merkle_root[::-1]
        rb += struct.pack('>L', self.time)[::-1]
        rb += self.bits[::-1]
        rb += self.nonce[::-1]
        if len(rb) != 80:
            raise ValueError(
                "Missing or incorrect length of 1 of the block header variables: version, prev_block, "
                "merkle_root, time, bits or nonce.")
        rb += int_to_varbyteint(len(self.transactions))
        for t in self.transactions:
            rb += t.raw()
        return rb
Example #2
 def test_int_to_varbyteint_3(self):
     self.assertEqual(b'\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff', int_to_varbyteint(18446744073709551615))
Example #3
 def test_int_to_varbyteint_1(self):
     self.assertEqual(b'd', int_to_varbyteint(100))
Example #4
 def test_int_to_varbyteint_2(self):
     self.assertEqual(b'\xfd\xfd\x00', int_to_varbyteint(253))
Example #5
redeemscript = '5221023dd6aeaa2acb92cbea35820361e5fd07af10f4b01c985adec30848b424756a6c210381cd2bb2a38d939fa677a5dcc' \
               '981ee0630b32b956b2e6dc3e1c028e6d09db5a72103d2c6d31cabe4025c25879010465f501194b352823c553660d303adfa' \

# Other type conversions and normalizations

der_signature = '3045022100f952ff1b290c54d8b9fd35573b50f1af235632c595bb2f10b34127fb82f66d18022068b59150f825a81032c' \
print("\n=== Convert DER encoded signature ===")

print("\n=== Varbyte Int conversions ===")
print("Number 1000 as Varbyte Integer (hexstring): %s" % to_hexstring(int_to_varbyteint(1000)))
print("Converted back (3 is size in bytes: 1 size byte + integer in bytes): ", varbyteint_to_int(to_bytes('fde803')))

# Normalize data
print("\n=== Normalizations ===")
data = [
    u"guion cruz envío papel otoño percha hazaña salir joya gorra íntimo actriz",
    "あじわう ちしき たわむれる おくさま しゃそう うんこう ひてい みほん たいほ てのひら りこう わかれる かいすいよく こもん ねもと",

for dt in data:
    print("\nInput data", dt)
    print("Normalized unicode string (normalize_string): ", normalize_string(dt))