Example #1
def bip32_serialize(rawtuple):
    vbytes, depth, fingerprint, i, chaincode, key = rawtuple
    if isinstance(i, int):
        i = struct.pack(b'>L', i)
    chaincode = chaincode
    keydata = b'\x00' + key[:-1] if vbytes in PRIVATE else key
    bindata = vbytes + struct.pack(b'B',depth % 256) + fingerprint + i + chaincode + keydata
    return base58.encode(bindata + Hash(bindata)[:4])
Example #2
    def test_encode_decode(self):
        for exp_bin, exp_base58 in load_test_vectors('base58_encode_decode.json'):
            exp_bin = unhexlify(exp_bin.encode('utf8'))

            act_base58 = encode(exp_bin)
            act_bin = decode(exp_base58)

            self.assertEqual(act_base58, exp_base58)
            self.assertEqual(act_bin, exp_bin)
Example #3
 def orchestrate_spend(self, address: ExternalAddress,
                       selection: CoinSelection) -> str:
     tx = self.assemble_transaction(address, selection)
     psbt = self.assemble_psbt(tx, selection)
     signed_tx = self.serial_client.request_sign_transaction(psbt)
     if not signed_tx:
         return False
     return base58.encode(tx.GetTxid())
def bin_to_b58check(inp, magicbyte=b'\x00'):
    """ The magic byte (prefix byte) should be passed either
    as a single byte or an integer. What is returned is a string
    in base58 encoding, with the prefix and the checksum.
    if not isinstance(magicbyte, int):
        magicbyte = struct.unpack(b'B', magicbyte)[0]
    assert(0 <= magicbyte <= 0xff)
    if magicbyte == 0:
        inp_fmtd = struct.pack(b'B', magicbyte) + inp
    while magicbyte > 0:
        inp_fmtd = struct.pack(b'B', magicbyte % 256) + inp
        magicbyte //= 256
    checksum = Hash(inp_fmtd)[:4]
    return base58.encode(inp_fmtd + checksum)