Example #1
    def parse(cls, address, data):
        '''Used to parse data received from Mijia.
        Currently supports versions 3 and 5 of the protocol.

            address (str): MAC address of Mijia.
            data (bytes): received data in bytes.
        b = BitArray(bytes=bytearray.fromhex(data))

        if len(b) == 160:
            uuid, flag, id, index, mac, datatype, length, temperature, humidity = b.unpack(
                'uintle:16, uintle:16, uintle:16, uintle:8, uintle:48, uintle:16, uintle:8, intle:16, intle:16'
            temperature /= 10.0
            humidity /= 10.0
            return cls(
        if len(b) == 136:
            uuid, flag, id, index, mac, datatype, length, battery_level = b.unpack(
                'uintle:16, uintle:16, uintle:16, uintle:8, uintle:48, uintle:16, uintle:8, uintle:8'
            return cls(
Example #2
    def getFieldVal(self, fName, vInd):
        """ get field value as string
        fName is field as (as is in Metedata)
        vInd is field value index (zero bases)
        raises IndexError in case vInd is larger then field value number
        raises KeyEror in case fName is not a valid field name

        # get field object
        for f in self.fields:
            if f["FieldName"] == fName:
                fld = f
            raise KeyError

        if f["NoOfSymbols"] == "0":  # this effectively means None...
            return self.NoneValueStr

        # check value index range
        if vInd >= int(f["NoOfSymbols"]):
            raise IndexError

        # read data sequentially
        os.lseek(self.fp, self.stPos + int(f["Offset"]),
                 os.SEEK_SET)  # seek to symbol table beginning
        for i in range(vInd + 1):
            # read field type byte
            b = ord(os.read(self.fp, 1))

            # read value
            if b in [4, 5, 6]:  # string containing types
                if b in [5, 6]:  # skip numeric value
                    skipSize = 4 if b == 5 else 8  # byte size to skip
                    smth = os.lseek(self.fp, skipSize, os.SEEK_CUR)

                val = b''
                while True:  # have to read bytewise - very ineffective
                    bt = os.read(self.fp, 1)
                    if bt == b'\0':
                    val += bt
                val = val.decode("utf-8")  # string is always UTF-8

            elif b in [1, 2]:  # numeric types
                a = BitArray(os.read(self.fp, b * 4))
                if b == 1:
                    val = a.unpack("intle:32")[0]
                    val = a.unpack("floatle:64")[0]

                print("UNHANDLED YET TYPE: ", b)  # never happened to me...

        return val
Example #3
 def kalyna_encrypt(pt, key):
     key = BitArray(key.to_bytes(16, sys.byteorder))
     key_ = np.uint64(np.array(key.unpack('uintle:64, uintle:64')))
     pt = BitArray(bytearray(pt, encoding='utf-8'))
     fm = ", ".join(['uintle:64'] * (pt.len // 64))
     pt_ = np.uint64(np.array(pt.unpack(fm)))
     cipher = []
     for i in range(0, len(pt_), 2):
         k = Kalyna()
         if i == len(pt_) - 1:
             pt_s = np.uint64(np.array([pt_[i], 0x0]))
             pt_s = np.uint64(np.array([pt_[i], pt_[i + 1]]))
     return cipher
Example #4
def Order_Replace(message):
    array1 = [chr(message[0])] + list(struct.unpack("!HH", message[1:5]))
    b = BitArray(bytes=message[5:11])
    array2 = list(struct.unpack("!QQII", message[11:len(message)]))
    array = array1 + b.unpack('uintbe:48') + array2
    array[7] = array[7] / 10000
    return (array)
Example #5
def System_Event_Message(message):
    array1 = [chr(message[0])] + list(struct.unpack("!HH", message[1:5]))
    b = BitArray(bytes=message[5:11])
    array2 = list(struct.unpack("!c", message[11:len(message)]))
    array = array1 + b.unpack('uintbe:48') + array2
    array[-1] = chr(ord(array[-1]))
    return (array)
def Excueted_Price_Order(message):
    array1 = [message[0]] + list(struct.unpack("!HH", message[1:5]))
    b = BitArray(bytes=message[5:11])
    array2 = list(struct.unpack("!QIQcI", message[11:len(message)]))
    array = array1 + b.unpack('uintbe:48') + array2
    array[8] = array[8] / 10000
Example #7
def Add_Order(message):
    array1 = [chr(message[0])] + list(struct.unpack("!HH", message[1:5]))
    b = BitArray(bytes=message[5:11])
    array2 = list(struct.unpack("!QcI8sI", message[11:len(message)]))
    array = array1 + b.unpack('uintbe:48') + array2
    array[8] = array[8] / 10000
    return (array)
Example #8
class mpt1327_state:
	def __init__(self):
		self.data = BitArray(uint=0, length=64)
		self.cnt = 0
		self.codeword = 0
		self.prev = 0
		self.base_freq = 170.8
		self.step_freq = 0.0125

	def crc(self):
		data, checksum = self.data.unpack('uint:48, uint:15')
		return CRC.calcWord(data, 48) == checksum and self.data.count(1) % 2 == 0 # Even parity
Example #9
 def kalyna_decrypt(ct_, key):
     key = BitArray(key.to_bytes(16, sys.byteorder))
     key_ = np.uint64(np.array(key.unpack('uintle:64, uintle:64')))
     plain = []
     for i in range(0, len(ct_), 2):
         k = Kalyna()
         if i == len(ct_) - 1:
             ct_s = np.uint64(np.array([ct_[i], 0x0]))
             ct_s = np.uint64(np.array([ct_[i], ct_[i + 1]]))
     result = bytes(np.uint64(np.array(plain))).decode('utf-8')
     return result.split(' ')[:4]
Example #10
 def rx_stream(self, count=None, secs=None):
     start = time.time()
     while count is None or count > 0:
         buffer = self.device.read(0x82, 64)
         if count is not None:
             count -= 1
         if secs is not None:
             if time.time() >= start + secs:
         pkt = BitArray(bytes=buffer)
         metadata = pkt.unpack('uint:8, uint:8, uint:8, uint:8, uint:32,'
                               'int:8, int:8, int:8, uint:8')
         metanames = ('pkt_type', 'status', 'channel', 'clkn_high',
                      'clk100ns', 'rssi_max', 'rssi_min', 'rss_avg',
         yield dict(zip(metanames, metadata)), pkt[112:]
Example #11
 def rx_stream(self, count=None, secs=None):
     start = time.time()
     while count is None or count > 0:
         buffer = self.device.read(0x82, 64)
         if count is not None:
             count -= 1
         if secs is not None:
             if time.time() >= start+secs:
         pkt = BitArray(bytes=buffer)
         metadata = pkt.unpack('uint:8, uint:8, uint:8, uint:8, uint:32,'
                               'int:8, int:8, int:8, uint:8')
         metanames = ('pkt_type', 'status', 'channel', 'clkn_high',
                      'clk100ns', 'rssi_max', 'rssi_min', 'rss_avg',
         yield dict(zip(metanames, metadata)), pkt[112:]
Example #12
    def getRow(self, rInd):
        """ returns row as dictionary
        values are always strings, index is 0 based

        Bytes in the file are in reversed order, keep this in mind when processing 
        raises IndexError in case rInd is larger then row number

        # check row index range
        if rInd >= int(self.attribs["NoOfRecords"]):
            raise IndexError

        # seek to the rows table beginning
            self.fp, self.stPos + int(self.attribs["Offset"]) +
            int(self.attribs["RecordByteSize"]) * rInd, os.SEEK_SET)

        bts = bytearray(os.read(self.fp, int(self.attribs["RecordByteSize"])))

        bts.reverse()  # bytes are reversed in file
        ba = BitArray(bts)  # very slow operation btw
        indList = ba.unpack(self.createMask())  # make list

        # create resulting dictionary
        res = {}
        # add fields with more than one value
        for fInd, f in enumerate(self.fieldsInRow()):
            symInd = indList[fInd] + int(
                f["Bias"])  # always add bias - it is 0 or -2
            val = self.NoneValueStr if symInd < 0 else self.getFieldVal(
                f["FieldName"], symInd)  # NULL correction
            res[f["FieldName"]] = val

        # add fields with one value
        for cf in [
                f for f in self.fields if f["BitWidth"] == "0"
        ]:  # we use BitWidth, will elaborate later (there are cases...)
            res[cf["FieldName"]] = self.getFieldVal(cf["FieldName"], 0)

        return res
Example #13
 def _get_value(self, ncom_byte):
     b = BitArray(bytes=ncom_byte)
     self._data = b.unpack(('uintle:8, uintle:16,'   # Sync, Time
                            'intle:24, intle:24, intle:24,'  # AccX, AccY, AccZ
                            'intle:24, intle:24, intle:24,'  # AngX, AngY, AngZ
                            'uintle:8, uintle:64, uintle:64, uintle:32,'  # NavStat, Lat, Long, Alti
                            'uintle:24, uintle:24, uintle:24,'  # Vel North, Vel East, Vel Down
                            'uintle:24, uintle:24, uintle:24'  # Heading, Pitch, Roll
     self.d = OrderedDict(zip(self._names, self._data))
     assert self.d['Sync'] == 231, print("Sync byte not matched:0x{:x}".format(self.d['Sync'])) # Always 0xE7
     self.d['AccX'] *= ACC_FACTOR
     self.d['AccY'] *= ACC_FACTOR
     self.d['AccZ'] *= ACC_FACTOR
     self.d['AngX'] *= ANG_FACTOR
     self.d['AngY'] *= ANG_FACTOR
     self.d['AngZ'] *= ANG_FACTOR
     self.d['Vel_North'] *= VEL_FACTOR
     self.d['Vel_East'] *= VEL_FACTOR
     self.d['Vel_Down'] *= VEL_FACTOR
     self.d['Heading'] *= IMU_FACTOR
     self.d['Pitch'] *= IMU_FACTOR
     self.d['Roll'] *= IMU_FACTOR
     self.d['NavStat'] = self._navstat.get(self.d['NavStat'], 'Reserved')
Example #14
def IPOUpdate(message):
    array1 = [chr(message[0])] + list(struct.unpack("!HH", message[1:5]))
    b = BitArray(bytes=message[5:11])
    array2 = list(struct.unpack("!8sIcI", message[11:len(message)]))
    array = array1 + b.unpack('uintbe:48') + array2
    return (array)
Example #15
    def parse(cls, address, data):
        '''Used to parse data received from RuuviTag.
        Currently supports versions 3 and 5 of the protocol.

            address (str): MAC address of RuuviTag.
            data (bytes): received data in bytes.
        b = BitArray(bytes=data)

        # Try to find protocol version 3
        # https://github.com/ruuvi/ruuvi-sensor-protocols#data-format-3-protocol-specification
        if b.find('0xFF990403'):
            # If it's found, parse data
            b = list(b.split('0xFF990403', count=2))[-1]
            _, humidity, temperature_sign, temperature, temperature_fraction, pressure, \
                accel_x, accel_y, accel_z, battery_voltage = b.unpack(
                    # Ignore the packet type and manufacturer specs,
                    # as they've been handled before
                    'uint:32,' +
                    # Parse the actual payload
                    'uint:8, int:1, uint:7, uint:8, uint:16,' +
                    'int:16, int:16, int:16, uint:16')

            temperature_sign = -1 if temperature_sign == -1 else 1

            # ... and return an instance of the calling class
            return cls(address,
                       temperature=temperature_sign *
                       (float(temperature) + temperature_fraction / 100.0),
                       humidity=humidity / 2.0,
                       pressure=(pressure + 50000) / 100.0,
                       acceleration_x=accel_x / 1000.0,
                       acceleration_y=accel_y / 1000.0,
                       acceleration_z=accel_z / 1000.0,
                       battery_voltage=battery_voltage / 1000.0)

        # Try to find protocol version 5
        # https://github.com/ruuvi/ruuvi-sensor-protocols#data-format-5-protocol-specification
        if b.find('0xFF990405'):
            # If it's found, parse data
            b = list(b.split('0xFF990405', count=2))[-1]
            _, temperature, humidity, pressure, \
                accel_x, accel_y, accel_z, \
                battery_voltage, tx_power, \
                movement_counter, measurement_sequence, mac = b.unpack(
                    # Ignore the packet type and manufacturer specs,
                    # as they've been handled before
                    'uint:32,' +
                    # Parse the actual payload
                    'int:16, uint:16, uint:16,' +
                    'int:16, int:16, int:16,' +
                    'uint:11, uint:5,' +
                    'uint:8, uint:16, uint:48')

            # Not sure what to do with MAC at the moment?
            # Maybe compare it to the one received by btle and
            # raise an exception if doesn't match?
            mac = '%x' % mac
            mac = ':'.join(mac[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, 12, 2))

            # ... and return an instance of the calling class
            return cls(address,
                       temperature=float(temperature) * 0.005,
                       humidity=humidity * 0.0025,
                       pressure=(pressure + 50000) / 100.0,
                       acceleration_x=accel_x / 1000.0,
                       acceleration_y=accel_y / 1000.0,
                       acceleration_z=accel_z / 1000.0,
                       battery_voltage=(battery_voltage + 1600) / 1000.0,
                       tx_power=-40 + tx_power,
Example #16
def Market_Participant_Position(message):
    array1 = [chr(message[0])] + list(struct.unpack("!HH", message[1:5]))
    b = BitArray(bytes=message[5:11])
    array2 = list(struct.unpack("!4s8sccc", message[11:len(message)]))
    array = array1 + b.unpack('uintbe:48') + array2
    return (array)
Example #17
def MWCB_Status(message):
    array1 = [chr(message[0])] + list(struct.unpack("!HH", message[1:5]))
    b = BitArray(bytes=message[5:11])
    array2 = list(struct.unpack("!c", message[11:len(message)]))
    array = array1 + b.unpack('uintbe:48') + array2
    return (array)
def Stock_Directory(message):
    array1 = [message[0]] + list(struct.unpack("!HH", message[1:5]))
    b = BitArray(bytes=message[5:11])
    array2 = list(struct.unpack("!8sccIcc2scccccIc", message[11:len(message)]))
    array = array1 + b.unpack('uintbe:48') + array2
Example #19
def Stock_Trading(message):
    array1 = [chr(message[0])] + list(struct.unpack("!HH", message[1:5]))
    b = BitArray(bytes=message[5:11])
    array2 = list(struct.unpack("!8scc4s", message[11:len(message)]))
    array = array1 + b.unpack('uintbe:48') + array2
    return (array)
def Reg_SHO(message):
    array1 = [message[0]] + list(struct.unpack("!HH", message[1:5]))
    b = BitArray(bytes=message[5:11])
    array2 = list(struct.unpack("!8sc", message[11:len(message)]))
    array = array1 + b.unpack('uintbe:48') + array2
Example #21
def Cross_Trade(message):
    array1 = [chr(message[0])] + list(struct.unpack("!HH", message[1:5]))
    b = BitArray(bytes=message[5:11])
    array2 = list(struct.unpack("!Q8sIQc", message[11:len(message)]))
    array = array1 + b.unpack('uintbe:48') + array2
    return (array)
def MWCB_Decline(message):
    array1 = [message[0]] + list(struct.unpack("!HH", message[1:5]))
    b = BitArray(bytes=message[5:11])
    array2 = list(struct.unpack("!QQQ", message[11:len(message)]))
    array = array1 + b.unpack('uintbe:48') + array2
Example #23
def Order_Cancel(message):
    array1 = [chr(message[0])] + list(struct.unpack("!HH", message[1:5]))
    b = BitArray(bytes=message[5:11])
    array2 = list(struct.unpack("!QI", message[11:len(message)]))
    array = array1 + b.unpack('uintbe:48') + array2
    return (array)
Example #24
def unpack_bits(byte_array, fmt, **kwargs):
    ba = BitArray(bytes=byte_array)
    result = ba.unpack(fmt, **kwargs)
    return result
Example #25
s = serial.Serial("COM1",19200,bytesize=serial.SEVENBITS,stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE)
buffer = []
count = 0
alldata = np.zeros([8,10])
while True:
    index = count%10
    count += 1
    print "index = ", index
        data = s.read()
        if data == "\x7f":
            bits = BitArray(bytes=buffer)
	    # test length:
	    if bits.length == 8*40:
            	a, b, c, d, c4, c5, c6, c7 = bits.unpack('uintle:40,uintle:40,uintle:40,uintle:40,uintle:40,uintle:40,uintle:40,uintle:40')
		#print a, b, c, d, c4, c5, c6, c7
                newdata = np.array((a, b, c, d, c4, c5, c6, c7))
		alldata[:,index] = newdata
		if index == 0:
		    print alldata
		    # update plot every 10 shots
		    for rect, h in zip(rects, alldata.mean(axis=1)):

                print "short packet"
Example #26
    assert(logDict['ucTag2'] == ord('G'))

if __name__ == '__main__':


    for _ in range(1):
        fefefe = splitBitStructIn32bits(bitStruct)
        logDict = OrderedDict()
        logEntry = map(str, getLogEntryFromDevice())
        assert(len(logEntry) == 112)

        for logE in logEntry:
            rawBits = BitArray('int:32=' + logE)
            ent = next(fefefe)
            b = rawBits.unpack(entryToFmtString(ent))
            for (k, v) in zip(ent, b):
                logDict[k[1]] = v

        # print logDict
        print 'ucChksum: ', hex(logDict['ucChksum'])
        print 'ucVer: ', logDict['ucVer']
        print 'uiTimestamp: ', logDict['uiTimestamp']
        print 'global.accWatisar: ', logDict['global.accWatisar']
        print 'ChLogEntry_ChA.ucThermHR: ', logDict['ChLogEntry_ChA.ucThermHR']
        print 'ChLogEntry_ChA.usMinLoadZ0: ', logDict['ChLogEntry_ChA.usMinLoadZ0']
        print 'ChLogEntry_ChA.usMaxLoadZ0: ', logDict['ChLogEntry_ChA.usMaxLoadZ0']
        print 'ChLogEntry_ChA.usMinLoadZ1: ', logDict['ChLogEntry_ChA.usMinLoadZ1']
        print 'ChLogEntry_ChA.usMaxLoadZ1: ', logDict['ChLogEntry_ChA.usMaxLoadZ1']
        print ''
Example #27
def writeB(scene, b_name):
    #Sanitization checks
    #if no image size, error
    if scene.n_films == 0:
        print "Error: Scene needs a film."

    #if no camera, error:
    if scene.n_cameras == 0:
        print "Error: Scene needs a camera."

    #if no bounding box, error
    if scene.n_boundboxes == 0:
        print "Error: Scene needs a bounding box."

    #Create bitstring
    s = BitArray()

    film = scene.films[0]
    t = BitArray()
    t = bitstring.pack("3*int:32", 0, film['width'], film['height'])
    print t.unpack("3*int:32")
    s = s + t

    camera = scene.cameras[0]
    t = BitArray()
    t = bitstring.pack("int:32, 12*float:32", 1, camera['point'][0],
                       camera['point'][1], camera['point'][2],
                       camera['fieldOfView'], camera['toPoint'][0],
                       camera['toPoint'][1], camera['toPoint'][2],
                       camera['up'][0], camera['up'][1], camera['up'][2],
                       camera['lensRadius'], camera['focalDepth'])
    print t.unpack("int:32, 12*float:32")
    s = s + t

    for i in range(scene.n_lights):
        light = scene.lights[i]
        t = BitArray()
        t = bitstring.pack("2*int:32, 6*float:32", 2, light['type'],
                           light['point'][0], light['point'][1],
                           light['point'][2], light['color'][0],
                           light['color'][1], light['color'][2])
        print t.unpack("2*int:32, 6*float:32")
        s = s + t

    for i in range(scene.n_materials):
        mat = scene.materials[i]
        t = BitArray()
        t = bitstring.pack("int:32, 3*float:32, 2*int:32, 4*float:32", 3,
                           mat['color'][0], mat['color'][1], mat['color'][2],
                           mat['type'], mat['metal'], mat['specular'],
                           mat['lambert'], mat['ambient'], mat['exponent'])
        print t.unpack("int:32, 3*float:32, 2*int:32, 4*float:32")
        s = s + t

    for i in range(scene.n_spheres):
        sphere = scene.spheres[i]
        t = BitArray()
        t = bitstring.pack("int:32, 4*float:32, int:32", 4, sphere['point'][0],
                           sphere['point'][1], sphere['point'][2],
                           sphere['radius'], sphere['materialIndex'])
        print t.unpack("int:32, 4*float:32, int:32")
        s = s + t

    for i in range(scene.n_triangles):
        tri = scene.triangles[i]
        t = BitArray()
        t = bitstring.pack("int:32, 9*float:32, int:32", 5, tri['point1'][0],
                           tri['point1'][1], tri['point1'][2],
                           tri['point2'][0], tri['point2'][1],
                           tri['point2'][2], tri['point3'][0],
                           tri['point3'][1], tri['point3'][2],
        print t.unpack("int:32, 9*float:32, int:32")
        s = s + t

    #Bounding Box
    box = scene.boundboxes[0]
    t = BitArray()
    t = bitstring.pack("int:32, 6*float:32", 6, box['min'][0], box['min'][1],
                       box['min'][2], box['max'][0], box['max'][1],
    print t.unpack("int:32, 6*float:32")
    s = s + t

    #Send end code
    t = BitArray()
    t = bitstring.pack("int:32", 7)
    s = s + t

    #Write to file
    with open(b_name, "wb") as f:
Example #28
s = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyUSB2",

buffer = []
while True:
        data = s.read()
        if data == "\x7f":
            bits = BitArray(bytes=buffer)
            # test length:
            if bits.length == 8 * 40:
                a, b, c, d, c4, c5, c6, c7 = bits.unpack(
                print a, b, c, d, c4, c5, c6, c7
                plt.scatter((a, b, c, d, c4, c5, c6, c7),
                            (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7))
                print "short packet"
            buffer = []
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print "W: interrupt received, ending data collection"
