Example #1
 def testCreationFromDataWithOffset(self):
     s1 = Bits(bytes=b'\x0b\x1c\x2f', offset=0, length=20)
     s2 = Bits(bytes=b'\xa0\xb1\xC2', offset=4)
     self.assertEqual((s2.len, s2.hex), (20, '0b1c2'))
     self.assertEqual((s1.len, s1.hex), (20, '0b1c2'))
     self.assertTrue(s1 == s2)
Example #2
	def bits(self):

		if len(self.operands) != 2:
			print('BrOp got %i arguments, 2 expected!' % len(self.operands))

		if self.operation != 'jcc':
			print('BrOp got unknown operation (%s), jcc expected!' % self.operation)

		if self.operands[1].type != OP_TYPE_IMM:
			print('BrOp needs immediate as second operand type!')

		cc = next((cc for cc in k10_cc if cc['mnem'].lower() == self.operands[0].mnem), None)
		if cc == None:
			print('BrOp first operand needs to be one of k10_cc!')

		r = Bits(1) # unkn
		r+= Bits(bin='0101') # cond ucode branch
		r+= self.operands[0].bits() # cc
		r+= Bits(bin='11') # xchg src/dst, 3 op mode
		r+= Bits(bin='111001') # always zero register, TODO: verify and add to k10_regs
		r+= Bits(bin='101') # branch target rom/ram indicator

		r+= self.commitPZSBit # commit p, z and s flag
		r+= self.commitCBit # commit c flag
		r+= Bits(1) # unkn

		r+= Bits(bin='000') # RegOp/SpecOp
		r+= Bits(bin='1111') # segment
		r+= Bits(bin='011') # size

		r+= Bits(bin='111011') # always zero register, TODO: verify and add to k10_regs

		r+= Bits(bin='0') # immediate mode
		r+= Bits(bin='000000') # unkn

		r+= self.operands[1].bits(bitlen=17)

		if len(r) != 64:
			print('BrOp has size of %i bit, 64 bit expected!' % len(r))

		return r
Example #3
	def bits(self):

		if len(self.operands) != 2:
			print('LdStOp got %i arguments, 2 expected!' % len(self.operands))

		is_load_op = False
		if self.operation == 'ld':
			is_load_op = True
		elif self.operation == 'st':
			is_load_op = False
			print('LdStOp got unknown operation (%s), ld or st expected!' % self.operation)

		if is_load_op:
			if self.operands[0].type != OP_TYPE_REG:
				print('Load needs register as first operand type!')
			if self.operands[1].type != OP_TYPE_MEM:
				print('Load needs memory as second operand type!')
			if self.operands[0].type != OP_TYPE_MEM:
				print('Store needs memory as first operand type!')
			if self.operands[1].type != OP_TYPE_REG:
				print('Store needs register as second operand type!')

		r = Bits(1) # unkn
		r+= self.operation_bits() # operation

		if is_load_op:
			r+= Bits(bin='1') # swap src and dst
			r+= Bits(bin='0') # swap src and dst

		r+= Bits(1) # 2/3 operand mode

		if is_load_op:
			r+= self.operands[1].bits() # memory type src
			r+= Bits(bin='000') # unknown
			r+= self.operands[0].bits() # memory type dst
			r+= Bits(bin='100') # unknown

		r+= self.commitPZSBit # commit p, z and s flag
		r+= self.commitCBit # commit c flag
		r+= Bits(1) # unkn

		if is_load_op:
			r+= Bits(bin='001') # LdStOp (load)
			r+= Bits(bin='010') # LdStOp (store)

		if is_load_op:
			r+= self.operands[1].seg_bits() # memory type src segment reg
			r+= self.operands[0].seg_bits() # memory type dst segment reg

		r+= self.sizeMSB
		r+= Bits(uint=int(math.log(self.operands[1].size, 2) - 3), length=2) # size
		r+= Bits(bin='111111') # always zero register, TODO: verify and add to k10_regs

		r+= Bits(bin='1') # register mode
		r+= Bits(7) # unkn
		r+= Bits(1) # unkn

		if is_load_op:
			r+= self.operands[0].bits() # register type dst
			r+= self.operands[1].bits() # register type src

		r+= Bits(9) # unkn

		if len(r) != 64:
			print('LdStOp has size of %i bit, 64 bit expected!' % len(r))

		return r
 def test_float_container(self):
     ci = FloatContainerItem(3.1415)
             Bits(b'\4\0\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0') + pack('floatle:32', 3.1415)
     self.assertEqual(ci.get_all_pointers(), [])
Example #5
def sample_sequences(positions, buildname, basedir, options):
	rpt_err = options.rpt_err
	gc_err = options.gc_err
	max_trys = options.max_trys
	norpt = options.norpt
	nogc = options.nogc

	chrnames = sorted(set(map(lambda p: p[0], positions)))
	profiles = make_profile(positions, buildname, basedir)

	excluded = []
	if options.skipfile:
		excluded = read_bed_file(options.skipfile, chr)

	f = open(options.output,"w")

	for chrom in chrnames:
		print chrom
		idxf_na = os.path.join(basedir, '.'.join([buildname, chrom, 'na', 'out']))
		idxf_gc = os.path.join(basedir, '.'.join([buildname, chrom, 'gc', 'out']))
		idxf_rpt = os.path.join(basedir, '.'.join([buildname, chrom, 'rpt', 'out']))

		bits_gc = Bits(filename=idxf_gc)
		bits_rpt = Bits(filename=idxf_rpt)

		#this bit array is used to mark positions that are excluded from sampling
		#this will be updated as we sample more sequences in order to prevent sampled sequences from overlapping
		bits_na = BitArray(filename=idxf_na)

		#mark excluded regions
		for pos in excluded:
			if pos[0] != chrom:
			bits_na.set(True, range(pos[1], pos[2]))

		npos = 0
		#mark positive regions
		for pos in positions:
			if pos[0] != chrom:
			bits_na.set(True, range(pos[1], pos[2]))

		if options.count == 0:
			count = options.fold*npos

		sampled_cnt = 0
		while sampled_cnt < count:
			sampled_prof = random.choice(profiles)
			sampled_len = sampled_prof[1]
			sampled_gc = sampled_prof[2]
			sampled_rpt = sampled_prof[3]

			rpt_err_allowed = int(rpt_err*sampled_len)
			gc_err_allowed = int(gc_err*sampled_len)
			trys = 0
			while trys < max_trys:
				trys += 1

				pos = random.randint(1, bits_na.length - sampled_len)
				pos_e = pos+sampled_len
				#if bits_na.any(True, range(pos, pos_e)):
				#	continue

				if bits_na[pos:pos_e].count(True) > 0:

				if not norpt:
					pos_rpt = bits_rpt[pos:pos_e].count(True)
					if abs(sampled_rpt - pos_rpt) > rpt_err_allowed:

				if not nogc:
					pos_gc = bits_gc[pos:pos_e].count(True)
					if abs(sampled_gc - pos_gc) > gc_err_allowed:

				#accept the sampled position

				#mark the sampled regions
				bits_na.set(True, range(pos, pos_e))

				f.write('\t'.join([chrom, str(pos), str(pos_e)]) + '\n')

				sampled_cnt += 1

				print trys, chrom, pos, pos_e, sampled_len, pos_rpt, sampled_rpt, pos_gc, sampled_gc
				print "maximum trys reached"

Example #6
def twocomplements(val):
    2dml qhtncjfl translate to korean
    s = Bits(unit=val, length=16)
    return s.int  # signed 2's complement representation
 def test_int_container(self):
     ci = IntContainerItem(0xbaadf00d)
     self.assertEqual(ci.prepare_bitstream(), Bits(b'\2\0\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x0d\xf0\xad\xba'))
     self.assertEqual(ci.get_all_pointers(), [])
Example #8
 def testCreationFromOctErrors(self):
     s = Bits('0b00011')
     self.assertRaises(bitstring.InterpretError, s._getoct)
     self.assertRaises(bitstring.CreationError, s._setoct, '8')
Example #9
 def testCreationFromSe(self):
     for i in range(-100, 10):
         s = Bits(se=i)
         self.assertEqual(s.se, i)
Example #10
 def testCreationFromHexWithWhitespace(self):
     s = Bits(hex='  \n0 X a  4e       \r3  \n')
     self.assertEqual(s.hex, 'a4e3')
Example #11
 def testCreationFromBinWithWhitespace(self):
     s = Bits(bin='  \r\r\n0   B    00   1 1 \t0 ')
     self.assertEqual(s.bin, '00110')
Example #12
 def testCreationFromHex(self):
     s = Bits(hex='0xA0ff')
     self.assertEqual((s.len, s.hex), (16, 'a0ff'))
     s = Bits(hex='0x0x0X')
     self.assertEqual((s.length, s.hex), (0, ''))
Example #13
 def setUp(self):
     self.a = Bits(filename='smalltestfile')
     self.b = Bits(filename='smalltestfile', offset=16)
     self.c = Bits(filename='smalltestfile', offset=20, length=16)
     self.d = Bits(filename='smalltestfile', offset=20, length=4)
Example #14
 def testErrors(self):
     for f in ['sie=100, 0b1001', '0b00', 'uie=100, 0b1001']:
         s = Bits(f)
         self.assertRaises(bitstring.InterpretError, s._getsie)
         self.assertRaises(bitstring.InterpretError, s._getuie)
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, Bits, 'uie=-10')
Example #15
 def calculate(self, field):
     value = field.render()
     digest = self.hasher(value.bytes).digest()
     return Bits(bytes=digest)
Example #16
def img_dct(img, q_table, data, lsb_qty=1):
    assert q_table.shape == (8, 8), "q_table parameter should be a 8x8 matrix"

    # Center values around 0
    img = np.subtract(img.astype(int), 128)

    # We will work on 8x8 blocks of the image
    # Thus, we will pad the image so it is divisible by 8 in both dimensions
    m, n = img.shape[:2]
    n_channels = img.shape[2] if len(img.shape) > 2 else 1

    # Padding image so we can work with a divisible 8x8 image
    h_pad = 8 - (m % 8)
    v_pad = 8 - (n % 8)
    padding = ((0, v_pad),
               (0, h_pad)) if n_channels == 1 else ((0, v_pad), (0, h_pad),
                                                    (0, 0))
    pad_img = np.pad(img, padding, "constant", constant_values=0)

    m, n = pad_img.shape[:2]

    # preparing data to be embed
    data = list(Bits(data).bin)

    G = np.zeros(pad_img.shape)

    for ch in range(n_channels):
        cur_channel = pad_img if n_channels == 1 else pad_img[:, :, ch]

        for i in range(0, m, 8):
            for j in range(0, n, 8):
                # apply DCT for every 8x8 block
                b = cur_channel[i:i + 8, j:j + 8]

                b_dct = dctn(b, norm='ortho')

                # Quantize using the quantization table provided, rounding values to integers
                b_qntz = np.round(np.divide(b_dct, q_table)).astype(int)

                # Embeding data
                # `data` is a bitarray
                if len(data) > 0:
                    for s, row in enumerate(b_qntz):
                        if len(data) <= 0: break
                        for t, c in enumerate(row):
                            if len(data) <= 0: break
                                if c != 0 and c != 1:
                                    c_bin = BitArray(int=c, length=8)

                                    lsb = []
                                    for _ in range(lsb_qty):
                                        if len(data) == 0: break
                                    lsb = ''.join(lsb)

                                    c_bin.overwrite(f'0b{lsb}', 8 - len(lsb))

                                    b_qntz[s, t] = c_bin.int

                if n_channels == 1:
                    G[i:i + 8, j:j + 8] = b_qntz
                    G[i:i + 8, j:j + 8, ch] = b_qntz

    return G.astype(int)
Example #17
 def func(data):
     return Bits()
Example #18
 def _mutate(self):
     new_val = BitArray(self._default_value).copy()
     start, end = self._start_end()
     new_val.invert(range(start, end))
 def test_argument_container(self):
     ci = ArgumentContainerItem('arg0')
     self.assertEqual(ci.prepare_bitstream(), Bits(b'\0\0\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x18\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\4\0arg0\0'))
     self.assertEqual(ci.get_all_pointers(), [16])
Example #20
 def read(self):
     '''Reads 32 bits of the SPI bus for processing and stores as 32-bit bitstring.'''
     raw_spi = self.spi.transaction(Spibus.reading(4))
     self.data = Bits(bytes=raw_spi[0], length=32)
 def test_bool_container(self):
     ci = BoolContainerItem(True)
     self.assertEqual(ci.prepare_bitstream(), Bits(b'\3\0\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\1\0\0\x80'))
     self.assertEqual(ci.get_all_pointers(), [])
Example #22
 def _val_to_bits(conv, val, length):
     if val == -1:
         return Bits(int=-1, length=length)
     return Bits(bytes=conv(val), length=length)
 def test_string_container(self):
     ci = StringContainerItem('FooBar')
     self.assertEqual(ci.get_all_pointers(), [16])
Example #24
 def __init__(self, name=None, citation=None, bits=None):
     super(Terminal, self).__init__(name, citation)
     self.bits = bits if bits is not None else Bits(256)
Example #25
 def to_bits(self, val):
     return Bits(self.str_to_bytes(val))
Example #26
def octet_range(min_, max_):
    """Create a terminal that accepts bytes from `min_` to `max_` inclusive."""
    bits = BitArray(256)
    for i in range(min_, max_ + 1):
        bits[i] = True
    return Terminal(bits=Bits(bits))
Example #27
	def operation_bits(self):
		op = next((op for op in k10_operations if op['mnem'] == self.operation), None)
		return Bits(bin=op['bits'])
Example #28
 def func(s):
     return Bits('')
Example #29
	def assemble(self):
		uop_pos = 0
		uops = [None, None, None]
		sw = SW('next')
		stream = Bits(length=0)

		for line in self.asm.split('\n'):
			line = line.strip()

			if len(line) == 0:

			if line.startswith('//'):

			if line.startswith('.start'):

			if line.startswith('.sw_complete'):
				sw = SW('complete')

			if line.startswith('.test'):
				sw = SW('test')

			if line.startswith('.sw_branch'):
				sw = SW('branch', addr=int(line[11:], 0))

			if line.startswith('.sw_dbg'):
				sw = SW('dbg', dbg=line[8:])

			opcode = line.split(' ', 1)[0].lower()
			operands = line.split(' ', 1)[1].lower()

			if not self.__asm_is_op(opcode):
				raise ValueError('Invalid opcode: %s' % opcode)

			if opcode in op_constraints.keys():
				constraint = op_constraints[opcode]

				if constraint < uop_pos:
					for i in range(3):
						if uops[i] == None:
							uops[i] = NoOp()
					stream += Triad(uops[0], uops[1], uops[2], sw).bits()
					uop_pos = 0
					uops = [None, None, None]
					sw = SW('next')

				if constraint > uop_pos:
					while(constraint > uop_pos):
						uops[uop_pos] = NoOp()
						uop_pos += 1

			if uop_pos < 3:
				uops[uop_pos] = self.__asm_get_op(opcode, operands)
				uop_pos += 1
				stream += Triad(uops[0], uops[1], uops[2], sw).bits()
				uop_pos = 1
				uops = [self.__asm_get_op(opcode, operands), None, None]
				sw = SW('next')

		if uop_pos > 0 and uop_pos <= 3:
			for i in range(3):
				if uops[i] == None:
					uops[i] = NoOp()
			stream += Triad(uops[0], uops[1], uops[2], sw).bits()

		return stream
Example #30
 def testInterpretation(self):
     for x in range(101):
         self.assertEqual(Bits(uie=x).uie, x)
     for x in range(-100, 100):
         self.assertEqual(Bits(sie=x).sie, x)