def __init__(self, raw_record, field_names=None): custom_fields = ConstBitArray(bytes=raw_record[0:4]) # only 6 least significant 4bit nibbles are used fields_used = ConstBitArray(bytes=raw_record[4:8]) # bitfield - indicates if field_name is present in field_values field_values = raw_record[9:-1].split('\0') # null-terminated strings for each used filed (+get rid of leading and trailing \0) if not field_names: # use default names for record fields field_names = { 0:"Last Name", 1:"First Name", 2:"Company", 3:"Phone1", 4:"Phone2", 5:"Phone3", 6:"Phone4", 7:"Phone5", 8:"Address", 9:"City", 10:"State", 11:"Zip Code", 12:"Country", 13:"Title", 14:"Custom1", 15:"Custom2", 16:"Custom3", 17:"Custom4", 18:"Note", 19:"Phone6", 20:"Phone7", 21:"Phone8" } fields = field_names # make a copy for per-record field renaming renames = ( "Work", "Home","Fax", "Other", "E-mail", "Main", "Pager", "Mobile" ) # phones 1-5 may be renamed to these fields fields[3] = renames[ custom_fields[28:32].uint ] # renamed Phone1 fields[4] = renames[ custom_fields[24:28].uint ] # renamed Phone2 fields[5] = renames[ custom_fields[20:24].uint ] # renamed Phone3 fields[6] = renames[ custom_fields[16:20].uint ] # renamed Phone4 fields[7] = renames[ custom_fields[12:16].uint ] # renamed Phone5 self.fields = {} field_num = 0 for bit in range(31, 10, -1): # start from LSB and go through all 22 fields if fields_used[bit]: # skip unused fields self.fields[ fields[31 - bit] ] = field_values[field_num] # respect field renaming field_num += 1 self.default_field = fields[ 3 + custom_fields[8:12].uint ] # is displayed in list view, always contains one of renames if self.default_field not in self.fields: # fix for records with no phone and default field set to 0 (Work) self.default_field = ""
def next_output(payload, enum, mode, limit): choices = len(enum) if choices <= 1: return None, 0 choices = min(choices, limit) choice_bits = probability.len_log2_floor(choices) # if there are no choices, return None: if choice_bits == 0: return None, 0 if mode == 'encipher': bits_to_take = choice_bits #min(len(payload), choice_bits) if mode == 'decipher': token = payload[0] if mode == 'encipher': bits = payload[:bits_to_take] return bits.uint, bits_to_take elif mode == 'decipher': # payload is token array if len(payload) == 0: return None, 0 if token in enum: ind = enum.index(token) bits = ConstBitArray(uint=ind, length=choice_bits) return token, bits else: return None, 0
def get_riddle_columns(self): self.riddle_columns_stream = ConstBitArray( filename=self.riddle_columns_file_name) # self.riddle_column_indexes = map(self.riddle_columns_stream, range(self.hoard_file_row_size)) for i in range(self.hoard_file_row_size): if self.riddle_columns_stream[i]: self.riddle_column_indexes.append(i)
def verify_comms(uploader, downloader, concealer): waldo = ConstBitArray(hex='0x0001').tobytes() payload = serialize({'type': 'file', 'name': 'waldo', 'data': waldo}) payload = concealer.conceal(payload) upload_id = uploader(payload) downloaded = downloader(upload_id) downloaded = concealer.reveal(downloaded) assert (payload == downloaded)
def get_bytes(self) -> bytes: """ Parses data to binary format """ datagram = BitArray() datagram.append(ConstBitArray(uint=self.operation, length=2)) datagram.append(ConstBitArray(float=self.a, length=64)) datagram.append(ConstBitArray(float=self.b, length=64)) datagram.append(ConstBitArray(uint=self.status, length=2)) datagram.append(ConstBitArray(uint=self.session_id, length=16)) datagram.append(ConstBitArray(uint=self.mode, length=3)) datagram.append(ConstBitArray(float=self.result, length=64)) datagram.append(ConstBitArray(uint=self.result_id, length=32)) datagram.append(ConstBitArray(bool=self.last)) return datagram.tobytes()
def fixture(): os.mkdir(TEST_SRC) os.mkdir(TEST_SRC + '/bar') os.mkdir(TEST_SRC + '/bar/quux') os.chdir(TEST_SRC) foo = ConstBitArray(hex='0x031337').tobytes() baz = ConstBitArray(hex='0x01234567').tobytes() waldo = ConstBitArray(hex='0x0001').tobytes() f = open('foo', 'wb') f.write(foo) f.close() os.chdir('bar') f = open('baz', 'wb') f.write(baz) f.close() os.chdir('quux') f = open('waldo', 'wb') f.write(waldo) f.close() os.chdir('../../..')
def __init__(self, raw_record): record = ConstBitArray(bytes=raw_record[0:3]) self.due_year = record[0:7].uint + 1904 # Mac date self.due_month = record[8:11].uint self.due_day = record[12:16].uint if record[0:8] == '0b11111111': self.due_date = "" # due date not set else: self.due_date = "%s.%s. %s " % (self.due_day, self.due_month, self.due_year) self.done = record[16] self.priority = record[21:24].uint self.description, self.note = raw_record[3:-1].split('\0') # both may contain \n characters
def _init_records(self): self.raw_records = [] # app-specific, each record is stored as a dict offset = 78 + self.recordlist_offset # pointer to pointer to first real data # find the real data for record_num in range(self.record_count): record_offset = ConstBitArray(bytes=self.raw_data[offset:offset + 4]).uintbe # pointer to real data raw_record_attributes = ConstBitArray(bytes=self.raw_data[offset + 4]) # attributes of real data, bitarray, see below (record ID [offset + 5: offset + 8] is unused) # record attributes record_attributes = {} record_attributes["deleted"] = raw_record_attributes[0] record_attributes["dirty"] = raw_record_attributes[1] record_attributes["busy"] = raw_record_attributes[2] record_attributes["secret"] = raw_record_attributes[3] record_attributes["category"] = self.categories[ raw_record_attributes[4:8].uint ] # record category is a 4-bit number (not category ID) # length of real data if record_num < self.record_count - 1: next_record_offset = ConstBitArray(bytes=self.raw_data[offset + 8:offset + 12]).uintbe # pointer to next data else: next_record_offset = len(self.raw_data) # or pointer to EOF if this is the last record raw_record = self.raw_data[record_offset:next_record_offset] # get real data # app-specific raw record parsing (add your custom record formats here) record = None if self.creator == "todo": record = ToDoRecord(raw_record) if self.creator == "memo": record = MemoRecord(raw_record) if self.creator == "addr": record = AddressBookRecord(raw_record, self.labels) # label names may be customized if self.creator == "date": record = DateBookRecord(raw_record) self.raw_records.append( { 'raw': raw_record, 'attributes': record_attributes, "record": record } ) offset += 8 # next record
def fits_to_packets(file):'Processing fits file {file}') parser = StixTCTMParser() control =, hdu=1) data =, hdu=2) binary_packets = [ ConstBitArray(hex=hex).tobytes() for hex in data['data'] ][-2:] packets = [parser.parse_binary(bd)[0] for bd in binary_packets][-2:] if np.abs([((len(data['data'][i]) // 2) - (control['data_len'][i] + 7)) for i in range(len(data))]).sum() > 0: raise ValueError('Packet size and expected length do not match') # packets = list(chain.from_iterable(packets)) # Filter keeping only TM packets # packets = list(filter(lambda x: x['header']['TMTC'] == 'TM', packets)) # Packet ordering is not guaranteed so sort by coarse time then seq count # packets.sort(key=lambda x: (x['header']['coarse_time'], x['header']['seq_count'])) return packets
def testRfind(self): a = CBA('0b11101010010010') b = a.rfind('0b010') self.assertEqual(b[0], 11)
def testFind(self): a = CBA('0xabcd') r = a.find('0xbc') self.assertEqual(r[0], 4) r = a.find('0x23462346246', bytealigned=True) self.assertFalse(r)
def file_to_stream(filename, length=None): return ConstBitArray(length=length, filename=filename)
def __init__(self, size): self.mem = {} for i in range(2**size): self.mem[ConstBitArray(uint=i,length=size)] = False
def take_binary_input(stream): return ConstBitArray(
def __init__(self, raw_record): # event starts occuring since date raw_date = ConstBitArray(bytes=raw_record[4:6]) = raw_date[11:16].uint self.month = raw_date[7:11].uint self.year = raw_date[0:7].uint + 1904 # Mac date self.occurs = "%s.%s %s " % (, self.month, self.year) # event occurs between start and end time self.time = {} start_hour = ConstBitArray(bytes=raw_record[0]).uintbe if start_hour != 0xFF: # event occurs on particular time self.time["start_hour"] = start_hour self.time["start_minute"] = ConstBitArray(bytes=raw_record[1]).uintbe self.time["end_hour"] = ConstBitArray(bytes=raw_record[2]).uintbe self.time["end_minute"] = ConstBitArray(bytes=raw_record[3]).uintbe self.occurs += "%02d:%02d-%02d:%02d" % (self.time["start_hour"], self.time["start_minute"], self.time["end_hour"], self.time["end_minute"]) else: self.occurs += "allday" # event flags raw_flags = ConstBitArray(bytes=raw_record[6:8]) # bits [0] and [7:] are ignored, has_location is stored in [6] but currently ignored (location follows after note + has timezone info after itself) offset = 8 # alarm, repeat and exceptions may further shift it # event with alarm self.alarm = {} if raw_flags[1]: # has alarm self.alarm["advance"] = raw_record[offset] # how many units in advance the alarm rings unit_type = ConstBitArray(bytes=raw_record[offset + 1]).uintbe unit_types = { 0: "minutes", 1: "hours", 2: "days" } self.alarm["unit"] = unit_types[unit_type] offset += 2 # repeating event self.repeat = {} self.repeat_until = "" self.repeat_type = "" if raw_flags[2]: # is repeating repeat_types = { 1: "daily", 2: "weekly", 3: "monthly by day", 4: "monthly by date", 5: "yearly" } repeat_type = ConstBitArray(bytes=raw_record[offset]).uintbe self.repeat["type"] = repeat_types[repeat_type] self.repeat_type = " repeat " + repeat_types[repeat_type] # end of repeating raw_end_date = ConstBitArray(bytes=raw_record[offset + 2:offset + 4]) # [offset + 1] is always \0 if raw_end_date != "0xFFFF": # repeat has end date self.repeat["end"] = {} self.repeat["end"]["day"] = raw_end_date[11:16].uint self.repeat["end"]["month"] = raw_end_date[7:11].uint self.repeat["end"]["year"] = raw_end_date[0:7].uint + 1904 # Mac date self.repeat_until = " until %s.%s %s" % (self.repeat["end"]["day"], self.repeat["end"]["month"], self.repeat["end"]["year"]) else: self.repeat["end"] = None self.repeat_until = " forever" # repeat every X repeat_on = ConstBitArray(bytes=raw_record[offset + 5]) repeat_frequency = raw_record[offset + 4] start_of_week = raw_record[offset + 6] # [offset + 7] is unused # TODO: check if start of week doesn't shift the keys # repeat_days = { 7: "Mon", 6: "Tue", 5: "Wed", 4: "Thu", 3: "Fri", 2: "Sat", 1: "Sun" } repeat_days = { 7: "Sun", 6: "Mon", 5: "Tue", 4: "Wed", 3: "Thu", 2: "Fri", 1: "Sat" } if repeat_type == "weekly": # e.g. every Mon, Tue and Fri self.repeat["days"] = [] for day in repeat_days.keys(): if repeat_on[day]: self.repeat["days"].append( repeat_days[day] ) # FIXME - is ignored self.repeat_type += " " + str(self.repeat["days"]) if repeat_type == "monthly by day": # e.g. every 2nd Fri if repeat_on == 5: self.repeat["week"] = "last" else: self.repeat["week"] = repeat_on[5:8].uint + 1 # every Xth weekday of month self.repeat["day"] = repeat_days[ repeat_on[0:5] ] # weekday self.repeat_type += " " + self.repeat["day"] + " " + self.repeat["week"] # FIXME - is ignored offset += 8 # event occurance exceptions self.exceptions = [] if raw_flags[4]: # has exceptions num_exceptions = ConstBitArray(bytes=raw_record[offset:offset + 2]).uintbe offset += 2 for exception in range(num_exceptions): raw_exception = ConstBitArray(bytes=raw_record[offset: offset + 2]) day = raw_exception[11:16].uint month = raw_exception[7:11].uint year = raw_exception[0:7].uint + 1904 # Mac date self.exceptions.append( (day, month, year) ) # exceptions are list of tuples offset += 2 # event description if raw_flags[5]: # has description self.text, ignore, raw_note = raw_record[offset:].partition('\0') else: self.note = "" # casem None # event note if raw_flags[3]: # has note self.note, ignore1, ignore2 = raw_note.partition('\0') else: self.note = "" # casem None
def get_riddle(self): self.riddle = ConstBitArray(filename=self.riddle_file_name)
def testFindAll(self): a = CBA('0b0010011') b = list(a.findall([1])) self.assertEqual(b, [2, 5, 6])
def _init_header(self): self.header = self.raw_data[0:80] # fixed size byte array self.dbname, ignore, ignore = self.header[0:32].partition('\0') # null-terminated string inside of fixed-size array self.format_version = ConstBitArray(bytes=self.header[34:36]).uintbe # app-specific, big-endian self.dbtype = self.header[60:64] # 4 char app-specific identifier self.creator = self.header[64:68] # 4 char identifier assigned to the app # db attributes raw_attributes = ConstBitArray(bytes=self.header[32:34]) # bit array, see below self.attributes = {} self.attributes["resource"] = raw_attributes[15] self.attributes["readonly"] = raw_attributes[14] self.attributes["dirty"] = raw_attributes[13] self.attributes["archive"] = raw_attributes[12] self.attributes["rewritable"] = raw_attributes[11] # PalmOS 2+ self.attributes["reset"] = raw_attributes[10] # PalmOS 2+ self.attributes["protected"] = raw_attributes[9] self.attributes["syncable"] = not(raw_attributes[8]) # PalmOS 2+ self.attributes["busy"] = raw_attributes[0] MAC_EPOCH = 2082844800L # number of seconds between Jan 1 1904 and Jan 1 1970 creation_time = ConstBitArray(bytes=self.header[36:40]).uintbe # seconds since Mac epoch, big-endian modification_time = ConstBitArray(bytes=self.header[40:44]).uintbe # seconds since Mac epoch, big-endian (modification number [48:52] and seed [68:72] are unused) backup_time = ConstBitArray(bytes=self.header[44:48]).uintbe # seconds since Mac epoch, big-endian if creation_time > MAC_EPOCH: self.creation_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(creation_time - MAC_EPOCH) else: self.creation_time = None if modification_time > MAC_EPOCH: self.modification_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(modification_time - MAC_EPOCH) else: self.modification_time = None if backup_time > MAC_EPOCH: self.backup_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(backup_time - MAC_EPOCH) else: self.backup_time = None # weird: in my case backup_time always is 28800 # recordlist (chained record lists are deprecated as of PalmOS 4, have no real use and discouraged in lower PalmOS versions => next recordlist [72:75] is unused) self.record_count = ConstBitArray(bytes=self.header[76:78]).uintbe # length of (first and the only) record list, big-endian self.recordlist_offset = ConstBitArray(bytes=self.header[78:80]).uintbe # array of pointers to real data, may be set to 0x0000 if there are no records # appinfo self.appinfo_offset = ConstBitArray(bytes=self.header[52:56]).uintbe # 0x0000 if not present, big-endian self.sortinfo_offset = ConstBitArray(bytes=self.header[56:60]).uintbe # immediately after appinfo, 0x0000 if not present, big-endian if self.appinfo_offset != 0: if self.sortinfo_offset != 0: appinfo_end = self.sortinfo_offset else: if self.recordlist_offset != 0: # no sortinfo appinfo_end = self.recordlist_offset else: appinfo_end = len(self.raw_data) # neither sortinfo nor records self.raw_appinfo = self.raw_data[self.appinfo_offset:appinfo_end] # app-specific else: self.raw_appinfo = None # standard PalmOS categories (part of appinfo, not mandatory - apps may define a different format but builtin PIM apps use them) self.categories = {} # this cannot be an array because records reference the categories via original position (and they don't have to be a contiguous sequence) for category_num in range(16): category_name, ignore1, ignore2 = self.raw_appinfo[2 + category_num * 16 : 18 + category_num * 16].partition('\0') # null-terminated string, max. 15 chars + \0 (renamed categories [0:2] are ignored) if category_name: self.categories[category_num] = category_name # skip unused categories (with empty names) scattered among valid categories but preserve their original position as index # as the categories are referenced by records via order of appearance and not via category IDs, category IDs [258 + category_num] and last category ID [274] are ignored if not self.categories: self.categories[0] = "Unfiled" # fix for Datebook (has no category entries defined and last category ID is zero) # optional app-specific appinfo parsing (add your custom formats here) if self.creator == "addr": raw_labels = self.raw_appinfo[282:282+23*16] # some labels may be globally renamed, appinfo contains all their names (including defaults - renamed labels bitfield is ignored) self.labels = {} for label_num in range(22): label_name, ignore1, ignore2 = raw_labels[label_num * 16 : label_num * 16 + 16].partition('\0') # null-terminated string, max. 15 chars + \0 self.labels[label_num] = label_name # country = ConstBitArray(bytes=self.raw_appinfo[634:636]).uintbe # sort_by_company = ConstBitArray(bytes=self.raw_appinfo[636:638])[0] # sortinfo if self.sortinfo_offset != 0: if self.recordlist_offset: sortinfo_end = self.recordlist_offset else: sorinfo_end = len(self.raw_data) # no records self.raw_sortinfo = self.raw_data[self.sortinfo_offset:sorinfo_end] # app-specific else: self.raw_sortinfo = None
def testCut(self): s = CBA(30) for t in s.cut(3): self.assertEqual(t, [0] * 3)
def get_hoard(self): # self.hoard_file_stream = Bits(filename=self.hoard_file_name) # for row in self.hoard_file_stream.cut(self.hoard_file_row_size): # self.hoard.append(row) self.hoard = ConstBitArray(filename=self.hoard_file_name)