Example #1
def parse(cursor):
    version, type_id = unpack_from("u3u3", packet, cursor)
    cursor += 6

    if type_id == 4:
        literal = 0
        for num in count(0):
            fivvle = unpack_from("u5", packet, cursor)[0]
            cursor += 5
            literal <<= 4
            literal += fivvle & 0b1111
            if not ((fivvle & 16) >> 4):
                return cursor, version, literal
        length_type_id = unpack_from("u1", packet, cursor)[0]
        cursor += 1
        if length_type_id:
            subpacket_count = unpack_from("u11", packet, cursor)[0]
            cursor += 11
            subpackets = []
            for _ in range(subpacket_count):
                cursor, subversion, literal = parse(cursor)
                version += subversion
            subpacket_bits = unpack_from("u15", packet, cursor)[0]
            cursor += 15
            subpackets = []
            until = cursor + subpacket_bits
            while cursor < until:
                cursor, subversion, literal = parse(cursor)
                version += subversion

        if type_id == 0:
            return cursor, version, sum(subpackets)
        elif type_id == 1:
            return cursor, version, prod(subpackets)
        elif type_id == 2:
            return cursor, version, min(subpackets)
        elif type_id == 3:
            return cursor, version, max(subpackets)
        elif type_id == 5:
            return cursor, version, int(subpackets[0] > subpackets[1])
        elif type_id == 6:
            return cursor, version, int(subpackets[0] < subpackets[1])
        elif type_id == 7:
            return cursor, version, int(subpackets[0] == subpackets[1])
            raise ValueError(version)
 def print_cmd_message(self):
     Prints the contents of the command message buffer
     for index in range(0, self.tx_index, 4):
         offset = index * 8
         word = bitstruct.unpack_from('u32', self.tx_data, offset)
         print('Index: %2d Content: 0x%08x' % (index, word[0]))
 def print_cmd_message(self):
     Prints the contents of the command message buffer
     for index in range(0, self.tx_index, 4):
         offset = index * 8
         word = bitstruct.unpack_from('u32', self.tx_data, offset)
         print('Index: %2d Content: 0x%08x' %(index, word[0]))
Example #4
def parse_operator(data, offset):
    length_type = bitstruct.unpack_from(">u1>", data, offset)[0]
    offset += 1
    subpackets = []
    if length_type == 0:
        length = bitstruct.unpack_from(">u15>", data, offset)[0]
        offset += 15
        end_offset = offset + length
        while offset < end_offset:
            offset, packet = parse_packet(data, offset)
    elif length_type == 1:
        length = bitstruct.unpack_from(">u11>", data, offset)[0]
        offset += 11
        for _ in range(length):
            offset, packet = parse_packet(data, offset)
    return offset, subpackets
 def print_response(self, msg, verbose=False):
     Parses and prints the contents of the response message
     unpacked = bitstruct.unpack_from_dict(self.cmd_word_fmt, self.cmd_keys,
     msg_id = unpacked['msg_id']
     rsp = unpacked['cmd_rsp']
     if msg_id == 0 and rsp == 0:
         print('RSP <<< NULL.')
         print('RSP <<< %s.' % self.cmd_rsp[rsp])
         if verbose == True:
             count = bitstruct.unpack_from('u32', msg, 4 * 8)[0]
             count &= 0x1ff
             for index in range(0, 8 + (count * 4), 4):
                 offset = index * 8
                 word = bitstruct.unpack_from('u32', msg, offset)
                 print('Index: %2d Content: 0x%08x' % (index, word[0]))
 def print_response(self, msg, verbose = False):
     Parses and prints the contents of the response message
     unpacked = bitstruct.unpack_from_dict(self.cmd_word_fmt,
             self.cmd_keys, msg)
     msg_id = unpacked['msg_id']
     rsp = unpacked['cmd_rsp']
     if msg_id == 0 and rsp == 0:
         print('RSP <<< NULL.')
         print('RSP <<< %s.' % self.cmd_rsp[rsp])
         if verbose == True:
             count = bitstruct.unpack_from('u32', msg, 4 * 8)[0]
             count &= 0x1ff
             for index in range(0, 8 + (count * 4), 4):
                 offset = index * 8
                 word = bitstruct.unpack_from('u32', msg, offset)
                 print('Index: %2d Content: 0x%08x' %(index, word[0]))
Example #7
def get_buffer_unsigned_integer_8bit_ended_by_length(data, position, length):
    assert length.bits == 0
    return Field(
        bitstruct.unpack_from("u8" * length.bytes, data, position.get_bits()),
        position, length)
Example #8
def get_unsigned_integer_8bit(data, position):
    return Field(
        bitstruct.unpack_from("u8", data, position.get_bits())[0], position,
        BytesAndBits(1, 0))
Example #9
def get_unsigned_integer_64bit_big_endian(data, offset):
    return (bitstruct.unpack_from("u64", data,
                                  offset.get_bits())[0], BytesAndBits(8, 0))
Example #10
def get_unsigned_integer_32bit_big_endian(data, offset):
    return Field(
        bitstruct.unpack_from("u32", data, offset.get_bits())[0], offset,
        BytesAndBits(4, 0))
Example #11
def get_unsigned_integer_16bit_big_endian(data, position):
    return Field(
        bitstruct.unpack_from("u16", data, position.get_bits())[0], position,
        BytesAndBits(2, 0))
Example #12
def get_string_utf16_big_endian(data, position, length):
    assert length.bits == 0
    return Field(
        bitstruct.unpack_from(f"r{length.get_bits()}", data,
        position, length)
Example #13
def get_string_ascii_ended_by_length(data, position, length):
    assert length.bits == 0
    return Field(
        bitstruct.unpack_from(f"r{length.get_bits()}", data,
        position, length)
Example #14
def get_bool_8bit(data, position):
    return Field(
        bitstruct.unpack_from("u8", data, position.get_bits())[0] == 0x01,
        position, BytesAndBits(1, 0))
Example #15
def test_bitstruct():
    word = [0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef]
    assert bitstruct.unpack_from('u4', word, offset=28)[0] == 0xf
    assert bitstruct.unpack('p28u4', word)[0] == 0xf
    assert bitstruct.unpack('p0u4', word)[0] == 0xd