def get_pos_vel_data(db_name):
    docs = DBUtils.get_docs(db_name, 'ros_amcl_pose')
    num_of_docs = len(docs)
    data = np.zeros((num_of_docs, 5))
    # data (nx6) is arranged as follows
    for i, doc in enumerate(docs):
        # get position information from amcl_pose localisation
        data[i][0] = DataUtils.get_var_value(doc, 'pose/pose/position/x')
        data[i][1] = DataUtils.get_var_value(doc, 'pose/pose/position/y')
        quat_x = DataUtils.get_var_value(doc, 'pose/pose/orientation/x')
        quat_y = DataUtils.get_var_value(doc, 'pose/pose/orientation/y')
        quat_z = DataUtils.get_var_value(doc, 'pose/pose/orientation/z')
        quat_w = DataUtils.get_var_value(doc, 'pose/pose/orientation/w')
        theta = tf.euler_from_quaternion((quat_w, quat_x, quat_y, quat_z))[2]
        data[i][2] = theta
        timestamp = DataUtils.get_var_value(doc, 'timestamp')

        # get velocity information from odom at the same timestamp as position
        odom_doc = DBUtils.get_last_doc_before(db_name, 'ros_ropod_odom',
        vel_x = DataUtils.get_var_value(odom_doc, 'twist/twist/linear/x')
        vel_y = DataUtils.get_var_value(odom_doc, 'twist/twist/linear/y')
        data[i][3] = vel_x
        data[i][4] = vel_y

    return data
Example #2
    def get_latest_data(self, collection_name, variable_names):
        '''Returns a dictionary in which each key is a full variable name
        (namely a variable name of the format "collection_name/variable_name",
        where "variable_name" is a flattened version of a variable stored in the collection)
        and the value is a list string "[timestamp, value]", namely the latest value
        of the variable together with its timestamp (the list is a string to allow "value"
        to be of different types). If the given collection does not exist or
        there are no documents in it, returns an empty dictionary.

        Keyword arguments:
        @param collection_name -- name corresponding to a collection from the log database
        @param variable_names -- list of variable names that should be retrieved from the collection

        client = pm.MongoClient(port=self.db_port)
        database = client[self.db_name]
        collection = database[collection_name]
        doc = collection.find_one(sort=[('timestamp', pm.DESCENDING)])

        var_data = {}
        var_full_names = {}
        for var_name in variable_names:
            full_var_name = '{0}/{1}'.format(collection_name, var_name)
            var_data[full_var_name] = None
            var_full_names[var_name] = full_var_name

        if doc:
            for var_name in variable_names:
                var_value = DataUtils.get_var_value(doc, var_name)
                var_data[var_full_names[var_name]] = '[{0}, {1}]'.format(
                    doc['timestamp'], var_value)
        return var_data
Example #3
    def get_data(self,
        '''Returns a dictionary in which each key is a full variable name
        (namely a variable name of the format "collection_name/variable_name",
        where "variable_name" is a flattened version of a variable stored in the collection)
        and each value is a list of "[timestamp, value]" strings, namely
        each entry in the list corresponds to a value of the variable at
        a particular timestamp (the entries are in string format to allow "value"
        to be of different types)

        Keyword arguments:
        @param collection_name -- name corresponding to a collection from the log database
        @param variable_names -- list of variable names that should be retrieved from the collection
        @param start_time -- a UNIX timestamp in seconds representing the start time
                             for the queried data (default -1, in which case
                             there is no lower bound for the timestamp
                             of the retrieved data)
        @param end_time -- a UNIX timestamp in seconds representing the end time
                           for the queried data (default -1, in which case there is
                           no upper bound for the timestamp of the retrieved data)

        client = pm.MongoClient(port=self.db_port)
        database = client[self.db_name]
        collection = database[collection_name]

        docs = {}
        if start_time == -1 and end_time == -1:
            docs = collection.find({})
        elif start_time == -1:
            docs = collection.find({'timestamp': {'$lte': end_time}})
        elif end_time == -1:
            docs = collection.find({'timestamp': {'$gte': start_time}})
            docs = collection.find(
                {'timestamp': {
                    '$gte': start_time,
                    '$lte': end_time

        var_data = {}
        var_full_names = {}
        for var_name in variable_names:
            full_var_name = '{0}/{1}'.format(collection_name, var_name)
            var_data[full_var_name] = []
            var_full_names[var_name] = full_var_name

        for doc in docs:
            for var_name in variable_names:
                var_value = DataUtils.get_var_value(doc, var_name)
                var_data[var_full_names[var_name]].append('[{0}, {1}]'.format(
                    doc['timestamp'], var_value))
        return var_data