Example #1
def _load_build_rules():
    # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,unused-import
    import blade.cc_targets
    import blade.cu_targets
    import blade.gen_rule_target
    import blade.go_targets
    import blade.java_targets
    import blade.scala_targets
    import blade.lex_yacc_target
    import blade.package_target
    import blade.proto_library_target
    import blade.py_targets
    import blade.resource_library_target
    import blade.sh_test_target
    import blade.swig_library_target
    import blade.thrift_library
    import blade.fbthrift_library

    build_rules.register_variable('build_target', build_attributes.attributes)
Example #2
def load_targets(target_ids, blade_root_dir, blade):

    Parse and load targets, including those specified in command line
    and their direct and indirect dependencies, by loading related BUILD
    files.  Returns a map which contains all these targets.


    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    build_rules.register_variable('build_target', build_attributes.attributes)
    target_database = blade.get_target_database()

    # targets specified in command line
    cited_targets = set()
    # cited_targets and all its dependencies
    related_targets = {}
    # source dirs mentioned in command line
    source_dirs = []
    # to prevent duplicated loading of BUILD files
    processed_source_dirs = set()

    direct_targets = []
    all_command_targets = []
    # Parse command line target_ids.  For those in the form of <path>:<target>,
    # record (<path>,<target>) in cited_targets; for the rest (with <path>
    # but without <target>), record <path> into paths.
    for target_id in target_ids:
        source_dir, target_name = target_id.rsplit(':', 1)

        if target_name != '*' and target_name != '...':
            cited_targets.add((source_dir, target_name))
        elif target_name == '...':
            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(source_dir):
                # Note the dirs[:] = slice assignment; we are replacing the
                # elements in dirs (and not the list referred to by dirs) so
                # that os.walk() will not process deleted directories.
                dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if not _is_load_excluded(root, d)]
                if 'BUILD' in files:

    direct_targets = list(cited_targets)

    # Load BUILD files in paths, and add all loaded targets into
    # cited_targets.  Together with above step, we can ensure that all
    # targets mentioned in the command line are now in cited_targets.
    for source_dir in source_dirs:

    for key in target_database:
    all_command_targets = list(cited_targets)

    # Starting from targets specified in command line, breath-first
    # propagate to load BUILD files containing directly and indirectly
    # dependent targets.  All these targets form related_targets,
    # which is a subset of target_databased created by loading  BUILD files.
    while cited_targets:
        source_dir, target_name = cited_targets.pop()
        target_id = (source_dir, target_name)
        if target_id in related_targets:


        if target_id not in target_database:
            console.error_exit('%s: target //%s:%s does not exist' % (
                _find_depender(target_id, blade), source_dir, target_name))

        related_targets[target_id] = target_database[target_id]
        for key in related_targets[target_id].expanded_deps:
            if key not in related_targets:

    # Iterating to get svn root dirs
    for path, name in related_targets:
        root_dir = path.split('/')[0].strip()
        if root_dir not in blade.svn_root_dirs and '#' not in root_dir:

    return direct_targets, all_command_targets, related_targets
def load_targets(target_ids, blade_root_dir, blade):

    Parse and load targets, including those specified in command line
    and their direct and indirect dependencies, by loading related BUILD
    files.  Returns a map which contains all these targets.


    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    build_rules.register_variable('build_target', build_attributes.attributes)
    target_database = blade.get_target_database()

    # targets specified in command line
    cited_targets = set()
    # cited_targets and all its dependencies
    related_targets = {}
    # source dirs mentioned in command line
    source_dirs = []
    # to prevent duplicated loading of BUILD files
    processed_source_dirs = set()

    direct_targets = []
    all_command_targets = []
    # Parse command line target_ids.  For those in the form of <path>:<target>,
    # record (<path>,<target>) in cited_targets; for the rest (with <path>
    # but without <target>), record <path> into paths.
    for target_id in target_ids:
        source_dir, target_name = target_id.rsplit(':', 1)

        if target_name != '*' and target_name != '...':
            cited_targets.add((source_dir, target_name))
        elif target_name == '...':
            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(source_dir):
                # Note the dirs[:] = slice assignment; we are replacing the
                # elements in dirs (and not the list referred to by dirs) so
                # that os.walk() will not process deleted directories.
                dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if not _is_load_excluded(d)]
                if 'BUILD' in files:

    direct_targets = list(cited_targets)

    # Load BUILD files in paths, and add all loaded targets into
    # cited_targets.  Together with above step, we can ensure that all
    # targets mentioned in the command line are now in cited_targets.
    for source_dir in source_dirs:

    for key in target_database:
    all_command_targets = list(cited_targets)

    # Starting from targets specified in command line, breath-first
    # propagate to load BUILD files containing directly and indirectly
    # dependent targets.  All these targets form related_targets,
    # which is a subset of target_databased created by loading  BUILD files.
    while cited_targets:
        source_dir, target_name = cited_targets.pop()
        target_id = (source_dir, target_name)
        if target_id in related_targets:


        if target_id not in target_database:
            console.error_exit('%s: target //%s:%s does not exist' % (
                _find_depender(target_id, blade), source_dir, target_name))

        related_targets[target_id] = target_database[target_id]
        for key in related_targets[target_id].expanded_deps:
            if key not in related_targets:

    # Iterating to get svn root dirs
    for path, name in related_targets:
        root_dir = path.split('/')[0].strip()
        if root_dir not in blade.svn_root_dirs and '#' not in root_dir:

    return direct_targets, all_command_targets, related_targets