Example #1
def test_type():
    number = blazon.schema({"type": int})

    assert number.validate(1)
    assert not number.validate("1")

    assert number(1) == 1
    assert number("1") == 1

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    class A:
        def __init__(self, index):
            self.index = int(index)

    a_type = blazon.schema({"type": A})
    a = A(1)

    assert a_type.validate(a)
    assert not a_type.validate(None)

    assert a_type(a) is a
    assert a_type(1).index == 1

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Example #2
def test_minimum():
    s = blazon.schema({"minimum": 0})

    assert not s.validate(-10)
    assert not s.validate(-1)
    assert s.validate(0)
    assert s.validate(4)

    assert s(-10) == 0
    assert s(-1) == 0
    assert s(0) == 0
    assert s(4) == 4

    # Exclusive minimum changes our validation
    assert s.validate(0)
    s.value["exclusive_minimum"] = True
    assert s(10) == 10
    with pytest.raises(blazon.ValidationError):
        assert s(-10)
    s.value["exclusive_minimum"] = False
    assert s.validate(0)
    assert s(-10) == 0
    s.value.pop("exclusive_maximum", 0)
    assert s.validate(0)
    assert s(-10) == 0

    # Exclusive minimum validates whatever
    s = blazon.schema({"exclusive-minimum": True})
    assert s.validate(5)
    assert s.validate(None)
Example #3
def test_all_of():
    s = blazon.schema({
        "allOf": [{
            "type": str,
            "max_length": 6
        }, {
            "type": str,
            "min_length": 3

    assert not s.validate("")
    assert s.validate("foo")
    assert s.validate("foobar")
    assert not s.validate("foobarbar")

    s = blazon.schema({
        "allOf": [{
            "type": str,
            "max_length": 3
        }, {
            "type": int,
            "maximum": 5

    assert s("666---") == 5
Example #4
def test_any_of():
    s = blazon.schema({
        "anyOf": [{
            "type": int,
            "maximum": 4
        }, {
            "type": int,
            "multiple-of": 4

    assert s.validate(1)
    assert s.validate(2)
    assert s.validate(4)
    assert not s.validate(5)
    assert s.validate(8)
    assert not s.validate(10)

    s = blazon.schema({"anyOf": [{"type": int, "maximum": 4}, {"type": str}]})

    assert s.validate("asdf")
    assert s.validate(4)

    assert s("asdf") == "asdf"
    assert s(10) == 4
Example #5
def test_additional_items():
    s = blazon.schema({
        "items": [{
            "const": 1
        }, {
            "const": 2
        }, {
            "const": 3
        "additional-items": {
            "const": 0

    assert s.validate([1, 2, 3])
    assert s.validate([1, 2, 3, 0, 0])
    assert not s.validate([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

    s = blazon.schema({
        "items": [{
            "const": 1
        }, {
            "const": 2
        }, {
            "const": 3
        "additional-items": False

    assert s.validate([1, 2, 3])
    assert not s.validate([1, 2, 3, 0, 0])
Example #6
def test_iri():
    # Skip this test if we don't have the rfc module.

    s = blazon.schema({"type": str, "format": "iri"})

    assert s.validate("http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#appendix-A")
    assert not s.validate("antidisestablishmentarianism")

    s = blazon.schema({"type": str, "format": "iri-reference"})

    assert s.validate("urn:place/sub")
Example #7
def test_pattern():
    s = blazon.schema({"pattern": "^(\\([0-9]{3}\\))?[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}$"})

    assert s.validate("555-1212")
    assert s.validate("(888)555-1212")
    assert not s.validate("(888)555-1212 ext. 532")
    assert not s.validate("(800)FLOWERS")
    assert not s.validate("None")

    s = blazon.schema({"pattern": "ob"})

    assert s.validate("foobar")
    assert not s.validate("--")
Example #8
def test_const():
    s = blazon.schema({"const": 5})

    assert s.validate(5)
    assert not s.validate(4)

    assert s(1) == 5

    s = blazon.schema({"const": "jane"})

    assert s.validate("jane")
    assert not s.validate("bob")

    assert s("bob") == "jane"
Example #9
def test_multiple_of():
    s = blazon.schema({"multiple-of": 2})

    assert s.validate(4)
    assert s.validate(2)
    assert not s.validate(3)
    assert not s.validate(1)

    with pytest.raises(blazon.ValidationError):

    s = blazon.schema({"multiple-of": 1.5})
    assert s.validate(3)
    assert not s.validate(4)
Example #10
def test_items():
    # List
    s = blazon.schema({"items": {"const": 5}})

    assert s.validate([5])
    assert s.validate([5, 5, 5, 5])
    assert not s.validate([1])
    assert not s.validate([5, 5, 5, 1])

    # Tuple
    s = blazon.schema({"items": ({"const": 1}, {"const": 2}, {"const": 3})})
    assert s.validate([1, 2, 3])
    assert s.validate([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
    assert not s.validate([1])
    assert not s.validate([1, 2])
    assert not s.validate([])
Example #11
def test_required():
    s = blazon.schema({"required": ["a", "b"]})

    assert s.validate({"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3})
    assert s.validate({"a": 1, "b": 2})
    assert not s.validate({"a": 1})
    assert not s.validate({})
Example #12
def test_additional_properties():
    s = blazon.schema(
            "entries": {"name": {"type": str}},
            "patternEntries": {"review-(\d+)": {"type": int}},
            "additionalEntries": {"type": list},

    assert s.validate({"name": "carol", "review-1": 4, "review-2": 3})
    assert s.validate({"name": "carol", "review-1": 4, "review-2": 3, "additional": [1, 2, 3]})
    assert not s.validate({"name": "carol", "review-1": 4, "review-2": 3, "additional": 4})

    s = blazon.schema({"entries": {"name": {"type": str}}, "additionalEntries": False,})

    assert not s.validate({"name": "carol", "additional": "yeah"})
Example #13
def test_max_entries():
    s = blazon.schema({"max-entries": 2})

    assert s.validate({})
    assert s.validate({"a": 1})
    assert s.validate({"a": 1, "b": 2})
    assert not s.validate({"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3})
Example #14
def test_contains():
    s = blazon.schema({"contains": {"const": 1}})

    assert s.validate([1, 2, 3])
    assert s.validate([1, 1, 1])
    assert not s.validate([])
    assert not s.validate([2, 3, 4])
Example #15
def test_hostname():
    s = blazon.schema({"type": str, "format": "hostname"})

    assert s.validate("www.example.com")
    assert s.validate("forge.works")
    assert not s.validate("--")
    assert not s.validate("/hello/")
Example #16
def test_property_names():
    s = blazon.schema({"entryNames": {"type": str, "min_length": 3},})

    assert s.validate({})
    assert s.validate({"foo": 1})
    assert s.validate({"foo": 1, "foobar": 2})
    assert not s.validate({"foo": 1, "foobar": 2, "x": 3})
    assert not s.validate({"x": 3})
Example #17
def test_max_items():
    s = blazon.schema({"maxItems": 3})

    assert s.validate([])
    assert s.validate([1, 2, 3])
    assert not s.validate([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

    assert s([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) == [1, 2, 3]
Example #18
def test_ip_addresses():
    s = blazon.schema({"type": str, "format": "ipv4"})

    assert s.validate("")
    assert not s.validate("")
    assert not s.validate("-")

    s = blazon.schema({"type": str, "format": "ipv6"})

    assert s.validate("2001:db8::")
    assert s.validate("2001:DB8:0:0:8:800:200C:417A")
    assert s.validate("FF01:0:0:0:0:0:0:101")
    assert s.validate("0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0")
    assert s.validate("0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1")
    assert s.validate("::")
    assert not s.validate("-")
    assert not s.validate("1200::AB00:1234::2552:7777:1313")
Example #19
def test_uniqueness():
    s = blazon.schema({"uniqueItems": True})

    assert s.validate([1, 2, 3])
    assert s.validate([])
    assert not s.validate([2, 2])
    assert not s.validate([1, 2, 3, 1])

    assert s([1, 2, 3, 1]) == {1, 2, 3}
Example #20
def test_max_length():
    s = blazon.schema({"max-length": 5})

    assert s.validate("foo")
    assert s.validate("foob")
    assert s.validate("fooba")
    assert not s.validate("foobar")

    assert s("foobar") == "fooba"
Example #21
def test_min_length():
    s = blazon.schema({"min-length": 5})

    assert s.validate("foobarfoobarfoobar")
    assert s.validate("foobar")
    assert not s.validate("foo")
    assert not s.validate("")

    with pytest.raises(blazon.ValidationError):
        assert s("foo")
Example #22
def test_enum():
    s = blazon.schema({"enum": ["bob", "carol", "jane"]})

    assert s.validate("bob")
    assert s.validate("carol")
    assert s.validate("jane")
    assert not s.validate("asdfasf")
    assert not s.validate(None)

    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
Example #23
 class Person(Schematic):
     __schema__ = blazon.schema({
         "entries": {
             "name": {
                 "type": str
             "age": {
                 "type": int,
                 "minimum": 0,
                 "default": 42
         "required": ["name"],
Example #24
def test_pattern_properties():
    s = blazon.schema(
            "patternEntries": {
                "name": {"type": str, "min_length": 3},
                "review-(\d+)": {"type": int, "minimum": 0, "maximum": 5},

    assert s.validate(
        {"name": "carol", "review-1": 4, "review-2": 3, "review": 50, "review-extra": -40}
    assert not s.validate({"name": "carol", "review-1": 10})
Example #25
def test_dependencies():
    s = blazon.schema({"dependencies": {"credit_card": ["billing_address"]}})

    assert s.validate({})
    assert s.validate({"billing_address": "42 Main St"})
    assert not s.validate({"credit_card": "4141-414141-414141"})
    assert s.validate({"credit_card": "4141-414141-414141", "billing_address": "42 Main St"})

    s = blazon.schema(
            "dependencies": {
                "credit_card": {
                    "entries": {"billing_address": {"type": str}},
                    "required": ["billing_address"],

    assert s.validate({})
    assert s.validate({"billing_address": "42 Main St"})
    assert not s.validate({"credit_card": "4141-414141-414141"})
    assert s.validate({"credit_card": "4141-414141-414141", "billing_address": "42 Main St"})
    assert not s.validate({"credit_card": "4141-414141-414141", "billing_address": ["bob"]})
Example #26
def test_one_of():
    s = blazon.schema({
        "oneOf": [{
            "type": int,
            "maximum": 4
        }, {
            "type": int,
            "multiple-of": 4

    assert s.validate(1)
    assert s.validate(2)
    assert not s.validate(4)
    assert not s.validate(5)
    assert s.validate(8)
    assert not s.validate(10)
Example #27
def test_entries():
    s = blazon.schema(
            "entries": {
                "name": {"type": str, "min_length": 3},
                "age": {"type": int, "minimum": 18, "maximum": 130},

    assert s.validate({"name": "bob", "age": 41})
    assert s.validate({"name": "bob", "age": 41, "other": 2})

    assert not s.validate({"name": "bob", "age": 400})
    assert not s.validate({"name": "?", "age": 14})

    # Missing entries are ignored
    assert s.validate({})
Example #28
def test_if_then_else():
    s = blazon.schema({
        "if": {
            "maximum": 4
        "then": {
            "multiple-of": 2
        "else": {
            "multiple-of": 3

    assert not s.validate(1)
    assert s.validate(2)
    assert not s.validate(3)
    assert s.validate(4)
    assert not s.validate(5)
    assert s.validate(6)
    assert not s.validate(7)
    assert not s.validate(8)
    assert s.validate(9)
    assert not s.validate(10)
    assert s.validate(12)
Example #29
def test_maximum_with_bad_input():
    s = blazon.schema({"type": int, "maximum": 4})

    assert not s.validate("asdf")
Example #30
def test_min_items():
    s = blazon.schema({"minItems": 3})

    assert not s.validate([])
    assert s.validate([1, 2, 3])
    assert s.validate([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])