Example #1
def test_jenkins_for_invalid_items():
    config_file = ('bad_jenk_items.yml')
    runner = BuildConnectorRunner([config_file])

    log = "log/{}.log".format(config_file.replace('.yml', ''))
    with open(log, 'r') as f:
        log_content = f.readlines()
    target_line = "Jenkins section of the config contained these invalid entries"
    match = [line for line in log_content if target_line in line][0]
    assert re.search(r'%s' % target_line, match)
Example #2
def test_jenkins_for_invalid_items():
    config_file = ('bad_jenk_items.yml')
    runner = BuildConnectorRunner([config_file])

    log = "log/{}.log".format(config_file.replace('.yml', ''))
    with open(log, 'r') as f:
        log_content = f.readlines()
    target_line = "Jenkins section of the config contained these invalid entries"
    match = [line for line in log_content if target_line in line][0]
    assert re.search(r'%s' % target_line, match)
Example #3
def test_jenkins_for_empty_folders():
    config_file = ('bad_jenk_empty_folders.yml')
    runner = BuildConnectorRunner([config_file])

    log = "log/{}.log".format(config_file.replace('.yml', ''))
    with open(log, 'r') as f:
        log_content = f.readlines()

    target_line = "Folders section of the config is empty"
    match = [line for line in log_content if target_line in line][0]
    assert re.search(r'%s' % target_line, match)
Example #4
def test_jenkins_for_empty_folders():
    config_file = ('bad_jenk_empty_folders.yml')
    runner = BuildConnectorRunner([config_file])

    log = "log/{}.log".format(config_file.replace('.yml', ''))
    with open(log, 'r') as f:
        log_content = f.readlines()

    target_line = "Folders section of the config is empty"
    match = [line for line in log_content if target_line in line][0]
    assert re.search(r'%s' % target_line, match)
def test_builds_same_repo():
    #default_lookback = 3600  # 1 hour in seconds
    config_lookback = 7200  # this is in seconds, even though in the config file the units are minutes
    config_file = 'same_scmrepo.yml'
    z = "2017-01-24 17:17:10 Z"
    last_run_zulu = create_time_file(config_file, zulu_time=z, minutes=60)
    t = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(last_run_zulu, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S Z')))
    last_run_minus_lookback_zulu = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', time.localtime(t))
    args = [config_file]
    runner = BuildConnectorRunner(args)
    assert runner.first_config == config_file

    target_projects = runner.connector.target_projects
    assert 'Jenkins // Salamandra' in target_projects
    assert 'Jenkins // Corral // Salamandra' in target_projects
def test_dont_duplicate_builds():
    job_name = 'truculent elk medallions'
    assert util.delete_ac_builds(job_name) == []
    config_file = 'truculent.yml'
    ymlfile = open("config/{}".format(config_file), 'r')
    conf = yaml.load(ymlfile)
    project = conf['JenkinsBuildConnector']['Jenkins']['Jobs'][0]['AgileCentral_Project']
    create_time_file(config_file, minutes=2)
    args = [config_file]
    runner = BuildConnectorRunner(args)
    assert runner.first_config == config_file
    last_run_zulu = '2016-12-01 00:00:00 Z'
    time_file_name = "{}_time.file".format(config_file.replace('.yml', ''))
    with open("log/{}".format(time_file_name), 'w') as tf:

    jenk_conn = runner.connector.bld_conn
    all_naked_jobs = jenk_conn.inventory.jobs
    targeted = [job for job in all_naked_jobs if job.name == job_name]
    target_job = targeted[0]
    build_defs = util.get_build_definition(target_job.fully_qualified_path(), project=project)
    assert len(build_defs) == 1
    assert build_defs[0].Project.Name == project

    builds = util.get_ac_builds(build_defs[0], project=project)
    #assert len(builds) == 10
    assert [build for build in builds if build.Number in ['8', '9', '10']]
    assert [build for build in builds if build.Number == '8' and build.Status == 'SUCCESS']
    assert [build for build in builds if build.Number == '9' and build.Status == 'FAILURE']

    last_run_zulu = '2016-10-31 00:00:00 Z'
    time_file_name = "{}_time.file".format(config_file.replace('.yml', ''))
    with open("log/{}".format(time_file_name), 'w') as tf:

    build_defs = util.get_build_definition(target_job.fully_qualified_path(), project=project)
    assert len(build_defs) == 1

    builds = util.get_ac_builds(build_defs[0], project=project)
    assert len(builds) == 10
    assert len([build for build in builds if build.Number == '1']) == 1
    assert len([build for build in builds if build.Number in ['8', '9', '10']]) == 3
    assert [build for build in builds if build.Number == '5' and build.Status == 'SUCCESS']
    assert [build for build in builds if build.Number == '1' and build.Status == 'FAILURE']
def test_builds_same_repo():
    #default_lookback = 3600  # 1 hour in seconds
    config_lookback = 7200  # this is in seconds, even though in the config file the units are minutes
    config_file = 'same_scmrepo.yml'
    z = "2017-01-24 17:17:10 Z"
    last_run_zulu = create_time_file(config_file, zulu_time=z, minutes=60)
    t = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(last_run_zulu, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S Z')))
    last_run_minus_lookback_zulu = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ',
    args = [config_file]
    runner = BuildConnectorRunner(args)
    assert runner.first_config == config_file

    target_projects = runner.connector.target_projects
    assert 'Jenkins // Salamandra' in target_projects
    assert 'Jenkins // Corral // Salamandra' in target_projects
Example #8
def test_log_for_config_vetting():
    config_file = BAD_CONFIG1
    args = [config_file]
    runner = BuildConnectorRunner(args)
    assert runner.first_config == config_file
    log = "log/{}.log".format(config_file.replace('.yml', ''))
    assert runner.logfile_name == log

    with open(log, 'r') as f:
        log_content = f.readlines()

    #error = "these jobs: Parkour, pillage-and-plunder, torment  were not present in the Jenkins inventory of Jobs"
    # the log contained the same error, but the order of job names is different:
    # "these jobs: 'pillage-and-plunder', 'torment', 'Parkour'  were not present in the Jenkins inventory of Jobs"
    error = "were not present in the Jenkins inventory of Jobs"
    match = [line for line in log_content if "{}".format(error) in line][0]
    assert re.search(r'%s' % error, match)
def test_bld_connector_runner():
    #default_lookback = 3600  # 1 hour in seconds
    config_lookback = 7200  # this is in seconds, even though in the config file the units are minutes
    config_file = 'wombat.yml'
    last_run_zulu = create_time_file(config_file, minutes=60)
    #t = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(last_run_zulu, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S Z'))) - default_lookback
    t = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(
        last_run_zulu, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S Z'))) - config_lookback
    last_run_minus_lookback_zulu = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ',
    args = [config_file]
    runner = BuildConnectorRunner(args)
    assert runner.first_config == config_file


    assert config_file in runner.config_file_names
    assert 'AgileCentral' in runner.connector.config.topLevels()
    assert 'Static' in runner.connector.target_projects
    log = "log/{}.log".format(config_file.replace('.yml', ''))
    assert runner.logfile_name == log

    with open(log, 'r') as f:
        log_content = f.readlines()

    line1 = "Connected to Jenkins server"
    line2 = "Connected to Agile Central"
    line3 = "Got a BLDConnector instance"
    line4 = "recent Builds query: CreationDate >= {}".format(

    match1 = [line for line in log_content if "{}".format(line1) in line][-1]
    match2 = [line for line in log_content if "{}".format(line2) in line][-1]
    match3 = [line for line in log_content if "{}".format(line3) in line][-1]
    match4 = [line for line in log_content if "{}".format(line4) in line][-1]

    assert last_run_minus_lookback_zulu in match4

    assert re.search(r'%s' % line1, match1)
    assert re.search(r'%s' % line2, match2)
    assert re.search(r'%s' % line3, match3)
    assert re.search(r'%s' % line4, match4)
Example #10
def main(args):

        connector_runner = BuildConnectorRunner(args)
    except ConfigurationError as msg:
        # raising a ConfigurationError will cause an ERROR to be logged
        sys.stderr.write('ERROR: %s detected a fatal configuration error. See log file.\n' % PROG)
    except Exception as msg:
        sys.stderr.write('ERROR: %s encountered an ERROR condition.\n' % PROG)
        # blurt out a formatted stack trace
        excp_type, excp_value, tb = sys.exc_info()
        mo = re.search(r"'(?P<ex_name>.+)'", str(excp_type))
        if mo:
            excp_type = mo.group('ex_name').replace('exceptions.', '').replace('bldeif.utils.', '')
        sys.stderr.write('%s: %s\n' % (excp_type, str(excp_value)))
def test_reflect_builds():
    config_file = 'wombat.yml'
    folder = "immovable wombats"
    my_job = "Top"

    ymlfile = open("config/{}".format(config_file), 'r')
    data = yaml.load(ymlfile)
    jenkins = data['JenkinsBuildConnector']['Jenkins']
    username = jenkins['Username']
    api_token = jenkins['API_Token']
    protocol = jenkins['Protocol']
    server = jenkins['Server']
    port = jenkins['Port']
    headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

    jenkins_base_url = "{}://{}:{}".format(protocol, server, port)
    url = "{}/job/{}/job/{}/build".format(jenkins_base_url, folder, my_job)
    r = requests.post(url, auth=(username, api_token), headers=headers)
    assert r.status_code in [200, 201]

    create_time_file(config_file, minutes=2)
    args = [config_file]
    runner = BuildConnectorRunner(args)
    assert runner.first_config == config_file


    assert config_file in runner.config_file_names
    assert 'AgileCentral' in runner.connector.config.topLevels()
    assert 'Static' in runner.connector.target_projects
    log = "log/{}.log".format(config_file.replace('.yml', ''))
    assert runner.logfile_name == log
    with open(log, 'r') as f:
        log_content = f.readlines()
    job_build_signature = "Created Build: tiema03-u183073.ca.com:8080/job/immovable wombats/job/Top"
    #job_build_signature = "Created Build: {}/job/{}/job/{}".format(jenkins_base_url, folder, my_job)
    job_url_lines = [
        line for line in log_content if job_build_signature in line
    assert job_url_lines
def test_bld_connector_runner():
    #default_lookback = 3600  # 1 hour in seconds
    config_lookback = 7200  # this is in seconds, even though in the config file the units are minutes
    config_file = 'wombat.yml'
    last_run_zulu = create_time_file(config_file, minutes=60)
    #t = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(last_run_zulu, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S Z'))) - default_lookback
    t = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(last_run_zulu, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S Z')))  - config_lookback
    last_run_minus_lookback_zulu = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', time.localtime(t))
    args = [config_file]
    runner = BuildConnectorRunner(args)
    assert runner.first_config == config_file


    assert config_file in runner.config_file_names
    assert 'AgileCentral' in runner.connector.config.topLevels()
    assert 'Static' in runner.connector.target_projects
    log = "log/{}.log".format(config_file.replace('.yml', ''))
    assert runner.logfile_name == log

    with open(log, 'r') as f:
        log_content = f.readlines()

    line1 = "Connected to Jenkins server"
    line2 = "Connected to Agile Central"
    line3 = "Got a BLDConnector instance"
    line4 = "recent Builds query: CreationDate >= {}".format(last_run_minus_lookback_zulu)

    match1 = [line for line in log_content if "{}".format(line1) in line][-1]
    match2 = [line for line in log_content if "{}".format(line2) in line][-1]
    match3 = [line for line in log_content if "{}".format(line3) in line][-1]
    match4 = [line for line in log_content if "{}".format(line4) in line][-1]

    assert last_run_minus_lookback_zulu in match4

    assert re.search(r'%s' % line1, match1)
    assert re.search(r'%s' % line2, match2)
    assert re.search(r'%s' % line3, match3)
    assert re.search(r'%s' % line4, match4)
def test_reflect_builds():
    config_file = 'wombat.yml'
    folder = "immovable wombats"
    my_job = "Top"

    ymlfile = open("config/{}".format(config_file), 'r')
    data = yaml.load(ymlfile)
    jenkins = data['JenkinsBuildConnector']['Jenkins']
    username  = jenkins['Username']
    api_token = jenkins['API_Token']
    protocol  = jenkins['Protocol']
    server    = jenkins['Server']
    port      = jenkins['Port']
    headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

    jenkins_base_url = "{}://{}:{}".format(protocol, server, port)
    url = "{}/job/{}/job/{}/build".format(jenkins_base_url, folder, my_job)
    r = requests.post(url, auth=(username, api_token), headers=headers)
    assert r.status_code in [200, 201]

    create_time_file(config_file, minutes=2)
    args = [config_file]
    runner = BuildConnectorRunner(args)
    assert runner.first_config == config_file


    assert config_file in runner.config_file_names
    assert 'AgileCentral' in runner.connector.config.topLevels()
    assert 'Static' in runner.connector.target_projects
    log = "log/{}.log".format(config_file.replace('.yml', ''))
    assert runner.logfile_name == log
    with open(log, 'r') as f:
        log_content = f.readlines()
    job_build_signature =  "Created Build: tiema03-u183073.ca.com:8080/job/immovable wombats/job/Top"
    #job_build_signature = "Created Build: {}/job/{}/job/{}".format(jenkins_base_url, folder, my_job)
    job_url_lines = [line for line in log_content if job_build_signature in line]
    assert job_url_lines
def test_special_chars():
    config_file = 'aouch.yml'
    z = "2017-01-24 17:17:10 Z"
    last_run_zulu = create_time_file(config_file, zulu_time=z, minutes=60)
    t = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(last_run_zulu, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S Z')))
    args = [config_file]
    runner = BuildConnectorRunner(args)
    assert runner.first_config == config_file

    log = "log/{}.log".format(config_file.replace('.yml', ''))
    assert runner.logfile_name == log

    with open(log, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        log_content = f.readlines()

    target_line = "showQualifiedJobs -     áâèüSørençñ"
    match = [line for line in log_content if target_line in line][0]
    assert re.search(r'%s' % target_line, match)

    target_line = "東方青龍"
    match = [line for line in log_content if target_line in line][0]
    assert re.search(r'%s' % target_line, match)
def test_special_chars():
    config_file = 'aouch.yml'
    z = "2017-01-24 17:17:10 Z"
    last_run_zulu = create_time_file(config_file, zulu_time=z, minutes=60)
    t = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(last_run_zulu, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S Z')))
    args = [config_file]
    runner = BuildConnectorRunner(args)
    assert runner.first_config == config_file

    log = "log/{}.log".format(config_file.replace('.yml', ''))
    assert runner.logfile_name == log

    with open(log, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        log_content = f.readlines()

    target_line = "showQualifiedJobs -     áâèüSørençñ"
    match = [line for line in log_content if target_line in line][0]
    assert re.search(r'%s' % target_line, match)

    target_line = "東方青龍"
    match = [line for line in log_content if target_line in line][0]
    assert re.search(r'%s' % target_line, match)
def test_dont_duplicate_builds():
    job_name = 'truculent elk medallions'
    assert util.delete_ac_builds(job_name) == []
    config_file = 'truculent.yml'
    ymlfile = open("config/{}".format(config_file), 'r')
    conf = yaml.load(ymlfile)
    project = conf['JenkinsBuildConnector']['Jenkins']['Jobs'][0][
    create_time_file(config_file, minutes=2)
    args = [config_file]
    runner = BuildConnectorRunner(args)
    assert runner.first_config == config_file
    last_run_zulu = '2016-12-01 00:00:00 Z'
    time_file_name = "{}_time.file".format(config_file.replace('.yml', ''))
    with open("log/{}".format(time_file_name), 'w') as tf:

    jenk_conn = runner.connector.bld_conn
    all_naked_jobs = jenk_conn.inventory.jobs
    targeted = [job for job in all_naked_jobs if job.name == job_name]
    target_job = targeted[0]
    build_defs = util.get_build_definition(target_job.fully_qualified_path(),
    assert len(build_defs) == 1
    assert build_defs[0].Project.Name == project

    builds = util.get_ac_builds(build_defs[0], project=project)
    #assert len(builds) == 10
    assert [build for build in builds if build.Number in ['8', '9', '10']]
    assert [
        build for build in builds
        if build.Number == '8' and build.Status == 'SUCCESS'
    assert [
        build for build in builds
        if build.Number == '9' and build.Status == 'FAILURE'

    last_run_zulu = '2016-10-31 00:00:00 Z'
    time_file_name = "{}_time.file".format(config_file.replace('.yml', ''))
    with open("log/{}".format(time_file_name), 'w') as tf:

    build_defs = util.get_build_definition(target_job.fully_qualified_path(),
    assert len(build_defs) == 1

    builds = util.get_ac_builds(build_defs[0], project=project)
    assert len(builds) == 10
    assert len([build for build in builds if build.Number == '1']) == 1
    assert len([build for build in builds
                if build.Number in ['8', '9', '10']]) == 3
    assert [
        build for build in builds
        if build.Number == '5' and build.Status == 'SUCCESS'
    assert [
        build for build in builds
        if build.Number == '1' and build.Status == 'FAILURE'