def draw_text(self): bgl.glColor3f(0, 0, 0) blf.position(FONT_ID, self.offset_x, self.offset_y + NODE_HIGHT / 4, 0) blf.blur(FONT_ID, 0) blf.size(FONT_ID, 30, 30) blf.draw(FONT_ID, self.text)
def write(): """write on screen""" width = render.getWindowWidth() height = render.getWindowHeight() # OpenGL setup bgl.glMatrixMode(bgl.GL_PROJECTION) bgl.glLoadIdentity() bgl.gluOrtho2D(0, width, 0, height) #bgl.glColor(1,1,1,1) bgl.glMatrixMode(bgl.GL_MODELVIEW) bgl.glLoadIdentity() # BLF drawing routine font_id = logic.font_id RED = (1, 0, 0, 1) pcol = ("Blue ", RED) #blf.color(font_id, 1, 1, 0, 0.5) blf.blur(font_id, 500) blf.rotation(font_id, 90) blf.position(font_id, (width * 0.5), (height * 0.5), 0.5) blf.size(font_id, 20, 100) blf.draw(font_id, "Hello World1") blf.size(font_id, 50, 72) blf.position(font_id, (width * 0.0), (height * 0.5), 0.5) blf.draw(font_id, "Hello World2")
def draw_text(text): col = prefs.color_shadow bgl.glColor4f(*col[:3], col[3] * 20) blf.blur(font_id, 5) blf.draw(font_id, text) blf.blur(font_id, 0) bgl.glColor3f(*prefs.color) blf.draw(font_id, text)
def __render_each_data(context, data): sc = context.scene # setup rendering region for area in bpy.context.screen.areas: if area.type == "VIEW_3D": break else: return for region in area.regions: if region.type == "WINDOW": break else: return for space in area.spaces: if space.type == "VIEW_3D": break else: return loc_on_screen = view3d_utils.location_3d_to_region_2d( region, space.region_3d, data[1]) rect = get_canvas(context, loc_on_screen, len(str(data[0])), sc.iv_font_size) positions = [ [rect.x0, rect.y0], [rect.x0, rect.y1], [rect.x1, rect.y1], [rect.x1, rect.y0] ] # render box bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_BLEND) bgl.glBegin(bgl.GL_QUADS) box_color_r, box_color_g, box_color_b, box_color_a = sc.iv_box_color bgl.glColor4f(box_color_r, box_color_g, box_color_b, box_color_a) for (v1, v2) in positions: bgl.glVertex2f(v1, v2) bgl.glEnd() # render index font_size = sc.iv_font_size blf.size(0, font_size, 72) blf.enable(0, blf.SHADOW) blf.shadow_offset(0, 1, -1) blf.shadow(0, 5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) blf.position(0, rect.x0 + (rect.x1 - rect.x0) * 0.18, rect.y0 + (rect.y1 - rect.y0) * 0.24, 0) text_color_r, text_color_g, text_color_b, text_color_a = sc.iv_text_color bgl.glColor4f(text_color_r, text_color_g, text_color_b, text_color_a) blf.draw(0, str(data[0])) blf.blur(0, 0) blf.disable(0, blf.SHADOW)
def draw_text(mouse, text, color): dpi = int(bpy.context.user_preferences.system.pixel_size) bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_BLEND) font_id = 0 # XXX, need to find out how best to get this. # draw some text bgl.glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 0.75) blf.blur(font_id, 5) blf.position(font_id, mouse[0] + 10 * dpi, mouse[1] - 20 * dpi, 0) blf.size(font_id, 8 * dpi, 96) blf.draw(font_id, text) bgl.glEnd() bgl.glColor4f(*color) blf.blur(font_id, 0) blf.draw(font_id, text) bgl.glDisable(bgl.GL_BLEND)
def draw_callback_px(self, context): wm = context.window_manager r = 0.8 g = 0.1 b = 0.2 if (context.window_manager.leap_nui_keyboardless_active): #print("Draw Callback True") # draw text in the 3D View bgl.glPushClientAttrib(bgl.GL_CURRENT_BIT | bgl.GL_ENABLE_BIT) blf.size(0, 12, 72) blf.position(0, 10, 10, 0) bgl.glColor4f(r, g, b, 0.7) blf.blur(0, 1) # shadow? blf.enable(0, blf.SHADOW) blf.shadow_offset(0, 1, -1) blf.shadow(0, 5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8) blf.draw(0, "Leap Active!") bgl.glPopClientAttrib() else: #print("Draw Callback False") pass # # Draw the LeapInfo log messages font_size = 24 messages = wm.leap_info.log_messages n_messages = len(messages) log_y_size = LeapInfo.MAX_LOG_MESSAGES * font_size #pos_y = context.region.height - ((context.region.height - log_y_size) / 2) pos_y = ((context.region.height - log_y_size) / 2) pos_x = 0 bgl.glPushClientAttrib(bgl.GL_CURRENT_BIT | bgl.GL_ENABLE_BIT) blf.size(0, font_size, 72) bgl.glColor4f(r, g, b, 0.7) for time, msg in reversed(messages): blf.position(0, pos_x, pos_y, 0) blf.draw(0, msg) pos_y += font_size bgl.glPopClientAttrib() # # Draw icon if the hand is visible to the Leap if (wm.leap_info.leap_listener.getHandId() == None): # NO HAND pass else: pos_x = context.region.width - (Icons.ICON_SIZE * 1.5) pos_y = (Icons.ICON_SIZE / 2) if (wm.leap_info.isTracking()): # GREEN HAND Icons.drawIcon("5-spreadfingers-icon-green.png", pos_x, pos_y) pass else: # RED HAND Icons.drawIcon("5-spreadfingers-icon-red.png", pos_x, pos_y) pass
def blur(radius, fontid=None): return blf.blur(FontManager.load(fontid), radius)
def draw_callback_px_text(self, context): wm = context.window_manager sc = context.scene if not wm.screencast_keys_keys: return font_size = sc.screencast_keys_font_size mouse_size = sc.screencast_keys_mouse_size box_draw = sc.screencast_keys_box_draw pos_x, pos_y = getDisplayLocation(context) label_time_max = sc.screencast_keys_fade_time # draw text in the 3D View blf.size(0, sc.screencast_keys_font_size, 72) blf.enable(0, blf.SHADOW) blf.shadow_offset(0, 1, -1) blf.shadow(0, 5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8) font_color_r, font_color_g, font_color_b, font_color_alpha = sc.screencast_keys_text_color final = 0 row_count = len(self.key) keypos_x = pos_x if sc.screencast_keys_mouse_position == 'left': keypos_x += mouse_size * MOUSE_RATIO * 1.7 if sc.screencast_keys_mouse != 'icon': keypos_x -= mouse_size * MOUSE_RATIO if sc.screencast_keys_mouse_position == 'right' and sc.screencast_keys_mouse != 'icon': keypos_x = pos_x shift = 0 # we want to make sure we can shift vertically the text if the mouse is big, # but don't care if aligned to right if mouse_size > font_size*row_count and not sc.screencast_keys_mouse_position == 'right': shift = (mouse_size - font_size*row_count) / 2 text_width, text_height = 0,0 row_count = 0 alpha = 1.0 for i in range(len(self.key)): label_time = time.time() - self.time[i] if label_time < label_time_max: # only display key-presses of last 2 seconds if label_time > (label_time_max / 1.2): blf.blur(0, 1) if label_time > (label_time_max / 1.1): blf.blur(0, 3) keypos_y = pos_y + shift + font_size*(i+0.1) blf.position(0, keypos_x, keypos_y , 0) alpha = min(1.0, max(0.0, label_time_max * (label_time_max - label_time))) bgl.glColor4f(font_color_r, font_color_g, font_color_b, font_color_alpha * alpha) blf.draw(0, self.key[i]) text_width, text_height = getBoundingBox(text_width, text_height, self.key[i]) row_count += 1 final = i + 1 else: break # remove blurriness # disable shadows so they don't appear all over blender blf.blur(0,0) blf.disable(0, blf.SHADOW) # get rid of status texts that aren't displayed anymore self.key = self.key[:final] self.time = self.time[:final] # draw graphical representation of the mouse if sc.screencast_keys_mouse == 'icon': for shape in ["mouse", "left_button", "middle_button", "right_button"]: draw_mouse(context, shape, "outline", font_color_alpha * 0.4) final = 0 for i in range(len(self.mouse)): click_time = time.time() - self.mouse_time[i] if click_time < 2: shape = map_mouse_event(self.mouse[i]) if shape: alpha = min(1.0, max(0.0, 2 * (2 - click_time))) draw_mouse(context, shape, "filled", alpha) final = i + 1 else: break # get rid of mouse clicks that aren't displayed anymore self.mouse = self.mouse[:final] self.mouse_time = self.mouse_time[:final]
def draw(self): if self.visible == False: return module.post_draw_step += 1 cam = self.scene.active_camera orth = cam.ortho_scale height = render.getWindowHeight() width = render.getWindowWidth() near = cam.near far = cam.far h = cam.worldPosition.z font_id = Label._fontname_id[self._font] unit = width/orth self._glunit = unit rpos = self._position - cam.worldPosition bgl.glMatrixMode(bgl.GL_PROJECTION) bgl.glLoadIdentity() bgl.gluOrtho2D(0, width, 0, height) bgl.glMatrixMode(bgl.GL_MODELVIEW) bgl.glLoadIdentity() bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_BLEND) bgl.glBlendFunc(bgl.GL_SRC_ALPHA, bgl.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) bgl.glAlphaFunc(bgl.GL_SRC_ALPHA, 1) #Z AXIS oh = (far-near)/2 ortho_unit = 1/oh dh = oh pos = list([width/2+rpos[0]*unit, height/2+rpos[1]*unit, dh*ortho_unit + rpos[2]*ortho_unit]) if self._lastscale != self.scale or True: blf.size(font_id, int(self.scale.x*unit), 72) else: if self._lastorth != orth: sc = (float(self._lastorth) / float(orth)) * self.scale.x bgl.glScalef(sc,sc,1) print(str(self._lastorth) + " " + str(orth)) pos[0] /= sc pos[1] /= sc else: self._lastorth = orth x, y = blf.dimensions(font_id, self._text) #NOTE: Always after blf.size() if self.align == ALIGN_CENTER: pos[0] -= (x)/2 * math.cos(self._rotation.z) pos[1] -= x/2 * math.sin(self._rotation.z) if self.align == ALIGN_RIGHT: pos[0] -= x * math.cos(self._rotation.z) pos[1] -= x * math.sin(self._rotation.z) if self.middle_height == True: pos[0] -= y/4 * math.sin(self._rotation.z) pos[1] -= y/4 * math.cos(self._rotation.z) blf.position(font_id, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]) blf.enable(font_id, blf.ROTATION) if self.rotation.z > 0.01 or self.rotation.z < -0.01: blf.rotation(font_id, self._rotation.z) else: blf.rotation(font_id, 0) if self.shadow == True: blf.position(font_id, pos[0]+self.shadow_offset[0], pos[1]+self.shadow_offset[1], pos[2]) bgl.glColor4f(*self.shadow_color) blf.blur(font_id, self.shadow_blur) blf.draw(font_id, self._text) blf.position(font_id, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]) bgl.glColor4f(*self._color) blf.blur(font_id, self.blur) blf.draw(font_id, self._text) blf.disable(font_id, blf.ROTATION) self._lastscale = self.scale
def drawIcons(self): global s_registration_active_space #print("Callback drawIcons") context = bpy.context #print("Drawing Icons in active space "+str( if (s_registration_active_space != None): if (not (s_registration_active_space.as_pointer() == #print("Skipping...") return #print("Drawing icons on context " + str(context) + "\tarea is " + str(context.area) + "(" + context.area.type +")") #glDrawPixels(width, height, format, type, pixels) #Write a block of pixels to the frame buffer # #height (width,) – Specify the dimensions of the pixel rectangle to be written into the frame buffer. #format (Enumerated constant) – Specifies the format of the pixel data. #type (Enumerated constant) – Specifies the data type for pixels. #pixels (bgl.Buffer object) – Specifies a pointer to the pixel data. bgl.glPushClientAttrib(bgl.GL_CURRENT_BIT | bgl.GL_ENABLE_BIT) # transparence bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_BLEND) bgl.glBlendFunc(bgl.GL_SRC_ALPHA, bgl.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) ICON_SIZE = 64 GRID_SIZE = 3 BORDER_SIZE = 5 blf.size(0, self.FONT_SIZE, 72) #bgl.glColor4f(*self.FONT_RGBA) blf.blur(0, 1) #bgl.glScalef(0.5,0.5,0.5) # Cycle to draw all the cells cell_num = 0 pos_y = context.region.height - ICON_SIZE - BORDER_SIZE for buffers_line in self.buffers: #pos_x = (context.region.width - (ICON_SIZE * GRID_SIZE) - (BORDER_SIZE * (GRID_SIZE-1)) ) / 2 pos_x = context.region.width - ( (ICON_SIZE + BORDER_SIZE) * GRID_SIZE) for buf in buffers_line: #print("Drawing icon for pos "+ str(cell_num)) bgl.glRasterPos2f(pos_x, pos_y) bgl.glDrawPixels(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE, bgl.GL_RGBA, bgl.GL_FLOAT, buf) # Print the char blf.position(0, pos_x, pos_y, 0) #bgl.glPushClientAttrib(bgl.GL_CLIENT_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS) #CURRENT_BIT|bgl.GL_ENABLE_BIT) bgl.glPushAttrib(bgl.GL_CLIENT_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS) blf.size(0, self.FONT_SIZE, 72) #blf.blur(0, 10) #blf.shadow(0, 3, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.2) #blf.shadow_offset(0, int(self.FONT_SIZE/10), int(self.FONT_SIZE/10)) bgl.glColor4f(*self.FONT_RGBA) blf.draw(0, self.shortcut_keys[cell_num]) bgl.glPopAttrib() #bgl.glPopClientAttrib() pos_x += ICON_SIZE + BORDER_SIZE cell_num += 1 pos_y -= ICON_SIZE + BORDER_SIZE bgl.glPopClientAttrib() pass
def draw(self): if self.visible == False: return module.post_draw_step += 1 cam = self.scene.active_camera orth = cam.ortho_scale height = render.getWindowHeight() width = render.getWindowWidth() near = cam.near far = cam.far h = cam.worldPosition.z font_id = Label._fontname_id[self._font] unit = width / orth self._glunit = unit rpos = self._position - cam.worldPosition bgl.glMatrixMode(bgl.GL_PROJECTION) bgl.glLoadIdentity() bgl.gluOrtho2D(0, width, 0, height) bgl.glMatrixMode(bgl.GL_MODELVIEW) bgl.glLoadIdentity() bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_BLEND) bgl.glBlendFunc(bgl.GL_SRC_ALPHA, bgl.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) bgl.glAlphaFunc(bgl.GL_SRC_ALPHA, 1) #Z AXIS oh = (far - near) / 2 ortho_unit = 1 / oh dh = oh pos = list([ width / 2 + rpos[0] * unit, height / 2 + rpos[1] * unit, dh * ortho_unit + rpos[2] * ortho_unit ]) if self._lastscale != self.scale or True: blf.size(font_id, int(self.scale.x * unit), 72) else: if self._lastorth != orth: sc = (float(self._lastorth) / float(orth)) * self.scale.x bgl.glScalef(sc, sc, 1) print(str(self._lastorth) + " " + str(orth)) pos[0] /= sc pos[1] /= sc else: self._lastorth = orth x, y = blf.dimensions(font_id, self._text) #NOTE: Always after blf.size() if self.align == ALIGN_CENTER: pos[0] -= (x) / 2 * math.cos(self._rotation.z) pos[1] -= x / 2 * math.sin(self._rotation.z) if self.align == ALIGN_RIGHT: pos[0] -= x * math.cos(self._rotation.z) pos[1] -= x * math.sin(self._rotation.z) if self.middle_height == True: pos[0] -= y / 4 * math.sin(self._rotation.z) pos[1] -= y / 4 * math.cos(self._rotation.z) blf.position(font_id, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]) blf.enable(font_id, blf.ROTATION) if self.rotation.z > 0.01 or self.rotation.z < -0.01: blf.rotation(font_id, self._rotation.z) else: blf.rotation(font_id, 0) if self.shadow == True: blf.position(font_id, pos[0] + self.shadow_offset[0], pos[1] + self.shadow_offset[1], pos[2]) bgl.glColor4f(*self.shadow_color) blf.blur(font_id, self.shadow_blur) blf.draw(font_id, self._text) blf.position(font_id, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]) bgl.glColor4f(*self._color) blf.blur(font_id, self.blur) blf.draw(font_id, self._text) blf.disable(font_id, blf.ROTATION) self._lastscale = self.scale
def set_blf_blur(font_id, radius): if check_version(2, 80, 0) < 0: blf.blur(font_id, radius)
def draw_callback_px_text(self, context): wm = context.window_manager sc = context.scene if not wm.screencast_keys_keys: return font_size = sc.screencast_keys_font_size mouse_size = sc.screencast_keys_mouse_size box_draw = sc.screencast_keys_box_draw pos_x, pos_y = getDisplayLocation(context) label_time_max = sc.screencast_keys_fade_time # draw text in the 3D View blf.size(0, sc.screencast_keys_font_size, 72) blf.enable(0, blf.SHADOW) blf.shadow_offset(0, 1, -1) blf.shadow(0, 5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8) font_color_r, font_color_g, font_color_b, font_color_alpha = sc.screencast_keys_text_color final = 0 row_count = len(self.key) keypos_x = pos_x if sc.screencast_keys_mouse_position == 'left': keypos_x += mouse_size * MOUSE_RATIO * 1.7 if sc.screencast_keys_mouse != 'icon': keypos_x -= mouse_size * MOUSE_RATIO if sc.screencast_keys_mouse_position == 'right' and sc.screencast_keys_mouse != 'icon': keypos_x = pos_x shift = 0 # we want to make sure we can shift vertically the text if the mouse is big, # but don't care if aligned to right if mouse_size > font_size * row_count and not sc.screencast_keys_mouse_position == 'right': shift = (mouse_size - font_size * row_count) / 2 text_width, text_height = 0, 0 row_count = 0 alpha = 1.0 for i in range(len(self.key)): label_time = time.time() - self.time[i] if label_time < label_time_max: # only display key-presses of last 2 seconds if label_time > (label_time_max / 1.2): blf.blur(0, 1) if label_time > (label_time_max / 1.1): blf.blur(0, 3) keypos_y = pos_y + shift + font_size * (i + 0.1) blf.position(0, keypos_x, keypos_y, 0) alpha = min( 1.0, max(0.0, label_time_max * (label_time_max - label_time))) bgl.glColor4f(font_color_r, font_color_g, font_color_b, font_color_alpha * alpha) blf.draw(0, self.key[i]) text_width, text_height = getBoundingBox(text_width, text_height, self.key[i]) row_count += 1 final = i + 1 else: break # remove blurriness # disable shadows so they don't appear all over blender blf.blur(0, 0) blf.disable(0, blf.SHADOW) # get rid of status texts that aren't displayed anymore self.key = self.key[:final] self.time = self.time[:final] # draw graphical representation of the mouse if sc.screencast_keys_mouse == 'icon': for shape in ["mouse", "left_button", "middle_button", "right_button"]: draw_mouse(context, shape, "outline", font_color_alpha * 0.4) final = 0 for i in range(len(self.mouse)): click_time = time.time() - self.mouse_time[i] if click_time < 2: shape = map_mouse_event(self.mouse[i]) if shape: alpha = min(1.0, max(0.0, 2 * (2 - click_time))) draw_mouse(context, shape, "filled", alpha) final = i + 1 else: break # get rid of mouse clicks that aren't displayed anymore self.mouse = self.mouse[:final] self.mouse_time = self.mouse_time[:final]