Example #1
def test_peephole_twoconstant_sources():
	src = '''
def main():
	a = 1
	b = 12
	c = a + b
	d = b - a
	e = a | b
	a = -2
	b = 3
	f = b & a
	g = a * b

	compiler = Compiler()
	main_object = compiler.compile(src)[0]
	main_object = compiler.opt_peephole(main_object)
	code = [InstrAdapter(x) for x in main_object.code]

	pattern = '''
imm  a@0,1
imm  b@0,12
imm  c@0,13
imm  d@0,11
imm  e@0,13
imm  a@1,-2
imm  b@1,3
imm  f@0,2
imm  g@0,-6
	assert match_code(code, pattern)
Example #2
def test_builtin_transfer():
	''' Test the transfer builtin functions. '''
	compiler = Compiler()
	src = '''
def main():
	a = 3
	b = transferFromNorth(a)
	c = transferFromEast(b)
	d = transferFromSouth(c)
	e = transferFromWest(d)

	kernel_objects= compiler.compile(src)
	main_object = kernel_objects[0]
	code = [InstrAdapter(x) for x in main_object.code]

	pattern = '''
imm a@0, 3
mov out, a@0
mov b@0, north
mov out, b@0
mov c@0, east
mov out, c@0
mov d@0, south
mov out, d@0
mov d@0, west
	assert match_code(code, pattern)
Example #3
def test_simple_loop_emit():
	compiler = Compiler()
	src = '''
def main():
	b = 5
	for i in range(2):
		b = i
	kernel_objects= compiler.compile(src)
	main_object = kernel_objects[0]
	code = [InstrAdapter(x) for x in main_object.code]
	pattern = '''
imm  b@0, 5
ximm tmp_0@0, 2
xlabel  loop_intro_1
ximm  i@0, 0
ximm  inc_1@0, 1
xlabel  for_2
ximm  tmp_3@0, 0
xemit  tmp_5@0, i@1
imm  tmp_6@0, 0
xcmp  i@1, tmp_3@0
xphi {EQ}  tmp_8@0, i@0, i@1
xmov  b@1, tmp_8@0
xadd  i@1, tmp_8@0, inc_1@0
xcmp  i@1, tmp_0@0
xjmp {LT}  for_2

	assert match_code(code, pattern)
Example #4
def test_peephole_addorsub_zero():
	''' Test if an addition/subtraction with a zero operand is converted into a mov instr. '''
	src = '''
def main(a):
	b = a | 0
	c = a + 0
	d = a - 0
	e = 0 - a # unoptimised case
	f = 4
	g = 3
	h = f + g
	i = f - g

	compiler = Compiler()
	main_object = compiler.compile(src)[0]
	main_object = compiler.opt_peephole(main_object)
	code = [InstrAdapter(x) for x in main_object.code]

	pattern = '''
imm  tmp_0@0,0
mov  b@0,a@0
imm  tmp_1@0,0
mov  c@0,a@0
imm  tmp_2@0,0
mov  d@0,a@0
imm  tmp_3@0,0
sub  e@0,tmp_3@0,a@0
imm  f@0,4
imm  g@0,3
imm  h@0,7
imm  i@0,1
	assert match_code(code, pattern)
Example #5
def test_get2D_copy_propagation():
	''' Test the get2D builtin, this code fetches a value from a 2D buffer with boundary handling.

	The difference with the previous test is that it also runs the copy propagation optimiser.

	compiler = Compiler()
	main_object = compiler.compile(get2D_simple_src)[0]
	print '\n'.join(str(InstrAdapter(x)) for x in main_object.code)
	main_object = compiler.opt_copy_propagation(main_object)
	code = [InstrAdapter(x) for x in main_object.code]

	pattern = '''
imm  in_ptr@0, 0
imm  bwidth@0, 8
imm  bheight@0, 8
imm  tmp_0@0, 0
lid  y@0, tmp_0@0
imm  tmp_1@0, 1
lid  x@0, tmp_1@0
imm  cg_tmp_1@0, 0
imm  cg_tmp_2@0, 0
add  cg_tmp_3@0, x@0, bwidth@0
cmp  x@0, cg_tmp_1@0
phi {LT}  cg_tmp_6@0, cg_tmp_3@0, x@0
sub  cg_tmp_7@0, cg_tmp_6@0, bwidth@0
cmp  x@0, bwidth@0
phi {GE}  cg_tmp_8@0, cg_tmp_7@0, cg_tmp_6@0
add  cg_tmp_9@0, y@0, bheight@0
cmp  y@0, cg_tmp_2@0
phi {LT}  cg_tmp_12@0, cg_tmp_9@0, y@0
sub  cg_tmp_13@0, cg_tmp_12@0, bheight@0
cmp  y@0, bheight@0
phi {GE}  cg_tmp_14@0, cg_tmp_13@0, cg_tmp_12@0
mul  cg_tmp_15@0, cg_tmp_14@0, bwidth@0
add  cg_tmp_16@0, cg_tmp_15@0, cg_tmp_8@0
add  cg_tmp_17@0, in_ptr@0, cg_tmp_16@0
memr  cg_tmp_19@0, cg_tmp_17@0
mov  out, cg_tmp_19@0
mov  cg_tmp_20@0, west
cmp  x@0, cg_tmp_1@0
phi {LT}  cg_tmp_21@0, cg_tmp_20@0, cg_tmp_19@0
mov  out, cg_tmp_21@0
mov  cg_tmp_22@0, east
cmp  x@0, bwidth@0
phi {GE}  cg_tmp_23@0, cg_tmp_22@0, cg_tmp_21@0
mov  out, cg_tmp_23@0
mov  cg_tmp_24@0, north
cmp  y@0, cg_tmp_2@0
phi {LT}  cg_tmp_25@0, cg_tmp_24@0, cg_tmp_23@0
mov  out, cg_tmp_25@0
mov  cg_tmp_26@0, south
cmp  y@0, bheight@0
phi {GE}  cg_tmp_27@0, cg_tmp_26@0, cg_tmp_25@0
	assert match_code(code, pattern)
Example #6
def test_undefined_variable_detection():
	''' Test if an undefined variable gives the correct error. '''
	compiler = Compiler()
	src = '''
def main(a):
	b = 3
	a += 1
	c = a + d
		main_object = compiler.compile(src)[0]
	except UndefinedVariableException, e:
		print str(e)
		return # correct execution
Example #7
def test_builtin_loadwest():
	compiler = Compiler()
	src = '''
def main():
	b = loadWest()

	kernel_objects= compiler.compile(src)
	main_object = kernel_objects[0]
	main_object = compiler.replace_phi_nodes(main_object)
	code = [InstrAdapter(x) for x in main_object.code]
	pattern = '''
mov  b@0, west
	assert match_code(code, pattern)
Example #8
def test_compile_add():
	compiler = Compiler()
	src = '''
def main():
	b = 4
	a = b + 2
	kernel_objects= compiler.compile(src)
	main_object = kernel_objects[0]
	code = [InstrAdapter(x) for x in main_object.code]
	pattern = '''
imm  b@0,4
imm  tmp_0@0,2
add  a@0,b@0,tmp_0@0
	assert match_code(code, pattern)
Example #9
def test_inplace_operator():
	compiler = Compiler()
	src = '''
def main():
	b = 5
	b += 1
	kernel_objects= compiler.compile(src)
	main_object = kernel_objects[0]
	code = [InstrAdapter(x) for x in main_object.code]
	pattern = '''
imm  b@0,5
imm  tmp_0@0,1
add  b@1,b@0,tmp_0@0
	assert match_code(code, pattern)
Example #10
def test_builtin_sendout():
	compiler = Compiler()
	src = '''
def main():
	a = 3

	kernel_objects= compiler.compile(src)
	main_object = kernel_objects[0]
	main_object = compiler.replace_phi_nodes(main_object)
	code = [InstrAdapter(x) for x in main_object.code]

	pattern = '''
imm a@0, 3
mov out, a@0
	assert match_code(code, pattern)
def compile_code(src_code, args, block_size, nr_reg = 8, no_sequencer=True):
	''' Compile a kernel and return a codegen function. '''
	comp = CompilerDriver(nr_reg, no_sequencer=True)
	main_object = comp.run(src_code)
	patched_object = Compiler.patch_arguments_before_run(main_object, [args[argname] for argname in main_object.arguments])
	def codegen_func(code, block_size, args):
		for x in patched_object.code:
			yield InstrAdapter(x, use_reg_wrapper=True)
	code = Code()
	code.set_generator(codegen_func, block_size, args)
	return code
Example #12
def test_2D_const_list():
	''' Test code generation with 2D constants list.

	Note that this looks easy to optimise, but it is not
	so simple, because q is only know right before execution. '''
	from blip.code.BlipCompiler import CompilerDriver, Compiler
	src = '''
def main(q):
	a = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
	acc = 0
	for i in range(2):
		for j in range(3):
			acc += q*a[i][j]
	return acc
	comp = CompilerDriver(16, no_sequencer=True)
	main_object = comp.run(src)
	patched_object = Compiler.patch_arguments_before_run(main_object, [41])
	code = [InstrAdapter(x) for x in patched_object.code]

	pattern = '''
imm  r0,41
imm  r1,0
imm  r2,0
imm  r3,0
imm  r4,1
mul  r5,r0,r4
add  r4,r1,r5
imm  r1,1
imm  r5,2
mul  r6,r0,r5
add  r5,r4,r6
imm  r4,2
imm  r6,3
mul  r7,r0,r6
add  r6,r5,r7
imm  r5,1
imm  r7,0
imm  r8,4
mul  r9,r0,r8
add  r8,r6,r9
imm  r6,1
imm  r9,5
mul  r10,r0,r9
add  r9,r8,r10
imm  r8,2
imm  r10,6
mul  r11,r0,r10
add  r0,r9,r11
mov  r9,r0
	assert match_code(code, pattern)
Example #13
def test_replace_phi_nodes():
	compiler = Compiler()
	src = '''
def main(a):
	b = 3 if a > 0 else 1

	kernel_objects= compiler.compile(src)
	main_object = kernel_objects[0]
	main_object = compiler.replace_phi_nodes(main_object)
	code = [InstrAdapter(x) for x in main_object.code]
	pattern = '''
imm  tmp_0@0,0
imm  tmp_2@0,3
imm  tmp_3@0,1
cmp  a@0,tmp_0@0
mov  b@0,tmp_3@0
mov {GT}  b@0,tmp_2@0
	assert match_code(code, pattern)
Example #14
def test_compile_conditional():
	compiler = Compiler()
	src = '''
def main(a):
	b = 3 if a > 0 else 1
	return b
	kernel_objects= compiler.compile(src)
	main_object = kernel_objects[0]
	code = [InstrAdapter(x) for x in main_object.code]
	pattern = '''
imm  tmp_0@0,0
imm  tmp_2@0,3
imm  tmp_3@0,1
cmp  a@0,tmp_0@0
phi {GT}  b@0,tmp_2@0,tmp_3@0
mov  main___return@0,b@0

	assert match_code(code, pattern)
Example #15
def test_simple_loop_emit_noseq():
	compiler = Compiler(no_sequencer=True)
	src = '''
def main():
	b = 5
	for i in range(2):
		b = i
	kernel_objects= compiler.compile(src)
	main_object = kernel_objects[0]
	code = [InstrAdapter(x) for x in main_object.code]
	pattern = '''
imm  b@0,5
imm  i@0,0
mov  b@1,i@0
imm  i@1,1
mov  b@2,i@1

	assert match_code(code, pattern)
Example #16
def test_patch_reg_arguments():
	''' Patching of arguments before run, now with registers as arguments. '''
	from blip.code.BlipCompiler import Compiler, NamedValue

	src = '''
def main(p, q):
	b = p - 2
	return q + b
	compiler = Compiler()
	main_object = compiler.compile(src)[0]
	patched_object = Compiler.patch_arguments_before_run(main_object, [NamedValue('test_value@0'), 41])
	code = [InstrAdapter(x) for x in patched_object.code]

	pattern = '''
mov  p@0,test_value@0
imm  q@0,41
imm  tmp_0@0,2
sub  b@0,p@0,tmp_0@0
add  tmp_1@0,q@0,b@0
mov  main___return@0,tmp_1@0
	assert match_code(code, pattern)
Example #17
def test_patch_arguments():
	from blip.code.BlipCompiler import CompilerDriver, Compiler
	src = '''
def main(q):
	return q + 1
	comp = CompilerDriver(8)
	main_object = comp.run(src)
	patched_object = Compiler.patch_arguments_before_run(main_object, [41])
	code = [InstrAdapter(x) for x in patched_object.code]

	pattern = '''
imm  r0,41
imm  r1,1
add  r2,r0,r1
mov  _, r2
	assert match_code(code, pattern)
Example #18
def test_get2D():
	''' Test the get2D builtin, this code fetches a value from a 2D buffer with boundary handling. '''
	compiler = Compiler()
	main_object = compiler.compile(get2D_simple_src)[0]
	code = [InstrAdapter(x) for x in main_object.code]

	pattern = '''
# initiate parameters
imm  in_ptr@0, 0
imm  bwidth@0, 8
imm  bheight@0, 8
imm  tmp_0@0, 0
lid  y@0, tmp_0@0
imm  tmp_1@0, 1
lid  x@0, tmp_1@0

# copy parameters
mov  cg_tmp_18@0, in_ptr@0
mov  cg_tmp_4@0, x@0
mov  cg_tmp_10@0, y@0
mov  cg_tmp_5@0, bwidth@0
mov  cg_tmp_11@0, bheight@0

# start of get2D
imm  cg_tmp_1@0, 0
imm  cg_tmp_2@0, 0
add  cg_tmp_3@0, cg_tmp_4@0, cg_tmp_5@0          # cg_tmp_3 = x + bwidth
cmp  cg_tmp_4@0, cg_tmp_1@0			 # comp x, 0
phi {LT}  cg_tmp_6@0, cg_tmp_3@0, cg_tmp_4@0     # cg_tmp_6 = phi(x < 0, cg_tmp_3, x)
sub  cg_tmp_7@0, cg_tmp_6@0, cg_tmp_5@0          # cg_tmp_7 = cg_tmp_6 - bwidth
cmp  cg_tmp_4@0, cg_tmp_5@0                      # comp x, bwidth
phi {GE}  cg_tmp_8@0, cg_tmp_7@0, cg_tmp_6@0     # cg_tmp_4 = phi(x >= bwidth, cg_tmp_7, cg_tmp_6)
add  cg_tmp_9@0, cg_tmp_10@0, cg_tmp_11@0        # cg_tmp_9 = y + bheight
cmp  cg_tmp_10@0, cg_tmp_2@0
phi {LT}  cg_tmp_12@0, cg_tmp_9@0, cg_tmp_10@0
sub  cg_tmp_13@0, cg_tmp_12@0, cg_tmp_11@0
cmp  cg_tmp_10@0, cg_tmp_11@0
phi {GE}  cg_tmp_14@0, cg_tmp_13@0, cg_tmp_12@0
mul  cg_tmp_15@0, cg_tmp_14@0, cg_tmp_5@0
add  cg_tmp_16@0, cg_tmp_15@0, cg_tmp_8@0
add  cg_tmp_17@0, cg_tmp_18@0, cg_tmp_16@0
memr  cg_tmp_19@0, cg_tmp_17@0
mov  out, cg_tmp_19@0
mov  cg_tmp_20@0, west
cmp  cg_tmp_4@0, cg_tmp_1@0
phi {LT}  cg_tmp_21@0, cg_tmp_20@0, cg_tmp_19@0
mov  out, cg_tmp_21@0
mov  cg_tmp_22@0, east
cmp  cg_tmp_4@0, cg_tmp_5@0
phi {GE}  cg_tmp_23@0, cg_tmp_22@0, cg_tmp_21@0
mov  out, cg_tmp_23@0
mov  cg_tmp_24@0, north
cmp  cg_tmp_10@0, cg_tmp_2@0
phi {LT}  cg_tmp_25@0, cg_tmp_24@0, cg_tmp_23@0
mov  out, cg_tmp_25@0
mov  cg_tmp_26@0, south
cmp  cg_tmp_10@0, cg_tmp_11@0
phi {GE}  cg_tmp_27@0, cg_tmp_26@0, cg_tmp_25@0
mov  cg_tmp_28@0, cg_tmp_27@0
mov  v@0, cg_tmp_28@0
	assert match_code(code, pattern)