def compare_child_node_order(self, parent, node1, node2): def compare(x, y): x = x.duplicate() y = y.duplicate() while x.node1 == y.node1 and is not None: x.node1 = y.node1 = # cmp x.node1.order and y.node1.order if x.node1.order < y.node1.order: return -1 elif x.node1.order == y.node1.order: return 0 else: return 1 edges = (DiagramEdge.find(parent, node1) + DiagramEdge.find(parent, node2)) edges.sort(key=cmp_to_key(compare)) if len(edges) == 0: return 0 elif edges[0].node2 == node2: return 1 else: return -1
def description_table(self, diagram): nodes = diagram.traverse_nodes widths = [25] + [50] * (len(RackItem.desctable) - 1) headers = [RackItem.attrname[name] for name in RackItem.desctable] descriptions = [n.to_desctable() for n in nodes()] descriptions.sort(key=cmp_to_key(directives.cmp_node_number)) # records for total total = ['-', 'Total'] + [''] * (len(RackItem.desctable) - 2) total[2] = u("%dU") % sum(n.colheight for n in nodes() if n.colheight) total[3] = u("%.1fA") % sum(n.ampere for n in nodes() if n.ampere) total[4] = u("%.1fkg") % sum(n.weight for n in nodes() if n.weight) descriptions.append(total) for i in range(len(headers) - 1, -1, -1): if any(desc[i] for desc in descriptions): pass else: widths.pop(i) headers.pop(i) for desc in descriptions: desc.pop(i) return self._description_table(descriptions, widths, headers)
def description_table(self, diagram): nodes = diagram.traverse_nodes widths = [25] + [50] * (len(RackItem.desctable) - 1) headers = [RackItem.attrname[name] for name in RackItem.desctable] descriptions = [n.to_desctable() for n in nodes()] descriptions.sort(key=cmp_to_key(directives.cmp_node_number)) # records for total total = ['-', 'Total'] + [''] * (len(RackItem.desctable) - 2) total[2] = "%dU" % sum(n.colheight for n in nodes() if n.colheight) total[3] = "%.1fA" % sum(n.ampere for n in nodes() if n.ampere) total[4] = "%.1fkg" % sum(n.weight for n in nodes() if n.weight) descriptions.append(total) for i in range(len(headers) - 1, -1, -1): if any(desc[i] for desc in descriptions): pass else: widths.pop(i) headers.pop(i) for desc in descriptions: desc.pop(i) return self._description_table(descriptions, widths, headers)
def set_node_height(self, node, height=0): xy = XY(node.xy.x, height) if self.is_marked(node.lane, xy): return False node.xy = xy self.mark_xy(node) def cmp(x, y): if x.xy.x < y.xy.y: return -1 elif x.xy.x == y.xy.y: return 0 else: return 1 count = 0 children = self.get_child_nodes(node) children.sort(key=cmp_to_key(cmp)) for child in children: if in self.heightRefs: pass elif node is not None and node.xy.x >= child.xy.x: pass else: if node.lane == child.lane: h = height else: h = 0 while True: if self.set_node_height(child, h): child.xy = XY(child.xy.x, h) self.mark_xy(child) self.heightRefs.append( count += 1 break elif node.lane != child.lane: h += 1 else: if count == 0: return False h += 1 if node.lane == child.lane: height = h + 1 return True
def description_table(self, diagram): nodes = diagram.traverse_nodes widths = [25] + [50] * (len(FieldItem.desctable) - 1) headers = [FieldItem.attrname[name] for name in FieldItem.desctable] descriptions = [n.to_desctable() for n in nodes()] descriptions.sort(key=cmp_to_key(directives.cmp_node_number)) for i in range(len(headers) - 1, -1, -1): if any(desc[i] for desc in descriptions): pass else: widths.pop(i) headers.pop(i) for desc in descriptions: desc.pop(i) return self._description_table(descriptions, widths, headers)
def set_node_ypos(self, node, height=0): for x in range(node.colwidth): for y in range(node.colheight): xy = XY(node.xy.x + x, height + y) if xy in self.coordinates: return False node.xy = XY(node.xy.x, height) self.mark_xy(node.xy, node.colwidth, node.colheight) def cmp(x, y): if x.xy.x < y.xy.y: return -1 elif x.xy.x == y.xy.y: return 0 else: return 1 count = 0 children = self.get_child_nodes(node) children.sort(key=cmp_to_key(cmp)) grandchild = 0 for child in children: if self.get_child_nodes(child): grandchild += 1 prev_child = None for child in children: if in self.heightRefs: pass elif node.xy.x >= child.xy.x: pass else: if isinstance(node, NodeGroup): parent_height = self.get_parent_node_ypos(node, child) if parent_height and parent_height > height: height = parent_height if (prev_child and grandchild > 1 and (not self.is_rhombus(prev_child, child))): coord = [p.y for p in self.coordinates if p.x > child.xy.x] if coord and max(coord) >= node.xy.y: height = max(coord) + 1 while True: if self.set_node_ypos(child, height): child.xy = XY(child.xy.x, height) self.mark_xy(child.xy, child.colwidth, child.colheight) self.heightRefs.append( count += 1 break else: if count == 0: return False height += 1 height += 1 prev_child = child return True