Example #1
def test_closed_loop_diagram():
    '''Create a closed loop diagram.

    Not many checks, except that it works fine!
    root = blocks.System('top level system')

    # Main blocks:
    src = blocks.Source('src', root)
    K = 1
    Ti = 0.1
    ctrl = blocks.TransferFunction('controller', [1, K*Ti],[0, Ti], root) # PI control
    plant = blocks.TransferFunction('plant', [1], [0, 1], root) # integrator
    comp = blocks.Summation('compare', ops = ['+','-'], parent = root)
    out = blocks.Sink(parent=root)

    assert_is(ctrl.parent, root)

    # Connect the blocks together
    w0 = blocks.connect_systems(src, comp, d_pname='in0')
    w1 = blocks.connect_systems(comp, ctrl)
    w2 = blocks.connect_systems(ctrl, plant)
    w3 = blocks.connect_systems(plant, comp, d_pname='in1')
    w4 = blocks.connect_systems(plant, out)
    # Check that the reuse of wires:
    assert_equal(w3, w4)
Example #2
def test_simple_connection():
    '''Connect a few TransferFunction blocks'''
    r = blocks.System('root')
    # Create three TF blocks
    tf1 = blocks.TransferFunction('TF1', parent=r)
    tf2 = blocks.TransferFunction('TF2', parent=r)
    tf3 = blocks.TransferFunction('TF3', parent=r)

    # Manual connection tf1 -> tf2:
    w1 = blocks.SignalWire('w1', parent=r)
    w1.connect_port(tf1.ports_dict['out']) # output of tf1
    w1.connect_port(tf2.ports_dict['in']) # input of tf2

    # Only one output port can be connected to a SignalWire:
    with assert_raises(ValueError):
    # Automated connection:
    w2 = blocks.connect_systems(tf2,tf3)

    # Check connection:
    assert tf2.ports_dict['out'] in w2.ports
    assert tf3.ports_dict['in'] in w2.ports
from __future__ import division, print_function

import blocks

root = blocks.System('CL control')

# Main blocks:
Src = blocks.Source('src', root)
K = 2; Ti = .2
Ctrl = blocks.TransferFunction('controller', [1, K*Ti],[0, Ti], root) # PI control
Plant = blocks.TransferFunction('plant', [1], [0, 1], root) # integrator
Cmp = blocks.Summation('compare', ops = ['+','-'], parent = root)

Out = blocks.Sink(parent=root)

w0 = blocks.connect_systems(Src, Cmp, d_pname='in0')
w1 = blocks.connect_systems(Cmp, Ctrl)
w2 = blocks.connect_systems(Ctrl, Plant)
w3 = blocks.connect_systems(Plant, Cmp, d_pname='in1')

w4 = blocks.connect_systems(Plant, Out)
assert w3 == w4


print('Compute incidence matrix')
inc_mat = blocks.incidence_matrix(root)

# Serialize/Deserialize:
Example #4
    #plant = blocks.TransferFunction('plant', [1], [0, 1], root) # integrator
    plant = blocks.SISOSystem('plant', root) # generic plant
    # Add subsystems inside the plant
    integrator = blocks.TransferFunction('int', [1], [0, 1]) # integrator
    wp1 = blocks.SignalWire('wp1', parent=plant)
    wp2 = blocks.SignalWire('wp2', parent=plant)

    comp = blocks.Summation('compare', ops = ['+','-'], parent = root)
    out = blocks.Sink('out',parent=root)
    # Connect the blocks together
    w0 = blocks.connect_systems(src, comp, d_pname='in0')
    w1 = blocks.connect_systems(comp, ctrl)
    w2 = blocks.connect_systems(ctrl, plant)
    w3 = blocks.connect_systems(plant, comp, d_pname='in1')
    w4 = blocks.connect_systems(plant, out)

    ### test laplace_output
    u = symbols('u')
    siso = blocks.SISOSystem('SISO')
    print(laplace_output(siso, [u]))
    print(laplace_output(ctrl, [u]))
    ### Tranfer function:
    Y_expr,Y,U = transfer_syst(root, depth=1)
    TF = sympy.simplify(Y_expr[0]/U[0])