Example #1
    def forward(self, context=None, x_prime=None, more_context=None, z=None):

        :param x: observation at current step
        :param context: to be fed at each timestep
        :param x_prime: observation at next step
        :param more_context: also to be fed at each timestep.
        :param z: (optional) if not None z is used directly and not sampled
        # TODO to get rid of more_context, make an interface that allows context structures
        output = AttrDict()

        output.p_z = self.prior(torch.zeros_like(
            x_prime))  # the input is only used to read the batchsize atm
        if x_prime is not None:
            output.q_z = self.inf(
                self.inf_lstm(x_prime, context, more_context).output)

        if z is None:
            if self._sample_prior:
                z = Gaussian(output.p_z).sample()
                z = Gaussian(output.q_z).sample()

        pred_input = [z, context, more_context]

        output.x = self.gen_lstm(*pred_input).output
        return output
Example #2
    def forward(self,
        :param x: observation at current step
        :param context: to be fed at each timestep
        :param x_prime: observation at next step
        :param more_context: also to be fed at each timestep.
        :param z: (optional) if not None z is used directly and not sampled
        # TODO to get rid of more_context, make an interface that allows context structures
        output = AttrDict()
        if x_prime is None:
            x_prime = torch.zeros_like(x)  # Used when sequence isn't available

        output.q_z = self.inf(
            self.inf_lstm(x_prime, context, more_context).output)
        output.p_z = self.prior(
            x)  # the input is only used to read the batchsize atm

        if z is not None:
            if self._hp.prior_type == 'learned':
                z = output.p_z.reparametrize(z)
            pass  # use z directly
        elif self._sample_prior:
            z = output.p_z.sample()
            z = output.q_z.sample()

        # Note: providing x might be unnecessary if it is provided in the init_state
        pred_input = [x, z, context, more_context]

        # x_t is fed back in as input (technically, it is unnecessary, however, the lstm is setup to observe a frame
        # every step because it observes one in the beginning).
        output.x = self.gen_lstm(*pred_input).output
        return output
Example #3
 def forward(self, context=None, more_context=None, z=None, batch_size=None):
     :param x: observation at current step
     :param context: to be fed at each timestep
     :param x_prime: observation at next step
     :param more_context: also to be fed at each timestep.
     :param z: (optional) if not None z is used directly and not sampled
     # TODO to get rid of more_context, make an interface that allows context structures
     outputs = AttrDict()
     outputs.p_z = self.prior(self.gen_lstm.output.weight.new_zeros(batch_size))  # the input is only used to read the batchsize atm
     if z is None:
         z = Gaussian(outputs.p_z).sample()
     pred_input = [z, context, more_context]
     outputs.x = self.gen_lstm(*pred_input).output
     return outputs
Example #4
    def produce_subgoal(self,
        Divides the subsequence by producing a subgoal inside it.
         This function represents one step of recursion of the model
        subgoal = AttrDict()

        e_l = left_parent.e_g_prime
        e_r = right_parent.e_g_prime

        subgoal.p_z = self.prior(e_l, e_r)

        if 'z' in layerwise_inputs:
            z = layerwise_inputs.z
            if self._hp.prior_type == 'learned':  # reparametrize if learned prior is used
                z = subgoal.p_z.reparametrize(z)
        elif self._sample_prior:
            z = subgoal.p_z.sample()
            ## Inference
            if self._hp.attentive_inference:
                    self.inference(inputs, e_l, e_r, start_ind, end_ind))
                subgoal.match_timesteps = self.binding.comp_timestep(
                    left_parent.match_timesteps, right_parent.match_timesteps)
                    self.inference(inputs, e_l, e_r, start_ind, end_ind,

            z = subgoal.q_z.sample()

        ## Predict the next node
        pred_input = [e_l, e_r, z]
        if self._hp.context_every_step:
            mult = int(z.shape[0] / inputs.e_0.shape[0])
            pred_input += [
                inputs.e_0.repeat_interleave(mult, 0),
                inputs.e_g.repeat_interleave(mult, 0)

        if self._hp.tree_lstm:
            if left_parent.hidden_state is None and right_parent.hidden_state is None:
                left_parent.hidden_state, right_parent.hidden_state = self.lstm_initializer(
                    e_l, e_r, z)

            subgoal.hidden_state, subgoal.e_g_prime = \
                self.subgoal_pred(left_parent.hidden_state, right_parent.hidden_state, *pred_input)
            subgoal.e_g_prime_preact = self.subgoal_pred(*pred_input)
            subgoal.e_g_prime = torch.tanh(subgoal.e_g_prime_preact)

        subgoal.ind = (
            start_ind + end_ind
        ) / 2  # gets overwritten w/ argmax of matching at training time (in loss)
        return subgoal, left_parent, right_parent
Example #5
    def produce_subgoal(self, inputs, layerwise_inputs, start_ind, end_ind, left_parent, right_parent, depth=None):
        Divides the subsequence by producing a subgoal inside it.
         This function represents one step of recursion of the model
        subgoal = AttrDict()
        batch_size = start_ind.shape[0]

        e_l = left_parent.e_g_prime
        e_r = right_parent.e_g_prime

        subgoal.p_z = self.prior(e_l, e_r)

        if 'z' in layerwise_inputs:
            z = layerwise_inputs.z
            if self._hp.prior_type == 'learned':    # reparametrize if learned prior is used
                z = subgoal.p_z.reparametrize(z)
        elif self._sample_prior:
            z = subgoal.p_z.sample()
            ## Inference
            if (self._hp.timestep_cond_attention or self._hp.forced_attention):
                subgoal.fraction = self.fraction_pred(e_l, e_r)[..., -1] if self.predict_fraction else None
                subgoal.match_timesteps = self.matcher.comp_timestep(left_parent.match_timesteps,
                                                                     None] if subgoal.fraction is not None else None)
                subgoal.update(self.inference(inputs, e_l, e_r, start_ind, end_ind, subgoal.match_timesteps.float()))
                    inputs, e_l, e_r, start_ind, end_ind, attention_weights=layerwise_inputs.safe.attention_weights))
            z = subgoal.q_z.sample()

        ## Predict the next node
        pred_input = [e_l, e_r, z]
        if self._hp.context_every_step:
            mult = int(z.shape[0] / inputs.enc_e_0.shape[0])
            pred_input += [inputs.enc_e_0.repeat_interleave(mult, 0),
                           inputs.enc_e_g.repeat_interleave(mult, 0)]
        if self._hp.tree_lstm:
            if left_parent.hidden_state is None and right_parent.hidden_state is None:
                left_parent.hidden_state, right_parent.hidden_state = self.lstm_initializer(e_l, e_r, z)
                if self._hp.lstm_warmup_cycles > 0:
                    for _ in range(self._hp.lstm_warmup_cycles):
                        left_parent.hidden_state, __ = \
                            self.subgoal_pred(left_parent.hidden_state, right_parent.hidden_state, e_l, e_r, z)
                        right_parent.hidden_state = left_parent.hidden_state.clone()
            subgoal.hidden_state, subgoal.e_g_prime = \
                self.subgoal_pred(left_parent.hidden_state, right_parent.hidden_state, *pred_input)
            subgoal.e_g_prime_preact = self.subgoal_pred(*pred_input)
            subgoal.e_g_prime = torch.tanh(subgoal.e_g_prime_preact)

        ## Additional predicted values
        if self.predict_fraction and not self._hp.timestep_cond_attention:
            subgoal.fraction = self.fraction_pred(e_l, e_r, subgoal.e_g_prime)[..., -1]     # remove unnecessary dim
        # add attention target if trained with attention supervision
        if self._hp.supervise_attn_weight > 0.0:
            frac = subgoal.fraction[:, None] if 'fraction' in subgoal and subgoal.fraction is not None else None
            subgoal.match_timesteps = self.matcher.comp_timestep(left_parent.match_timesteps,

        subgoal.ind = (start_ind + end_ind) / 2     # gets overwritten w/ argmax of matching at training time (in loss)
        return subgoal, left_parent, right_parent