Example #1
def mcz_gray(c: Circuit, ctrl: Sequence[int], target: int) -> Circuit:
    """A macro of multi controlled Z gate."""
    n_ctrl = len(ctrl)
    if n_ctrl == 0:
        return c.z[target]
    angles = [math.pi / 2**(n_ctrl - 1), -math.pi / 2**(n_ctrl - 1)]
    for c0, c1, parity in gen_gray_controls(n_ctrl):
        if c0 >= 0:
            c.cx[ctrl[c0], ctrl[c1]]
        c.cr(angles[parity])[ctrl[c1], target]
    return c
Example #2
def mcr_gray(c: Circuit, theta: float, ctrl: Sequence[int],
             target: int) -> Circuit:
    """A macro of multi controlled R gate."""
    n_ctrl = len(ctrl)
    if n_ctrl == 0:
        return c.r(theta)[target]
    angles = [theta / 2**(n_ctrl - 1), -theta / 2**(n_ctrl - 1)]
    for c0, c1, parity in gen_gray_controls(n_ctrl):
        if c0 >= 0:
            c.cx[ctrl[c0], ctrl[c1]]
        c.cr(angles[parity])[ctrl[c1], target]
    return c