def Collecting_XRF(lg): 'Sending main the args and plan to run a grid scan' global xstart, xstop, xnum, ystart, ystop, ynum, courseXfly, courseYfly, xrf_dwell # print (xstart,xstop,xnum,ystart,ystop, ynum,courseXfly,courseYfly) detectors = [noisy_det] if flymotor == courseXfly: print(" ") x_scan = ('RE(scan_and_fly( {} , {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {} )'.format( xstart, xstop, xnum, ystart, ystop, ynum, xrf_dwell)) # print (x_scan) print(x_scan) return bpp.subs_decorator([lg ])(grid_scan), (detectors, motor1, xstart, xstop, xnum, motor2, ystart, ystop, ynum, False) else: yscan = ('RE(y_scan_and_fly( {} , {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {} )'.format( ystart, ystop, ynum, xstart, xstop, xnum, xrf_dwell)) print(yscan) return bpp.subs_decorator([lg ])(grid_scan), (detectors, motor1, xstart, xstop, xnum, motor2, ystart, ystop, ynum, False)
def collect_arg_kwargs(self): dwell = self.dwell_t.value() xstart = self.flyingStart.value() xstop = self.flyingStop.value() ystart = self.steppingStart.value() ystop = self.steppingStop.value() xnum = int(self.npts_x.value()) ynum = int(self.npts_y.value()) detectors = [det4] # return scan, (detectors,motor1, xstart, xstop, xnum) self.map_.figure.clf() ax = self.map_.figure.add_subplot(111) self.lg = lg = DrawingLiveGrid((xnum, ynum), 'det4', ax=ax) import bluesky.preprocessors as bpp return bpp.subs_decorator([lg ])(grid_scan), (detectors, motor1, xstart, xstop, xnum, motor2, ystart, ystop, ynum, False)
def test_subs(): def cb(name, doc): pass def plan(*args, **kwargs): # check that args to plan are passed through yield from [Msg('null', None, *args, **kwargs)] processed_plan = list(subs_wrapper(plan('test_arg', test_kwarg='val'), {'all': cb})) expected = [Msg('subscribe', None, cb, 'all'), Msg('null', None, 'test_arg', test_kwarg='val'), Msg('unsubscribe', token=None)] assert processed_plan == expected processed_plan = list(subs_decorator({'all': cb})(plan)('test_arg', test_kwarg='val')) assert processed_plan == expected
def set_up_xrf(lg): return bpp.subs_decorator([lg])(grid_scan)