def setArea(self, *args): ''' Set Experiment Area. Aicraft leaving the experiment area are deleted. Input can be exisiting shape name, or a box with optional altitude constrainsts.''' # if all args are empty, then print out the current area status if len(args) == 0: return True, "Area is currently " + ("ON" if else "OFF") + \ "\nCurrent Area name is: " + str( # start by checking if the first argument is a string -> then it is an area name if isinstance(args[0], str) and len(args) == 1: if areafilter.hasArea(args[0]): # switch on Area, set it to the shape name = args[0] = True return True, "Area is set to " + str( elif args[0] == 'OFF' or args[0] == 'OF': # switch off the area areafilter.deleteArea( = False = None return True, "Area is switched OFF" else: # shape name is unknown return False, "Shapename unknown. Please create shapename first or shapename is misspelled!" # if first argument is a float -> then make a box with the arguments elif (isinstance(args[0], float) or isinstance(args[0], int)) and 4 <= len(args) <= 6: = True = 'DELAREA' areafilter.defineArea(, 'BOX', args[:4], args[4:]) return True, "Area is ON. Area name is: " + str( else: return False, "Incorrect arguments" + \ "\nAREA Shapename/OFF or\n Area lat,lon,lat,lon,[top,bottom]"
def set_area(self, *args): ''' Set Experiment Area. Aicraft leaving the experiment area are deleted. Input can be exisiting shape name, or a box with optional altitude constrainsts.''' # if all args are empty, then print out the current area status if not args: return True, "Area is currently " + ("ON" if else "OFF") + \ "\nCurrent Area name is: " + str( # start by checking if the first argument is a string -> then it is an area name if isinstance(args[0], str) and len(args)==1: if areafilter.hasArea(args[0]): # switch on Area, set it to the shape name = args[0] = True self.logger.start() return True, "Area is set to " + str( if args[0]=='OFF' or args[0]=='OF': # switch off the area areafilter.deleteArea( self.logger.reset() = False = None return True, "Area is switched OFF" # shape name is unknown return False, "Shapename unknown. " + \ "Please create shapename first or shapename is misspelled!" # if first argument is a float -> then make a box with the arguments if isinstance(args[0],(float, int)) and 4<=len(args)<=6: = True = 'DELAREA' areafilter.defineArea(, 'BOX', args[:4], *args[4:]) self.logger.start() return True, "Area is ON. Area name is: " + str( return False, "Incorrect arguments" + \ "\nAREA Shapename/OFF or\n Area lat,lon,lat,lon,[top,bottom]"
def initbasecmds(): ''' Initialise BlueSky base stack commands. ''' # Command dictionary with command as key, gives a list with: # # command: [ helptext , # arglist , # function to call, # description in one line ] # # Regarding the arglist: # - Separate aruments with a comma "," # - Enclose optional arguments with "[" and "]" # - Separate different argument type variants in one argument with "/" # - Repeat last one using "..." , (see e.g. WIND or POLY) # # Argtypes = syntax parsing (see below in this module for parsing): # # acid = aircraft id (text => index) # alt = altitude (FL250, 25000 ft+. meters) # spd = CAS or Mach (when <1) => m/s # hdg = heading in degrees, True or Magnetic # # float = plain float # int = integer # txt = text will be converted to upper case # (for keywords, navaids, flags, waypoints,acid etc) # word = single, case sensitive word # string = case sensitive string # on/off = text => boolean # # latlon = converts acid, wpt, airport etc => lat,lon (deg) so 2 args! # wpt = converts postext or lat,lon into a text string, # to be used as named waypoint # wpinroute = text string with name of waypoint in route # pandir = text with LEFT, RIGHT, UP/ABOVE or DOWN # # Below this dictionary also a dictionary of synonym commands is given # # -------------------------------------------------------------------- cmddict = { "ADDNODES": [ "ADDNODES number", "int",, "Add a simulation instance/node", ], "ADDWPT": [ "ADDWPT acid, (wpname/lat,lon/FLYBY/FLYOVER/ TAKEOFF,APT/RWY),[alt,spd,afterwp]", "acid,wpt,[alt,spd,wpinroute,wpinroute]", # # lambda *arg: short-hand for using function output as argument, equivalent with: # # def fun(idx, args): # return bs.traf.ap.route[idx].addwptStack(idx, *args) # fun(idx,*args) # lambda idx, *args: bs.traf.ap.route[idx].addwptStack(idx, *args), "Add a waypoint to route of aircraft (FMS)", ], "AFTER": [ "acid AFTER afterwp ADDWPT (wpname/lat,lon),[alt,spd]", "acid,wpinroute,txt,wpt,[alt,spd]", lambda idx, * \ args: bs.traf.ap.route[idx].afteraddwptStack(idx, *args), "After waypoint, add a waypoint to route of aircraft (FMS)", ], "AIRWAY": [ "AIRWAY wp/airway", "txt", bs.traf.airwaycmd, "Get info on airway or connections of a waypoint", ], "ALT": [ "ALT acid, alt, [vspd]", "acid,alt,[vspd]", bs.traf.ap.selaltcmd, "Altitude command (autopilot)", ], "AT": [ "acid AT wpname [DEL] SPD/ALT [spd/alt]", "acid,wpinroute,[txt,txt]", lambda idx, *args: bs.traf.ap.route[idx].atwptStack(idx, *args), "Edit, delete or show spd/alt constraints at a waypoint in the route", ], "ATALT": [ "acid ATALT alt cmd ", "acid,alt,string", bs.traf.cond.ataltcmd, "When a/c at given altitude , execute a command cmd", ], "ATSPD": [ "acid ATSPD spd cmd ", "acid,spd,string", bs.traf.cond.atspdcmd, "When a/c reaches given speed, execute a command cmd", ], "BANK": [ "BANK bankangle[deg]", "acid,[float]", bs.traf.setbanklim, "Set or show bank limit for this vehicle", ], "BATCH": [ "BATCH filename", "string", bs.sim.batch, "Start a scenario file as batch simulation", ], "BEFORE": [ "acid BEFORE beforewp ADDWPT (wpname/lat,lon),[alt,spd]", "acid,wpinroute,txt,wpt,[alt,spd]", lambda idx, * \ args: bs.traf.ap.route[idx].beforeaddwptStack(idx, *args), "Before waypoint, add a waypoint to route of aircraft (FMS)", ], "BLUESKY": ["BLUESKY", "", singbluesky, "Sing"], "BENCHMARK": [ "BENCHMARK [scenfile,time]", "[string,time]", bs.sim.benchmark, "Run benchmark", ], "BOX": [ "BOX name,lat,lon,lat,lon,[top,bottom]", "txt,latlon,latlon,[alt,alt]", lambda name, *coords: areafilter.defineArea( name, "BOX", coords[:4], *coords[4:] ), "Define a box-shaped area", ], "CALC": [ "CALC expression", "string", calculator, "Simple in-line math calculator, evaluates expression", ], "CD": [ "CD [path]", "[word]", setscenpath, "Change to a different scenario folder", ], "CIRCLE": [ "CIRCLE name,lat,lon,radius,[top,bottom]", "txt,latlon,float,[alt,alt]", lambda name, *coords: areafilter.defineArea( name, "CIRCLE", coords[:3], *coords[3:] ), "Define a circle-shaped area", ], "COLOR": [ "COLOR name,color (named color or r,g,b)", "txt,color", bs.scr.color, "Set a custom color for an aircraft or shape", ], "CRE": [ "CRE acid,type,lat,lon,hdg,alt,spd", "txt,txt,latlon,hdg,alt,spd", bs.traf.cre, "Create an aircraft", ], "CRECONFS": [ "CRECONFS id, type, targetid, dpsi, cpa, tlos_hor, dH, tlos_ver, spd", "txt,txt,acid,hdg,float,time,[alt,time,spd]", bs.traf.creconfs, "Create an aircraft that is in conflict with 'targetid'", ], "DATE": [ "DATE [day,month,year,HH:MM:SS.hh]", "[int,int,int,txt]", bs.sim.setutc, "Set simulation date", ], "DEFWPT": [ "DEFWPT wpname,lat,lon,[FIX/VOR/DME/NDB]", "txt,latlon,[txt]", bs.navdb.defwpt, "Define a waypoint only for this scenario/run", ], "DEL": [ "DEL acid/ALL/WIND/shape", "acid/txt,...", lambda *a: bs.traf.wind.clear() if isinstance(a[0], str) and a[0] == "WIND" else areafilter.deleteArea(a[0]) if isinstance(a[0], str) else bs.traf.groups.delgroup(a[0]) if hasattr(a[0], "groupname") else bs.traf.delete(a), "Delete command (aircraft, wind, area)", ], "DELAY": [ "DELAY time offset, COMMAND+ARGS", "time,string", lambda time, *args: sched_cmd(time, args, relative=True), "Add a delayed command to stack", ], "DELRTE": [ "DELRTE acid", "acid", lambda idx: bs.traf.ap.route[idx].delrte(idx), "Delete for this a/c the complete route/dest/orig (FMS)", ], "DELWPT": [ "DELWPT acid,wpname", "acid,wpinroute", lambda idx, wpname: bs.traf.ap.route[idx].delwpt(wpname, idx), "Delete a waypoint from a route (FMS)", ], "DEST": [ "DEST acid, latlon/airport", "acid,wpt", lambda idx, *args: bs.traf.ap.setdestorig("DEST", idx, *args), "Set destination of aircraft, aircraft wil fly to this airport", ], "DIRECT": [ "DIRECT acid wpname", "acid,txt", lambda idx, wpname: bs.traf.ap.route[idx].direct(idx, wpname), "Go direct to specified waypoint in route (FMS)", ], "DIST": [ "DIST lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1", "latlon,latlon", distcalc, "Distance and direction calculation between two positions", ], "DOC": [ "DOC [command]", "[txt]", bs.scr.show_cmd_doc, "Show extended help window for given command, or the main documentation page if no command is given.", ], "DT": [ "DT [dt] OR [target,dt]", "[float/txt,float]", lambda *args: simtime.setdt(*reversed(args)), "Set simulation time step", ], "DTMULT": [ "DTMULT multiplier", "float", bs.sim.set_dtmult, "Sel multiplication factor for fast-time simulation", ], "DUMPRTE": [ "DUMPRTE acid", "acid", lambda idx: bs.traf.ap.route[idx].dumpRoute(idx), "Write route to output/routelog.txt", ], "ECHO": [ "ECHO txt", "string", bs.scr.echo, "Show a text in command window for user to read", ], "FF": [ "FF [timeinsec]", "[time]", bs.sim.fastforward, "Fast forward the simulation", ], "FILTERALT": [ "FILTERALT ON/OFF,[bottom,top]", "bool,[alt,alt]", bs.scr.filteralt, "Display aircraft on only a selected range of altitudes", ], "FIXDT": [ "FIXDT ON/OFF [tend]", "onoff,[time]", lambda flag, *args: bs.sim.ff(*args) if flag else bs.op(), "Legacy function for TMX compatibility", ], "GETWIND": [ "GETWIND lat,lon,[alt]", "latlon,[alt]", bs.traf.wind.get, "Get wind at a specified position (and optionally at altitude)", ], "GROUP": [ "GROUP [grname, (areaname OR acid,...) ]", "[txt,acid/txt,...]",, "Add aircraft to a group. OR all aircraft in given area.\n" + "Returns list of groups when no argument is passed.\n" + "Returns list of aircraft in group when only a groupname is passed.\n" + "A group is created when a group with the given name doesn't exist yet.", ], "HDG": [ "HDG acid,hdg (deg,True or Magnetic)", "acid,hdg", bs.traf.ap.selhdgcmd, "Heading command (autopilot)", ], "HOLD": ["HOLD", "", bs.sim.hold, "Pause(hold) simulation"], "IMPLEMENTATION": [ "IMPLEMENTATION [base, implementation]", "[txt,txt]", select_implementation, "Select an alternate implementation for a Bluesky base class" ], "INSEDIT": [ "INSEDIT txt", "string", bs.scr.cmdline, "Insert text op edit line in command window", ], "LEGEND": [ "LEGEND label1, ..., labeln", "word,...", lambda *labels: plotter.legend(labels), "Add a legend to the last created plot", ], "LINE": [ "LINE name,lat,lon,lat,lon", "txt,latlon,latlon", lambda name, *coords: areafilter.defineArea(name, "LINE", coords), "Draw a line on the radar screen", ], "LISTRTE": [ "LISTRTE acid, [pagenr]", "acid,[int]", lambda idx, *args: bs.traf.ap.route[idx].listrte(idx, *args), "Show list of route in window per page of 5 waypoints", ], "LNAV": [ "LNAV acid,[ON/OFF]", "acid,[onoff]", bs.traf.ap.setLNAV, "LNAV (lateral FMS mode) switch for autopilot", ], "LSVAR": [ "LSVAR", "[word]", ve.lsvar, "Inspect any variable in a bluesky simulation", ], "MCRE": [ "MCRE n, [type/*, alt/*, spd/*, dest/*]", "int,[txt,alt,spd,txt]", bs.traf.mcre, "Multiple random create of n aircraft in current view", ], "MOVE": [ "MOVE acid,lat,lon,[alt,hdg,spd,vspd]", "acid,latlon,[alt,hdg,spd,vspd]", bs.traf.move, "Move an aircraft to a new position", ], "ND": [ "ND acid", "txt", bs.scr.shownd, "Show navigation display with CDTI" ], "NOISE": [ "NOISE [ON/OFF]", "[onoff]", bs.traf.setnoise, "Turbulence/noise switch", ], "NOM": [ "NOM acid", "acid", bs.traf.nom, "Set nominal acceleration for this aircraft (perf model)", ], "OP": [ "OP", "", bs.sim.op, "Start/Run simulation or continue after hold" ], "ORIG": [ "ORIG acid, latlon/airport", "acid,wpt", lambda *args: bs.traf.ap.setdestorig("ORIG", *args), "Set origin airport of aircraft", ], "PAN": [ "PAN latlon/acid/airport/waypoint/LEFT/RIGHT/ABOVE/DOWN", "pandir/latlon", bs.scr.pan, "Pan screen (move view) to a waypoint, direction or aircraft", ], "PLOT": [ "PLOT [x], y [,dt,color,figure]", "[word,word,float,txt,int]", plotter.plot, "Create a graph of variables x versus y.", ], "PLUGINS": [ "PLUGINS LIST or PLUGINS LOAD/REMOVE plugin ", "[txt,txt]", plugin.manage, "List all plugins, load a plugin, or remove a loaded plugin.", ], "POLY": [ "POLY name,[lat,lon,lat,lon, ...]", "txt,[latlon,...]", lambda name, *coords: areafilter.defineArea(name, "POLY", coords), "Define a polygon-shaped area", ], "POLYALT": [ "POLYALT name,top,bottom,lat,lon,lat,lon, ...", "txt,alt,alt,latlon,...", lambda name, top, bottom, *coords: areafilter.defineArea( name, "POLYALT", coords, top, bottom ), "Define a polygon-shaped area in 3D: between two altitudes", ], "POLYLINE": [ "POLYLINE name,lat,lon,lat,lon,...", "txt,latlon,...", lambda name, *coords: areafilter.defineArea(name, "LINE", coords), "Draw a multi-segment line on the radar screen", ], "POS": [ "POS acid/waypoint", "acid/wpt", bs.traf.poscommand, "Get info on aircraft, airport or waypoint", ], "QUIT": ["QUIT", "", bs.sim.stop, "Quit program/Stop simulation"], "REALTIME": [ "REALTIME [ON/OFF]", "[bool]", bs.sim.realtime, "En-/disable realtime running allowing a variable timestep."], "RESET": ["RESET", "", bs.sim.reset, "Reset simulation"], "RTA": [ "RTA acid,wpinroute,RTAtime", "acid,wpinroute,txt", lambda idx, *args: bs.traf.ap.route[idx].SetRTA(idx, *args), "Set required time of arrival (RTA) at waypoint in route", ], "SEED": [ "SEED value", "int", bs.sim.setseed, "Set seed for all functions using a randomizer (e.g.mcre,noise)", ], "SPD": [ "SPD acid,spd (CAS-kts/Mach)", "acid,spd", bs.traf.ap.selspdcmd, "Speed command (autopilot)", ], "SSD": [ "SSD ALL/CONFLICTS/OFF or SSD acid0, acid1, ...", "txt,[...]", lambda *args: bs.scr.feature("SSD", args), "Show state-space diagram (=conflict prevention display/predictive ASAS)", ], "SWRAD": [ "SWRAD GEO/GRID/APT/VOR/WPT/LABEL/ADSBCOVERAGE/TRAIL/POLY [dt]/[value]", "txt,[float]", bs.scr.feature, "Switch on/off elements and background of map/radar view", ], "SYMBOL": ["SYMBOL", "", bs.scr.symbol, "Toggle aircraft symbol"], "THR": [ "THR acid, IDLE/0.0/throttlesetting/1.0/AUTO(default)", "acid[,txt]", bs.traf.setthrottle, "Set throttle or autotothrottle(default)", ], "TIME": [ "TIME RUN(default) / HH:MM:SS.hh / REAL / UTC ", "[txt]", bs.sim.setutc, "Set simulated clock time", ], "TRAIL": [ "TRAIL ON/OFF, [dt] OR TRAIL acid color", "[acid/bool],[float/txt]", bs.traf.trails.setTrails, "Toggle aircraft trails on/off", ], "UNGROUP": [ "UNGROUP grname, acid", "txt,acid,...", bs.traf.groups.ungroup, "Remove aircraft from a group", ], "VNAV": [ "VNAV acid,[ON/OFF]", "acid,[onoff]", bs.traf.ap.setVNAV, "Switch on/off VNAV mode, the vertical FMS mode (autopilot)", ], "VS": [ "VS acid,vspd (ft/min)", "acid,vspd", bs.traf.ap.selvspdcmd, "Vertical speed command (autopilot)", ], "WIND": [ "WIND lat,lon,alt/*,dir,spd,[alt,dir,spd,alt,...]", # last 3 args are repeated "latlon,[alt],float,float,...,", bs.traf.wind.add, "Define a wind vector as part of the 2D or 3D wind field", ], "ZOOM": [ "ZOOM IN/OUT or factor", "float/txt", lambda a: bs.scr.zoom(1.4142135623730951) if a == "IN" else bs.scr.zoom(0.7071067811865475) if a == "OUT" else bs.scr.zoom(a, True), "Zoom display in/out, you can also use +++ or -----", ], } # # Command synonym dictionary definea equivalent commands globally in stack # # Actual command definitions: see dictionary in def init(...) below # synonyms = { "ADDAIRWAY": "ADDAWY", "AWY": "POS", "AIRPORT": "POS", "AIRWAYS": "AIRWAY", "BANKLIM": "BANK", "CHDIR": "CD", "COL": "COLOR", "COLOUR": "COLOR", "CONTINUE": "OP", "CREATE": "CRE", "CLOSE": "QUIT", "DEBUG": "CALC", "DELETE": "DEL", "DELWP": "DELWPT", "DELROUTE": "DELRTE", "DIRECTTO": "DIRECT", "DIRTO": "DIRECT", "DISP": "SWRAD", "END": "QUIT", "EXIT": "QUIT", "FWD": "FF", "HEADING": "HDG", "IMPL": "IMPLEMENTATION", "IMPLEMENT": "IMPLEMENTATION", "LINES": "POLYLINE", "PAUSE": "HOLD", "PLUGIN": "PLUGINS", "PLUG-IN": "PLUGINS", "PLUG-INS": "PLUGINS", "POLYGON": "POLY", "POLYLINES": "POLYLINE", "PRINT": "ECHO", "Q": "QUIT", "RT": "REALTIME", "RTF": "DTMULT", "STOP": "QUIT", "RUN": "OP", "RUNWAYS": "POS", "SAVE": "SAVEIC", "SPEED": "SPD", "START": "OP", "TRAILS": "TRAIL", "TURN": "HDG", } append_commands(cmddict, synonyms)