Example #1
    def __init__(self, tty=None):
        if tty is None:
            tty = self.detect_tty()
        if tty is None:
            raise ValueError('Myo dongle not found!')

        self.bt = BT(tty)
        self.conn = None
        self.emg_handlers = []
        self.imu_handlers = []
        self.arm_handlers = []
        self.gesture_handlers = []
Example #2
class MyoRaw(object):
    '''Implements the Myo-specific communication protocol.'''

    def __init__(self, tty=None):
        if tty is None:
            tty = self.detect_tty()
        if tty is None:
            raise ValueError('Myo dongle not found!')

        self.bt = BT(tty)
        self.conn = None
        self.emg_handlers = []
        self.imu_handlers = []
        self.arm_handlers = []
        self.gesture_handlers = []

    def detect_tty(self):
        for p in comports():
            if re.search(r'PID=2458:0*1', p[2]):
                print('using device:', p[0])
                return p[0]

        return None

    def run(self, timeout=None):

    def connect(self):
        # stop everything from before

        # start scanning
        while True:
            p = self.bt.recv_packet()
            print('scan response:', p)

            if p.payload.endswith(b'\x06\x42\x48\x12\x4A\x7F\x2C\x48\x47\xB9\xDE\x04\xA9\x01\x00\x06\xD5'):
                addr = list(multiord(p.payload[2:8]))

        # connect and wait for status event
        conn_pkt = self.bt.connect(addr)
        self.conn = multiord(conn_pkt.payload)[-1]
        self.bt.wait_event(3, 0)

        # get firmware version
        fw = self.read_attr(0x17)
        _, _, _, _, v0, v1, v2, v3 = unpack('BHBBHHHH', fw.payload)
        print('firmware version: %d.%d.%d.%d' % (v0, v1, v2, v3))

        self.old = (v0 == 0)

        if self.old:
            # don't know what these do
            # Myo Connect sends them, though we get data
            # fine without them
            self.write_attr(0x19, b'\x01\x02\x00\x00')
            self.write_attr(0x2f, b'\x01\x00')
            self.write_attr(0x2c, b'\x01\x00')
            self.write_attr(0x32, b'\x01\x00')
            self.write_attr(0x35, b'\x01\x00')

            # enable EMG data
            self.write_attr(0x28, b'\x01\x00')
            # enable IMU data
            self.write_attr(0x1d, b'\x01\x00')

            # Sampling rate of the underlying EMG sensor, capped to 1000.
            # If it's less than 1000, emg_hz is correct. If it is greater,
            # the actual framerate starts dropping inversely. Also, if this
            # is much less than 1000, EMG data becomes slower to respond to
            # changes. In conclusion, 1000 is probably a good value.
            C = 1000
            emg_hz = 50
            # strength of low-pass filtering of EMG data
            emg_smooth = 100

            imu_hz = 50

            # send sensor parameters, or we don't get any data
            self.write_attr(0x19, pack('BBBBHBBBBB', 2, 9, 2, 1, C,
                                       emg_smooth, C // emg_hz, imu_hz, 0, 0))

            name = self.read_attr(0x03)
            print('device name: %s' % name.payload)

            # enable IMU data
            self.write_attr(0x1d, b'\x01\x00')
            # enable on/off arm notifications
            self.write_attr(0x24, b'\x02\x00')


        # add data handlers
        def handle_data(p):
            if (p.cls, p.cmd) != (4, 5):

            c, attr, typ = unpack('BHB', p.payload[:4])
            pay = p.payload[5:]

            if attr == 0x27:
                vals = unpack('8HB', pay)
                # not entirely sure what the last byte is,
                # but it's a bitmask that seems to indicate which
                # sensors think they're being moved around or something
                emg = vals[:8]
                moving = vals[8]
                self.on_emg(emg, moving)
            elif attr == 0x1c:
                vals = unpack('10h', pay)
                quat = vals[:4]
                acc = vals[4:7]
                gyro = vals[7:10]
                self.on_imu(quat, acc, gyro)
            elif attr == 0x23:
                if len(pay) == 6:
                        typ, val, xdir, _, _, _ = unpack('6B', pay)
                    except Exception as e:
                        print("Got exception: " + str(e) + "\nContinuing...")
                elif len(pay) == 3:
                        typ, val, xdir = unpack('3B', pay)
                    except Exception as e:
                        print("Got exception: " + str(e) + "\nContinuing...")

                if typ == 1:  # on arm
                    self.on_arm(MyoArm(arm=val, xdir=xdir))
                elif typ == 2:  # removed from arm
                    self.on_arm(MyoArm(MyoArm.UNKNOWN, MyoArm.UNKNOWN))
                elif typ == 3:  # gesture
                    if val == 255:
                        gesture = MyoGesture(0)
                        gesture = MyoGesture(val + 1)
                print('data with unknown attr: %02X %s' % (attr, p))


    def write_attr(self, attr, val):
        if self.conn is not None:
            self.bt.write_attr(self.conn, attr, val)

    def read_attr(self, attr):
        if self.conn is not None:
            return self.bt.read_attr(self.conn, attr)
        return None

    def disconnect(self):
        if self.conn is not None:

    def start_raw(self):
        '''Sending this sequence for v1.0 firmware seems to enable both raw data and
        pose notifications.

        self.write_attr(0x28, b'\x01\x00')
        self.write_attr(0x19, b'\x01\x03\x01\x01\x01')

    def mc_start_collection(self):
        '''Myo Connect sends this sequence (or a reordering) when starting data
        collection for v1.0 firmware; this enables raw data but disables arm
        and pose notifications.'''

        self.write_attr(0x28, b'\x01\x00')
        self.write_attr(0x1d, b'\x01\x00')
        self.write_attr(0x24, b'\x02\x00')
        self.write_attr(0x19, b'\x01\x03\x01\x01\x01')
        self.write_attr(0x28, b'\x01\x00')
        self.write_attr(0x1d, b'\x01\x00')
        self.write_attr(0x19, b'\x09\x01\x01\x00\x00')
        self.write_attr(0x1d, b'\x01\x00')
        self.write_attr(0x19, b'\x01\x03\x00\x01\x00')
        self.write_attr(0x28, b'\x01\x00')
        self.write_attr(0x1d, b'\x01\x00')
        self.write_attr(0x19, b'\x01\x03\x01\x01\x00')

    def mc_end_collection(self):
        '''Myo Connect sends this sequence (or a reordering) when ending data
        collection for v1.0 firmware; this reenables arm and pose
        notifications, but doesn't disable raw data.'''

        self.write_attr(0x28, b'\x01\x00')
        self.write_attr(0x1d, b'\x01\x00')
        self.write_attr(0x24, b'\x02\x00')
        self.write_attr(0x19, b'\x01\x03\x01\x01\x01')
        self.write_attr(0x19, b'\x09\x01\x00\x00\x00')
        self.write_attr(0x1d, b'\x01\x00')
        self.write_attr(0x24, b'\x02\x00')
        self.write_attr(0x19, b'\x01\x03\x00\x01\x01')
        self.write_attr(0x28, b'\x01\x00')
        self.write_attr(0x1d, b'\x01\x00')
        self.write_attr(0x24, b'\x02\x00')
        self.write_attr(0x19, b'\x01\x03\x01\x01\x01')

    def vibrate(self, length):
        if length in xrange(1, 4):
            # first byte tells it to vibrate; purpose of second byte is unknown
            self.write_attr(0x19, pack('3B', 3, 1, length))

    def add_emg_handler(self, h):

    def add_imu_handler(self, h):

    def add_gesture_handler(self, h):

    def add_arm_handler(self, h):

    def on_emg(self, emg, moving):
        for h in self.emg_handlers:
            h(emg, moving)

    def on_imu(self, quat, acc, gyro):
        for h in self.imu_handlers:
            h(quat, acc, gyro)

    def on_gesture(self, p):
        for h in self.gesture_handlers:

    def on_arm(self, myoarm_msg):
        for h in self.arm_handlers: